some of our products in this category
Hapkido - Hankido
by Budo Internation ...
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Hapkido - Hankido by Budo International
Heo In Hwan
Grossmeister Heo In Hwan, 10.Dan, bietet eine ganz seltene Trainingsform des Hapkido. Das Wissen aus Jahrhunderten koreanischer Selbstverteidigungspraktik wird ihnen in Form von exotischen Bewegungsabl?ufen und ?bungen vermittelt.
Dies ist eine Kassette f?r Anf?nger und selbst f?r Leute mit langwieriger Hapkido Erfahrung.
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Hapkido Sin Moo
by Budo Internation ...
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Hapkido Sin Moo by Budo International
R. Balbastre
Sin Moo Hapkido ist eine Kampfkunst, die alle Kampfdistanzen enth?lt und so den realen Kampf lehrt. Sie teilen sich in drei Gruppen auf: Die lange Distanz, in der die Tritte und die Spr?nge benutzt werden. Die mittlere Distanz, in der die H?nde f?r Schl?ge, Hebel, Nervendr?cken und W?rfe eingesetzt werden und die kurze Distanz (oder Nahkampf) sowohl im Stehen als auch auf dem Boden.
video videos dvd dvds lehrmittel hapkido
Hapkido by Philippe Pinerd
by Independance
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Hapkido by Philippe Pinerd by Independance
Von Meister Philippe Pinerd
Philippe Pinerd is a recognized Hapkido instructor.
This great Lerh-DVD has the following content:
-Crash - and case exercises
-Roll-off exercises
-Flight role
-Basic techniques
-Various kicks
-Different attack techniques with the poor
-Defense techniques against touching on the wrists
-Lever, grips, foot sweeping techniques and throws
-Self defense against touching on the lapel
-Defense techniques against touching on clothing
-Self defense against attacks from the rear
-Defense techniques against Nelson + Doppelnelson
-Verteidigungstechniekn hair touch
-Self defense against stick attacks
-Different attack techniques
-Police and evacuation handles
-Combat exercises
DVD combat Hapkido vol.2
by Budo Internation ...
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DVD combat Hapkido vol.2 by Budo International
John Pelegrini
A direct style, powerful and modern, thanks to a new technical objectives, takes the kicks below the belt line, strong blocks, static positions and legal bases scrutinized.On this DVD, master Pelegrini will show us how to efficiently use the techniques of the lever, the trapping, pressure points and disarms against knives and firearms for self defense. An excellent work, which is addressed to all interested parties of the realistic fight.
VIDEO Tae-Hapkido Kim Soeng Vo ...
by Budo Internation ...
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VIDEO Tae-Hapkido Kim Soeng Vol. 1 by Budo International
Kim Seong Tae
Meister Kim Seong Tae, einem der zwei 9. Dantr?ger dieses Stils, verdanken wir dieses Video, das sich mit offensiven und defensiven Elementen besch?ftigt. Greifen des Handgelenks, der Haare usw. und komplexe W?rfe sind dabei ebenso effizient wie die gezeigten Schl?ge und W?rfe. Ein scharfer Stil, der Schlag-, Tritt- und Wurftechniken miteinander verbindet.
Korean martial arts 2 DVD box!
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Korean martial arts 2 DVD box!
Von Meister Philippe Pinerd
By master Philippe Pinerd
Philippe Pinerd is coach of the French team
A complete combat system from beginner to advanced
HAP means uniting, focus. Ki, the vital, cosmic energy. Do, the way and its consummation. We therefore propose: the way to the unification of the energy.
Hapkido is a set of techniques and knowledge about the control of the joints of the body, the tendons, ligaments and muscles. The bars on the breathing and blood trails, as well as the direct impacts on the vital points of the body form a complete system for the efficient self defense.
The current form was part of the discipline in the half of the 20th century on the initiative of master Choi Yong Sool and emerged from a synthesis between the Yamara of Japanese Samurais (Daito Ryu school) by master Takeda) and the Korean BL set.
Philippe Pinerd presents you here A few fundamental technical steps when Hapkido training, which he acquired during his long practical experience in South Korea. This DVD the techniques of Phaki Sul, gradually shown presents and filmed with two cameras. This makes your workout and makes it easier to understand the movements.
This great Lerh-DVD has the following content:
-Kokki (the joint controls)
-Donjigui the litters)
-Paegui (the punches of liberation of and clamp handles)
-Chigui (the strokes)
-Crash - and case exercises
-Roll-off exercises
-Flight role
-Basic techniques
-Various kicks
-Different attack techniques with the poor
-Defense techniques against touching on the wrists
-Lever, grips, foot sweeping techniques and throws
-Self defense against touching on the lapel
-Defense techniques against touching on clothing
-Self defense against attacks from the rear
-Defense techniques against Nelson + Doppelnelson
-Verteidigungstechniekn hair touch
-Self defense against stick attacks
-Different attack techniques
-Police and evacuation handles
-Combat exercises
The following menu items are available:
-Bonus photo gallery, interviews = u.v.m.
The DVD is playable in the following languages:
-English French-German Spanish
Total running time: 93 minutes
Taekwondo from beginner to black belt
From the white to the black 1.Dan
Technology & forms
By master Michel Carron
Michal Carron has the 5.Dan in taekwondo. He practised for over 25 years under the direction of master Lee Kwan Young taekwondo. He was several times winner of Coupe de France technique (technical French Championship) and was also 5 times technical vice champion of France.
The Olympic discipline is taekwondo, today at the public better known in his sporty version, especially the spectacular leg techniques and fights with Plastron. In your entirety is but less known in the Korean martial art: the principles, many of the blockade and attack techniques, self defense and the forms.
The goal of this DVD: You direct in your endeavors after the black belt. All necessary aspects, from the most basic up to the sophisticated are treated: as knotting together to his belt as one his Dubok, the jumps, a customized physical preparation, the blockade and attack techniques, the kicks, the fight started, self defense and the 8 Taegeug forms, you must master to obtain a black belt.
So that we can better understand the consequences of the action, Michel Carron shows you how they are applied to partners, so that you can better capture the meaning and use. The forms with an original recording technique also make it more visible.
This is a true pass for a black belt!
This great teaching DVD has the following content:
-Beginners program of white and yellow belt
-Physical and Psysische preparation
-Natural weapons of the upper limbs
-Natural weapons of the lower limbs
-The impact levels
-The positions
-The block techniques
-Attack techniques with fists
-Attack techniques with the feet
-The combat steps
-Forms Tae Gantt IL Jang
-Forms Tae Geuk Yi Jang
-Advanced of green and blue belt program
-Forms Tae Geuk Sam Jang
-Forms Tae Geuk SA Jang
-Forms Tae Geuk Oh Jang
-Forms Tae Geuk Youk Jang
-Program for advanced of Red belt
-Forms Tae Geuk Tchil Jang
-Forms Tae Geuk PAL Jang
The following menu items are available:
-Bonus = self defense techniques, interview, photo gallery u.v.m.
The DVD is playable in the following languages:
-English French-German Spanish
Total running time: 110 minutes
DVD Hwan - Hapkido
by Budo Internation ...
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DVD Hwan - Hapkido by Budo International
Grossmeister Heo In Hwan
Grandmaster Heo In Hwan, 10th Dan, offers a very rare form of training in Hapkido. The knowledge gained from centuries of Korean self-defense practice is imparted to them in the form of exotic movements and exercises.
DVD Tae - Hapkido Tae Kim Soen ...
by Budo Internation ...
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DVD Tae - Hapkido Tae Kim Soeng Vol.1 by Budo International
Kim Seong Tae
Master Kim Seong Tae, one of two black belts 9 of this style, we owe this video that deals with offensive and defensive elements. Gripping the wrist, the hair, etc. and complex litters are just as efficient as the blows and throws shown. A sharp style, the blows, kicks and throwing techniques together.
DVD Tae - Hapkido Tae Kim Soen ...
by Budo Internation ...
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DVD Tae - Hapkido Tae Kim Soeng Vol.2 by Budo International
Kim Seong Tae
This video of Grandmaster Kim Seong Tae (9th Dan) is the second in a series about the Hoi Jeon Moo Sool Hapkido. This defenses against one or two opponents appear and a large number of defensive measures against fist attacks, which always end with the classic controls, throws and blows of Hapkido. Kim Seong Tae is undoubtedly the most important representative of this beautiful Korean martial art.
DVD Kwang - Hapkido
by Budo Internation ...
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DVD Kwang - Hapkido by Budo International
Kwang Sik Myung
GM Kwang Sik Myung is president of the World Hapkido Federation and 10 Dan Hapkido, which he is the only one of the founder of Hapkido, Choi Yong Sul GGM has awarded this high graduation. In his work on the techniques of attack and defense you will learn about many aspects, which he learned from Choi Yong Sul RCD itself. Characterized by a mode of teaching that has earned him his worldwide reputation, you learned this time the most important techniques (levers, throwing, sweeping, kicking, etc.) and the possibilities of defense against attacks with his fist, kick, grabbing the wrist and sleeve and against knife attacks. A unique opportunity to understand what is really Hapkido.
DVD Balbastre - Sin Moo Hapkid ...
by Budo Internation ...
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DVD Balbastre - Sin Moo Hapkido by Budo International
R. Balbastre
The Sin Moo Hapkido is a martial art that includes all combat distances, and so well prepared for the real fight. These distances are divided into three groups: the long distance, are used in the kicks and jumps - the average distance, in the hands of shock, lever, nervous Press and throws are used - and the short distance (or melee) both in standing and on the ground.
DVD: Pellegrini - combat Hapki ...
by Budo Internation ...
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DVD: Pellegrini - combat Hapkido Street self defense by Budo International
Whether in a restaurant, at the soccer stadium or simply strolling down the street with your family someone can imagine you both during the day and at night in the way, you to Rob, to fall or even to kill. In this work, John Pellegrini, founder of combat Hapkido, shows you the key to defend against the most common attacks — including with weapons - in a realistic environment, on the basis of common sense and scientific principles. Armed with the knowledge gathered in the practice of this system you can develop the mental, emotional, and physical skills necessary to survive the dangerous reality of the street.
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos hapkido
Combat Hapkido - Tactical Pres ...
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Combat Hapkido - Tactical Pressure Points Vol.1
B "In this all new, state-of-the-art, instructional DVD series, Master - Mark Gridley presents and CLEARLY Explains the use of Pressure Points in - Self Defense.
The Combat Hapkido "" Tactical Pressure Points "" program is - the result of many years of study and research with the guidance and - assistance of the World's leading experts and it is based on sound, - practical and modern Self Defense principles without the excessive - complexity or the mystical hype of other pressure point system.
The - Combat Hapkido "" Tactical Pressure Points "" course is Widely used by Law - Enforcement agencies around the World and can be integrated into any - Martial Arts program.
Volume 1 Apprentice Instructor Course. Volume 2 - Associate Instructor Course. Volume 3 Instructor Course. Volume 4 Senior - Instructor Course.
Language: -French - - English - Spanish - Italian "
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This is Hapkido Vol.1
DVON Grand Master Yong Sung Lee 9th Dan
Grand Master Yong Sung Lee is 9.Dan in Hapmudo, and President of the World Mudo Federation, the further he is a master in Kung Fu, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, Kickboxing and Tai Chi. Yong Sung Lee dominates over 70 weapons.
Following content has this great teaching DVD:
- Introduction
- Basic techniques of Hapkido
- A finger-defense techniques
- Defense against holds at the wrist
- Defense against headlock
- Defense against grip from behind
- Defense against fist attacks
Pull defense against hair -
- Defense against Fußangriffe
- Leverage techniques
- Fixing techniques
- Case studies
- Real roles
- Defense techniques
- Combat exercises on partner
- Stretching
- Breathing exercises
- Warm-up
- Kicks
The DVD is menu.
In English (easy to understand without knowledge of English).
Total running time: 47 minutes
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This is Hapkido Vol.2
DVON Grand Master Yong Sung Lee 9th Dan
Grand Master Yong Sung Lee is 9.Dan in Hapmudo, and President of the World Mudo Federation, the further he is a master in Kung Fu, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, Kickboxing and Tai Chi. Yong Sung Lee dominates over 70 weapons.
Following content has this great teaching DVD:
- Introduction
- Combination of several techniques attackers
- Fighting techniques on partner
- Defense techniques against holds at the wrist
- Defense techniques against holds the arm
- Defense techniques against holds at the shoulder
- Fußfegetechniken
- Concentration Exercise
- Breathing Exercise
- Weapons training long pole
- Combat Training with the long stick
- Subjects demonstration
The DVD is menu.
In English (easy to understand without knowledge of English).
Total running time: 40 minutes