Telescopic Baton for police and security forces

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Telescopic Baton for police and security forces

Von Florian Lahner
by VP-Masberg

available ex central warehouse - ready for dispatch within 4-6 business days, quick service possible availability

product-id: 2085469
Budoten-ranking: 6632

only € 23.74

incl. VAT + shipping
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1665 days ago: 24.07.20
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Short Description

DVD, total running time 40 minutes + bonus In German language
weight: approx. 0.1 kg

Detail Description

Florian Breitlahner one of the leading tactical trainers in Europe.
As one of the few private service he regularly teaches police, military and security services provider in Europe. For civilians, he offers a seminar program to teach effective, simple concepts of defense. It's not about art, but realistic, simple applications that can be used successfully after some practice.
Florian Breitlahner is direct personal student of Bram Frank from the United States. He holds numerous graduations in various combat systems, and is a Senior Instructor for Tactical bladed weapons, firearms, Impact Tools, stick and empty hands.

We show in this DVD simple concepts with the telescopic baton against different types of attacks. We use the telescopic baton closed and open.

The telescopic baton is a highly effective use of resources, which can end a fight with minimal injury of all stakeholders quickly. It can be used as an effective use of resources deployed at full reach and is easy to transport and store the used belt.

The DVD is aimed at both private that use this baton as used means of self-defense, to martial artists who want to expand their horizons, so as to professional users such as security guards or policemen, where the telescopic baton is a part of the insert means spectrum.

We use only automatic telescopic batons for this film. Therefore we will use a large segment of the DVD for this to work with the closed floor, then open it in the flow of the fight.
In the second half of the DVD we show you then techniques with the open floor, which can be performed with any other traditional stick-like object.

The following menu items are available:
- Film
- Chapter
- Bonus (photo show, outtakes, trailer)
- Language
- Partner

Sold only to people from the age of 18!

In case of pruchase we are legally obliged to ask for an age verification. In Germany is neither a weapon license nor a weapons possession card for this product required. More information on weapons legislation you will find in our online-help.


shipping costs: from 5.30 € (standard-parcel to Germany up to 4kg)
Nothing special.
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available ex central warehouse - ready for dispatch within 4-6 business days, quick service possible quick service possible. more information

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