some of our products in this category

Katana practical Shirakawa bla ...
by Musashi

€ 279.00    only € 251.10

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Katana practical Shirakawa black Saya by Musashi

Here you will find the Katana Dragon of Musashi, the blade of the sword was made of 1060 carbon steel differenziall tempered. The Hamon of the sword is authentic in a Midare Gunome pattern. The blade has a blood Groove and is very sharp.
Included: Katana, scabbard (Saya), cloth sword sheath and Musashi Musashi authenticity certificate. Blade: differential gehärteteter 1060 carbon steel Saya: the saya is made of wood with a high-gloss finish, the Koiguchi from Bull's horn. The Sageo is made of black cotton. Tsuka: The Tsuba is made of blackened steel with a dragon motif. The Nakago is secured by two smoked bamboo of Mekugis in the handle. The handle is covered with Stingray skin imitation. The sword can be used for cutting exercises.

John Lee III - Dragon Katana
by John Lee

€ 159.00    only € 143.10

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John Lee III - Dragon Katana by John Lee

This sword comes with a certificate which guarantees the authenticity. It grinded sharp and comes in a fabric cover. The wooden handle is a tra occupied with real fish skin. The wooden scabbard is covered with high-gloss lacquer and made the tsuba ornate bronze. It is delivered in a
fabric-covered wooden box collector. This sword is removable. The Tsuba can replace. The sword is suitable for training. Made of non-folded steel.

Made in China.

Tanto Fudoshin Zatoichi
by Fudoshin

only € 47.21

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Tanto Fudoshin Zatoichi by Fudoshin


hand forged 1095 carbon steel, blade type Maru, blade: HRC60, blade back: HRC40, blade length: 9.45, total length: 15.35, lacquered wooden Saya (scabbard), handle is coated with authentic ray skin, handle is traditionally wrapped with cotton thread, blade is razor-sharp

Katana Practical Nagai
by Fudoshin

€ 207.95    only € 198.85

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Katana Practical Nagai by Fudoshin

hand forged 1095 carbon steel, blade type Maru, blade: HRC60, blade back: HRC40, blade length: 67,5cm, total length: 99cm, lacquered wooden Saya (scabbard), handle is coated with authentic ray skin, handle is traditionally wrapped with cotton thread, blade is razor-sharp

asiatische+budowaffen katana shinken nihonto handgeschmiedet maru fudoshin japanische+schwerter schwert samurai samuraischwert samuraischwerter iaido iai+do iaito scharf

Katana Kill Bill
by Jean Fuentes

only € 55.05

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Katana Kill Bill by Jean Fuentes

mit Saya (Scheide)

Blade length: 74 cm, handle length: 29 cm, 440 Stainless steel blade, incl. Sword Stand

It is a decorative item, it is not practical to use (cutting exercises) equipment.

asian+budoweapon katana swordset japanese+swords daisho+ryu

Katana Zombi

only € 161.95

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Katana Zombi

von Hand geschmiedeter 1045 Kohlenstoffstahl

- von Hand geschmiedeter 1045er Kohlenstoffstahl
- Klingentyp Maru
- L?nge der Klinge: 71,5 cm
- Gesamtl?nge:101 cm
- L?nge Griff: 29 cm
- Gesamtgewicht Katana: 1104 g
- Gewicht Saya:226 g
- rot lackierte Hartholz Saya
- H?rte Shinogi: 35HCR
- H?rte Klinge: 45HCR
- Griff ist mit Rochenhautimitat belegt
- Griffumwicklung aus Baumwolle ist traditionell angebracht
- das Schwert ist scharf geschliffen
- die Schwertangel wird mit 2 Mekugi im Griff gehalten und gesichert
- Hersteller: Biohazard
- f?r Schnitt?bungen geeignet (Tameshigiri)

Im Lieferumfang enthalten: Katana, Scheide (Saya) und Echtheitszertifikat.

Verkauf nur an Personen ab 18 Jahre. Bei Erwerb ben?tigen wir einen Altersnachweis.

Commando sword, black blade

€ 49.90    only € 46.93

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Commando sword, black blade

420s stainless high-grade steel. Solidly made of one piece and sharpened. A combination Kydexscabbard which permits to carry this sword at the back, belt or at the leg is contained in the scope of supply.

Those swords come from the foundry VERY sharp. Caution when first handling is mandatory.

Substitute oil for toiletries

€ 3.90    only € 3.47

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Substitute oil for toiletries

Grundpreis: 386,00 EUR/Liter

Made in Japan.

asiatische+budowaffen schwertpflege japanische+schwerter schwert samurai samuraischwert samuraischwerter zubehoer europaeische+waffen schwerter xwaffen messer+dolche pflege pflege?l pflegeoel universal?l

Cleaning Kit in Wooden Box wit ...
by WKC

only € 21.68

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Cleaning Kit in Wooden Box with Hammer by WKC

Set for cleaning and maintenance of high quality blades. Cleaning should be done in a humid climate every two weeks in dry climates once a month. The purification of a katana is a ceremony and symbolic means at the Samurai, the purification of the soul. A samurai sword wont be for a lifetime.

Made in China.

Ninja sword forged

€ 99.90    only € 89.01

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Ninja sword forged

Supplied with a black fabric cover.

Made in China.

Fabric Case for Katana
by Haller

€ 7.90    only € 7.43

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Fabric Case for Katana by Haller

Made in China.

asian+budoweapon swordpflege asian+budoweapontasche japanese+swords swordcover swordwrap

Clove oil

€ 33.90    only € 30.20

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Clove oil

Grundpreis: 335,60 EUR/Liter

Manufactured in Japan.

Maintenance kit for Samurai sw ...

€ 21.90    only € 21.68

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Maintenance kit for Samurai swords

mit dekorativer Holzkiste

Set for cleaning and maintenance of high quality blades. Cleaning should be done in a humid climate every two weeks in dry climates once a month. The purification of a katana is a ceremony and symbolic means at the Samurai, the purification of the soul. A samurai sword wont be for a lifetime.

Japanese maintanance kit for S ...

€ 19.90    only € 18.71

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Japanese maintanance kit for Samurai swords

Delivery takes place in a small decorative wooden box. It includes: cloth, rose oil and powder.

Made in China.

Seppa individually

€ 3.10    only € 2.76

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Seppa individually

Made in Japan.

Cotton Ribbon, Tsuka-Ito, in b ...

€ 2.60    only € 2.31

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Cotton Ribbon, Tsuka-Ito, in black

Manufactured in Spain.

asiatische+budowaffen haifischhaut same griffband griffwicklung baumwollband seidenband schwertgriff japanische+schwerter schwert samurai samuraischwert samuraischwerter zubehoer tanto katana shinken nihonto wakizashi

Ten Kei Tanto
by John Lee

€ 499.00    only € 472.40

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Ten Kei Tanto by John Lee

The term "Ten Kei" can be translated as "gift from heaven", and stands as a symbol of the beauty of nature. Thus inspired, fine floral motifs are reflected in the hand-crafted, finished with gold and silver mountings again.

The blade is forged by hand in elaborate Kobuse style. Here, surrounded by a hard shell made of 1095 carbon steel a core of softer, low carbon steel.

Like its historic predecessor also connects this Tanto grace and benefits in a unique way.

The curing is differentiated to about 60 ° Rockwell to the edge and about 40 ° Rockwell at the back of the blade. Visible is the hardness difference in a genuine, finely worked out Hamon line.

- Sword in shinogi-zukuri style with chamfer
- Blade assembly in Kobuse style.
- In Aikuchi style, traditionally without hilt (tsuba)
- Grip winding of green silk in Hineri Maki style (war winding)
- Backed by Roche skin.
- Black, high-gloss lacquered scabbard (Kuroro style) with degrees (Kojiri, kurigata, Koiguchi) from buffalo horn
- Blade collar (habaki) and washers (Seppa) are made of brass.
- Is fixed with long tang which with two bamboo pins (Mekugi) under control
- Tanto is thus fully separable
- All trim rate (Fuchi, Menuki, Kashira) are handmade from metal and give each sword his personal touch.
- Supplied in a wooden box.
- Each original John Lee sword is a seal and a certificate.

John Lee Tombo Katana
by John Lee

only € 609.04

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John Lee Tombo Katana by John Lee

Die Libelle (japanisch Tombo) galt als ein ehrenvolles Symbol der Samurai. Sie war Sinnbild f?r den Mut der Krieger und die Einstellung, niemals aufzugeben.
Die Verehrung der Japaner f?r dieses Insekt, das im Shintoismus als Geist der Reispflanze und Vorbote eines erntereichen Herbstes gilt, kommt ebenso in vielen Gedichten zum Ausdruck.

Dieses Schwert ist in vielerlei Hinsicht ein echtes Highlight. Vor allem die themenbezogenen Zierrate, die differenziert geh?rtete Klinge im Shobu-Zukuri-Stil und die Scheide mit Kozuka (Beimesser) machen dieses Katana zu etwas ganz Besonderem.
- Scharfe Klinge aus 1095 Kohlenstoff-Stahl
- Klinge im Shobu-Zukuri-Stil (flie?ender ?bergang der Spitze) mit Hohlkehle (Bo-Hi)
- Differenzierte H?rtung mit Lehmbestrich auf 60? Rockwell an der Schneide, 40? am Klingenr?cken
- Griffwicklung aus weinroter Seide im klassischen Hineri-Maki-Stil
- Schwarze, hochglanz lackierte Scheide (Kuroro-Stil)
- Scheide mit Kozuka (Beimesser)
- Lieferung erfolgt in ansprechender Sammlerbox
- Gefertigt nach historischen Vorbildern

asiatische+budowaffen katana shinken nihonto handgeschmiedet japanische+schwerter schwert samurai samuraischwert samuraischwerter iaido iai+do iaito iaido scharf john lee xwaffen scharfe schwerter damaststahl damaszener

by John Lee

€ 189.00    only € 170.10

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John Lee - GOLDEN FLOWER TANTO by John Lee

handgeschmiedet und traditionell geh?rtet, Klinge 12 mal gefaltet

The Vorbil this extraordinary beautiful tsuba was certainly made by a great master in the 18th century. Since they have not signed their work as opposed to the blade smiths, the creators are not known by name. The tsuba is intricately designed with golden cherry blossoms (sakura) one of the main symbols of Japanese culture. They represent beauty, departure and transience.
The blades of the swords are hand forged from carbon steel and hardened in the traditional way. The blade is folded 12 times (yields approximately 8,000 positions) and have a beautiful damascene structure. The sharp ground out blades were provided for weight reduction with a Bo-hi (channel). The handles (tsuka) are made of wood and are equipped with real fish skin (Same) occupied. The handle wrap (Tsuka-Ito) is traditionally mounted from black Baumwole. On handle two Menukis are inserted. The sword fishing are particularly long and held with two bamboo pins (Mekugi) mounted in the handle. The sheath (saya) is made of wood. The blade collar (habaki) are made of brass and were manufactured by museum originals.
Each sword comes with a seal, which guarantees authenticity. You get every sword in a cloth bag and a high quality collector wooden cassette.
Multi-layer steel (folded blade) is also known as Damascus or Damascus blade, although European and Asian production methods differ slightly from one another. The fine pattern of the individual layers of the multi-folded steel give this product its special charm and are at the same time guarantees a long product life and high product quality.
This made according to museum originals masterpiece of Asian art of sword forging has been made in the traditional manner.

Made in China.

Tsuba Musashi

€ 17.90    only € 16.83

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Tsuba Musashi

The tsuba is supplied in a gift box.

Made in China.

asian+budoweapon tsuba japanese+swords accessories

Golden Flower Tsuba
by John Lee

€ 19.90    only € 18.71

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Golden Flower Tsuba by John Lee


Posted by the John Lee Golden Flower katana with folded blade, this exceptionally beautiful cherry blossom - Tsuba now also available separately.

asian+budoweapon tsuba japanese+swords accessories

Katana Practical Hane

€ 195.95    only € 176.35

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Katana Practical Hane by ONIKIRI

Katana Practical Hane - with folded carbon steel blade.

hand forged 1045 carbon steel
Blade Type Damask
real Hamon
Hardness shinogi: 35HCR
Hardness blade: 45HCR
Blade length: 71.5 cm
Overall length: 105 cm
Handle length: 28 cm
Total weight: 1376 g
lacquered wooden Saya
Handle is covered with ray skin
Organic wrapping made of spandex silk has traditionally been attached
the sword is sharpened
the sword Angel is with 2 Mekugi held and secured in the handle
Manufacturer: Onikri
suitable for cutting exercises (Tameshigiri)

For details on the Tsuka or Menuki are very clearly visible on the photos for. Definitions around the noble swords, see information.

Included in delivery: Katana, scabbard (Saya), sword Stoffhülle and certificate of authenticity.

Wakizashi Practical Yushu

only € 171.95

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Wakizashi Practical Yushu

von Hand geschmiedeter 1050 Kohlenstoffstahl

Wakizashi Practical Yushu

- von Hand geschmiedeter 1050er Kohlenstoffstahl
- Klingentyp Maru
- L?nge der Klinge: 53 cm
- Gesamtl?nge: 78 cm
- Gewicht Wakizashi: 822 g
- Gewicht Saya: 156 g
- Klinge hat eine Hi / Bo-Hi (Blutrinne)
- eine Hamonlinie ist angedeutet
- lackierte Holz Saya
- Griff mit Rochenhautimitat (Same) belegt
- Griffumwicklung aus Baumwolle ist traditionell angebracht
- das Schwert ist scharf geschliffen
- das Wakizashi ist f?r Schnitt?bungen konzipiert

Im Lieferumfang enthalten: Wakizashi, Scheide (Saya), Stoffschwerth?lle.

Verkauf nur an Personen ab 18 Jahre. Bei Erwerb ben?tigen wir einen Altersnachweis.

Dragon Katana
by Budoland

€ 124.99    from € 117.55

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Dragon Katana by Budoland

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