some of our products in this category

Okinawan Iceland of karate

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Okinawan Iceland of karate

von Gro?meister George Alexander 9.Dan

This DVD sometimes ancient recordings masters appear on big karate, how they have trained in previous years.

Reported following champions:
-Eizo Shimabuku
-Death Sakugawa
-Sokon Matsumura
-Chris Sokon
-Chotoku Kiyan
-Chosen Chibana
-Anko Itosu
-Gichin Funakoshi
-Choki Motobu
-Kenwa Mabuni
-Shugoro Nakazato
-Choi Hong Hi
-Kanryu Higashionna
-Miyagi Miyagi
-Kanbun Uechi
-Kanei Uechi
-Choki Motobu
-Yasuhiro Konishi
-Shinfo Matayoshi
-Seikichi Odo

Also reports on the history of all possible stem directions of karate and Kobudo.
Discusses the arms of Kobudo, E.g.: nunchaku, tonfa, Sai, EKU, Bo, Kama, etc.
Okinawa Budo Kan Museum ancient photos, weapons u.v.m appear in the.

DVD Knock-out Cup
by Budo Internation ...

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DVD Knock-out Cup by Budo International

Launched in 2003, allows the Knock-Out Cup, the best fighter of Brazilian Impact Teams compete against other academies in Curitiba, one of the most important centers for MMA in Brazil. In addition to the listed fights of MMA, this DVD also contains two fights in the Submission and three from the Muay Thai. MMA Fights: - Davi (BIT Team) vs. Adilson Marques (Freestyle Team) - Rodrigo Dragão (Ponta Grossa) vs. Shaolin (Edilei Pedrosa) - Yuri Machado (Kamikase) vs. Frank Jefferson (Freestyle) - Lara Jovi (BIT) vs. Maicon (Freestyle) - Fábio César (Strong World) vs. Flávio Lopes (Freestyle) - Diego Marlon (BIT) vs. Reinaldo (Muay Thai) - Jefferson (BIT) vs. Francisco Sebastião (Freestyle) - Tidi (Boxe Thai) vs. Batoré (Detonação Total) - Hulk (BIT) vs. Gringo (Argentina) - Paraná (BIT) vs. Van Damme (Boxe Thai)

VIDEO Grand Prix 2000
by Budo Internation ...

from € 39.00

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VIDEO Grand Prix 2000 by Budo International

Der Grand Prix 2000 - eine au?erordentliche Veranstaltung. Ein Sportereignis, dass alle, die Rang und Namen in den Kampfk?nsten und im Kampfsport haben, f?r ein Wochenende zusammengef?hrt hat.

Wu Shu demonstration

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Wu Shu demonstration

By Chinese masters

This instructional DVD has the following content:
-Introduction and history
-Performances & demonstrations
-Monkey style
-Training with the Shaolin Monks
-Two-man set
-Empty hand forms
-Weapons forms
-Southern Shaolin form
-Shaolin form

In the Chinese language (easy without Chinese knowledge understandable).

58 minutes

DVD Pantazi - takedowns & cont ...
by Budo Internation ...

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DVD Pantazi - takedowns & controls by Budo International

Evan Pantazi

In this sixth installment of the series explains us master Pantazi detail the points, to bring a person on the ground and quickly to control where as is done in the arrests, etc. only minimal damage. Even if every point as described in the previous DVDs can - bring the opponent to the ground he should be made properly - so it is not possible to address these points for police or emergency assistance personnel. Therefore, we focus this time on specific pressure points (head, neck, torso, legs, arms), through which you can easily apply a brush and neutralize the person only by pressure or friction with the fingers.

The Ultimate Fighter 1

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The Ultimate Fighter 1

The successfull american reality TV show for the year 2005 7 weeks, two teams fought with 8 fighters against each other. They were trained by Randi Couture and Chuck Liddell With exciting fights but also with interesting training scenes.with Couture and Liddell. DVD 1 Episode 1 - The Quest Begins, Episode 2 - Team Challenges, Episode 3 - Making Weight, Episode 4 - On The Ropes DVD 2 Episode 5 - Un-Caged, Episode 6 - The Fight Is On, Episode 7 - Ground and Pound, Episode 8 - Sprawl ''n Brawl DVD 3 Episode 9 - Low Blow, Episode 10 - Middleweight Semifinal #1, Episode 11 - Middleweight Semifinal #2, Episode 12 - Light Heavyweight, Semifinals
DVD 4 Episode 13 - The Finals
DVD 5 Bonus Material: Finals Preliminary Bouts, Fighter Profiles, Training Tips, Definition of an Ultimate Fighter, Conditioning, Technique of week

dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos vale+tudo ufc demos+und+kaempfe king of cage

King of the Cage 14 Bad Intent ...
by Abanico

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King of the Cage 14 Bad Intentions by Abanico

Danny Bryket vs. Justin Masley, Jason Dolder vs. Josh Lewis, John Cole vs. Richard Solis, Cipriano Gamino vs. Aaron Anderson, Joey Guel vs. Jess Liaudin, Betiss Mansouri vs. Eddie Ellis, Brent Stevens vs. Kent Hensley, Jason Lambert vs. Lobo, Joe Stevenson vs. Jeremy Jackson, John Alessio vs. Chris Brennan

K-1 Grand Prix 2007, Finals He ...
by Fields

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K-1 Grand Prix 2007, Finals Heavyweight by Fields

Quarter-finals Jerome LeBanner vs Hong Man Choi Semmy Schilt vs Glaube Feitosa Remy Bonjasky vs Badr Hari Peter Aerts vs Junichi Sawayashiki Semifinals and Final are also part of this DVD. Superfights: Mighty Mo vs Paul Slovinsky, Musashi vs David Dancrade

Top fighter Budo DVD Magazine ...
by VP-Masberg

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Top fighter Budo DVD Magazine 1-2011 by VP-Masberg

With this DVD you can play educational films on the TV and To watch reports, reports, technology series, magazine u.v.m as a PDF to your computer.
You To find any news in the field of martial arts and martial arts in a clear structure. Read reports and look at the matching movie scenes.

Film & reportage: Aikido Jo
Film & report: Stretching with Chloe Bruce
Film & reportage: Shotokan karate kata & Bunkai Heian SHODAN Nijushiho Hirokazu Kanazawa 10.Dan
Film & technology series: Wado Ryu Karate-do kata Pinan SHODAN & Kumite techniques
Course snippets: Kyusho-Jitsu Grandmaster Dustin seal 8.Dan United States
Film & report: Ju-jutsu techniques with Achim Hanke 7.Dan DJJV
Course clips & reportage: Rob Kaman Kickboxing
Film & report: Krav Maga Moshe Katz (Israeli Krav Maga instructor)
Report: Taekwondo Kwon Jae-Hwa
Technology series: Dan Inosanto
Technology series: strength training with Marcus Temming & Dirk Mähler
Technology series & trailer: Computer wing Tzun

BONUS: 10 current Association magazine, more than 800 pages

This DVD is a must for any martial artist magazine

dvd demonstrations+fights other

Top fighter Budo DVD Magazine ...
by VP-Masberg

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Top fighter Budo DVD Magazine 2-2011 by VP-Masberg

World novelty!
The first martial arts DVD magazine with reports, movies, moving technology series, Kata etc. pp.
Sensational, because with this DVD can play educational films on the TV, and additional reports, reports, technology series, magazine u.v.m as a PDF on your computer read and To watch to.
This combination is an absolute world novelty in this specific complexity.
The issue Nr. 2 To find you among other things

Shotokan Karate-do Hirokazu Kanazawa kata Heian nidan & ENPI
JKA karate Masatoshi Nakayama
Kyusho-Jitsu-will Higginbotham 9.Dan seminar
COMPUTER wing Tzun battle scenes by Cengiz Düzgören
Bill Superfoot Wallace Kickboxing seminar
Qi Gong basic techniques of Meiko Yuen Lee
World Kobudo euro Budo Festival
Play and movement ideas for the physical education and the warm-up

Reports & reports:
40-year-old Shotokan - Te anniversary
The 47 Ronin
Georg Streif - military of World Games 2011
Health - Biomechanics - what matters
Legend and reality - Korea
Champion-maker Herbert Bruns and the Tao of Aurich
Taiko - the drummer of martial arts
The Elsa - Prof. of fighting Fred Royers
The history of Rob Kaman 2nd part
Horst Kallinowski's 70th birthday
Masters gym Duisburg - 8 man tournament under K-1 rules
Max birth 70 years. A life for Taekwon-do

Technology series:
Strength training part 4-6 by Markus Temming & Dirk Macklin
Fumio Dalton - masters of Kobudo
Kata Bunkai El Marhomy
Technology versus: contra Pencak Silat Kung Fu
Bill "Superfoot" Wallace Kickboxing
Wing Tzun Emin Boztepe

Masters & styles:
Masatoshi Nakayama - pioneer of JKA karate
Martin Sewer and the Hung even Kung Fu
Brazil Jiu-Jitsu: Helder Nunes
Dr. Jian Liujun: The inner power of Chi Gung
Medicine: Meiko Yuen Lee - Chi Gung and acupuncture
Dr. Keun tae Lee: Kung Fu made in Korea

15 professional and Association magazines about martial arts and martial arts. More about 1,200 pages PDF.

This DVD is a must for any martial artist magazine

Learn Nunchaku

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Learn Nunchaku

Marc Bremart

Marc Brémart presents the NUNCHAKU INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY (NIA) whose founder he is a young and dynamic academy that is already present in 7 countries (Switzerland, England, Germany, Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Lebanon).
Even though his personal fighting style primarily based on a new method, the "Kick Boxing Nunchaku Atemis" is mentioned, he develops each of the most frequently exercised fighting styles (French, Dutch and Swiss method), allowing it to a large number of foreign competition participate.

The first part of this DVD underlines one of the peculiarities of NIA: his development of the techniques of Ju-Jitsu and the nunchaku kata for the advanced belt.
The second part is devoted to the variety of fighting styles and shows that they are all levels and all ages available.
The third part shows where the NIA differs from the other Nunchakuverbänden, by techniques of free-style (Artistic Nunchaku) for all transitions of the belt colors after each level.

The following menu items are available:
- Film
- Chapter
- Audio
- Bonus = Interview, Kata, etc. Fotogarlerie

Jeff Espinous Vol.1

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Jeff Espinous Vol.1

K "Kali Sikaran

Litter inputs, throws, grappling, lever and fixing techniques

By Jeff Espinous and Johan Skalberg

Jeff Espinous is a highly skilled martial artist, who has traveled over 6 years around the world and has spent several years living in Japan, Thailand, USA and Indonesia to learn various martial arts there. This experience is reflected in his realistic techniques again.

This DVD covers the Kali / Sikaran. It's the unarmed part of the Filipino martial arts. It will demonstrate offensive and defensive techniques, the defense against Jab-Cross, litter inputs in 6 different "" Gaps "" (shortfall), different throws, grappling, leverage and control techniques. Defense against Kicks make with the summary in which the techniques are shown again with excellent slow motion. This educational film may change your setting to fight.

In German language

50 minutes "

25ème Festival des arts marti ...

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25ème Festival des arts martiaux Bercy 2010

L'intégralité du 25è Festival des Arts martiaux du 27 mars 2010, spécial 25è anniversaire, dont le tournoi international de Kyokushinkai

video taekwondo kung+fu kung-fu demonstrations+fights ju+jutsu ju-jutsu judo karate kick+boxing kickboxing kickboxing

8 DVD Box Championship Brazili ...

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8 DVD Box Championship Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Vol.1-8

Rodrigo Medeiros

Since 1999, Island Entertainment Group has produced the finest instructional DVDs, by the greatest fighters on Earth!

In this Massive Eight-DVD four time Pan Am Gold Medalist and 2004 Instructor of the Year Rodrigo Medeiros teaches you the entire BJJ Game, with a very special emphasis on the Open Guard!

Vol.1: Escapes & Defenses
Vol.2: Passing the Guard
Vol.3: Knee on Stomach
Vol.4: Open Guard Attacks
Vol.5: Half Guard Attacks
Vol.6: Closed Guard Attacks
Vol.7: Side Control Attacks
Vol.8: Back Attacks & Counters

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