Parkour & freerunning fitness training fitness & workout

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Parkour & freerunning fitness training fitness & workout


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product-id: 2086275
Budoten-ranking: 11999

only € 24.99

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1636 days ago: 24.07.20
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Short Description

DVD, total running time: 52 minutes in the languages English, French, German, Spanish, Italian to the Select 16:9 format
weight: approx. 0.1 kg

Detail Description

This DVD is designed for all those who are interested in the physical condition and exercises in the area of parkour & freerunning. It provides an overview of the type with which the athletes of 3RUN as students of transportation training.
This DVD offers a valuable help, who train seriously and To want using their environment in a creative way, to improve strength and form all those.

3RUN are worldwide known for their specialization in transportation art: Parkour / freerunning, martial arts & urban acrobatics.

3RUN, relying on a strong influence of the world freerunning and Parkour, the movement is a way of life. And you should love life!
Through its participation in major projects, of which bond "Casino of Royale" and the advertising for Microsoft XBox prices erzilen have James, the collective that holds multiple world records, has evolved from a group of friends, who share the same passion as students of transportation.
You have made to the task, to entertain the world and zngeahnten services to inspire, and to go through a hard training and a philosophy at the borders. Their essential virtues are passion, commitment, honor and respect. The collective 3RUN lives for all of the incredible movements which makes it Around the world, to his knowledge, to share his passion of the movement and of love.

Here the athletes of the Group 3RUN:
Shaun Andrews, Chase Armitage, Cole Armitage, cane Armitage, mat Armitage, Nathan Barris, Adam Brashaw, Chloe Bruce, mat Kaye, Sam Parham, Fabio Santos, Curtis small, James Stokes, Mike Wilson, Scott young.

The following menu items are available:
-Bonus (Parkour & freerunning action movies)


shipping costs: from 5.30 € (standard-parcel to Germany up to 4kg)
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available ex central warehouse - ready for dispatch within 4-6 business days, quick service possible quick service possible. more information

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