some of our products in this category
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Telescope tai chi sword
Hervorragend f?r die Reise geeignet
This sword was adapted from the model of the original tai-chi sword.
tai+chi training+equipment training+gear apparatus asian+budoweapon metal kung+fu kung-fu chinese
Kung Fu / Tai Chi Wooden Sword
by Budoten
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Kung Fu / Tai Chi Wooden Sword by Budoten
Respect, it is only a demo weapon that is not suitable for practical practice (Parry, fight blade against blade). The article is only suitable for the training of traditional forms of movement (e.g., Tai Chi Sports, Gymnastics, Kata ...) without a partner respectively without contact.
Semi-Flexibles Tai Chi Schwert
by Fujimae
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Semi-Flexibles Tai Chi Schwert by Fujimae
Chinesichses Schwert mit schwarz verzierter Scheide. Schwert mit flexibler Klinge und Holzgriff graviert. Der Umschlag auch in schwarzem Holz graviert.
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Tai Chi Sword
With ornate blade and metal scabbard. The rigid blade of the sword is made of 420 stainless steel, hardened and dull. It is a decoration item, it is not designed for practical use. The weight of this sword without scabbard is approximately 950 g.
Manufactured in Taiwan.
tai+chi training+equipment training+gear apparatus asian+budoweapon metal kung+fu kung-fu chinese
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The Secret of Asian Weapons
Von Meister Chau Phan Toan
Dominate the handling of the Asian Weapons
More than 10 weapons are presented in this instructional DVD, including: ancient long sword, double sword, nunchaku, three-floor, Wakizashi, stick, spear, tonfa, chain, Sai ...
An event in the traditional martial arts!
More than 10 Asian weapons, Vorgestllt of an outstanding armorer.
Chau Phan Toan has worked for more than 40 years with weapons and offers in this DVD his knowledge of floor, Nunchaku, Ancient Long Sword, Wakizashi, lance, Double Sword, Sai, three floor, Tonfa, Chain ...
Since each weapon is different, the pictures fit on their characteristics. Accordingly, some of them are presented in empty space, others with partners in the Consolidated sequences ...
Filmed from multiple angles and slow motion for an optimal understanding, this movie will teach you to start simple movements, then more complex sequences and weapons kata. With some training, you will be an expert in more than 10 weapons.
Chau Phan Toan presents you with rigor and simplicity all the richness of the ancestral art of handling the weapons.
For beginners and advanced !!
The following menu items are available:
- Film
- Chapters
- Audio
- Bonus Photo Gallery =, scene, etc.
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos kendo kenjutsu schwertkampf iaido divers waffen kobudo nunchaku bo naginata speer messer schwert shuriken kung+fu kungfu taichi taiji taichichuan tai+chi+chuan
Tai Chi sword
by Haller
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Tai Chi sword by Haller
With flexible blade made of 420 stainless steel. The sheath is made of wood. Due to production, the blade of this model series sits loosely in the vagina. Handle extension: Length approx. 5 cm, width right-to-left approx. 4 cm, depth from top to bottom about 2 cm.
Made in China.
asian+budoweapon wodden+swords training+equipment training+gear apparatus tai+chi chinese
Tai Chi Wooden Sword
by Budoten
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Tai Chi Wooden Sword by Budoten
Special high wooden sword. The Roteicheschwert is about 98 cm long, made of 2 parts glued together and decorated with a carving.
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Asian weapons 3 DVD box!
Von Meister Andre Loupy & Angelique Mallard mit der Anwesenheit des Meisters Phan Toan Chau 7.Dan, Katy Barcelo
The technique of the Asian sword
By master Andre Loupy & Angelique Mallard with the presence of the master Phan toan Chau 7.Dan
The handle of the sword has evolved at all times and in all countries together with the war techniques. The style is adjusted on the enemy and its form. So has the sword, whether now European, African or Asian seineLegenden on the battlefields and in the stories of warriors are seeing.
We will tell you about a technique, or rather report, which comes from a Vietnamese region and from a school of martial arts, the Tay son vo DAO. Based on the five elements that dominate the life of the perpetrator, is regulated, to derive the essence and the essence of these elements Which one would be dealing with the sword through strict guidelines:
Wood, fire, Earth, metal and water.
In addition, many fighting techniques with a sword are shown and demonstrated.
The following menu items are available:
-Bonus = photo gallery u.v.m.
The DVD is playable in the following languages:
Total run time: 37 minutes
DVD 2:
Taiji of the fan of the Yang style taiji Shan
By Katy Barcelo
Katy Barceló practiced Taiji Quan since 1990 and is an expert in the art of the fan. In addition to the form, which will be presented in this DVD, she exercises also the modern form of competition of Yang Li, that has perfected it during a trip to China in 2002 to Nanjing. She also teaches taiji with the sword.
This DVD is a form of taiji of the fan (taiji Shan) of the Yang style presented to master Wang Yen-nien.
This DVD was realized, to facilitate learning and perfecting this form. The Tao Lu, the sequence is clearly broken down to facilitate the practice. Exercises and technical manipulations on the spot and in motion, presented fight technical applications with a partner, enrich the practice to an understanding of the gesture and a playful dimension. You are also on this DVD again To find a sequence, running for two, as well as gain insight into a form Which one connects the Yang and Chen styles.
The art of the fan combines the anchorage, the force and the suppleness of the Tiger, which jumps and unfolds to the 8 directions, with the ease of a bird, which turns and itself crashes on the wind to clear fluid, spiral, and precise movements. The openings and closings of the fan cheap produce an energetic circulation, regulating qi.
The following menu items are available:
-Bonus insight in the form of Yang Li, at the same time from 2 angles, photo gallery = u.v.m.
The DVD is playable in the following languages:
Total running time: 118 minutes
DVD 3:
The secret of Asian weapons
By master Chau Phan toan
Control the handling of the Asian weapons
More than 10 guns are presented in this instructional DVD, E.g.: antique sword, double sword, nunchaku, three floor, wakizashi, stock, Lance, Jason, chain, Sai...
An event in the traditional martial arts!
More than 10 weapons, Vorgestllt by an excellent weapon master.
Chau Phan toan works for more than 40 years with weapons and offers you his knowledge about stock, nunchaku, antique sword, wakizashi, Lance, double sword, Sai, three floor, tonfa, chain in this DVD...
Since each weapon is different, the recordings adapt their peculiarities. According to A few of you will be presented in the empty space, others with partners, in codified sequences...
Filmed from multiple angles and slow motion for an optimum understanding of this movie at the beginning is simple movements teach you, then more complex sequences and weapons kata. With some training, expert in more than 10 weapons are.
Chau Phan toan presents you all the wealth of traditional art in the handling of weapons with rigor and simplicity.
For beginners and advanced!
The following menu items are available:
-Bonus = photo gallery, film scene u.v.m.
The DVD is playable in the following languages:
Total running time: 88 minutes
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos kendo kenjutsu schwertkampf iaido divers waffen kobudo nunchaku bo naginata speer messer schwert shuriken kung+fu kungfu taichi taiji taichichuan tai+chi+chuan
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Naginata & Kumidashi Kihon
Sueyoshi Akeshi
Die Naginata ist eine traditionelle Waffe, die von den feudalen Samurais aus Japan benutzt wurde, ähnlich einer Lanze mit gebogener Klinge. Ihr Gebrauch ist ähnlich wie bei der Katana, sie ist jedoch kürzer als der Yari, wodurch man mehr Angriffe und Verteidigungen vornehmen und sie sehr schnell und wirksam genutzt werden kann. Auf dieser neuen DVD zeigt uns Meister Akeshi detailliert die 20 Kumidashi der Naginata und die 5 Kumidashi des Kihon, letztere, um eine Brücke zwischen Naginata und Katana zu schlagen und die Ähnlichkeiten zwischen beiden aufzuzeigen. Diese Kumidashi werden mit Bokken ausgeführt, das wegen seines Gewichts die eingeschlafenen Muskeln wieder erweckt, die entscheidend zur Handhabe und der technischen Entwicklung beider Waffen beitragen. Die Naginata stellt die Kampfkunstschüler vor ein neues Szenario von Entfernungen, Gewichten und Beweglichkeit und das Erlernen dieser Waffe ist für die Liebhaber des Kobujutsu besonders wichtig, denn sie konzentriert sich auf Gefühle, Gleichgewicht und Kraft, damit alles gemeinsam flüssig ablaufen kann. Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch, Französisch, Italienisch
5 Elements Xingyi Staff & Spea ...
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5 Elements Xingyi Staff & Spear
DVON Grandmaster Shou-Yu Liang
Following content has this great DVD:
- Introduction & History
- Demonstrations and protests
- Staff: Pi - Split
- Staff: Zuan - Drill
- Staff: Beng - Expand
- Staff: Pao - Cannon
- Staff: Heng - Sideway Shear
- Spear: Pi - Split
- Spear: Zuan - Drill
- Spear: Beng - Expand
- Spear: Pao - Cannon
- Spear: Heng - Sideway Shear
The techniques are explained and demonstrated very evident than in the application form and anahnd a partner.
In English (easy to understand without knowledge of English).
28 minutes
12 Animals Xingyi Staff & Spea ...
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12 Animals Xingyi Staff & Spear
DVON Grandmaster Shou-Yu Liang
Following content has this great DVD:
- Introduction & History
- Demonstrations and protests
- Staff: Long Xing - Dragon
- Staff: Hu Xing - Tiger
- Staff: Hou Xing - Monkey
- Staff: Tuo Xing - Water Lizard
- Staff: Ma Xing - Horse
- Staff: Ji Xing - Chicken
- Staff: Yan Xing - Swallow
- Staff: Yao Xing - Sparrow Hawk
- Staff: She Xing - Snake
- Staff: Tai Xing - Chinese Ostrich
- Staff: Ying Xiong & - Eagle & Bear
- Spear: Long Xing - Dragon
- Spear: Hu Xing - Tiger
- Spear: Hou Xing - Monkey
- Spear: Tuo Xing - Water Lizard
- Spear: Ma Xing - Horse
- Spear: Ji Xing - Chicken
- Spear: Yan Xing - Swallow
- Spear: Yao Xing - Sparrow Hawk
- Spear: She Xing - Snake
- Spear: Tai Xing - Chinese Ostrich
- Spear: Ying Xiong & - Eagle & Bear
The techniques are explained and demonstrated very evident than in the application form and anahnd a partner.
In English (easy to understand without knowledge of English).
37 minutes
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12 Animals Xingyi Sword
DVON Master Helen Liang & Tony Chen
Following content has this great DVD:
- Introduction & History
- Demonstrations and protests
- Basic techniques
- Sword: Long Xing - Dragon
- Sword: Hu Xing - Tiger
- Sword: Hou Xing - Monkey
- Sword: Tuo Xing - Water Lizard
- Sword: Ma Xing - Horse
- Sword: Ji Xing - Chicken
- Sword: Yan Xing - Swallow
- Sword: Yao Xing - Sparrow Hawk
- Sword: She Xing - Snake
- Sword: Tai Xing - Chinese Ostrich
- Sword: Ying Xiong & - Eagle & Bear
- Sword: Ying Xiong & - Eagle & Bear
The techniques are explained and demonstrated very evident than in the application form and anahnd a partner.
In English (easy to understand without knowledge of English).
43 minutes
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos kendo kenjutsu schwertkampf iaido divers waffen kobudo nunchaku bo naginata speer messer schwert shuriken kung+fu kungfu taichi taiji taichichuan tai+chi+chuan
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Deer Horn Knives
DVON Master Helen Liang
Following content has this great DVD:
- Introduction & History
- Demonstrations and protests
- Basic techniques
- Basic positions
- Defense against a sword attack
- Forms
The techniques are explained and demonstrated very evident than in the application form and anahnd a partner.
In English (easy to understand without knowledge of English).
45 minutes
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Telescope Sword Wu-Gong
mit Stahlklinge, inkl. Kunstledertasche