Karate-Do Nyumon, deutsche Erstausgabe

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Karate-Do Nyumon, deutsche Erstausgabe

Gichin Funakoshi, übersetzt von Ralph P. Görlach
by Schlatt

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product-id: 2080707
Budoten-ranking: 1428

only € 33.19

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2191 days ago: 18.09.18
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Short Description

German, 136 pages, approx. 210 photos
weight: approx. 0.6 kg

Detail Description

This compilation from his unpublished of writings, personal notes, and records of Funakoshi Gichin is now for the first time in German language. It is one of the most important publications that we have from the early stages of the written form of karate. In it, Funakoshi manifests itself to the history, philosophy and technique of the original martial arts of on Okinawa.

The small factory is so significant that his original text is recorded by the Renomierverlag Kodansha in the series the master introductory. Parts of the Nyûmon certainly belong to the oldest available texts of karate. To portray this martial art before the background of the world in the late 19th century medieval-themed on Okinawa, with its close association with the Chinese culture. In this time, the youth of Funakoshi falls.

When Funakoshi in retrospect remembers, blur the boundaries between myth and reality in a way that was quite natural for his medieval strong thinking in his perception of the karate. For example in the gripping portrayal of the legendary two struggle between the great masters of karate Matsumura and Uehara. In her emotional and perceptual world of the Ancient Orient might confront one last time in full clarity us. Funakoshi sings the ideal of non-violent, Grandmaster karate as well as whose relentless linking with the ultimate question about life and death.

The Nyumon (lit. Gateway) provides such access does not Go ahead the technical, but also the emotional world of the original karate. In addition to the main techniques and ten no kata explained his views to karate Funakoshi in this work and gives many helpful hints.

It shows as well as in the field of tension of life-threatening conflicts, the principle that a Karateka never results in the first attack, can endure. Karate do Nyumon leaves us even today is still the development of the modern Kumite with track at hand of the now almost forgotten Kumite form ten no kata, Omote - and URA version.

Many old photographs of Funakoshi's direct disciples are all ahead of his son Gigo, our today's Karate considers essentially goes back to the inspiring. But there are also many photos, which may seem unusual to us. The performers of the ten no kata are masters of Shoto-Kai by Shigeru Egami. These recordings can detect, in what different direction has evolved the doctrine of the founder of Shotokan style.


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  • Customer Reviews,  Ø 5.00 (1 review)

  • ID# 1530986158
    publishedby Peter R.

    Sorgfältige Übersetzung
    Dieses Werk wurde auf das sorgfältigste übersetzt. Der Übersetzer hat augenscheinlich großen Wert darauf gelegt, die Nuancen der Sprache so genau wie möglich wiederzugeben. Auf diese Weise ist dieses Einführungswerk zu Funakoshis Karate-Do Kyohan, dem Meistertext, eine echte Fundgrube und bietet einen direkten Zugang zu Funakoshis Gedanken, der in diesem Werk auch verschiedene Hintergründe ... read more ...

published on 2018.7.7 by Peter R.

Sorgfältige Übersetzung
Dieses Werk wurde auf das sorgfältigste übersetzt. Der Übersetzer hat augenscheinlich großen Wert darauf gelegt, die Nuancen der Sprache so genau wie möglich wiederzugeben. Auf diese Weise ist dieses Einführungswerk zu Funakoshis Karate-Do Kyohan, dem Meistertext, eine echte Fundgrube und bietet einen direkten Zugang zu Funakoshis Gedanken, der in diesem Werk auch verschiedene Hintergründe näher erläutert und so einen tieferen Einblick in die Geschichte des Karate eröffnet.
Ich kann dieses Buch nur jedem wärmstens empfehlen. Ich habe den Kauf nicht bereut und verschenke dieses Buch auch heute noch immer wieder gern an Freunde und Schüler.

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