Extreme Fighting
Die Gladiatoren des Extreme Fighting
Vol. 4:featuring John LOBER, Erik PAULSON, Allan GOES, etc.
Vol. 2:featuring Carlos NEWTON, CONAN, Carl FRANKS, etc.
Vol. 3:featuring Igor ZINOVIEV, John LOBER, Bart VALE, Maurice SMITH, etc.
Vol. 4:featuring John LOBER, Erik PAULSON, Allan GOES, etc.
Ultimate Fighting X-Treme Vol. ...
by Budo Internation ...
Ultimate Fighting X-Treme Vol.1- Takedowns by Budo International
Hubert Numrich
In der deutschen Profikampfszene ist Hubert Numrich ein feststehender Begriff- und das nicht von ungef?hr. Er hat begonnen beim Kick-Boxen bis hin zum Vale Tudo, unz?hlige Profik?mpfe bestritten ( er k?mpfte u.a. gegen Gegner von Kaliber eines Peter Aerts oder Enesto Hoost). Man kann ohne ?bertreibung sagen, dass Hubert die gesammte Kampfkunstentwicklung der letzten Jahrzehnte verk?rpert - ein wandelndes Kampfkunstlexikon.
Das erste Video behandelt den Kampf im Stand, wo vor allem Muay Thai-Techniken und Techniken aus dem Boxen zur Anwendung kommen. Im zweiten Video werden die verschiedensten Wurftechniken abgehandelt und im dritten schlie?lich kommen die Grappling-Fans auf ihre Kosten.
Ultimate Fighting X-Treme Vol. ...
by Budo Internation ...
Ultimate Fighting X-Treme Vol.2- Upright Fight by Budo International
Hubert Numrich
In der deutschen Profikampfszene ist Hubert Numrich ein feststehender Begriff- und das nicht von ungefähr. Er hat begonnen beim Kick-Boxen bis hin zum Vale Tudo, unzählige Profikämpfe bestritten ( er kämpfte u.a. gegen Gegner von Kaliber eines Peter Aerts oder Enesto Hoost). Man kann ohne Übertreibung sagen, dass Hubert die gesammte Kampfkunstentwicklung der letzten Jahrzehnte verkörpert - ein wandelndes Kampfkunstlexikon.
Das erste Video behandelt den Kampf im Stand, wo vor allem Muay Thai-Techniken und Techniken aus dem Boxen zur Anwendung kommen. Im zweiten Video werden die verschiedensten Wurftechniken abgehandelt und im dritten schließlich kommen die Grappling-Fans auf ihre Kosten.
Ultimate Fighting X-Treme-Spez ...
by Budo Internation ...
Ultimate Fighting X-Treme-Spezial, Vol.1 & Vol.2 by Budo International
Hubert Numrich
In der deutschen Profikampfszene ist Hubert Numrich ein feststehender Begriff- und das nicht von ungefähr. Er hat begonnen beim Kick-Boxen bis hin zum Vale Tudo, unzählige Profikämpfe bestritten ( er kämpfte u.a. gegen Gegner von Kaliber eines Peter Aerts oder Enesto Hoost). Man kann ohne Übertreibung sagen, dass Hubert die gesammte Kampfkunstentwicklung der letzten Jahrzehnte verkörpert - ein wandelndes Kampfkunstlexikon.
Das erste Video behandelt den Kampf im Stand, wo vor allem Muay Thai-Techniken und Techniken aus dem Boxen zur Anwendung kommen. Im zweiten Video werden die verschiedensten Wurftechniken abgehandelt und im dritten schließlich kommen die Grappling-Fans auf ihre Kosten.
video vale+tudo
Ultimate Fighting X-Treme Vol. ...
by Budo Internation ...
Ultimate Fighting X-Treme Vol.3- Ground Fighting by Budo International
Hubert Numrich
Leidenschaftlich wie nur wenige in Deutschland der Pionir realer Kämpfe, des Full und der Bodentechniken ist Hubert- wie unsere Leser bereits wissen-nicht ur ein ausgezeichneter Kämpfer und Lehrer, sondern auch ein scharfsinniger und intelligenter Mensch.
Wie wissen, dass man dies nicht a priori von einer Person mit diesem Aussehen erwartet, jedoch machten Hubert gerade seine Fähigkeiten als Ausbilder uns Lehrer bekannt, nahm er doch an zahlreichen Diskussionen mit diesbezüglichen Themen teil, die vom Fernsehen übertragen wurden.
video vale+tudo
Vale Tudo International Champi ...
by Budo Internation ...
Vale Tudo International Championship by Budo International
Nach der Entsch?rfung der UFC war es sehr still in der Welt des Free Fight. Die Qualit?t der K?mpfe stellte nicht mehr jeden zufrieden. Bis jetzt! Sao Paulo, Brasilien ist der traditionelle Austragungsort der International Vale Tudo Championchip. Im Mutterland der regellosen Kampfes treffen sich die besten US-Fighters und die h?rtesten K?mpfer S?damerikas zu einem atemberaubenden Tunier. Extrem harte K?mpfe auf h?chstem Niveau.
Vale Tudo The Very Best Of Int ...
by Budo Internation ...
Vale Tudo The Very Best Of International Championship II, III, IV, V by Budo International
Die besten Vale Tudo K?mpfe. Die besten, h?rtesten K?mpfe der Welt. Eine Sammlung der spektakul?rsten Begegnungen im International Vale Tudo Championchip. 90 Minuten Spannung mit den bekanntesten Free-Fight-K?mpfern der Welt, unter ihnen der Bezwinger der Gracies, Ismael Wallid. Ein Feuerwerk an herausragenden K?mpfen, an denen der interessierte Amateur wie der erfahrene Profi seine wahre Freude haben wird.
Total Grappling & Vale Tudo.Ev ...
by Budo Internation ...
Total Grappling & Vale Tudo.Evolution by Budo International
Manu vor-Total Grappling & Vale Tudo. Hier werden die Techniken zu sehen bekommen, die so noch nie gezeigt wurden. Techniken aus dem Wrestling, dem Ringen, verschiedene Positionen und fortgeschrittene Techniken, die heute von allen Vale Tudo Stars trainiert werden und die die zu dem machten, was sie sind-Vale-Tudo-Champs!
Ein Video, dass in keiner Vale Tudo Kollektion fehlen darf.
video vale+tudo demonstrations+fights
Total Grappling & Vale Tudo
by Budo Internation ...
Total Grappling & Vale Tudo by Budo International
Manu zeigt ihnen, wie man einen Kämpfer trainiert und für diese Art von Kampf vorbereitet, ohne sich täglich bis an den Rand der Erschöpfung zu treiben.
Er konnte ein komplettes Trainingssystem vorbereiten, dass mit aller Deutlichkeit die Schlüsseltechniken des Vale Tudo Free Fight veranschaulicht. Ein junger Meister, von dem sie bestimmt noch viel hören werden.
video vale+tudo demonstrations+fights
Professional Vale Tudo Very Ad ...
by Budo Internation ...
Professional Vale Tudo Very Advanced Techniques by Budo International
Die Liebhaber des Grappling und des Ringens k?nnen frohlocken: Manu ist zur?ckgekehrt und hat ein weiterf?hrendes Video f?r das praktische Training konzipiert. Diesmal werden sehr fortgeschrittene Ideen und Konzepte dargestellt, wie man sich im Nahkampf zu verhalten hat.
Mit diesem Video f?hrt uns Manu in die Welt der professionellen Ringer ein, deren ?bungen, Drills und Strategien. Wieder k?nnen wir seinen pers?nlichen Kampfstil bewundern und seine Sinn machenden Meinungen ?ber heikle Fragen zu sch?tzen lernen, wie z.B. ?ber die Sache mit der neuen Regel des Pride, welches erlaubt, dem Gegner zum Kopf zu treten, wenn dieser am Boden ist.
Dieses Video beginnt mit ?bungen, die sie in die beste Form ihres Lebens bringen wird. Es werden zahlreiche ?bungen gezeigt, die Kraft, Gleichgewicht und Schnelligkeit entwickeln. Ebenso wird eine Sektion gezeigt, um den K?rper abzuh?rten und diesen auf die Schl?ge w?hrend eines Kampfes vorzubereiten, die ausgeteilt, aber auch eingesteckt werden m?ssen. Es sind neue Takedowns zu sehen, Distanzschl?ge und deren Abwehren sowie ein wundervoller Bodenkampf mit Beinhebeln. Manu analysiert verschiedene Kombinationen, T?uschbewegungen und Finten, die speziell f?r den Vale-Tudo gedacht sind und die durch Kampf?bungen mit vollem Kontakt abgerundet werden.
Als Zucker bieten wir ihnen Manu in Aktion an, einen seiner umstrittesten K?mpfe des Vale-Tudo: MANU vs. FRANSISCO GUARDIA, einem KJampf, in dem sein Gegner einen Gewichtsvorteil von 30 kg hat und der ein explosives Ende verzeichnet! Ein Video f?r ihre Videothek- OHNE ZWEIFEL!
video vale+tudo
Collosseum 2000
Vale Tudo
May 26, 2000: 45000 viewers flock to the Tokyo Dome, appears as Rickson Gracie against Masakatsu Funaki, the Japanese free battle star. It is the resolute attempt of the Japanese, a Brazilian invincibility for always stopping. Many believe that this will be the last official battle of the 40th Rickson. The evening offers many other great battles: Yuki Kondo gegenSaulo Ribeiro, Kanahara against Mario Sperry, ect.
The King of the Cage
Best Of
12 fights with Ricco Rodriguez, Vernon White, Pete Williams,Quinton Jackson and others
Meca World Vale Tudo
Vale Tudo
The best of the first 4 Maca World Vale Tudo in Brazil. With Wanderlei and Anderson Silva, 'Ninja' Rua, etc.
Jiujitsu sea, Vale tudo, grapp ...
by Independance
Jiujitsu sea, Vale tudo, grappling vol. 1 by Independance
After the success of the previous video series Jiu-Jitsu exotic and Vale Tudo D.Giorsetti now comes with two new extraordinary expenditure. The techniques are shown with and without traditional kimono so that any doubts can be dispelled, you in the competition or Vale could have had Tudo perhaps in terms of the effectiveness of the Brazilian Jio jitsu.
In this video are also a series of images together with the other band competitions and interviews that David could lead with the great masters: Christophe Midoux, friend and drive partners, but especially number 14 in France in the Vale Tudo heavy weight class. But then several preferred combinations of a Brazilian master are shown regularly trained with David - and this is none other than ARI Galo, the teacher of the Carlson Gracie in Rio de Janeiro. If you are trying to improve, in the battle on the ground or to hold. Clutches and gagging Learn To want, then should this video and don't miss the associated other band.
Après le succès de la précédente series de vidéos sur le Jiu-Jitsu exotic et le Vale tudo, D.Giorsetti returns avec deux nouveaux volumes exeptionnels regroupants of the techniques avec et sans kimonos qui vous permettrons sans aucun doute de devenir plus efficaces, que se soit pour le Jiu-Jitsu exotic de compétition, le grappling, ou le Vale tudo.
Dans ces deux vidéos, en à plus of images de compétitions et d ' interviews, David Reçu de très of grands champions: Christophe Midoux, ami et partenaire d ' entraînement corn avant tout le numéro 14 en France de Vale Tudo Catégorie poids lourds. CE dernier vous montrera plusieurs de ses enchaînements favoris de combat libre. En live you Brésil, of techniques effectuées par le champion brésilien avec qui s ' David ENT Raine régulièrement: ARI Galo, qui n'est autre que le professeur de l ' Académie Carlson Gracie à rio de Janeiro. ALORS si vous êtes désireux de vous améliorer en combat au sol ou d'en savoir plus sur les clefs, les étranglements, les renversements, ne manquez pas ces deux volumes.
Jiujitsu sea, Vale tudo, grapp ...
by Independance
Jiujitsu sea, Vale tudo, grappling vol. 2 by Independance
After the success of the previous video series Jiu-Jitsu exotic and Vale Tudo D.Giorsetti now comes with two new extraordinary expenditure. The techniques are shown with and without traditional kimono so that any doubts can be dispelled, you in the competition or Vale could have had Tudo perhaps in terms of the effectiveness of the Brazilian Jio jitsu.
In this video are also a series of images together with the other band competitions and interviews that David could lead with the great masters: Christophe Midoux, friend and drive partners, but especially number 14 in France in the Vale Tudo heavy weight class. But then several preferred combinations of a Brazilian master are shown regularly trained with David - and this is none other than ARI Galo, the teacher of the Carlson Gracie in Rio de Janeiro. If you are trying to improve, in the battle on the ground or to hold. Clutches and gagging Learn To want, then should this video and don't miss the associated other band.
Après le succès de la précédente series de vidéos sur le Jiu-Jitsu exotic et le Vale tudo, D.Giorsetti returns avec deux nouveaux volumes exeptionnels regroupants of the techniques avec et sans kimonos qui vous permettrons sans aucun doute de devenir plus efficaces, que se soit pour le Jiu-Jitsu exotic de compétition, le grappling, ou le Vale tudo.
Dans ces deux vidéos, en à plus of images de compétitions et d ' interviews, David Reçu de très of grands champions: Christophe Midoux, ami et partenaire d ' entraînement corn avant tout le numéro 14 en France de Vale Tudo Catégorie poids lourds. CE dernier vous montrera plusieurs de ses enchaînements favoris de combat libre. En live you Brésil, of techniques effectuées par le champion brésilien avec qui s ' David ENT Raine régulièrement: ARI Galo, qui n'est autre que le professeur de l ' Académie Carlson Gracie à rio de Janeiro. ALORS si vous êtes désireux de vous améliorer en combat au sol ou d'en savoir plus sur les clefs, les étranglements, les renversements, ne manquez pas ces deux volumes.
Warrior JuJitsu
Von Gro?meister George Alexander 9.Dan
George Alexander is one of the largest Ju-Jitsu experts in the world.
On this great DVD teaches Grandmaster George Alexander hard-hitting self-defense techniques.
Following content has this great DVD:
- Basic Wristlocks (different defense techniques against lapel grab)
- Yakusoku Renshu Shodan
- Yakusoku Renshu Nidan
(Combinations with partners on final fixing techniques)
- Nage Waza - Rhrowing Techniques - Techniques unbalancing
(Two-sided take on the lapel with final throwing techniques)
- Gatame Waza - Immobilizations - Jiji Gatame
(Throws with final fixing techniques and lever)
- Ground Fighting
(Knallharter ground fighting and defense from the bottom layer)
Mastering JuJitsu Vol.1
von Gro?meister George Alexander 9.Dan und Ken Penland10.Dan
George Alexander and Ken Penland are one of the greatest martial arts experts in the world.
On this great DVD series teaches Grandmaster George Alexander, the Ju-Jitsu from beginner to master.
The Ultimate Self Defense System
Following content has this great DVD:
- Shorinji Ryu Jujitsu story about (History)
- Warm-up, aerobics, stretching, warm-up with partners
- Real traps (Break Falls)
- Real roles
- Footwork (Footwork)
- Defense against possible attacks to the wrist (Wristlocks)
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos ju-jutsu ju+jutsu jujutsu selbstverteidigung machado brazilian jiu-jitsu gracie bjj vale tudo
Mastering JuJitsu Vol.2
von Gro?meister George Alexander 9.Dan und Ken Penland 10.Dan
George Alexander and Ken Penland are one of the greatest martial arts experts in the world.
On this great DVD series teaches Grandmaster George Alexander, the Ju-Jitsu from beginner to master.
The Ultimate Self Defense System
Following content has this great DVD:
- Different types of positions (Stances)
- Basic techniques of striking techniques and kicking techniques (Striking)
- Defense and blocking techniques (blocking)
- Combat Techniques (sparring)
- Combinations with final Jujitsu Technique
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos ju-jutsu ju+jutsu jujutsu selbstverteidigung machado brazilian jiu-jitsu gracie bjj vale tudo
Mastering JuJitsu Vol.3
von Gro?meister George Alexander 9.Dan und Ken Penland 10.Dan
George Alexander and Ken Penland are one of the greatest martial arts experts in the world.
On this great DVD series teaches Grandmaster George Alexander, the Ju-Jitsu from beginner to master.
The Ultimate Self Defense System
Following content has this great DVD:
- Self-defense techniques (Defense sets)
- Armbar and nerve pressure points
- Arm lever with clamping technique on the ground
- Stand Up Fighting Techniques
- Takedown & Submissions
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos ju-jutsu ju+jutsu jujutsu selbstverteidigung machado brazilian jiu-jitsu gracie bjj vale tudo
Mastering JuJitsu Vol.4
von Gro?meister George Alexander 9.Dan und Ken Penland 10.Dan
George Alexander and Ken Penland are one of the greatest martial arts experts in the world.
On this great DVD series teaches Grandmaster George Alexander, the Ju-Jitsu from beginner to master.
The Ultimate Self Defense System
Following content has this great DVD:
- Close combat techniques (Nage Waza)
- Throws (Throwing Techniques)
- Aiki Jujitsu Techniques
- Armbar
- Self-defense techniques
Mastering JuJitsu Vol.5
von Gro?meister George Alexander 9.Dan und Ken Penland 10.Dan
George Alexander and Ken Penland are one of the greatest martial arts experts in the world.
On this great DVD series teaches Grandmaster George Alexander, the Ju-Jitsu from beginner to master.
The Ultimate Self Defense System
Following content has this great DVD:
- Close combat techniques (Nage Waza)
- Grappling Techniques
- Submissions
- Entrinnungstechniken (Escapes)
- Taisabaki with subsequent lever techniques
- Armbar
- Ground Combat (Ground Fighting)
- Self-defense techniques
Mastering JuJitsu Vol.6
von Gro?meister George Alexander 9.Dan und Ken Penland 10.Dan
George Alexander and Ken Penland are one of the greatest martial arts experts in the world.
On this great DVD series teaches Grandmaster George Alexander, the Ju-Jitsu from beginner to master.
The Ultimate Self Defense System
Following content has this great DVD:
- Close combat techniques (Nage Waza)
- Throws (Throwing Techniques)
- Nerve pressure points with application (Pressure Points)
- Strangulations (strangulation & Resuscitations)
- Armbar
- Self-defense techniques
Mastering JuJitsu Vol.7
von Gro?meister George Alexander 9.Dan und Ken Penland 10.Dan
George Alexander and Ken Penland are one of the greatest martial arts experts in the world.
On this great DVD series teaches Grandmaster George Alexander, the Ju-Jitsu from beginner to master.
The Ultimate Self Defense System
Following content has this great DVD:
- Katame Waza
- Grappling Techniques
- Entrinnungstechniken (Escapes Techniques)
- Armbar (Arm Bar)
- Ground Combat (Ground Fighting)
- Self-defense techniques
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos ju-jutsu ju+jutsu jujutsu selbstverteidigung machado brazilian jiu-jitsu gracie bjj vale tudo
Mastering JuJitsu Vol.8
von Gro?meister George Alexander 9.Dan und Ken Penland 10.Dan
George Alexander and Ken Penland are one of the greatest martial arts experts in the world.
On this great DVD series teaches Grandmaster George Alexander, the Ju-Jitsu from beginner to master.
The Ultimate Self Defense System
Following content has this great DVD:
- Katame Waza
- Advanced Grappling Techniques
- Advanced Entrinnungstechniken (Escapes Techniques)
- Advanced armbar (Arm Bar)
- Ground Combat (Ground Fighting)
- Advanced self-defense techniques
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos ju-jutsu ju+jutsu jujutsu selbstverteidigung machado brazilian jiu-jitsu gracie bjj vale tudo
Mastering JuJitsu Vol.9
von Gro?meister George Alexander 9.Dan und Ken Penland 10.Dan
George Alexander and Ken Penland are one of the greatest martial arts experts in the world.
On this great DVD series teaches Grandmaster George Alexander, the Ju-Jitsu from beginner to master.
The Ultimate Self Defense System
Following content has this great DVD:
- Self-defense techniques (Self Defense)
- Street Fighting (Street Applications)
- Defense of individual attacks and against multiple attackers
- Defence against knife attacks
- Defence against stick attacks
- Club & Gun Defense
DVD Black Belt Grand Prix Braz ...
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Black Belt Grand Prix Brazilian Jiu Jitsu by Budo International
The best lightweight fighter of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu at the most important event in the world, since the two organizations have separated. The fighters have competed for a prize money of 6,000 euros happiges. 2 hours atembeaubender conversation with the world's best Jiu-Jitsu fighters! See what's tough fight and what talent and speed mean! A job that you should not miss!
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos ju-jutsu ju+jutsu jujutsu selbstverteidigung machado brazilian jiu-jitsu gracie bjj vale tudo
by Budo Internation ...
DVD CHAMPIONSHIPS 6, 7, 8, 9 by Budo International
The IVC 6 is known as one of the best event in the history of MMA. He came at a time when the US-Ringer their "Ground 'n Pound" forced on the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The fighters of Muay Thai, Ebenezer Braga (Boxe Thai) and Wanderlei Silva (Chute Boxe) proved that there is no hegemony of a style in the Vale Tudo-. This can be understood by everyone through this first-class compilation that also still contains the best fights of the IVC 9. IVC 6: - Special Fight 1: Ebenezer Fontes Braga vs. Branden Lee Hinkle. - Special Fight 2: Jose "Pele" Landi vs. Chuck Lidell. - Super Fight: Wanderlei Silva vs. Mike Van Arsdale. IVC 9: - Special Fight 2: Milton Bahia vs. Tulio Palhares. - Special Fight 3: The Pedro vs. Silvio De Souza "Urutum". - Special Fight 4: Wanderlei Silva vs. Adrian Serrano.
DVD Knock-out Cup
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Knock-out Cup by Budo International
Launched in 2003, allows the Knock-Out Cup, the best fighter of Brazilian Impact Teams compete against other academies in Curitiba, one of the most important centers for MMA in Brazil. In addition to the listed fights of MMA, this DVD also contains two fights in the Submission and three from the Muay Thai. MMA Fights: - Davi (BIT Team) vs. Adilson Marques (Freestyle Team) - Rodrigo Dragão (Ponta Grossa) vs. Shaolin (Edilei Pedrosa) - Yuri Machado (Kamikase) vs. Frank Jefferson (Freestyle) - Lara Jovi (BIT) vs. Maicon (Freestyle) - Fábio César (Strong World) vs. Flávio Lopes (Freestyle) - Diego Marlon (BIT) vs. Reinaldo (Muay Thai) - Jefferson (BIT) vs. Francisco Sebastião (Freestyle) - Tidi (Boxe Thai) vs. Batoré (Detonação Total) - Hulk (BIT) vs. Gringo (Argentina) - Paraná (BIT) vs. Van Damme (Boxe Thai)
by Budo Internation ...
DVD STORM by Budo International
The Storm Samurai was called into life in order to meet the growing number of Brazilian competitors fairly and developed as a talent incubator for fighters who wish to travel to MECA later. This time, met the 20 best schools for Muay Thai and Vale Tudo-Brazil to deliver spectacular fights before 5,000 spectators.
Marco Ruas Vale Tudo DVD
by Budo Internation ...
Marco Ruas Vale Tudo DVD by Budo International
Davide Ferretti
Davide Ferretti, the European representative of the Ruas Vale Tudo-system, shows us this time the technical and tactical side of the Vale-Tudo original from Brazil. This work is excellent in its didactics and precise structure. In each chapter the various possible situations of the cover, ground strokes, technical-tactical actions (series of straight punches, change of fighting style, direct blows to go back, Pressing, Meidbewegungen and counter, block with lock), combinations of Faust and gone through foot, fist-elbow-knee distance closing and takedowns, and ground fighting melee. An absolutely complete work to understand the success of this exceptional system.
DVD The very Best of Meca Worl ...
by Budo Internation ...
DVD The very Best of Meca World Vale Tudo-Vol. 2.1 by Budo International
90 minutes with the best MECA-fighting - undoubtedly one of the toughest and best events in the world of Vale Tudo-. Of course, with the top fighters Wanderlei Silva! The fights were of Rudimar Fedrigo (one of the best coaches and organizers of Brazil) and Marcelo Alonso (Reporter) selected. 1.- Formiga vs. Cacá. 2.- Alex Vedan vs. Carlinhos Lima. 3.- Murilo Ninja vs. Bad Boy. 4.- Nilson Castro vs. Daniel Acácio. 5.- Marcelao vs. José Souza Neto. 6.- Wanderlei vs. Todd Medina.
DVD Total Grappling & Vale Tud ...
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Total Grappling & Vale Tudo Evolution by Budo International
Here you will get to see techniques that were never before shown. Techniques from wrestling and wrestling as well as from the various positions and advanced techniques that are now exercised by all Vale Tudo-stars and made them what they are - Vale Tudo-Champs! A DVD that should be in every Vale-Tudo collection!
DVD Total Grappling & Vale Tud ...
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Total Grappling & Vale Tudo by Budo International
Here you will get to see techniques that were never before shown. Techniques from wrestling and wrestling as well as from the various positions and advanced techniques that are now exercised by all Vale Tudo-stars and made them what they are - Vale Tudo-Champs! A DVD that should be in every Vale-Tudo collection!
Professional Vale Tudo DVD, ve ...
by Budo Internation ...
Professional Vale Tudo DVD, very advanced techniques by Budo International
The lovers of grappling and wrestling can rejoice! Manu has done a work of the highest quality resist once. This DVD is full of pragmatic hints, ideas and very advanced concepts for close combat. We learn how to subvert distances and how one has to neutralize his opponents.
DVD Total Grappling & Vale Tud ...
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Total Grappling & Vale Tudo - Vol 4. by Budo International
In his fourth and highly anticipated all work Manu focused on the exits and terminations. Many of the techniques shown here are likely the majority of our viewers still be unknown, but also more common methods are listed, but these are presented in a variety of positions, such as a Kimura from the Mount or a crossed position under the Mount. Is accompanied here by his friend Manu Nacho Vidal, who has a broad education in the Gracie JJ and Vale Tudo and Muay Thai-trained with Artur Mariano. Manu shows us on this DVD the secrets of good fighter: timing, flow and ability to adapt to any combat situation.
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos ju-jutsu ju+jutsu jujutsu selbstverteidigung machado brazilian jiu-jitsu gracie bjj vale tudo
VIDEO Free Fight Strategies
by Budo Internation ...
VIDEO Free Fight Strategies by Budo International
Mathieu Nicourt
Mathieu Nicourt verf?gt ?ber eine brillante sportliche Karriere und eine breitgef?cherte Erfahrung in den internationalen Arenen (zweifacher Europameister im Vale-Tudo und Gewinner des IFC XIII). Er zeigt uns in diesem Video die effizientesten Kampftechniken und Kombinationen f?r die Wettk?mpfe der Mixed Martial Arts. Ein Video, das alle Elemente in sich vereint, um aus jedem einen richtigen K?mpfer zu machen!
VIDEO Professional Vale Tudo A ...
by Budo Internation ...
VIDEO Professional Vale Tudo Advanced Techniques by Budo International
Die Liebhaber des Grappling und des Ringens k?nnen frohlocken! Manu hat wieder einmal eine Arbeit h?chster Qualit?t geleistet. Dieses Video ist reich an pragmatischen Hinweisen, Ideen und sehr fortgeschrittenen Konzepten f?r den Nahkampf. Man erf?hrt, wie man Distanzen unterlaufen kann und wie man seinen Gegner zu neutralisieren hat.
VIDEO International Vale Tudo ...
by Budo Internation ...
VIDEO International Vale Tudo Championship by Budo International
Nach der Entschärfung der UFC war es sehr still in der Welt des Free Fight. Die Qualität der Kämpfe stellte nicht mehr alle zufrieden. Bis jetzt! São Paulo, Brasilien, ist der traditionelle Austragungsort des Int. Vale Tudo Championship. Im Mutterland des regellosen Kampfes treffen sich die besten US-Fighter und die härtesten Kämpfer Südamerikas zu einem atemberaubenden Turnier. Extrem harte Kämpfe auf höchstem Niveau.
VIDEO The Very Best of Interna ...
by Budo Internation ...
VIDEO The Very Best of International Vale Tudo Championship by Budo International
Die besten Vale Tudo Kämpfe. Die besten, härtesten Kämpfe der Welt. Eine Sammlung der spektakulärsten Begegnungen im International Vale Tudo Championship. 90 Minuten Spannung mit den bekanntesten Free-Fight-Kämpfern der Welt - unter ihnen der Bezwinger der Gracies, Ismael Wallid. Ein Feuerwerk an herausragenden Kämpfen, an denen sowohl der interessierte Amateur als auch der erfahrene Profi seine wahre Freude haben wird.
Knock-out & power kicking
Gary Wasniewski
By Grandmaster Gary Wasniewski 10.Dan TY-GA karate
The following sections can be selected directly from the menu:
-Multiple kicking
This instructional DVD has the following content:
-Warm up and stretching
-Various kicks
-Multiple kicks
Easy to understand, the kicks will be demonstrated at the partner.
In English (easy without knowledge of English to understand).
60 minutes
Knock free fighting
Gary Wasniewski
By Grandmaster Gary Wasniewski 10th Dan TY-GA karate
The following sections can be selected directly from the menu:
-Fighting combos
-Self defense
-Knockout kicking
-Free fighting
This instructional DVD has the following content:
-Warm up and stretching
-Fighting techniques of and combinations in the partner
-Speed exercises to the partner
-Self defense against unarmed attacker
-Self-defense against armed attackers
-Multiple kicks
-Free fight
In English (easy without knowledge of English to understand).
60 minutes
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Basic Tech ...
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Basic Techniques
Von BJJ Weltmeister Ze Marcello
The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, is a Brazilian martial art, a form of practice in Brazil Ju-Jitsu, which has brought to Brazil Mitsuyo Maeda (1879-1941) and was further developed by the Gracie family. It's a young martial art that constantly evolves. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu originates from the Japanese Ju-Jitsu and is a floor art that is practiced with or without gi. Each Endtechnik includes either a stranglehold or a dislocation from (neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle) and without joint rotation.
Unlike most martial arts, which is preferably standing and fought with fists and feet, the Brazilian Ju-Jitsu focuses on ground fighting, a highly technical domain in which the obesity of less concern. Experience shows the way, yes even that street battles between two opponents often end up on the ground.
This learning was filmed in Brazil.
The following menu items are available:
- Film
- Chapters
- Audio
- Bonus Photo Gallery =
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos ju-jutsu ju+jutsu jujutsu selbstverteidigung machado brazilian jiu-jitsu gracie bjj vale tudo
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu transition ...
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu transitional stage
Von BJJ Weltmeister Ze Marcello
An opponent can often be forced to go to the ground, however, it is never possible to force him upright to fight. Therefore, the victory depends in a free fight between two opponents from generally by the mastery of fighting techniques on the ground. It follows that in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, unlike other martial arts, the throws and blows a significantly lower value is placed.
Therefore, in free fighting many Jiu-Jitsukas wrestlers, boxers or karate are in the context of international competitions (Pride, Ultimate Fighting Championship) over and sit by as feared fighter: Acuh when the Jiu-Jitsukas be brought to the ground and with his back have to fight on the ground, it involves a position (of protection), which is advantageous in pure Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and must be mastered in free fight.
This learning was filmed in Brazil.
The following menu items are available:
- Film
- Chapters
- Audio
- Bonus Photo Gallery =
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos ju-jutsu ju+jutsu jujutsu selbstverteidigung machado brazilian jiu-jitsu gracie bjj vale tudo
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Advanced T ...
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Advanced Techniques
Von BJJ Weltmeister Ze Marcello
The practitioners of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to use a perfect ground combat. You have an arsenal of techniques at their disposal lever: lever on the arm (shoulder, elbow, wrist), lever leg (knee, ankle, foot), lever on the neck and choking techniques. The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a specialization of the fight on the ground, with the rediscovery of new characteristic positions, such as the protection (which is included with your back on the ground, the waist of the opponent between the legs), which allows up against submission techniques to defend and at the same time perform the same.
The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and its application in the Vale Tudo have proven to be extremely efficient, as in 1993, the Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC) was founded. For these competitions Royce Gracie was the winner or Rickson Gracie, who is considered by some to be the best fighter the world has ever seen. For the legend, he remained undefeated in 400 fights without rules.
This learning was filmed in Brazil.
The following menu items are available:
- Film
- Chapters
- Audio
- Bonus Photo Gallery =
Vale Tudo
Von - BJJ Weltmeister Ze Marcello - BJJ Weltmeister Alexandre Izidro - Rafael Rebello
Become the next Champion of the Rings !!
The term Vale Tudo means business and called a very liberal form of competition, which was launched in Brazil to life.
The rules of Vale Tudo allow a very wide variety of striking techniques and fighting techniques. The fighters usually occur in a ring against each other. They wear lightweight gloves that are open and allow pack handles. The competitor is free to fashion choices, but generally a simple fight jersey is worn.
Ze Mcrcelle, Rafael Rebello & Alexandre Izidro present techniques, thanks to which you can defy any enemy type. Use of filmed from multiple angles and provided with numerous slow motion film, you will learn very quickly and Vale Tudo will no longer be secrets for you.
The following menu items are available:
- Film
- Chapters
- Audio
- Bonus Photo Gallery =
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 3 DVD box!
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 3 DVD box!
Von BJJ Weltmeister Ze Marcello
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu basic techniques
By BJJ world champions Ze Marcello
The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, is a Brazilian martial art, a form of Ju-Jitsu practiced in Brazil, brought to Brazil Mitsuyo Maeda (1879-1941), which was developed by the Gracie family. It is a young martial art which is constantly evolving. The Japanese Ju-Jitsu and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a floor technique, practiced with or without kimono. Each end technology closes either with a strangle hold or a dislocation from (neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle) and without joint twisting.
In contrast to the most martial arts, fighting involving preferably standing and with feet and fists, the Brazilian Ju-Jitsu focuses on the ground fighting a Very much technical domain is the obesity of a lesser concern. Yes By the way also, experience has shown that street fighting between two adversaries often end up on the ground.
This learning was filmed in Brazil.
The following menu items are available:
-Bonus = photo gallery
The DVD is playable in the following languages:
-Französich-English German Spanish Portuguese
Total running time: 70 minutes
DVD 2:
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu techniques for the transition stage
By BJJ world champions Ze Marcello
An opponent can often be forced to go to ground, it is, however, never be possible to compel to fight him. Thus the victory in a free fight between two opponents depends in general the mastery of combat techniques at the bottom. It follows that in the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in contrast to other martial arts a significantly lower priority accorded the throws and blows.
Therefore, many JIU-Jitsukas face free fighting wrestlers, boxers or Karatekas in the context of international competitions (pride, UFC) and assert itself as a feared fighter: Acuh if the JIU Jitsukas be brought to ground and they must fight back against the ground, it is a position (protection), which is beneficial in the pure Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and has to be controlled in the free battle.
This learning was filmed in Brazil.
The following menu items are available:
-Bonus = photo gallery
The DVD is playable in the following languages:
-Französich-English German Spanish Portuguese
Total running time: 106 minutes
DVD 3:
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu advanced techniques
By BJJ world champions Ze Marcello
Practitioners of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, use a perfect ground combat. You have at your disposal an arsenal of techniques of lever: lever arm (shoulder, elbow, wrist), lever on the leg (knee, ankle, foot), lever on the neck and strangulation. The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu represents a specialization of the struggle on the ground with the rediscovery of new characteristic positions, such as the protection (where, with your back on the ground, the waist of the opponent between the legs included is), which allows submission techniques to defend themselves and at the same time execute same.
The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and its application in the Vale Tudo have extremely efficient emerged as the ultimate fighting Championships (UFC) were established in 1993. These competitions was Royce Gracie, Rickson Gracie, who is considered by some as the best fighter the world has ever seen as winning out. As legend has it, that he remained unbeaten at 400 fights without rules.
This learning was filmed in Brazil.
The following menu items are available:
-Bonus = photo gallery
The DVD is playable in the following languages:
-Französich-English German Spanish Portuguese
Total running time: 55 minutes
DVD Werdum - BJJ Ultimate Comp ...
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Werdum - BJJ Ultimate Competition Techniques by Budo International
Fabrizio Werdum
Fabrizio Werdum has qualities and talents, can ascend the highest peaks to have him - he is world champion in 2000 and Pan-American Champion 2000th He presents us with a video in which he offers tricks of the world's best fighters analyzes and solutions. Who Jiu-Jitsu and ground fighting like that is here to the right place!
DVD Gracie - Techniques and Gr ...
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Gracie - Techniques and Gracie Self Defense by Budo International
Robin Gracie
Gracie family has triggered the largest martial arts revolution of the past 25 years without a doubt. Suddenly all the world speaks of ground combat. Robin Gracie explains the key concepts of the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu for self-defense on this video. Special emphasis is throwing techniques. He demonstrates step by step the proper use and implementation of techniques and shows alternatives to pass in dangerous situations.
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos ju-jutsu ju+jutsu jujutsu selbstverteidigung machado brazilian jiu-jitsu gracie bjj vale tudo
DVD Gracie - Submissions, Exit ...
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Gracie - Submissions, Exit & Gracie Self Defense by Budo International
Robin Gracie
Lever, shrikes and counter-reactions. In this second video Master Robin Gracie focuses on the most important aspects of the real struggle. Here techniques are explained and demonstrated, which can successfully complete any combat situation.
DVD Numrich - takedowns
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Numrich - takedowns by Budo International
Hubert Numrich
In the German professional fight scene Hubert Numrich is a clearer term - and not about. He has started at kickboxing up towards the Vale tudo, countless professional fights denied (among others against teams of the caliber of Peter Aerts and Ernesto Hoost). It is no exaggeration to say that Hubert embodies the entire martial art development of in recent decades - a walking encyclopedia of martial art. The first video handles the fight standing, where above all techniques in Muay Thai and boxing.
DVD Numrich - upright fight
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Numrich - upright fight by Budo International
Hubert Numrich
DVD Numrich - ground fighting
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Numrich - ground fighting by Budo International
Hubert Numrich
In this third video the grappling fans get their money! Not only an excellent fighter and teacher, but also an astute and intelligent human being is Hubert Numrich, this German pioneer of real battles, full and the ground techniques - as our readers already know -. We know that you expect this does not a priori a person with this look. Hubert was known however thanks to his skills as a trainer and teacher. He participated in numerous discussions, which were transferred from the television.
DVD Pantazi - takedowns & cont ...
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Pantazi - takedowns & controls by Budo International
Evan Pantazi
In this sixth installment of the series explains us master Pantazi detail the points, to bring a person on the ground and quickly to control where as is done in the arrests, etc. only minimal damage. Even if every point as described in the previous DVDs can - bring the opponent to the ground he should be made properly - so it is not possible to address these points for police or emergency assistance personnel. Therefore, we focus this time on specific pressure points (head, neck, torso, legs, arms), through which you can easily apply a brush and neutralize the person only by pressure or friction with the fingers.
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos vale+tudo ufc demos+und+kaempfe king of cage wrestling grappling
DVD Pantazi - grappling method ...
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Pantazi - grappling methods by Budo International
Evan Pantazi
In the clinch, throw, levers and on the ground are the applications of Kyusho as made for the grappling. In this seventh lesson video, master Pantazi focuses on the grappling and ground fighting. Regardless in Which one situation you also stand with the opponent in close combat or may be called the great "equalizer" well here learned Kyusho which it provokes a response the opponent, which keeps him on the defensive and can bring us in a favourable position.
DVD Mansur - BJJ Kyoto system ...
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Mansur - BJJ Kyoto system Submissions by Budo International
Fransisco Mansur
Grand Master Francisco Mansur, 9th Dan, trained for more than 50 years of Jiu-Jitsu. Today he presents his second DVD, which exclusively deals with the techniques of Submission - one of the other styles hotly debated topics in the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Exit is easy, but you must also know when and where the hour strikes for that, and how you have to act: overcoming the obstacles posed, wait or provoke errors in order to obtain the correct position and dominate us the enemy - the only way to successfully quit prematurely. Mansur - as one of the pioneers of this art - shows us in this DVD movements that need progressive reflexes, control and intelligence.
DVD Mansur Kioto Jiu-Jitsu Sub ...
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Mansur Kioto Jiu-Jitsu Submission anti- by Budo International
Fransisco Mansur
As in previous editions, too, Mansur explained to progressive and detailed way on how to apply the techniques in Jiu-Jitsu to escape from sticky situations. Whether armbar, chokes, leg and foot levers, etc: anything can countered in BJJ and the fight for us to be so decided.
DVD Rego - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu ...
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Rego - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu vol.1 by Budo International
Daniel Rego
Multi language: de, en, sp, fr, it
DVD Rego - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu ...
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Rego - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu vol.2 by Budo International
Daniel Rego
On this DVD, Rego Guardia analyzes the cover position. Fend off attack and escape from this position are the essential content of this instructional videos. There are defensive actions and explains which you can use to manipulate the limbs and joints of the opponent on the ground. Perfect grappling!
DVD Rego - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu ...
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Rego - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu vol.3 by Budo International
Daniel Rego
This video covers more important starting points of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, namely Cruzada and Montada Cruzada. Rego shows and explains many realistic application examples whose mode of action.
DVD Rego - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu ...
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Rego - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu advanced techniques by Budo International
Daniel Rego
Once again, Daniel Rego shares his Jiu-Jitsu knowledge with us! He has edited a new instructional video, in which he is in dealing with the so-called "submission techniques", so those techniques, forcing the opponent to give up and their mastering ultimately decide on victory or defeat.
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos ju-jutsu ju+jutsu jujutsu selbstverteidigung machado brazilian jiu-jitsu gracie bjj vale tudo