Multifunktionstasche, Tokaido, ...
by Tokaido
Multifunktionstasche, Tokaido, Monster Bag by Tokaido
Multifunktionstasche TOKAIDO Monster Bag
Diese ger?umige Tasche von Tokaido bietet jede Menge Platz f?r die komplette Kampfsportausr?stung wie Sch?tzer, Anzug, Mundschutz etc. EIne Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen F?chern macht diese Tasche zum idealen Begleiter zum Training und Wettkampf. Sporttasche kann sowohl als Schultertasche als auch als Rucksack getragen werden.
- Gro?es Hauptfach mit Rei?verschluss
- Innenfach mit Rei?verschluss
- Zwei Seitenf?cher mit Rei?verschluss
- Atmungsaktiv durch netzartige Eins?tze vorne
- Taschenboden ausziehbar/verl?ngerbar
- Rucksacktragesystem mit gepolstertem R?ckenteil
- Gepolsterter Trageriemen (abnehmbar)
- Robustes, abriebfestes Material: Polyester
Mesh Bag, Tokaido, schwarz
by Tokaido
Mesh Bag, Tokaido, schwarz by Tokaido
In dieser praktischen Mesh bag k?nnen verschwitzte Sch?tzer problemlos wieder trocknen.
FAIRTEX Sporttasche schwarz ca ...
FAIRTEX Sporttasche schwarz ca. 70x35x34cm by FAIRTEX
FAIRTEX Sporttasche schwarz ca. 70x35x34cm - Die Tasche ist gro? genug um das n?tige Equipment zum Training mitzunehmen. Viele einzelne F?cher sorgen f?r Ordnung und vielf?ltige Unterbringungsm?glichkeiten.
Hergestellt aus strapazierf?higem, wasserdichtem Nylon, getrenntes Unterfach mit Rei?verschlu?, z.B. f?r Handt?cher oder verschwitzte Trainingskleidung, separates Schuhfach, Handyfach mit Kopfh?rerausgang, 2 Netztasxchen stirnseitig, z.B. f?r Wasserflasche und f?r pers?nliche Sachen
Gr??e: 70 cm x 34 cm x 34 cm
Dojo-Line Canvas Bags
by DanRho
Dojo-Line Canvas Bags by DanRho
White carrier bag from 14 oz heavy, extremely tear cottonwith black Ziergurt. Lockable using cord band. By connecting the cord with the metal ring on the ground to pocket a practical backpack. Available in 3 versions.
Unfilled dimensions: 45 cm high, 40 cm brait
Multifunktionstasche, Tokaido, ...
by Tokaido
Multifunktionstasche, Tokaido, Monster Bag Pro by Tokaido
Multifunktionstasche TOKAIDO Monster Bag PRO
Diese ger?umige Tasche von Tokaido bietet jede Menge Platz f?r die komplette Kampfsportausr?stung wie Sch?tzer, Anzug, Mundschutz etc. Eine Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen F?chern macht diese Tasche zum idealen Begleiter zum Training und Wettkampf. Sporttasche kann sowohl als Schultertasche als auch als Rucksack getragen werden.
Eine ausf?hrliche Produktvorstellung als Video finden Sie hier:
Tokaido Monster Bag Pro with Fanny Clavien
- Gro?es Hauptfach mit Rei?verschluss
- Oben liegendes Deckelfach (formstabil)
- Innenfach mit Rei?verschluss
- Zwei Seitenf?cher mit Rei?verschluss
- Atmungsaktiv durch netzartige Eins?tze vorne
- Rucksacktragesystem mit gepolstertem R?ckenteil
- Gepolsterter Trageriemen (abnehmbar)
- Taschenboden ausziehbar/verl?ngerbar
- Stabile, rutschfeste Hartgummi-F?sse unten
- Robustes, abriebfestes Material: Polyester
Sporttasche, Dax Combi Judo, s ...
by DAX
Sporttasche, Dax Combi Judo, schwarz by DAX
Eine mittelgro?e Sporttasche, die sich mit nur wenigen Handgriffen zu einem Rucksack umfunktionieren l?sst. Ideal f?r Reisen zum Sportevent oder als Trainingstasche.
- Stabil und leicht
- Rei?verschluss oben
- Ausziehbare Rucksack-Trageriemen
- L?ngenverstellbarer Schultergurt
- 2 verschlie?bare Au?enf?cher
- Verst?rkter Boden
Sports bag
by Budoten
Sports bag by Budoten
Sports bag with printed multicolored
Martial arts motif (side and at both sides)
Size approx. 48 x 23 x 28 cm, incl. shoulder strap
1 main pocket, 1 side pocket and name plate holder
adidas JUDO Sporttasche - Spor ...
by Adidas
adidas JUDO Sporttasche - Sportrucksack by Adidas
Die ideale Sportasche f?r Training und Wettkampf. Mit gro?en Rei?verschlu? am Hauptfach und 2 F?chern an den L?ngsseiten.
Kann auch als Rucksack genutzt werden. Die Gurte liegen gut verstaut in einem separaten Fach.
Kick-Thaiboxing bag large
leisure+wear casual+wear bag aikido kendo tai chi taekwondo karate ju+jutsu ju-jutsu kung+fu kung-fu judo kickboxing thaiboxing ninja boxing
Dojo-line canvas bag, black
by DanRho
Dojo-line canvas bag, black by DanRho
The 14 oz bag is closed by means of cord band heavy, extremely tear-resistant cotton canvas material and black decorative belt.
A practical rucksack is created by connecting the cord with the metal ring on the bottom of the bag.
Sporttasche, Zebra Combi, schw ...
Sporttasche, Zebra Combi, schwarz by ZEBRA
Mittelgro?e Sporttasche, die mit wenigen Klicks zu einem Rucksack umfunktioniert werden kann. Ideal f?r Ausfl?ge zu Sportveranstaltungen oder als Sporttasche.
adidas WKF Sporttasche - Sport ...
by Adidas
adidas WKF Sporttasche - Sportrucksack by Adidas
Die ideale Sportasche f?r Training und Wettkampf. Mit gro?en Rei?verschlu? am Hauptfach und 2 F?chern an den L?ngsseiten.
Kann auch als Rucksack genutzt werden. Die Gurte liegen gut verstaut in einem separaten Fach.
leisure+wear casual+wear bag karate
Sports bag Kaiten 2016 - means
by Kaiten-Kamikaze
Sports bag Kaiten 2016 - means by Kaiten-Kamikaze
With padded handle and removable shoulder strap.
The main and side pockets are provided with a durable zip. With separate inner pocket for valuables and mesh pockets and elastic loops for bottles.
The bags are great for muster of embroidery whether names or club logos ...
- Capacity: 55 liters
- Dimensions: 62 cm x 32 cm x 30 cm
- Colors: navy, red and black
- With stiched Kaiten lettering
The bags and backpacks of the brand Kaiten are many years useful helpers many Karateka and other athletes.
The high-quality bags and backpacks can be seen worldwide in the dojo.
All training items can be stored always ordered and clearly through the compartments and side pockets.
Select (small, medium, large or backpack) so find your number all your utensils Place.
Umhängetasche, Mizuno Enamel ...
Umhängetasche, Mizuno Enamel Bag, schwarz/gold by MIZUNO
Glänzendes Außenmaterial, Verstellbarer Trageriemen, Ein Fach mit Reißverschluss, Frontseite enthält weiteres Fach Maße: ca. 54 x 33 x 26 cm
Umhängetasche, Mizuno Enamel ...
Umhängetasche, Mizuno Enamel Bag, schwarz/rosa by MIZUNO
Glänzendes Außenmaterial, Verstellbarer Trageriemen, Ein Fach mit Reißverschluss, Frontseite enthält weiteres Fach Maße: ca. 54 x 33 x 26 cm
Sporttasche MASITA BOCA
by Masita
Sporttasche MASITA BOCA by Masita
Sporttasche aus 100% Polyester, stabil, schmutz- und wasserabweisend, mit 2 Stirnf?chern, Tragegriffen und Schultertragegurt, Doppel-Rei?verschlu?, 4 attraktive Farbkombinationen, Gr. L = ca. 80 x 35 x 45 cm, Gr. M = ca. 65 x 25 x 30 cm, Gr. S = ca. 50 x 25 x 30 cm, Gr. XS = ca. 42 x 21 x 26 cm
by Masita
Rucksack MASITA MANCHESTER by Masita
Schöner Rucksack aus stabilem und wasserabweisendem 100% Polyester-Material, abwaschbar. Bestehend aus Hauptfach, groÃ?em Vorfach und Bodenfach (für Schuhe/Bücher/Waschzeug...). Gepolsterte Schultergurte, einstellbar. Schönes Design.
Transport bag MESH
by Budoten
Transport bag MESH by Budoten
Excellent for breezy storage of protectors. You always have to dry everything together and can even sweaty pads and put no mold on.
Large enough to accommodate a complete taekwondo protective equipment incl. Vest, of course, also ideal for boxing gloves and other protectors
B?KER SnacPac, black
by B?ker
B?KER SnacPac, black by B?ker
Innovative products from Boker Arbolito S.A. in Argentina! 800-P SnacPac Travel Set tucks into lunch box, backpack or glove compartment for instant meal-time convenience. Unique design is so handy, it's patented! SnacPac combines a stainless steel fork and serrated knife, plus spoon, with salt and pepper shakers in one handy little package. Weighs just 3 ounces! Durable ABS plasic case prevents fork from poling through your lunch bag and keeps utensils clean. Completely dishwasher-safe, too. Choose a different color for every member of the family. Made in the Boker Arbolito S.A. plant in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Danrho bag style
by DanRho
Danrho bag style by DanRho
Practical decorative retro bag from sturdy artificial leather including additional outside pocket. Bag in attractive design ideal for training or leisure time.
ATS Hantelstangen-Wandhalterun ...
by Trendy
ATS Hantelstangen-Wandhalterung by Trendy
ATS Hantelstangen-Wandhalterung
Dieses Wandmontagesystem kann in beliebigem Abstand an die Wand geschraubt werden und bietet Platz für bis zu acht Langhantelstangen.
Maße: 880 x 120 x 1350 mm
adidas Boxing Sports Bag - Spo ...
by Adidas
adidas Boxing Sports Bag - Sport backpack by Adidas
The ideal bag for sports training and competition. With large zipper on main compartment and two pockets on the sides. Without print.
Can also be used as a backpack. The straps are well stored in a separate compartment.
Rollbag, Black
by B?ker
Rollbag, Black by B?ker
This small bag increases in size when extra storage and carry capacity is needed. When empty, tightly rolled and secured with its Velcro fasteners, the pouch is minimal in size. This handy pouch has endless possibilities - carry water bottles, food etc.
B?KER SnacPac, green/white
by B?ker
B?KER SnacPac, green/white by B?ker
Innovative products from Boker Arbolito S.A. in Argentina! 800-P SnacPac Travel Set tucks into lunch box, backpack or glove compartment for instant meal-time convenience. Unique design is so handy, it's patented! SnacPac combines a stainless steel fork and serrated knife, plus spoon, with salt and pepper shakers in one handy little package. Weighs just 3 ounces! Durable ABS plasic case prevents fork from poling through your lunch bag and keeps utensils clean. Completely dishwasher-safe, too. Choose a different color for every member of the family. Made in the Boker Arbolito S.A. plant in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
B?KER SnacPac, blue/white
by B?ker
B?KER SnacPac, blue/white by B?ker
Innovative products from Boker Arbolito S.A. in Argentina! 800-P SnacPac Travel Set tucks into lunch box, backpack or glove compartment for instant meal-time convenience. Unique design is so handy, it's patented! SnacPac combines a stainless steel fork and serrated knife, plus spoon, with salt and pepper shakers in one handy little package. Weighs just 3 ounces! Durable ABS plasic case prevents fork from poling through your lunch bag and keeps utensils clean. Completely dishwasher-safe, too. Choose a different color for every member of the family. Made in the Boker Arbolito S.A. plant in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
B?KER SnacPac, red/white
by B?ker
B?KER SnacPac, red/white by B?ker
Innovative products from Boker Arbolito S.A. in Argentina! 800-P SnacPac Travel Set tucks into lunch box, backpack or glove compartment for instant meal-time convenience. Unique design is so handy, it's patented! SnacPac combines a stainless steel fork and serrated knife, plus spoon, with salt and pepper shakers in one handy little package. Weighs just 3 ounces! Durable ABS plasic case prevents fork from poling through your lunch bag and keeps utensils clean. Completely dishwasher-safe, too. Choose a different color for every member of the family. Made in the Boker Arbolito S.A. plant in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
B?KER SnacPac, black/white
by B?ker
B?KER SnacPac, black/white by B?ker
Innovative products from Boker Arbolito S.A. in Argentina! 800-P SnacPac Travel Set tucks into lunch box, backpack or glove compartment for instant meal-time convenience. Unique design is so handy, it's patented! SnacPac combines a stainless steel fork and serrated knife, plus spoon, with salt and pepper shakers in one handy little package. Weighs just 3 ounces! Durable ABS plasic case prevents fork from poling through your lunch bag and keeps utensils clean. Completely dishwasher-safe, too. Choose a different color for every member of the family. Made in the Boker Arbolito S.A. plant in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
B?KER SnacPac, white
by B?ker
B?KER SnacPac, white by B?ker
Innovative products from Boker Arbolito S.A. in Argentina! 800-P SnacPac Travel Set tucks into lunch box, backpack or glove compartment for instant meal-time convenience. Unique design is so handy, it's patented! SnacPac combines a stainless steel fork and serrated knife, plus spoon, with salt and pepper shakers in one handy little package. Weighs just 3 ounces! Durable ABS plasic case prevents fork from poling through your lunch bag and keeps utensils clean. Completely dishwasher-safe, too. Choose a different color for every member of the family. Made in the Boker Arbolito S.A. plant in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Active Shooter Bag Mag Front F ...
by Maxpedition
Active Shooter Bag Mag Front Foliage Green by Maxpedition
Main subjects are completely lined with velcro, allowing the use of Hook & Loop Accessories. 4 front pockets with Velcro flap to take pens, mobile phone etc. on. Side-MOLLE loops allow attachment of additional elements. Recommended accessories: Hook & Loop, Janus Extension Bag, Grimloc, Tac-Tie comp. Elements.
freizeitartikel taschen sporttaschen trainingstaschen camping freizeit outdoor jagd travel umhaengetasche
Small Briefcase
by SwissWin
Small Briefcase by SwissWin
Small Notebook Case (up to 14 "). Padded main compartment, the second large compartment and lid pocket with organizer. Grab handles and removable shoulder strap.
Sporttasche MASITA Manchester
by Masita
Sporttasche MASITA Manchester by Masita
Sporttasche aus 100% Polyester, stabil, schmutz- und wasserabweisend, mit 2 Stirnfächern, Tragegriffen und Schultertragegurt, 5 attraktive Farbkombinationen , Gr. L = ca. 74 x 29 x 41 cm, Gr. M = ca. 57 x 26 x 37 cm, Gr. S = ca. 50 x 24 x 31 cm, Gr. XS = ca. 42 x 21 x 25 cm
PX Sporttasche COMPACT ca. 65x ...
PX Sporttasche COMPACT ca. 65x33x33cm
Praktische Nylon Sporttasche mit 2 Stirnseitigen F?chern, eines davon ist als Schuhbeutel nutzbar. Eine kleine Tasche mit Rei?verschlu? auf der langen Seite ist f?r Pa?, Unterlagen oder Geldb?rsen gedacht.
freizeitartikel taschen sporttaschen trainingstaschen transporttasche
Sporttasche 48x23x28 cm
Die Tasche hat ein Hauptfach und ein Seitenfach sowie einen Namenschildtr?ger.
Rucksack - bag TopTen Kickboxi ...
by Top Ten
Rucksack - bag TopTen Kickboxing by Top Ten
Practical and spacious! Can be used as a sports bag or backpack with two shoulder belts. Made of high quality durable "Rexion Maya" leatherette.
Trolley TopTen Deluxe travel j ...
by Top Ten
Trolley TopTen Deluxe travel jumbo by Top Ten
The new TOP TEN trolley "Deluxe travel" from high-quality, heavy, and durable polyester / nylon material. Enhanced zippers at all comfortable and functional disciplines.
A real Deluxe travel bag for the much travelling martial artist. Additional shoulder straps for flexibility.
freizeitartikel taschen business rucksack reisetasche trolley pilotenkoffer laptoptasche