some of our products in this category

Makiwara and Kime

only € 27.81

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Makiwara and Kime

Makiwara training and Kime Development

Von Meister Werner Lind

The DVD provides detailed insights into the basic and advanced Makiwara- and body training methods and shows the same for different techniques and types of Kime transmission. Working with traditional Okinawan training devices is presented. At the same time Kime techniques are implemented in the partner exercise where one learns to transfer Kime in different shapes and also to accept. In addition, various methods of Kime transmission are shown and detailed instructions for makiwara shown (for different Kime developments).

In German language

88 minutes

Wadokai Japanese Karate-Do Vol ...

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Wadokai Japanese Karate-Do Vol.2

von Meister Yoshiaki Ajari 8.Dan

Knife, Kata & Ju-Jitsu

Master Yoshiaki Ajari is one of the largest Wadokai Karate experts in the world.
This DVD shows how to perfectly master Yoshiaki Ajari repels many knife attacks and the attacker sets except Gefächt.

In addition, the following kata application (bunkai) are taught based on multiple opponents:
-Pinan Godan

For all karate highly recommended.

Wadokai Japanese Karate-Do Vol ...

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Wadokai Japanese Karate-Do Vol.3

von Meister Yoshiaki Ajari 8.Dan

Sword & Ju-Jitsu Techniques

Master Yoshiaki Ajari is one of the largest Wadokai Karate experts in the world.
This DVD shows how to master Yoshiaki Ajari sword attacks with the Samurai sword perfectly wards and the attacker sets except Gefächt.

In addition, the following kata application (bunkai) are taught based on multiple opponents:

The Yakusoku Kumite, Kiso Kumite and Tai Sabaki is also part of these great DVD.

For all martial artist highly recommended.

dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos karate wadokai wadoryu wado ryu kata kumite kihon

Legend of the White crane

only € 23.24

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Legend of the White crane

Von Gro?meister Ken Penland

Ken Penland is one of the largest martial arts experts in the world.

This Lerh DVD has the following content:
-Story about White Crane karate
-Hakutsuru kicking techniques
-Hakutsuru self-defense techniques (tough self defense with vital point techniques)
-Hakutsuru seminar ISKKF Honbu Dojo

Also, the original is White Crane Kata: Hakuturu, Which one completely decrypted (Bunkai) be taught.
These Kata are performed in slow and at normal pace from different directions.

dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos white crane kung fu kungfu kung+fu kung-fu karate okinawa gojuryu goju-ryu goju+ru wadoryu wado-ryu wado+ryu

White crane speed and evasion ...

only € 23.24

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White crane speed and evasion vol. 1

Von Meister George Alexander 9.Dan

George Alexander is one of the largest martial arts experts in the world.

This Lerh DVD has the following content:
-A history of the White Crane
-Resilience with weights
-Resilience to the partner
-Defence against various on reefs
-Fighting combinations to the partner
-Primary school of White crane techniques
-Deadly vital point techniques (nerves pressure point)
-Defense against multiple opponents

Also 2 be taught original White Crane Kata, Which one completely decrypted (Bunkai) are.
These Kata are performed in slow and at a normal pace.
The Kata are:
-Original Hakutsuru so kata
-Original Hakutsuru kata Tan

DVD Okinawa Shorin-Ryu Karate- ...
by Budo Internation ...

from € 24.99

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DVD Okinawa Shorin-Ryu Karate-do by Budo International

Yoshihide Shinzato

Grand Master - 9th Dan - Yoshihide Shimojiyonaha allows you to dive and its technical applications and weaponless kata with nunchaku, Sai, Kama and the Bo to learn the exercises to the defense and counter-attack, with this video in the world of the tradition of Kobudo Okinawa. The Grandmaster is accompanied by students from South America, Spain, and Japan.

video videos dvd dvds lehrmittel karate goju ryu divers gojuryu wadokai wadoryu isshin ryu isshinryu kyokushinkai kyokushin kai kumite shorinryu shorin ryu shotokan shotokanryu uechi ryu uechiryu okinawa makiwara kumite kihon

White Crane: Speed â€â€& Eva ...

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White Crane: Speed â€â€& Evasion Vol.4

Von Meister George Alexander 9.Dan

George Alexander is one of the greatest martial arts experts in the world.

Following content has Lerh this DVD:
- Introduction
- Kata Seisan
- Bunkai (application) Kata Seisan
- Kata Sanseiryu
- Bunkai (application) Kata Sanseiryu
- Body Conditioning
- Nerve pressure points of the human body
- White Crane techniques

White crane "speed and evasion ...

only € 23.24

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White crane "speed and evasion vol. 6"

George Alexander 10.Dan

George Alexander is one of the largest martial arts experts in the world.

This Lerh DVD has the following content:
-Kata Seiunchin
-Bunkai (application) kata Seiunchin
-Kata Seipai
-Bunkai (application) kata Seipai
-Hakutruru Kenpo

The katas are several times from different angles, as well as in slow and fast pace shown. Is learning the katas from home from possible.

Yong Chun White crane

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Yong Chun White crane

Gro?meisters Su Ying Han und seine Sch?ler

This great DVD has the following content:
-Introduction and history
-Discussions with Grandmaster Su Ying han
-White crane form
-Crane monkey form
-Tonfa form
-Butterfly knives form
-Ben Asencion five ancestor fist form
-Southern Shaolin form
-Tiger fork
-Sai form
-Staff form
-Two men form
-Resilience training

Wado Ryu 1

only € 25.00

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Wado Ryu 1

The Bible of Wado-ryu! This program incorporates fantastic archival color film of the founder of Wado Ryu Karate, Hironori Otsuka, performing: basic techniques, Pinan Katas 1-5: Kushanku, Naihanchi and Seishan, as well as Kihon Gumite 1-5 with Ajari Sensei. Includes an excellent history of the style with over 50 contemporary photos.

Wado Ryu 2

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Wado Ryu 2

An outstanding program by Yoshiaki Ajari, 8th dan, that includes excellent quality footage of Hironori Otsuka performing the 5 kata Chinto, Niseishi, Rohai, Wanshu, and Jitte.
Professionally filmed in 1965 but not released before, this is the very best technical record that exists of the Wado Ryu school. Also includes a comprehensive instructional treatment of the concepts of Noru, Inasu and Nagasu (unique to Wado Ryu), and a History of the development of Wado Ryu outside Japan.

DVD: Yamaguchi - Go Ju Ryu Kar ...
by Budo Internation ...

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DVD: Yamaguchi - Go Ju Ryu Karate-Do by Budo International

Gogen Yamaguchi is one of the few masters who have managed to be a legend of her time. His student Peter Urban, from New York, helped him to make his name known in the United States. You can watch the famous Karateka scenes and much more that will surprise you the skills and technical perfection of this master. The son of Master Yamaguchi teaches the kata and bunkai to this impressive Japanese Karate Goju Ryu style. Master Yamaguchi, thanks to its breathing techniques and because of his long mane, which gave him a mysterious aura, known as "The Cat".

Information about the quality of this DVD from the Budo INTERNATIONAL CLASSIC SERIES:
This is very old footage digitally processed. The quality of the video material corresponds to the then technical possibilities. Digital enhancements of old VHS video source are possible why not, etc. a certain amount of flickering, blurred picture, poor sound only to a limited extent remains.

dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos white crane kung fu kungfu kung+fu kung-fu karate okinawa gojuryu goju-ryu goju+ru wadoryu wado-ryu wado+ryu

Traditional Wado Ryu Karate-do ...
by VP-Masberg

only € 23.24

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Traditional Wado Ryu Karate-do vol. 2 all advanced kata by VP-Masberg

Roberto Danubio

By Roberto Danubio

This DVD contains:
All advanced katas of Wadoryu karate: Naihanchi, Kushanku, Seishan, Chinto, Wanshu, Rohai, Bassai, Niseishi, Jitte, Jion.

About the author:
Roberto Danubio is carrier of the 6.Dan Wadokai and President and Chief Instructor of the Swiss Wadokai Karatedo Renmei (SWKR). He enjoys the reputation of being one of the finest technicians of Wadoryu karate in Europe. His teachers significantly affecting it were Teruo Kono (Germany), 8.Dan and Shingo Ohgami (Sweden), 8.Dan. Among his other teachers are also Hideo Takagi (Japan), 8.Dan and Teru Arakawa (Japan), 9.Dan JKF.

Traditional Wado Ryu Karate-do ...
by VP-Masberg

only € 23.24

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Traditional Wado Ryu Karate-do vol. 3 Kumite by VP-Masberg

Roberto Danubio

By Roberto Danubio

This DVD contains:
-a wide selection of Ippon Kumite forms
-All 10 forms of Kihon-Kumite
-All 8 forms of Ohio-Kumite

About the author:
Roberto Danubio is carrier of the 6.Dan Wadokai and President and Chief Instructor of the Swiss Wadokai Karatedo Renmei (SWKR). He enjoys the reputation of being one of the finest technicians of Wadoryu karate in Europe. His teachers significantly affecting it were Teruo Kono (Germany), 8.Dan and Shingo Ohgami (Sweden), 8.Dan. Among his other teachers are also Hideo Takagi (Japan), 8.Dan and Teru Arakawa (Japan), 9.Dan JKF.

dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos karate wadokai wadoryu wado ryu kata kumite kihon

Wado Ryu Karate-Do Kata & Bunk ...

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Wado Ryu Karate-Do Kata & Bunkai Vol.1

Von Hiroji Fukazawa 7.Dan

Meister Hiroji FUKAZAWA fing mit der Kampfsportart Kendo an, geht dann zum Judo über, bevor er sich mit 14 nur noch dem Karate widmete.
Er bleibt 18 Monate lang beim Dojo von Inoué bevor er bei Meister Minoru MOCHIZUKI den Yoseikan Dojo lernt. Er übt dort mehrere Jahre lang Karate aus aber auch andere Kampfsportarten so wie Aïki Jutsu, Aïkido und das Katory Chinto-Ryu.
In 1974 schikt Meister Minoru MOCHIZUKI Meister Hiroji FUKAZAWA nach Frankreich um seinem Sohn zu helfen und nach Norditalien wo er dort den Wado-Ryu Stil einführt. Parallel zum Lehrfach ist er Bundesexperte im fränzosischen Karateverband.
Assistiert wird er auf dieser DVD von Alain FERRY 5. Dan

Folgende Katas werden gelehrt:
- Pinan shodan
- Pinan nidan
- Pinan sandan
- Pinan yodan
- Pinan godan
- Naïhanchi
- Bassaï
- Kushanku

- Komplette Analyse jedes Katas
- Front und Profil Video
- Genaue Zerlegung der Gesamtbewegungen
- Studie der Bunkaï
- Bodendiagramm
- Liste der Bewegungen
- Herkunft, Sinn und Eigenschaften der Kata

Die DVD ist mit Menü.

Die DVD ist in folgenden Sprachen abspielbar:
- Deutsch
- Französich
- Englisch
- Spanisch
- Italienisch

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  • martial arts secure shopping
  • security and reliance in Austria too