Ø 5.00 (3 votes)

Shotokan karate Kyu tests by 8-1.Kyu

Von Akio Nagai 8.Dan Shotokan Karate Do

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product-id: 2082650
Budoten-ranking: 2218

only € 29.50

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1665 days ago: 24.07.20
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Short Description

DVD, in German language, 85 minutes
weight: approx. 0.1 kg

Detail Description

Warning, these examinations is by Akio Nagai and meets the requirements of the SKID-Karate Association. At the age of 15 Nagai Shihan began the study of karate do, 18 years of age, he entered the Takushoku University in Tokyo and was trained there during the next four years to the Karate Instructor.
Nagai Shihan in Germany lives since 1965. He was the first Japanese instructor who remained in Germany and here for the spread of karate, no matter which Association, provided.
the Shotokan karate international Germany (SKID) was founded in 1975 by Nagai Shihan. He considered his life's work building of the SKID and the proliferation of karate do in subsequent generations.

The DVD for the karate students of belt colours white, yellow, orange, green, purple, and Brown. Peter Nuding (4th Dan), and Eugen Landgraf (6th Dan), demonstrating the testing program of the S.K.I.D in this video under the guidance of Nagai Shihan. The representation is confined not only to the demonstrations of various techniques, but many slow-motion studies and personal adjustments by Nagai Shihan To give this video the unique touches.
Both Kata are verbose, performed several times in slow motion and from different directions.
Furthermore, all Kata with detailed Bunkai (application) to the partner are shown.

Following Kata are taught on this great instructional DVD:
-Heian nidan
-Heian sandan
-Heian 四段
-Heian Godan
-Bassai Dai

All Kata are verbose, performed several times in slow motion and from different directions.


shipping costs: from 5.30 € (standard-parcel to Germany up to 4kg)
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  • Price Trend since 21.10.06

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29.50 €

29.50 €

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current price: 29.50 €

lowest price: 29.50 €

highest price: 34.20 €

last change of price 1665 days ago
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  • Customer Reviews,  Ø 5.00 (3 reviews)

  • ID# 1337020224
    publishedby Sven Sevke

    Finger weg!
    Oft gibt es keinerlei Kommentare, die DVD ist nahezu lautlos, so dass man an einen Fehler seiner Lautsprecher denkt. Die DVD ist dilettantisch produziert. Finger weg! read more ...

  • ID# 1231182923

    sehr gute Ware
    Ein unschlagbares Preis-Leistungsverhältnis. Meine Empfehlung: Sofort zugreifen! Diese DVD ist ein absolutes Muss. read more ...

  • ID# 1230229393

    sehr empfehlenswert
    Sehr gutes Produkt. Meisterliche Katavorführung. Sehr hilfreich als Prüfungsvorbereitung. read more ...

published on 2012.5.14 by Sven Sevke

Finger weg!
Oft gibt es keinerlei Kommentare, die DVD ist nahezu lautlos, so dass man an einen Fehler seiner Lautsprecher denkt. Die DVD ist dilettantisch produziert. Finger weg!

published on 2009.1.5 by Anonym

sehr gute Ware
Ein unschlagbares Preis-Leistungsverhältnis. Meine Empfehlung: Sofort zugreifen! Diese DVD ist ein absolutes Muss.

published on 2008.12.25

sehr empfehlenswert
Sehr gutes Produkt. Meisterliche Katavorführung. Sehr hilfreich als Prüfungsvorbereitung.

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