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Video Self Defense

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DVD Latosa - Latosa escrima vo ...
by Budo Internation ...


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only € 24.99

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DVD Latosa - Latosa escrima vol.1 by Budo International

Rene Latosa

Rene Latosa will present a work which differs from similar productions on this subject and devotes itself especially the development of techniques and their pure application in practice. Focus, balance, and strength are just A few of the key that the Latosa Dedictaion Around the world have made so famous. Complex motions and applications are shown with the stick, knife, sword, machete, Palm stick, etc.. In advanced practical examples demonstrate the master René Latosa and Bill Newman, as the practices of their fighting techniques are carried out. Even if you do Not yet know the Latosa-escrima, you will be impressed by this system. Should you already be familiar with Latosa-escrima, so you will make greater progress with the help of this video, than you ever could imagine it.

DVD Latosa - Latosa escrima vo ...
by Budo Internation ...


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only € 24.99

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DVD Latosa - Latosa escrima vol.2 by Budo International

Rene Latosa

Rene Latosa will present a work which differs from similar productions on this subject and devotes itself especially the development of techniques and their pure application in practice. Focus, balance, and strength are just A few of the key that the Latosa Dedictaion Around the world have made so famous. Complex motions and applications are shown with the stick, knife, sword, machete, Palm stick, etc.. In advanced practical examples demonstrate the master René Latosa and Bill Newman, as the practices of their fighting techniques are carried out. Even if you do Not yet know the Latosa-escrima, you will be impressed by this system. Should you already be familiar with Latosa-escrima, so you will make greater progress with the help of this video, than you ever could imagine it.

Lameco Eskrima Kali Double-Bas ...


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Lameco Eskrima Kali Double-Baston Doppelstock

Dave Gould

Auf dieser DVD präsentiert uns Guro Dave Gould den effektiven Doppel-Stock von Lameco Eskrima. Lerne die Geheimnisse von Punong Guro Edgar G. Sulite kennen, indem Du die Grundlagen der exklusiven Effektivität im Kampf des bekanntesten philippinischen Kampfsystems der Welt mit Lameco Eskrima lernst. Diese DVD führt Dich genau durch die wichtige Arbeit des doppelten Stabs, wie zum Beispiel die Ausgangspositionen, Übergänge, Schläge, Erholung, Erreichen, Linie des Kompromisses und die Wichtigkeit des Trainings mit und ohne Schutzausrüstung. Außerdem kannst Du den Abstand des Übergangs von Lang-Mittel genau erforschen, wo die Techniken, Prinzipien und Konzepte des Dose-Dose, Zwei-Hand-Ikis, Sabay, Zwei Hände, zwei Labahas und Lameco 1-2-3 und andere präsentiert, diskutiert und im Detail trainiert werden. Schließlich zeigt Guro Dave Gould das wirksame Fortschreiten des Sparring der Hand von Lameco Eskrima. Aggression, Schnelligkeit, Timing, Macht, Erholung und Haltung entwickeln sich optimal mit Deinen Kampffähigkeiten. Ein Werk, das für jeden Fan der philippinischen Kriegskunst oder einen Kampfkünstler, der seine Ausbildung ernst nimmt, unerlässlich ist.

Sprache: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch

Nova Scrimia - Fechten mit dem ...


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Nova Scrimia - Fechten mit dem Spazierstock

Vor mehr als einem Jahrhundert griffen in unseren Städten Männer verschiedener sozialer Schichten noch zu Schwert- und Säbelduellen, um ihre Streitigkeiten beizulegen, und auf den Straßen konnte man Schlägern und Straßenräubern begegnen, die bereit waren, ein Messer zu benutzen.
Es gab Zeiten, in denen es für einen Gentleman üblich war, das Haus mit seinem Stock zu verlassen, der oft mit einer versteckten Klinge versehen war.

Ausgehend von der Abhandlung von Meister G. Martinelli (1908) Trattato di scherma con bastone da passeggio, die nach der Methodik der Nova Scrimia interpretiert und integriert wurde, legen die Meister Chiaramonte, Galvani, Girlanda und Proietti ein vollständiges Werk über den Gebrauch des Stocks vor, das auch heute noch äußerst gültig und wirksam sein kann.
Für das Stockfechten lässt sich Martinelli von der italienischen Säbelschule inspirieren, mit einem klassischen Ansatz, sowie vom Boxen als Mittel der Selbstverteidigung: Wache, Schläge, Paraden, Finten, Drehungen und kreisende Schritte, Sprünge, starke Schläge auf die Hand, den Arm, die Leiste und furchterregende Schläge ins Gesicht.
In guten Händen ist der Stock so gut wie ein Säbel.
Natürlich schneidet oder durchbohrt er nicht, er tötet nicht, aber er bringt zur Vernunft und zwingt, wenn nötig, selbst den heftigsten Angreifer in die Knie.

4 DVD Box The Gunting


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4 DVD Box The Gunting

Bram Frank

In this 4 volume series, Master At Arms Bram Frank gets up close with the Gunting.
By close up shots and detailed explanation, he will show the instructor and the end user how to best use this unique tool.
Using Andy Wires and Peter Roman as examples, Bram shows exactly why the Gunting is quickly becoming a favorite anmong the military, LEO's, correction officers and other organizations around the World.

Culture and methodology of the ...


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only € 33.39

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Culture and methodology of the Italian Schools Knives

K "From Roberto Laura

Roberto Laura was born on 08/17/1969 in Sanremo on the Italian Riviera. After Germany, he was born in 1975 and lived until 1994 in Heidelberg on the Neckar. Today he lives and works in Neckarsulm. Since 2002 he has been studying the tactics and concepts of different regional Italian knife and stick fighting schools. In the footsteps of the time he keeps meeting new champion - heirs of hidden cultures, which are also in Italy only to the initiated and made available. Roberto Laura's passion is primarily the art of d`Umiltà Cavalieri (Knights of humility - Apulia), the Bastone Genovese (Genoese The walking stick - Genoa) and the Coltello Piemontese (Piemonesisches knife - Piedmont).

On this DVD you will see, from Genoa, on the Piedmont, Emilia-Romagna, Rome, Puglia and Sicily, a small section of Italian blades schools.
The arts shown are not representative of their entire region. They represent one of many schools and are only an example to illustrate.

The menu has the following options:
- Opening credits
- Introduction
- Basic principles
- Genoa
- Emilia-Romagna
- Piedmont
- Rome
- Apulia
- Sicily
- Palermo
- Catania

In German language

47 minutes "

Kadena De Mano "Reactive Knife ...


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only € 27.81

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Kadena De Mano "Reactive Knife"

"Reflex Representative knife defense

From Mangisursuro Mike Inay

The theme of this DVD is a simple reflexes-based system for defense against knife attacks, that is quick to learn and safe: the "" Reactive Knife Defense System "," which is based on the Kadena de Mano Inayan. This system Suro Inay has taught throughout the United States to police academies and police trainers. On this DVD, the techniques and principles on the one hand demonstrates this system, on the other hand, the drills and exercises forms shown in order to implement these techniques also safe.

In German language

65 minutes "

Défense contre couteaux - kni ...
by Independance


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only € 23.24

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Défense contre couteaux - knife defense by Independance


Against somebody carrying a weapon it is usually better to escape, but sometimes the environment and the conditions don't give us much choice but to stay and fight. The training of defense against weapons is one of the hardest and the most complex since no error is permitted. Eric Laulagnet presents in this video a defense system against knives which is inspired from formidable techniques of Filipino Martial Arts, KALI, and from principles of JEET KUNE DO. The particularity of these techniques resides both in their efficiency and in their sequences which allow to quickly develop reflexes, speed, timing, the timing on multiple attacks, in different angles and at different distances. Pedagogic progression and the variety of situations make this defense system easy for everyone and let the advanced practitioners enrich their technical skills. -Elementary Rules and Theories on knives -Tutorials and Sequences on different attack angles -Applications. -Combat with protections. -Simulation and examples of situation in the street Eric Laulagnet has been practicing martial arts for more than 25 years. His researches in an efficient and realistic self defense system pushed him towards KALI and JKD, sports that he now teaches. He's also 5th degree expert in self-defense and security Tonfa, 2nd degree black belt in Kung-Fu and in Ju Jitsu

Self Defense against knife Vol ...


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Self Defense against knife Vol.2

Eric Laulagnet

Eric Laulagnet, Instructor of Kali and Jeet Kune Do, Black Belt 4.Dan FFKDA, since more than 30 years of practicing martial arts. His research in the south-east Asian martial Kunsten have moved him to develop a realistic and effective self-defense system.

The training of self-defense against aggression with knives is one of the hardest and most complex.
In this second volume presents Eric Laulagnet new dynamic exercises that will help you to develop your reflexes and to obtain a good timing. Discover techniques of high level against many different threats and attacks while standing and on the ground. In addition, you will find also staged situations of self-defense.
The techniques presented here are the result of the most dangerous martial arts of the Philippines, the Kali and Jeet Kune Do by Bruce Lee.

dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos selbstverteidigung waffen messer messerkampf

Leon Jay Smll Circle Jujitsu S ...


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Leon Jay Smll Circle Jujitsu Seminar Vol.1

DVON Grand Master Leon Jay 9.Dan

The following chapter has this great DVD:
1 Arm Trap
2 Pressure Point Knock Out
3rd Arm Break
4 Thumb Wrist Entry
5 Conception Strike
6 Pistol Grip, two finger bent elbow
7 Wrist Lock
8 Flowdrill
9 Hammer Lock
10 Inner Thigh Throw
11 Figure Four Arm Lock
12 Choke

The techniques are very clearly explained by Leon Jay.

In English (easy to understand without knowledge of English).

30 minutes

Leon Jay Smll Circle Jujitsu S ...


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Leon Jay Smll Circle Jujitsu Seminar Vol.2

DVON Grand Master Leon Jay 9.Dan

The following chapter has this great DVD:
1 Wrist Lock
2 Ten Principles of Small Circle
3 Wrist Lock Open and fist
4 Funny Story
5 Elbow Strike Insert
6 Pistol Grip Two Finger Bent Elbow
7 Thumb Lock
8 Thumb Peel
9 Cross Wrist Escape
10 Cross Wrist Using Pressure Points
11 Opposite Wrist Escape
12 Center Line Theory
13 Vertical Wrist Lock
14 Second Half
15 Double Hand Shove
16 Stomach 5 Strike
17 Kneeling Arm Bar
18 Monkey Paw
19 Side arm bar
20 Drag Over
21 Squeezing Knee Arm Bar
22 Chicken Wing
23 Right Leg Step Over
24 Left Leg Step Over

The techniques are very clearly explained by Leon Jay.

In English (easy to understand without knowledge of English).

48 minutes

Weapon training vol. 2 traditi ...


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Weapon training vol. 2 traditional weapons - Hanbo, tonfa, band & Bo

"Training with a variety of weapons has a great fascination on each Budoka, and martial artist. The DVD series "Weapon training" presents a wide range of basic techniques, games and exercises. Part 2: The DVD shows basics in the handling of traditional Japanese weapons Hanbo, band, tonfa and Bo, blocks and striking techniques, disarms, Übungsdrills and forms of training for self defense. This training concepts come from the Kali Sikaran and the Inayan Eskrima and build on the concept: "Learn to handle a weapon, to better defend you against this weapon." The author of this DVD series is the Kali Sikaran Andreas Gaint, qualified sports teacher, and winner of the 5th Dan in ju jutsu Thu, 4th Dan in Ju Jitsu and Guro. "Part 2: run time: 77 minutes, languages: German & English"

Kansen Ryu Operative Cuban Sel ...
by Budo Internation ...


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from € 36.27

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Kansen Ryu Operative Cuban Self Defense by Budo International

Jos? Cuspinera

Meister Jos? Cuspinera hat sein zweites Video ?ber die verschiedenen Zweige des kubanischen Selbstverteidigungssystems Kansen Ryu abgedreht: die Operative Selbstverteidigung, die f?r Sondereinheiten bestimmt ist.

In dieser Arbeit werden operative Kampfkombinationen studiert, sowohl waffenlos als auch mit und gegen Messer bzw. Pistole. Das Ziel heisst totale Neutralisation des Feindes. Angriffe zu vitalen Punkten, Strangulationstechniken und Hebel, definitive Techniken des Angriffs und der Verteidigung in jeder Situation, ohne auf den Boden gehen zu m?ssen, damit man gegen mehrere Gegner gewappnet ist.

Eine spektakul?re Arbeit, der sich auch die genannten Einheiten stellen m?ssen, geht es doch um extreme Situationen, Schmerzen, Konzentration, etc., welcher Teil des Trainingplans der Kubanischen Sondereinheiten sind. Die lange Erfahrung Meister Cuspineras in den Diensten der Kubanischen Milit?reinheiten, haben aus ihm einen unentbehrlichen Lehrer gemacht, um diesen drastischen und definitiven Selbstverteidigungsstil zu erlernen.

video self+defence self+defense

Streetfighting Jeet Kune Do
by Budo Internation ...


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Streetfighting Jeet Kune Do by Budo International

Joaquin Almeria

Joaquin Almeria der bekante Sch?ler von Dan Inosanto, beschenkt uns dieses mal mit seinem Wissen ?ber den Strassenkampf, diese Auseinandersetzung, in der es wirklich keine Regeln gibt! Wir hoffen, dass sie dieses Video ebenso genie?en werden, wie wir es getan haben.

video self+defence self+defense jeet+kune+do

by Budo Internation ...


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Kajukenbo by Budo International

Sijo Adriano Emperado

Adriano Emperado, der Gr?nder des Kajukenbo, ist in der Welt des Kampfk?nste eine lebende Legende. Um verstehen zu wollen, welche Entwicklung die Kampfk?nste in den letzten Jahrhunderten durchgemacht haben, kommt man an Emperado nicht vorbei!

In diesem Video werden sie die fortgeschrittesten Techniken sehen, die vom Stilbegr?nder selbst erl?utert und sogar von seinem Rollstuhl aus gezeigt werden. Mit diesem Video komplettieren sie ihre Kenntnisse.

by Budo Internation ...


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from € 36.27

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Kajukenbo by Budo International

Joe Halbuna

Kajukenbo, bekannt als einer der effektivsten und kraftvollsten Kampfstile der Welt, wird hier durch Sifu Joe Halbuna, 8.Dan, einem Sch?ler von Meister Adriano Emperado, dem Begr?nder des Kajukenbo, vorgef?hrt.

Die Geschichte, Philosophie und die Techniken machen Kajukenbo zu einem der komplettesten kampfstile der Welt. Lernen sie diese Kampfkunst durch einen seiner h?chstdekorierten Vertreter, den Hawaianer Joe Halbuna, kennen und sch?tzen.

Kajukenbo , Vol.3
by Budo Internation ...


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Kajukenbo , Vol.3 by Budo International

Angel Garcia, 8.Dan

In dieser exelenten Arbeit zeigt uns Meister Angel Garcia auf behutsame und komplette Weise die gef?hrlichen Techniken und die fortgeschrittenen Konzepte des Kajukenbo, des Stiles von Sifu Emperado.

Von den Techniken, ?ber Stellungsarbeit bis hin zur Verteidigung gegen einen und mehrere Angreifer wird ales gezeigt.

dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos selbstverteidigung pavement kajukenbo

Defensa personal femenina
by Budo Internation ...


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Defensa personal femenina by Budo International

Raul Gutierrez

Auch Frauen k?nnen und m?ssen sich in den komplexesten und schwierigsten Situationen verteidigen. Wie das funktioniert zeigt Meister Raul Gutierrez, ein Experte auf dem Gebiet der Selbstverteidigung.

Er hat auch auf sportlichen Gebiet zahlreiche Meisterinnen des Kampfes hervorgebracht und zeigt in diesem Video, wie sich das sch?ne Geschlecht in den verschiedenen Situationen zur Wehr setzen kann.

Juko Ryu Jiu Jitsu
by Budo Internation ...


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Juko Ryu Jiu Jitsu by Budo International

Bryan Cheek

Wir haben aus dem breiten Technikspektrum dieses wirkungsvollen Selbstverteidigungssystems einige der wichtigsten herausgenommen, um sie ihnen vorzustellen. Aus meiner langjährigen Erfahrung heraus kann ich sagen, dass ich bis heute kein anderes System kennengelernt habe, dass in seiner Dynamik und Realität dem Juko Ryu Jiu Jitsu gleich käme. Ich kann nur jedem empfehlen es einmal mit dem Juko Ryu Jiu Jitsu zu versuchen.

Power Jiu Jitsu Juko Ryu Jiu J ...
by Budo Internation ...


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Power Jiu Jitsu Juko Ryu Jiu Jitsu by Budo International

Bryan Cheek

Ja, es gibt noch ein anderes Jiu Jitsu! Einige von den J?ngeren haben in den letzten Jahren nur den Erfolg des Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gesehen, und m?gen glauben, dass dies alles sei. Doch gl?cklicherweise ist dem nicht so. Die Tradition hat uns sehr verschiedene Visionen de seltenen Symphonie ?berliefert. Mit einigen harten Techniken und einem energischen und dynamischen Stil ist Shihan Bryan Cheek ein sehr bekannter Ausbilder.

Er erkl?rt sehr gut und ist ?beraus sympathisch. Er versteht es, mit den Sch?lern umzugehen, er ist ein Experte der mehr Zeit auf den Tatami gelebt hat, als auf der Strasse. Sein Training ist nichts f?r sensible Jungs.

video self+defence self+defense ju+jutsu

VHS Ju Jitsu, Vol.1
by Budo Internation ...


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VHS Ju Jitsu, Vol.1 by Budo International

Pedro Rodriguez Dabauza, 6.Dan

In dieser dritten Ausgabe der Reihe von Meister Dabauza erlernen wir die Techniken im Stand des Goshin Jiu Jutsu. Kontroll- und Wurftechniken gegen?ber verschiedenen Angriffen durch Greifen und Atemi. Ebenso wird der Verteidigung Sutemi ein spezielles Kapitel gewidmet, so wie diese durch die alten Meister entwickelt wurde.

video self+defence self+defense ju+jutsu

VHS Ju Jitsu, Vol.2
by Budo Internation ...


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VHS Ju Jitsu, Vol.2 by Budo International

Pedro Rodriguez Dabauza, 6.Dan

Die Mehrzahl der realistischen Konfrontationen enden am Boden und dann erlangen die Techniken des Atemi eine zweite Rolle. Dabauza erl?utert uns die wichtigsten Gegebenheiten des Bodenkampfes, Ne Waza, einer S?ule jeglichen Stiles der Familie des JJ. Verteidiger werden die jeweiligen M?glichkeiten betrachten, um Hebel, W?rgegriffe, etc. anzubringen.

Ju Jitsu
by Budo Internation ...


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Ju Jitsu by Budo International

Pedro Rodriguez Dabauza, 6.Dan

Meister Dabauza, 6. Dan Ju Jitsu und anerkannter Experte der Kampfk?nste, zeigt hier effektive Techniken gegen Greifen, Schl?ge, Tritte und Waffen. Ein Beweiss, dass JJ eine komplette Kampfkunst ist.

VHS Ju Jitsu Tradicional
by Budo Internation ...


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VHS Ju Jitsu Tradicional by Budo International

Pedro Rodriguez Dabauza, 6.Dan

Pedro Dabauza, 6. Dan, zeigt uns verschiedene Techniken des Atemi gegen?ber Greiftechniken. Ebenso ist ein extra Kapitel des Sutemi zu sehen, so wie das JJ von den alten Meistern entwickelt wurde.

J.K.D. Seal Hand to Hand Progr ...
by Budo Internation ...


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J.K.D. Seal Hand to Hand Program by Budo International

Mike Faraone

In der Welt des JKD gibt es Namen, die aufgrund ihres Lebensweges gl?nzen. Mike ist einer von ihnen. Seine Arbeiten lassen keine Fragen offen und Situationen im realen Kampf sind seine Spezialit?t. Mike hat dieses Charisma, welches bewirkt, dass niemand sich ihm gegen?ber gleichg?ltig verhalten kann. Er ist ein Mensch mit einer grossen Pers?nlichkeit, von der Art, dass man ihn liebt oder hasst.

VHS Jeet Kune Do Unlimited
by Budo Internation ...


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VHS Jeet Kune Do Unlimited by Budo International

Burton Richardson

Wir kennen alle einen gespannten und muskul?sen Bruce Lee nach der Ausf?hrung einer Technik. Der kleine Drache legte besonderen Nachdruck auf die Verbindung, um die Geschwindigkeit zu steigern und mit ihr die F?higkeiten der Technik.

Burton Richardson ist sehr schnell und seine Geschwindigkeit ist auch ein Teil dieser Einstellung, in Verbindung damit, dass er sich so durch sie als eine sanfte und herzliche Pers?nlichkeit ausdr?ckt. Trotzdem ist seine Intelligenz der wohl bedeutenste Wesenszug dieses wunderbaren Lehrers.

Jeet Kune Do
by Budo Internation ...


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Jeet Kune Do by Budo International

Tim Tackett

In diesem au?ergew?hnlichen Video zeigt ihnen Bruce Lee?s Originalsch?ler Tim Tckett wichtige Prinzipien des Way of Intercepting Fist Systems. Als einer der wenigen Original JKD-Meister nimmt er im brandaktuellen Interview Stellung zu allen Fragen um Bruce Lee?s Jeet Kune Do.

DVD Streetfighting Jeet Kune D ...
by Budo Internation ...


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DVD Streetfighting Jeet Kune Do by Budo International

Joaquin Alimeria

JKD Streetfighting. Hinter diesem Titel verbergen sich die t?dlichsten Techniken des JKD. Mit Hilfe von Joaquin Alimeria, dem Sch?ler von Dan Inosanto, entdecken wir die Geheimnisse des realen Strassenkampfes ohne Regeln! 16 Techniken und die jeweiligen Varianten gegen?ber Angriffen mit Messer zeigen M?glichkeiten auf, wie man sich mit so allt?glichen Dingen wie einer Jacke, Schl?sseln oder dem im Auto sitzend mit dem Autofenster, einer Zeit und oder Schuhen verteidigen kann. Kombiniert mit Tritten zu den Genitalien, Fingerstichen, schnellen und sicheren W?rgegriffen, Ellenbogen und Knieeinsatz, Entwaffnungen und Kontrolle durch den Hoseng?rtel werden ebenso gezeigt, wie verschiedene Messerangriffe am Boden.

Das Video endet mit einer Messer gegen Messer Sequenz: 15 ?bungen zur Koordination, Sensibilit?t und fl?sigen Bewegungen, die auf philippinischen Stilen Hubat, Palasut, Gunting, Pascal, Schattenboxen und Freikampf mit Partner. Wir hoffen, dass sie dieses Video so genie?en werden wie wir es getan haben!

WT Advanced Combat
by Budo Internation ...


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WT Advanced Combat by Budo International

Sifu Victor Gutierrez

Sifu Victor Gutierrez ?berrascht uns diesmal mit einer gewaltigen Welle von Kampftechniken(insgesamt 58 St?ck) und deren freie Anwendung f?r die fortgeschrittene Stufe des Leugn Ting Wing Tsun.

Sifu Gutierrez beherrscht wie kein anderer alle Aspekte des Kampfes, was er uns in diesem Video, dass aus zwei verschiedenen Kamerawinkeln aufgenommen wurde, wiederum bewei?t.

video other self+defence self+defense

Kansen Ryu Operative Cuban Sel ...
by Budo Internation ...


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from € 36.27

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Kansen Ryu Operative Cuban Self Defense by Budo International

Jos? Cuspinera

Meister José Cuspinera hat sein zweites Video über die verschiedenen Zweige des kubanischen Selbstverteidigungssystems mit uns abgedreht. Kansen Ryu die Operative Selbstverteidigung, die für Sondereinsatzkommandos gedacht ist.

Professional Self Defense
by Budo Internation ...


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Professional Self Defense by Budo International

Thierry Delhief

Therry Delhief ist ein junger, doch bereits erprobter Ausbilder der professionellen Selbstverteidigung. So werden in diesem Video Selbstverteidigungstechniken zum Abführen, Handschellenanlegen und Fesseln gezeigt. Damit können sich die Sicherheitsprofis jeder Situation gewachsen fühlen, sind die gezeigten Techniken doch schon hundertfach im Berufsalltag von Sicherheitsbeamten mit Erfolg eingesetz worden.

Self Defense
by Budo Internation ...


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Self Defense by Budo International

Vacirca Bros.

In diesem neuen und unerwarteten Video studieren wir die edle Kunst der Selbstverteidigung mittels dem Programm der Br?der Vacirca, welche hier auf ihr gesammtes Wissen des Jiu Jitsu zur?ckgreifen. Das Ziel hei?t einige funktionierende Techniken f?r die Selbstverteidigung zu entwickeln, um spontan und angemessen in Strassenkampfsituationen reagieren zu k?nnen.

Wer diesem Trainingsplan folgt, wird von den Br?dern Vacirca Verteidigungstechniken am Boden, im Stehen, gegen Schl?ge und Tritte, W?rgegriffe, seitliche Angriffe und Verteidigungen gegen Attacken von hinten, erlernen.

Eine exzellente und komplette Arbeit zum Thema der Selbstverteidigung, die nicht nur f?r die Liebhaber des Brazilian Jiu Jitsu entworfen wurde.

Reactive Knife
by Abanico


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Reactive Knife by Abanico

mit Suro Mike Inay und Guro Emanuel Hart

Mangisursuro Mike Inay exercised and taught the Philippine fight art Eskrima for over 30 years. He learned the Eskrima from the legendary Grand Masters Max Sarmiento and hinge of Cabales. Suro Inay received private lessons of GM Sarmiento from 1965 up to the death in the middle of the eighties. Suro Inay also got of GM Cabales from 1965 to 1977 private tuition. Suro Inay developed the program being available here into the knife defense for police and judicial officers. In addition, it had some far very much appearances in Law Enforcement Training Network (L.E.T.N.). Suro Mike Inay taught states of the USA worldwide and into much and had many hochgraduierte pupils who exercised under it and came onto its courses.

Suro Mike Inay is of supported on this video: Johan Skalberg, Sinawali, Dequerdas and rot responsibly for the Inaya system of Eskrima in Scandinavia, 4th Dan, Kadena de Mano Intructor, Arnis - unny Graff, 3. Dan rot Arnis - ven Jander, 1. Dan rot Arnis - onika Klausa, 1. Dan rot Arnis - ichael hangs, for 1st class Arnis and rotting for 3rd Dan, Roland Sch?ltke, Arnis rot.

nerve techniques
by Abanico


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nerve techniques by Abanico

mit Suro Mike Inay und Guro Emanuel Hart

Mangisursuro Mike Inay exercised and taught the Philippine fight art Eskrima for over 30 years. He learned the Eskrima from the legendary Grand Masters Max Sarmiento and hinge of Cabales. Suro Inay received private lessons of GM Sarmiento from 1965 up to the death in the middle of the eighties. Suro Inay also got of GM Cabales from 1965 to 1977 private tuition. Suro Inay developed the program being available here into the knife defense for police and judicial officers. In addition, it had some far very much appearances in Law Enforcement Training Network (L.E.T.N.). Suro Mike Inay taught states of the USA worldwide and into much and had many hochgraduierte pupils who exercised under it and came onto its courses.

On this DVD Suro Mike Inay is supported by : Responsibly to Johan Skalberg, Sinawali, Dequerdas and Kadena de Mano Intructor for the Inaya system of Eskrima in Scandinavia, 4th Dan Arnis rot and Arnis 4. Dan rots, Peter Rutkowski.

Jeff Espinous Kali-Sikaran
by Abanico


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Jeff Espinous Kali-Sikaran by Abanico

mit Jeff Espinous

Jeff Espinous from Paris started martial arts in 1970 studying Viet Vo Dao. He is instructor in several styles like Viet Vo Dao, Kenpo, Kick Boxing...
He began to study filipino martial arts in 1984. He is certified in Kali/JKD under Guro Ted Lucaylucay. He is also Guro Instructor from the EKAEF (European Kali Arnis Eskrima Federation), Lakan Isa (1st Dan) in Modern Arnis, and Instructor in Sinawali and Dequerdas in the Inayan Eskrima System under Suro Mike Inay. He is the actual president of the EKAEF and president of the FFFKAE (Federation Francaise de Filipino Kali Arnis Eskrima).

Jeff Espinous Streetfighting
by Abanico


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Jeff Espinous Streetfighting by Abanico

mit Jeff Espinous

Jeff Espinous from Paris started martial arts in 1970 studying Viet Vo Dao. He is instructor in several styles like Viet Vo Dao, Kenpo, Kick Boxing...
He began to study filipino martial arts in 1984. He is certified in Kali/JKD under Guro Ted Lucaylucay. He is also Guro Instructor from the EKAEF (European Kali Arnis Eskrima Federation), Lakan Isa (1st Dan) in Modern Arnis, and Instructor in Sinawali and Dequerdas in the Inayan Eskrima System under Suro Mike Inay. He is the actual president of the EKAEF and president of the FFFKAE (Federation Francaise de Filipino Kali Arnis Eskrima).

dvd arnis+escrima+kali self+defence self+defense

Ju Jutsu Activ Vol. 1
by Abanico


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Ju Jutsu Activ Vol. 1 by Abanico

Ju-Jutsu mit Bernd Hillebrand sowie Joachim Thumfart und Oliver Wittmann

Oliver Wittmann, 2. Dan, trains Ju-Jutsu since 1985, Karate since 1982 and Lameco Eskrima since 1992. He holds the Trainer C-Licence of the German Sports Federation and teaches sports and self-defense at a german police school.

Bernd Hillebrand, 6. Dan, trains Ju-Jutsu since 1975 and Karate since 1980. He holds the trainer A-licence of the German Sports Federation and the Ju-Jutsu-teachers-licence. He teaches sports and selfdefense at the academy for police-training. Bernd Hillebrand is the technical director of the German Ju-Jutsu Federation with more than 50.000 members.

Joachim Thumfart, 4. Dan, trains Ju-Jutsu since 1980, Judo since 1985 and Karate since 1990. He holds the Trainer C-licence of the German Sports Federation and the Ju-Jutsu-teachers-licence. Joachim Thumfart is 8 times german champion in all 3 Ju-Jutsu disciplines and member of the german Ju-Jutsu national team since 1990. He is duo-worldcampion 1999.

Oliver Wittmann, 2. Dan, trains Ju-Jutsu since 1985, Karate since 1982 and Lameco Eskrima since 1992. He holds the Trainer C-Licence of the German Sports Federation and teaches sports and self-defense at a german police school.

dvd ju-jutsu ju+jutsu self+defence self+defense

Ju Jutsu Intensiv Vol. 2
by Abanico


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Ju Jutsu Intensiv Vol. 2 by Abanico

Ju-Jutsu mit Bernd Hillebrand sowie Joachim Thumfart und Oliver Wittmann

Oliver Wittmann, 2. Dan, trains Ju-Jutsu since 1985, Karate since 1982 and Lameco Eskrima since 1992. He holds the Trainer C-Licence of the German Sports Federation and teaches sports and self-defense at a german police school.

Bernd Hillebrand, 6. Dan, trains Ju-Jutsu since 1975 and Karate since 1980. He holds the trainer A-licence of the German Sports Federation and the Ju-Jutsu-teachers-licence. He teaches sports and selfdefense at the academy for police-training. Bernd Hillebrand is the technical director of the German Ju-Jutsu Federation with more than 50.000 members.

Joachim Thumfart, 4. Dan, trains Ju-Jutsu since 1980, Judo since 1985 and Karate since 1990. He holds the Trainer C-licence of the German Sports Federation and the Ju-Jutsu-teachers-licence. Joachim Thumfart is 8 times german champion in all 3 Ju-Jutsu disciplines and member of the german Ju-Jutsu national team since 1990. He is duo-worldcampion 1999.

Oliver Wittmann, 2. Dan, trains Ju-Jutsu since 1985, Karate since 1982 and Lameco Eskrima since 1992. He holds the Trainer C-Licence of the German Sports Federation and teaches sports and self-defense at a german police school.

Ju-Jutsu ultimativ vol. 3
by Abanico


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Ju-Jutsu ultimativ vol. 3 by Abanico

Ju-Jutsu mit Bernd Hillebrand sowie Joachim Thumfart und Oliver Wittmann

Oliver Wittmann, 2. Dan, trains Ju-Jutsu since 1985, Karate since 1982 and Lameco Eskrima since 1992. He holds the Trainer C-Licence of the German Sports Federation and teaches sports and self-defense at a german police school.

Bernd Hillebrand, 6. Dan, trains Ju-Jutsu since 1975 and Karate since 1980. He holds the trainer A-licence of the German Sports Federation and the Ju-Jutsu-teachers-licence. He teaches sports and selfdefense at the academy for police-training. Bernd Hillebrand is the technical director of the German Ju-Jutsu Federation with more than 50.000 members.

Joachim Thumfart, 4. Dan, trains Ju-Jutsu since 1980, Judo since 1985 and Karate since 1990. He holds the Trainer C-licence of the German Sports Federation and the Ju-Jutsu-teachers-licence. Joachim Thumfart is 8 times german champion in all 3 Ju-Jutsu disciplines and member of the german Ju-Jutsu national team since 1990. He is duo-worldcampion 1999.

Oliver Wittmann, 2. Dan, trains Ju-Jutsu since 1985, Karate since 1982 and Lameco Eskrima since 1992. He holds the Trainer C-Licence of the German Sports Federation and teaches sports and self-defense at a german police school.

Jeet Kune-Do
by Karate-Bushido


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Jeet Kune-Do by Karate-Bushido

Par Eric Laulagnet

Eric LAULAGNET demonstrates the striking-, kicking-, trapping- and grappling techniques of the JKD. Also on the DVD: Bob Breen

Modern Arnis Tapi
by Abanico


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Modern Arnis Tapi by Abanico

Datu Dieter Kn?ttel

Tapi-Tapi is the core drill of Modern Arnis. It is a fascinating and thrilling gem of the Filipino Martial Arts. In this drill you train the techniques in a continuous flow, where speed and reaction are trained as well as coordination, timing and reflexes. It is fast, effective and exciting. But most important is, as Professor Remy A. Presas always said: You have to go with the flow. Grandmaster and Datu Dieter Kn?ttel M.A. in sports science is Modern Arnis chief-instructor for Germany and European Modern Arnis Representative (1996 -2001) of Professor Remy A. Presas. He received the title of DATU and the rank of Lakan Anim, 6th Dan Modern Arnis from Professor Remy Presas in 1996. In March 2003 he received his 7th Dan and Seniior Master status in Modern Arnis in Manila/Philippines from the board of the worlds highest ranking Modern Arnis players: Cristion Vasquez, 9th Dan, Rene Tongson, 8th Dan, Rodel Dagooc, 8th Dan, Jerry de La Cruz, 8th Dan, Victor Sanchez, 8th Dan and Samuel Dulay, 7th Dan. At the 25th of July 2008 he received 8th Dan Modern Arnis and the Grandmaster title from the highest ranking Modern Arnis masters and Grandmaster of the Philippines. Dieter Knuettel is involved with the Filipino Martial Arts since 1978 and he has been teaching Modern Arnis seminars since 1983 all over Europe, in Australia, in the USA, in Russia and even in the Philippines. He is one of the most experienced Modern Arnis Masters worldwide.

Ju-Jutsu groundfighting 1
by Abanico


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Ju-Jutsu groundfighting 1 by Abanico

Achim Hanke 6. Dan JJ, Joe Thumfart 5. Dan JJ, Michael Korn, 4. Dan JJ

Achim Hanke, Joe Thumfahrt, Michael Korn 6th DAN Ju-Jutsu, Ju-Jutsu-teacher, A-trainer, former Federal Trainer of Duo-System, instructor of DJJV-courses, coach, examiner of JJV Baden, 4th DAN Judo, 3rd DAN Jiu-Jiutsu

dvd ju-jutsu ju+jutsu self+defence self+defense

Ju-Jutsu groundfighting 2
by Abanico


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Ju-Jutsu groundfighting 2 by Abanico

Achim Hanke 6. Dan JJ, Joe Thumfart 5. Dan JJ, Michael Korn, 4. Dan JJ

Achim Hanke, Joe Thumfahrt, Michael Korn 6th DAN Ju-Jutsu, Ju-Jutsu-teacher, A-trainer, former Federal Trainer of Duo-System, instructor of DJJV-courses, coach, examiner of JJV Baden, 4th DAN Judo, 3rd DAN Jiu-Jiutsu

Ju-Jutsu groundfighting 3
by Abanico


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Ju-Jutsu groundfighting 3 by Abanico

Achim Hanke 6. Dan JJ, Joe Thumfart 5. Dan JJ, Michael Korn, 4. Dan JJ

Achim Hanke, Joe Thumfahrt, Michael Korn 6th DAN Ju-Jutsu, Ju-Jutsu-teacher, A-trainer, former Federal Trainer of Duo-System, instructor of DJJV-courses, coach, examiner of JJV Baden, 4th DAN Judo, 3rd DAN Jiu-Jiutsu

Ju-Jutsu groundfighting 4
by Abanico


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Ju-Jutsu groundfighting 4 by Abanico

Achim Hanke 6. Dan JJ, Joe Thumfart 5. Dan JJ, Michael Korn, 4. Dan JJ

Achim Hanke, Joe Thumfahrt, Michael Korn 6th DAN Ju-Jutsu, Ju-Jutsu-teacher, A-trainer, former Federal Trainer of Duo-System, instructor of DJJV-courses, coach, examiner of JJV Baden, 4th DAN Judo, 3rd DAN Jiu-Jiutsu

Ju-Jutsu groundfighting 5
by Abanico


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Ju-Jutsu groundfighting 5 by Abanico

Achim Hanke 6. Dan JJ, Joe Thumfart 5. Dan JJ, Michael Korn, 4. Dan JJ

Achim Hanke, Joe Thumfahrt, Michael Korn 6th DAN Ju-Jutsu, Ju-Jutsu-teacher, A-trainer, former Federal Trainer of Duo-System, instructor of DJJV-courses, coach, examiner of JJV Baden, 4th DAN Judo, 3rd DAN Jiu-Jiutsu

dvd ju-jutsu ju+jutsu self+defence self+defense

Gru Spetsnaz - Russian command ...
by Karate-Bushido


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only € 35.00

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Gru Spetsnaz - Russian commandos by Karate-Bushido

Gru Spetsnaz was the most powerful elite unit of the former Red Army. Thanks to two Russian officer instructors, their training system, struggles of man against man, to see their special motivation and their special techniques are now for the first time in Europe.Learn the secret techniques of Russian special forces: how WINS and survived it, if everything is allowed...

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 1 -Comprid ...


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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 1 -Comprido

Auswege aus Stra?ensituationen, W?rfe, takedown

A real star in Brazil, Rodrigo was' Comprido 'Medeiros twice world champion at the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in the Open Class award. Romero 'JACARE' Calvacanti, multiple Brazilian champion, is the founder of the famous Aliance Group. This comprehensive DVD series highlights the sporting aspects of the self and nature of the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 2 -Comprid ...


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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 2 -Comprido

Die Guard- Position besiegen, Feger und Konter

A real star in Brazil, Rodrigo was' Comprido 'Medeiros twice world champion at the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in the Open Class award. Romero 'JACARE' Calvacanti, multiple Brazilian champion, is the founder of the famous Aliance Group. This comprehensive DVD series highlights the sporting aspects of the self and nature of the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 3 -Comprid ...


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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 3 -Comprido

Feger, Konter und Abschlu?techniken aus der Guard

A real star in Brazil, Rodrigo was' Comprido 'Medeiros twice world champion at the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in the Open Class award. Romero 'JACARE' Calvacanti, multiple Brazilian champion, is the founder of the famous Aliance Group. This comprehensive DVD series highlights the sporting aspects of the self and nature of the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 4 -Comprid ...


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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 4 -Comprido

Die seitliche Mount-Position besiegen, Befreiungen

A real star in Brazil, Rodrigo was' Comprido 'Medeiros twice world champion at the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in the Open Class award. Romero 'JACARE' Calvacanti, multiple Brazilian champion, is the founder of the famous Aliance Group. This comprehensive DVD series highlights the sporting aspects of the self and nature of the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 5 -Comprid ...


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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 5 -Comprido

Mount-Position: Verteidigungen und Abschlu?techniken

A real star in Brazil, Rodrigo was' Comprido 'Medeiros twice world champion at the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in the Open Class award. Romero 'JACARE' Calvacanti, multiple Brazilian champion, is the founder of the famous Aliance Group. This comprehensive DVD series highlights the sporting aspects of the self and nature of the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 6 -Comprid ...


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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 6 -Comprido

Angriffe von hinten und Konter

A real star in Brazil, Rodrigo was' Comprido 'Medeiros twice world champion at the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in the Open Class award. Romero 'JACARE' Calvacanti, multiple Brazilian champion, is the founder of the famous Aliance Group. This comprehensive DVD series highlights the sporting aspects of the self and nature of the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Jeet Kune Do - Eric Laulagnet
by Karate-Bushido


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Jeet Kune Do - Eric Laulagnet by Karate-Bushido

Eric Laulagnet

Eric Laulagnet presents techniques and combinations of the 4 distances of JKD Combat: If, impact, trapping and Grapplingdistanz. With the cooperation of Bob Breen.

dvd ju-jutsu ju+jutsu self+defence self+defense

Penchak Silat Frank Ropers
by Karate-Bushido


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Penchak Silat Frank Ropers by Karate-Bushido

Frank Ropers

Frank Ropers, a disciple of Master Turpin leads Pencak Silat before: strikes, throws, stranglehold Lanka with and without weapons, advanced techniques

Jiujitsu sea, Vale tudo, grapp ...
by Independance


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only € 23.24

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Jiujitsu sea, Vale tudo, grappling vol. 1 by Independance


After the success of the previous video series Jiu-Jitsu exotic and Vale Tudo D.Giorsetti now comes with two new extraordinary expenditure. The techniques are shown with and without traditional kimono so that any doubts can be dispelled, you in the competition or Vale could have had Tudo perhaps in terms of the effectiveness of the Brazilian Jio jitsu.
In this video are also a series of images together with the other band competitions and interviews that David could lead with the great masters: Christophe Midoux, friend and drive partners, but especially number 14 in France in the Vale Tudo heavy weight class. But then several preferred combinations of a Brazilian master are shown regularly trained with David - and this is none other than ARI Galo, the teacher of the Carlson Gracie in Rio de Janeiro. If you are trying to improve, in the battle on the ground or to hold. Clutches and gagging Learn To want, then should this video and don't miss the associated other band.

Après le succès de la précédente series de vidéos sur le Jiu-Jitsu exotic et le Vale tudo, D.Giorsetti returns avec deux nouveaux volumes exeptionnels regroupants of the techniques avec et sans kimonos qui vous permettrons sans aucun doute de devenir plus efficaces, que se soit pour le Jiu-Jitsu exotic de compétition, le grappling, ou le Vale tudo.
Dans ces deux vidéos, en à plus of images de compétitions et d ' interviews, David Reçu de très of grands champions: Christophe Midoux, ami et partenaire d ' entraînement corn avant tout le numéro 14 en France de Vale Tudo Catégorie poids lourds. CE dernier vous montrera plusieurs de ses enchaînements favoris de combat libre. En live you Brésil, of techniques effectuées par le champion brésilien avec qui s ' David ENT Raine régulièrement: ARI Galo, qui n'est autre que le professeur de l ' Académie Carlson Gracie à rio de Janeiro. ALORS si vous êtes désireux de vous améliorer en combat au sol ou d'en savoir plus sur les clefs, les étranglements, les renversements, ne manquez pas ces deux volumes.

Jiujitsu sea, Vale tudo, grapp ...
by Independance


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Jiujitsu sea, Vale tudo, grappling vol. 2 by Independance


After the success of the previous video series Jiu-Jitsu exotic and Vale Tudo D.Giorsetti now comes with two new extraordinary expenditure. The techniques are shown with and without traditional kimono so that any doubts can be dispelled, you in the competition or Vale could have had Tudo perhaps in terms of the effectiveness of the Brazilian Jio jitsu.
In this video are also a series of images together with the other band competitions and interviews that David could lead with the great masters: Christophe Midoux, friend and drive partners, but especially number 14 in France in the Vale Tudo heavy weight class. But then several preferred combinations of a Brazilian master are shown regularly trained with David - and this is none other than ARI Galo, the teacher of the Carlson Gracie in Rio de Janeiro. If you are trying to improve, in the battle on the ground or to hold. Clutches and gagging Learn To want, then should this video and don't miss the associated other band.

Après le succès de la précédente series de vidéos sur le Jiu-Jitsu exotic et le Vale tudo, D.Giorsetti returns avec deux nouveaux volumes exeptionnels regroupants of the techniques avec et sans kimonos qui vous permettrons sans aucun doute de devenir plus efficaces, que se soit pour le Jiu-Jitsu exotic de compétition, le grappling, ou le Vale tudo.
Dans ces deux vidéos, en à plus of images de compétitions et d ' interviews, David Reçu de très of grands champions: Christophe Midoux, ami et partenaire d ' entraînement corn avant tout le numéro 14 en France de Vale Tudo Catégorie poids lourds. CE dernier vous montrera plusieurs de ses enchaînements favoris de combat libre. En live you Brésil, of techniques effectuées par le champion brésilien avec qui s ' David ENT Raine régulièrement: ARI Galo, qui n'est autre que le professeur de l ' Académie Carlson Gracie à rio de Janeiro. ALORS si vous êtes désireux de vous améliorer en combat au sol ou d'en savoir plus sur les clefs, les étranglements, les renversements, ne manquez pas ces deux volumes.

Boxe de rue
by Independance


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Boxe de rue by Independance


After I've spent 35 years between rings and dojos, I tried to create a combat method which is adapted to the conditions of the road for feet and fists. I am as a result of the French boxing, a discipline in which I was 6 times French champion and was European champion in 1984, when BEES 2 diploma was Me too. This video shows how strong shots can be fended off with arms and legs, how to comply is a safety distance, how to post themselves in the face of multiple opponents and behave. You are To find there in particular security principles to get to
protect. The Boxer will have a secure advantage in terms of non-practitioners. Nevertheless, it will be necessary to adapt its cover by he will think that he is unarmed and that itself can run the method, to take their hands before the face quite on the contrary, to his detriment.
Using a foot, which was protected by a good shoe, will be Very much effective. Always remember that a defense legitimized a retaliation, but that it must be proportional to the aggression.

Après avoir take care of 35 at the entre les rings et les dojos, j'ai t'essaye de formaliser une method of pieds de combat et poings adaptées à la rue. Ever suis issu de la boxe française, discipline dans international j'ai of été 6 fois champions de france et champion d'Europe en 1984, je suis également diplomas BEES 2.
Cette vidéo montre comment bloquer of coups puissants, avec les bras ou les jambes, comment garder une distance de Sécurité, comment se placer et se Déplacer face à plusieurs opponents. Protéger read principes de sécurité pour se vous y trouverez surtout. Le boxeur aura un certain par rapport of à un avantage non pratiquant, Néanmoins il faudra lui adapter sa garde en pensant qu'il est mains nues et que le fait de coller ses mains sur son visages peut se Reto Urner contre lui et lui occasionner of blessures évader de la reception of coups. L 'utilisation d'un pied protégé of par une bonne chaussure sera plus approprié. Rappelons que la legitimate Défense autorise une riposte, corn que celle ci doit être proportionnelle à l ' agression

Techniques F.F.T.S en situatio ...
by Independance


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Techniques F.F.T.S en situation réeles by Independance

A. Formaggio

This video was made to present you the different sports of the F.F.T.S: Tonfa, Stick, Self-defense, close protection and professional techniques, and a sample of possible defenses against various attacks: holds, kick and punch, knife, stick, bat...
The majority of the techniques that are presented in this movie after defenses and fast counter attacks will end the fight with you controlling your opponent on the ground, professional finality. ALAIN FORMAGGIO has been a cop for more than 20 years. Teacher in Self-Defense and Tonfa, he formed hundreds of members in the police, both at work and in associations. Founder of the F.F.T.S., he was the first to propose formations for security professionals. With his 20 years experience in police and as a teacher Alain is appreciated and well known in his profession. International Expert 8th degree, he's now the national technical manager of the F.F.T.S. The F.F.T.S. method is particularly adapted to policemen and to security professionals of all countries and especially to elite groups and specialized army or police units. Alain is state graduate in Savate-French-Boxing, member of the national commission of Savate and Defense Stick and teacher with a diploma from the international federation of Krav Maga. Very appreciated for his humor and his pedagogy, you can see him in technical and explosive demonstrations!

dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos selbstverteidigung pavement kajukenbo

Self Défense
by Independance


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Self Défense by Independance


An apparently harmless object, can be a highly effective weapon. Its environment can use is one of the most elemental qualities in self defense. Ultimately, it is important to recognize the potential weapons and to be able to use. Thus, a fountain pen, a key or even a newspaper can if necessary to become the weapon and thus you might save the life.
Franck ROPERS is an undisputed specialist of the fight. He presents his method of self defense you in this DVD, which was developed from the effective Indonesian martial art of Penchak Silat: quick and destructive techniques.
Because speed is crucial for survival in a self-defense situation, every technology must reach their destination! Techniques of defence with bare hands and everyday objects are shown.

Bonus: Chapitrage - animated menus - ad strips - making of the movie - more than 30 min bonus material.

UN objet apparemment inoffensif peut être détourné en poor redoutable. Savoir utiliser son environnement est une of qualité elémentaire en self-Défense. Par conséquent, il est important de savoir exploiter les poor potential disponibles autour de soi. Ainsi, un of Santos, une clef ou encore un journal peut, en cas de besoin, fair office d' poor et peut être vous sauver la vie. A ce jour, Franck ROPERS demeure un spécialiste incontesté you combat. Il vous présente dans ce dvd sa method of self Défense, inspirée de l'art martial le Penchak Silat Indonesia, dévastatrice discipline.Les nombreuses techniques dévoilées ici sont à l'image you Penchak Silat: rapides, éfficaces et destructrices. Parce que dans une situation de self-defense, la rapidité d ' exécution est une qualité vitale, chaque enchaînement démontré va droit au but. Vous trouverez dans ce dvd des techniques de défense of à mains nues et, plus original, the techniques avec objets usuels. Vous trouverez dans ce dvd des techniques de défense of à mains nues et, plus original, the techniques avec objets usuels.

Bonus: Chapitrage - menus animés - band annonces - making film of you - plus de 30 min de bonus.

Awards and Certificates

  • martial arts secure shopping
  • security and reliance in Austria too