Secrets of Okinawan Karate & Kobudo Koryu Uchinadi Gyaku-Waza

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Secrets of Okinawan Karate & Kobudo Koryu Uchinadi Gyaku-Waza

Patrick McCarthy

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product-id: 2086096
Budoten-ranking: 12072

only € 39.99

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5219 days ago: 27.10.10
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Short Description

DVD, total running time approximately 92 minutes in English (even without knowledge of English easy to understand).
weight: approx. 0.1 kg

Detail Description

By Patrick McCarthy - International Ryukyu Karate Research Society

Following content has this great DVD:

Gyaku-waza Volume 16

Gyaku-waza is the art of protecting oneself against unprovoked acts of physical violence. The term, Gyaku-waza, literally Means reversal-techniques, and Describes a group of close-quarter self-defense practices originally developed to be used against being violently Seized and controlled by on aggressive opponent. Dating back to a time before the development and propagation of modern styles, thesis old-school self-defense practices are based upon Entirely Those original empty-handed and one-against-one domestic acts of physical violence, Which habitually plagued the 19th century southern Chinese culture, from where this art evolved.

Gyaku-waza Represents the pathway in between physical engagement, responding Appropriately and controlling or Submitting to opponent, without the use of lethal force. Once cloaked in a iron-clad ritual of secrecy synthesis time-Honoured, and highly functional Prescribed application practices, employ an impressive collection of fighting tactics ranging from percussive impact, joint manipulation, limb entanglement, nerve pressure and cavity seizing, to blood and air deprivation, balance displacement, and controlling to a standing opponent into Both clinch and or on the ground. The attack scenarios range from the classical wrist, hair and garment grabs, being Seized from various standing positions, the dangerous clinch, headlock, full nelson, and various kinds of bear hugs, to different kinds of chokes, joint-locks and limb manipulations, single / double leg take down, and defending oneself on the ground, Including escaping the mount, passing the guard and dealing with back control, alongwith being punched and kicked in the face by the attacker while down. From a defensive point of view, Gyaku-waza is a complete method in and of Itself without the need for additional measures used.
Gyaku-waza is presented at learning speed using passive resistance and from several angles in order to make it easy to identify and master each lesson.

The techniques are demonstrated very understandable.


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