some of our products in this category
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The Secret of Asian Weapons
Von Meister Chau Phan Toan
Dominate the handling of the Asian Weapons
More than 10 weapons are presented in this instructional DVD, including: ancient long sword, double sword, nunchaku, three-floor, Wakizashi, stick, spear, tonfa, chain, Sai ...
An event in the traditional martial arts!
More than 10 Asian weapons, Vorgestllt of an outstanding armorer.
Chau Phan Toan has worked for more than 40 years with weapons and offers in this DVD his knowledge of floor, Nunchaku, Ancient Long Sword, Wakizashi, lance, Double Sword, Sai, three floor, Tonfa, Chain ...
Since each weapon is different, the pictures fit on their characteristics. Accordingly, some of them are presented in empty space, others with partners in the Consolidated sequences ...
Filmed from multiple angles and slow motion for an optimal understanding, this movie will teach you to start simple movements, then more complex sequences and weapons kata. With some training, you will be an expert in more than 10 weapons.
Chau Phan Toan presents you with rigor and simplicity all the richness of the ancestral art of handling the weapons.
For beginners and advanced !!
The following menu items are available:
- Film
- Chapters
- Audio
- Bonus Photo Gallery =, scene, etc.
Abhärtungstraining 2 DVD Box
by Independance
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Abhärtungstraining 2 DVD Box by Independance
This DVD set consists of the following two Abhärtungstraining DVD's:
DVD 1:
Körperabhärtungstraining from Okinawa
Körpererhärtung with baseball bat!
The Surprising blows to 9 points!
Chishis, Nigiri games, free weights!
Master Takemi Takayasu 8th Dan
Sensei Takemi Takayasu, an expert in Karate Uechi-Ryu Karate and Uechi-Ryu technical manager for Karate-Do enyukai in Europe, shows you in this DVD Körüerabhärtungsübungen, as they are practiced on the island of Okinawa. The Körpererhärtung is for the training of each Budoka who wants to be fully efficient, indispensable.
Thanks to it you can block out without Schwerzen and provide more powerful blows.
But beware, the Erhärtungsübungen can not be executed anyway, you could be seriously hurt it. You must reasonable, with precision and proceed step by step.
Takayasu Sensei guides you intelligently, to bring you to your destination to be more resilient and efficient. Takayasu Sensei Uechi-Ryu practiced the style whose specialty is the Erhärtungsarbeit the members.
Following content has this great teaching DVD:
- Abhärtungstraining with punches and kicks
- Abhärtungstraining with weights
- Abhärtungstraining with partner
- Abhärtungstraining with baseball bat
- Abhärtungstraining with square wood
- Strength training with Okinawan utensils
- Weight training
The following menu items are available:
- Film
- Chapters
- Audio
- Bonus Photo Gallery =, interviews and much more
The DVD is playable in the following languages:
- French
- English
- German
- Spanish
- Japanese
Total running time: 56 minutes
DVD 2:
Speed ​​Power
By Master Frank Ropers
Frank Ropers is a recognized Penchak Silat instructor.
Following content has this great teaching DVD:
- Warm-up
- Isotonic muscle training
- Ab Workout
- Breathing exercises
- Muscle work with special loads
- Striking techniques
- Kicking techniques
- Training with weights
- Sandbag Training
- Coaching Mitt
- Speed ​​work
- Stroke techniques in a short form
- Foot techniques in short form
- Partner Training
The following menu items are available:
- Film
- Chapters
- Audio
- Bonus = interviews and much more
The DVD is playable in the following languages:
- French
- English
- German
- Spanish
Total running time: 50 minutes
Total running time of both DVD's: 106 minutes
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos nunchaku kobudo tonfa bo hanbo kama sai okinawa training sicherheit sicherheitskr?fte polizei karate
Koryu Uchinadi vol 9 koryu Uch ...
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Koryu Uchinadi vol 9 koryu Uchinadi Nyumon 2 DVD box
Koryu Uchinadi Nyumon
Double DVD box
By master Patrick MC Carthy
DVD vol. 1 has the following content:
-Junbi undo
-Ukemi Waza
-NE Keri-Waza
-Tsuki Waza
-Kamae Waza
-Dynamic stretches
-Keri-Waza Tachi geiko
-Kaishu Waza
The DVD vol. 2 has the following content:
-Heishu Waza
-Taisabaki kata
-Uke Waza
-Seri undo
The techniques are presented Very much understandable.
The DVD's are with menu!
In English (easy without knowledge of English to understand).
208 minutes
Kobudo 1, Bojutsu 1
by Abanico
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Kobudo 1, Bojutsu 1 by Abanico
Werner Lind
Werner Lind is well known in Germany though his publications about classic Karate, his seminars and as director and founder of the Budo Study Group (Budo Studien Kreis, BSK), which ranks as one of the leading research centers for classical martial arts. The concepts, systems and methods of the development of Bunkai shown in this video stem from traditional methods that are made available to the public for the first time here. The ideas, developments and concepts of the methods shown here were researched in the BSK. Following this method it is possible to decode even more Kata Bunkai. These videos represent Lind''s decade long study of the asian systems in their authentic form. Techniques beyond what is contained in these videos can only be learned from Sensei Werner Lind himself.
Kobudo 2, Bojutsu 2
by Abanico
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Kobudo 2, Bojutsu 2 by Abanico
Werner Lind
Werner Lind is well known in Germany though his publications about classic Karate, his seminars and as director and founder of the Budo Study Group (Budo Studien Kreis, BSK), which ranks as one of the leading research centers for classical martial arts. The concepts, systems and methods of the development of Bunkai shown in this video stem from traditional methods that are made available to the public for the first time here. The ideas, developments and concepts of the methods shown here were researched in the BSK. Following this method it is possible to decode even more Kata Bunkai. These videos represent Lind''s decade long study of the asian systems in their authentic form. Techniques beyond what is contained in these videos can only be learned from Sensei Werner Lind himself.
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Okinawan karate & Kobujutsu
Gro?eister Seikichi Odo
SEIKICHI ODO was born in 1923 in Agena on Okinawa. He started 1932 by he learned Judo the martial arts training. KOHO, where he learned the Tomari te 1936 moved to Cuba. In 1940, he became a disciple of NAKAMURA SHIGERU, who had founded the Okinawa Kempo karate. This was his most important teacher.
At the same time, he studied also the Kobujutsu TOMA SEIKI, MITSUO KAKAZU, KENKO NAKAIMA and SHINPO MATAYOSHI. Later, he transferred methods of Kobudo in Okinawa Kempo karate. After the death of NAKAMURA, he founded the Okinawa Kempo karate Kobudo Rengokai using MAEHARA SEIJIRO and CHIBANA KENKO. 1983 Odo changed this organization in two organizations called Okinawa Kempo karate Kobudo Renmei and Okinawa Kempo karate Kobudo Shudokan.
Following 38 Kata are taught by master Odo on this DVD:
-Miyazato Hakatsuro ichi
-Miyazato Hakatsuro NI
-Miyazato No. Tekko ichi
-Nakamura No. Sai (Sai kata)
-Odo No. Kama ichi (Kama kata)
-Odo No. Kama NI (Kama kata)
-Odo No. Sai ichi (Sai kata)
-Odo No. Sai NI (Sai kata)
-Chatanyara No. Sai (Sai kata)
-Kyan No. Sai (Sai kata)
-Odo No. Tunfa ichi (tonfa kata)
-Odo No. Tunfa NI (tonfa kata)
-Chou No. Kun (Bo kata)
-Sukugawa No. Kun (Bo kata)
-Shima Igiri Bo ichi (Bo kata)
-Shima Igiri Bo NI (Bo kata)
-Suiyoshi No. Kun (Bo kata)
-Tokumine No. Kun ichi (Bo kata)
-Tokumine No. Kun NI (Bo kata)
-Tsuken Akachono Nunti Bo (spear kata)
-Tsuken Akachono Ekko Bo (EKU kata)
-Naihanchi SHODAN
-Naihanchi nidan
-Naihanchi sandan
-Pinan nidan
-Pinan sandan
-Pinan 四段
-Pinan Godan
-Gojushiho ichi
-Gojushiho NI
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Chanbara Long Sword
von Sensei Dana Abbott
Chanbara means something like sword fighting and is practiced with air-filled soft swords, so that injuries are avoided. The inventor of this discipline is the Japanese master Tetsundo Tanabe.
Dana Abbott is concerned in this DVD with the Long Sword.
Following contents have these great DVD:
- Warm-up
- Basic techniques (Kihon)
- Defense techniques
- Combinations
- Drills
- Sword techniques
- The Choking
- Sparring with protective gear
- Long sword techniques against other weapons, such as nunchaku, tonfa, Naginata, knives etc
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos kendo kenjutsu schwertkampf iaido divers chanbarra waffen kobudo nunchaku bo naginata speer messer schwert shuriken
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Chanbara Short & Long Swords
von Sensei Dana Abbott
Chanbara means something like sword fighting and is practiced with air-filled soft swords, so that injuries are avoided. The inventor of this discipline is the Japanese master Tetsundo Tanabe.
Dana Abbott is concerned in this DVD with Short & Long Sword.
Following contents have these great DVD:
- Introduction and History
- Various types of long-Scherter (wood, metal, foam, etc)
- Various weapons of Chanbara
- Basic techniques (Kihon)
- Fail zones
- Combinations
- Drills
- Sword techniques
- Free sparring with protective gear
- Short sword techniques against other weapons, such as long sword, nunchaku, Naginata, Bo, knives etc
Ancient Ryu Kyu Kobudo & karat ...
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Ancient Ryu Kyu Kobudo & karate King DOM
Shinpo Matayoshi
Shinpo Matayoshi of 10th Dan Grandmaster
Shinpo Matayoshi, firstborn son of Shinko, former President, the Zen Okinawa Kobudo Renmei (Kobudo Association Okinawa), was considered one of the greatest experts in the Kobudo. In his family A few techniques have spread for at least 400 years from the father to the son.
He was born on December 27, 1921 on Okinawa in a prestigious and noble family and started training martial arts under his father's tutelage. At that time, Shinko Matayoshi taught in three different dojos in KADENA and Chatan Naha. He attended the Dojo in Naha at the age of 4 years and watched his father's students at the training - at the age of 7, he was 5 kata. in 1928, he became student of karate from Chotoku Kyan sensei (SHURI-te, Tomari-te). Then go Genki Sensei, a naturalized Japanese has taught him, in the style of White crane of Fujian (1938). Next, he studied the Goju style at Seiko Higa Sensei, the oldest disciples of the founder of this style, Miyagi Miyagi Sensei. between 1957 and 1959 he taught in Nagasaki.
In 1960, he taught Kobudo in Higa Sensei Dojo, also A few selected students in Kingairyu. This method, in the old style of kata and their application to teach, without graduation or belt, ended in 1970.
in 1970, Shinpo founded the Kobudo Association (Ryukyu Kobudo Renmei), that focusing on the body and mind of the perpetrator, favored the development of true moral values with an Orthodox methodology. So, the authentic Kobudo in the world is taught on the way across Okinawa and Japan.
in 1972 his school was recognized by the Japanese Government under the name Zen Okinawa Kobudo Renmei. As a single Okinawaner and single Kobudo Sensei Okinawa he joined the Dai Nippon Butokukai, the Association of the Japanese martial arts master, who presides from time immemorial, a member of the imperial family. 1987 awarded him his Imperial Highness Higashi Fushimi Manalili, President of Dai Nippon Botokukai, the 10th Dan Hanshi.
Until shortly before his death on September 7, 1997 he taught in his Dojo in Naha (the Kodokan) and practiced daily Kobudo, participated often travel, which Nippon Butokukai broadened by the Dai, to spread the martial arts around the world. His students dispersed the technology programme, which was set by the family Matayoshi, to convey throughout the world, to not Japanese the authentic Okinawa Kobudo under.
This instructional DVD has the following content:
-Introduction and history
-Snake style
-Monkey Fist
-Bo katas
-Sansetsukon (3-sectional stock) kata
-Sai kata
-Nunti kata
-Tonfa kata
-Timpei kata
-Eku kata
-Nunchaku kata
-Kama kata
-Suruchin kata
-White crane kata
-Bo fighting techniques to the partner
-Kendo fighting techniques
-Kimpei against Bo fighting techniques
-EKU against Bo fighting techniques
-Kuwa to EKU
-3 sectional stick against Bo
-Jason against Bo
In English (easy without knowledge of English to understand).
60 minutes
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Ryukyu Kobujutsu
Motokatsu Inoue
Grandmaster Motokatsu Inoue
Motokatsu Inoue was one of the most famous Kobujutsu champion of the world.
On this DVD, some never presented to the public recordings of the Grand Master be shown.
A unique opportunity at such very rare material to arrive.
The following sections can be selected directly from the menu:
- Introduction
- Sai and Tonfa
- Nunchaku
- Tekko
- Kama, Timbe & Surichin
- Bo & Bo Ekku
Following content has this instructional DVD:
- Introduction and History
- Presentation of the individual weapons Bo
- Kata "Hamahiga no Sai"
- Sai Jutsu Kumite (Sai ​​against Bo)
- Kata "Hamahiga no Tonfa"
- Hamahiga no Tonfa Kumite (Tonfa against Bo)
- Kata "Nunchaku"
- Nunchaku Kumite
- Kata "Tekko"
- Tekko Kumite
- Kama Jutsu
- Kama Jutsu Kumite
- Timbe No Kata
- Timbe Kumite
- Surichin
- Surichin Kumite
- Chinen Shichayanaka
- Chinen Shichayanaka Kumite
- Ekku Bo Tsuken Sunakake
The quality of the DVD is the age of the recordings correspondingly poor. The shots were filmed decades ago and are converted by a known producer on DVD.
In English (easy to understand without knowledge of English).
45 minutes
dvd kobudo
Bierman - Kobudo Kata
by Budo Internation ...
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Bierman - Kobudo Kata by Budo International
Georg Bierman
Master George Bierman, 8th Dan in Goshin Jutsu Karate, Kobudo and Akai Ju Jutsu and five-time world champion in martial arts has earned his experience on this first DVD on the Kobudo with his 37 years. An excellent work, in the place you plenty of advice for the execution of some of the most important and spectacular forms in Kobudo: Bo Seimitsu, Tetsu Nami (Bo), Tetsu Kazi (Bo), Inazuma (Bo), Tetsu Seiken Hakai (Sai) and Godan Gama (Kama), which Bierman has collected over 2000 Tournament wins from Russia to the United States.
dvd kobudo
Koryu Uchinadi Vol.1 Two-Perso ...
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Koryu Uchinadi Vol.1 Two-Person Drills
Yakusoku Kumite Drills
Master of Patrick Mc Carthy
Following content has this great DVD:
- Introduction and history about Patrick Mc Carthy
- Sticky hands on demonstration Partner
- Self-defense
- Fighting techniques on partner
- Nerve pressure points
- Combinations of the partners
. Lever techniques
- Throwing techniques
The techniques are very naturally presented by Patrick Mc Carthy.
The DVD's with menu!
In English (easy to understand without knowledge of English).
85 minutes
Koryu Uchinadi Vol.12 Shime / ...
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Koryu Uchinadi Vol.12 Shime / Tuite Waza
RShime Tuite Waza
Master of Patrick Mc Carthy
Following content has this great DVD:
- Huge number of strangulation with hands and legs
- Armbar in combination with nerve pressure points
- Finger stitch techniques to nerve pressure points
- Large number of lever techniques
- Würgekombinationen
- Ground techniques
The techniques are demonstrated very understandable.
The DVD's with menu!
In English (easy to understand without knowledge of English).
60 minutes
Koryu Uchinadi vol. 14 ne Waza ...
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Koryu Uchinadi vol. 14 ne Waza groundwork
NE Waza
By master Patrick MC Carthy
This great DVD has the following content:
-Ground fighting techniques
-Holddowntechniques on the ground
-Arm lever at the bottom
-Leg locks at the bottom
-Note on the ground
The techniques are presented Very much understandable.
The DVD's with menu!
In English (easy without knowledge of English to understand).
61 minutes
Koryu Uchinadi vol.2 Aragaki s ...
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Koryu Uchinadi vol.2 Aragaki seisan kata, applications & historical overview
Aragaki seisan
By master Patrick MC Carthy
On this DVD, the kata Aragki seisan is taught by master Patrick Mc Carthy from the trace and the application (Bunkai).
This great DVD has the following content:
-Introduction and story about Patrick Mc Carthy
-History of the kata Aragki seisan
-Trace of the kata Aragi seisan
-Details of the Kata are explained exactly
-The complete kata is decrypted to a partner, all techniques in the Kata are closely scrutinized and the application.
-Application of nerve pressure point (pressure points)
The techniques are Very much understandable presented by Patrick Mc Carthy.
The DVD's with menu!
In English (easy without knowledge of English to understand).
105 minutes
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos nunchaku kobudo tonfa bo hanbo kama sai okinawa training sicherheit sicherheitskr?fte polizei karate
Koryu Uchinadi vol.5 kata appl ...
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Koryu Uchinadi vol.5 kata applications
Kata Bunkai part 1
By master Patrick MC Carthy
This great DVD has the following content:
-Seminar clips
-Bunkai for self-defense from different katas
-Nerve pressure point
-Elbow and knee techniques
-Lever techniques
The techniques are Very much understandable presented by Patrick Mc Carthy.
The DVD's with menu!
In English (easy without knowledge of English to understand).
121 minutes
Koryu Uchinadi Vol 6 principle ...
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Koryu Uchinadi Vol 6 principles of kata application
Kata Bunkai part 2
By master Patrick MC Carthy
This great DVD has the following content:
-Seminar clips
-Bunkai for self-defense from different katas
-Nerve pressure point
-Throwing techniques
-Lever techniques
The techniques are Very much understandable presented by Patrick Mc Carthy.
The DVD's with menu!
In English (easy without knowledge of English to understand).
46 minutes