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only € 177.77

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Wandschlagkissen by KWON

Hochwertiges Schlagpolster mit stabilem Stahlrohrrahmen und verschiedenen Zielpunkten für das Schlag- oder Kicktraining.

- Das Obermaterial ist aus strapazierfähigem Kunstleder.
- Lieferung mit Befestigungsdübel.

Wood Makiwara, large
by DAX


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€ 37.50    only € 37.13

incl. VAT + shipping

Wood Makiwara, large by DAX

The traditional training device for thumb joint exercises.

Wall bag / wall punch pad, 3-s ...
by Budoten


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€ 43.98    only € 43.10

incl. VAT + shipping

Wall bag / wall punch pad, 3-segment by Budoten

Wall bags can be filled with beans, peas, corn, rice, sawdust or similar materials. Depending on the selected filler material can be so completely individually affect the hardness and strength of the wallbag
. You should not use sand, because the risk of injury is too high.

target kung+fu kung-fu training+equipment training+gear apparatus makiwara

by Budoten


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€ 43.15    only € 42.29

incl. VAT + shipping

Wandmakiwara by Budoten

Wandmakiwara, synthetic leather, 28 x 15 cm, sprung wooden beams, surface padded leatherette cover. For example Schlagabhärtung in karate.

Wall bag / wall punch pad, 1-s ...
by Budoten


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€ 26.63    only € 26.10

incl. VAT + shipping

Wall bag / wall punch pad, 1-segment by Budoten

Wall bags can be filled with beans, peas, corn, rice, sawdust or similar materials. Depending on the selected filler material can be so completely individually affect the hardness and strength of the wallbag
. You should not use sand, because the risk of injury is too high.

Curved Body Shield blue


add to shopping list available ex central warehouse - ready for dispatch within 4-6 business days, quick service possible compare this item with ...

€ 49.50    only € 49.01

incl. VAT + shipping

Curved Body Shield blue by KWON

Body shield with target point in red color in the center made of blue sturdy vinyl outer material. The extra light weight (approx. 1,5 kg), yet offering a high impact cushioning and sturdy belts for a safe and comfortable grip.



add to shopping list available ex central warehouse - ready for dispatch within 4-6 business days, quick service possible compare this item with ...

€ 35.90    only € 35.54

incl. VAT + shipping

Makiwara by KWON

für ein traditionelles Schlag- und Trittkraft-Training

For hardening striking points. Foam padding on wooden base. Covered with vinyl. For practicing full contact with hand and foot techniques. Secured to wall.
Length approx. 30 cm, width approx. 15 cm, thickness approx. 7 cm.

Wall strike pad Makiwara
by DanRho


add to shopping list available ex central warehouse - ready for dispatch within 4-6 business days, quick service possible compare this item with ...

€ 18.90    only € 18.71

incl. VAT + shipping

Wall strike pad Makiwara by DanRho

Wall strike pad for punch training, e.g. edge of hand and finger punches. Delivery unfilled. Made from sturdy canvas.

Wall Bash Mitt
by Budoten


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€ 44.92    only € 44.03

incl. VAT + shipping

Wall Bash Mitt by Budoten

For the intense training.

Mount the Wall Bash Mitt just at the desired height. Now you can practice as long as you want!

This wall beat Mitt is designed for permanent wall mounting.

training+equipment training+gear apparatus target makiwara

Training diameter 25 cm alumin ...
by Budoten


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€ 26.23    only € 25.71

incl. VAT + shipping

Training diameter 25 cm aluminum with wooden handle by Budoten

Made of aluminum with a dull blade and wooden handle. Excellent designed for training in self-defense sector and for demos, since the knife looks very realistic.

training+equipment training+gear apparatus target makiwara

Belly protection with adjustab ...


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€ 90.30    only € 88.50

incl. VAT + shipping

Belly protection with adjustable shoulder straps by PHOENIX

This belly protection of leather is much different than what you may already know. A robust safety harness for maximum comfort and by the adjustment of the abdominal protection can be adapted to any size, however, he falls from a total relatively small.

The 8 cm thick shock absorbing padding specifically provides optimal protection for all kicking and striking techniques to the body. In cooperation with Hand Mitts yields the optimum training.

This belly pad is essential when training with hard punches and kicks

Wandsack 3 Segmente, schwarz


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€ 43.98    only € 43.10

incl. VAT + shipping

Wandsack 3 Segmente, schwarz by PHOENIX

Wand-Schlagsack, 3 Segmente, stabile Segeltuchhülle in schwarz, ca. 50 x 122 cm. Zum selbst Befüllen mit Kies, Sand, Mais, Splitt, Stoffresten......, je nach Trainingszweck und persönlichem Bedarf.

PX Arm-Makiwara Echtleder gekr ...


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€ 79.94    only € 78.35

incl. VAT + shipping

PX Arm-Makiwara Echtleder gekrümmt by PHOENIX

Arm-Makiwara aus echtem Rindsleder in bester Qualität.
schwarz-rot, mit extra Ellenbogenpolster für mehr Haltekomfort
Größe 42/20/10cm.

Ideal für effektives Kickbox- und Thaiboxtraining. Die qualitativ hochwertige Verarbeitung macht dieses Schlagpolster hoch belastbar!

training+equipment training+gear apparatus target makiwara

SMAI Thai Bauchpolster Echtled ...


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€ 128.52    only € 125.96

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SMAI Thai Bauchpolster Echtleder schwarz-weiß by SMAI

SMAI Thai Bauchpolster aus echtem Rindleder schwarz-weiß

sehr robust verarbeitet und auf harte Belastung im professionellen Bereich ausgelegt

training+equipment training+gear apparatus target safety protectors protective protection guard stomach+shield stomach+guard

Makiwara Canvas
by Ju-Sports


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 721100 compare this item with ...

€ 29.95    from € 29.80

incl. VAT + shipping

Makiwara Canvas by Ju-Sports

Makiwara made of wood, one of the traditional training devices in Budo. Then attach to the wall brackets screws are back in the wood, screws are not included. Black / white

Makiwara made of wood, one of the traditional training devices in Budo.
Then attach to the wall brackets screws are back in the wood, screws are not included.
Canvas based

Wood Makiwara, small
by DAX


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€ 32.50    only € 32.18

incl. VAT + shipping

Wood Makiwara, small by DAX

The traditional training device for thumb joint exercises.

Awards and Certificates

  • martial arts secure shopping
  • security and reliance in Austria too