some of our products in this category
by Trendy
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Yoga-Block by Trendy
The indispensable training aid for a multitude of Yaga exercises.
aerobic stretching streching yoga joga freizeit
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The Life & Legend of Bob Wall
von Bob Wall
Bob Wall is one of the most successful karateka in the world.
Among his training partners were: Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Joe Lewis, Gene LeBell, Benny Urquidez, Ed Parker and more
This DVD is a Biogrphy by Bob Wall.
He has starred in many films on this DVD are some excerpts from the films are shown.
A photo gallery is also part of the content, as some of his most significant fights.
In addition, interviews and old footage of big American tournaments will be shown.
Speed power martial arts
by Independance
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Speed power martial arts by Independance
Von Meister Frank Ropers
Frank Ropers is a recognized Penchak Silat instructor.
This great teaching DVD has the following content:
-Isotonic muscle training
-Abdominal training
-Breathing exercises
-Muscular work with special loads
-Striking techniques
-Weight training
-Sandbag training
-Paw training
-Speed work
-Strokes in a short form
-Foot techniques in short form
-Partner training
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos divers muskelaufbau dehnung yoga krafttraining
DVD extreme stretching
by Budo Internation ...
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DVD extreme stretching by Budo International
Cynthia Rothrock
Cynthia Rothrock, Kung Fu Queen and Hollywood action film star, presents us on dieserDVD a thought-out work with all the stretching exercises, Which one have helped her to their exceptional flexibility.
DVD strength training for mart ...
by Budo Internation ...
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DVD strength training for martial arts by Budo International
Silvio Simac
Silvio Simac is a martial artist with an impressive CV (14facher British champion, quadruple European champion, world champion in the TKD). He prepared just a brilliant career as an actor and is now in scenes with such greats as Jet Li, to see Jackie Chan and Morgan Freeman. On his first DVD he shows us one of the secrets of his success: he shows us how you can implement strength training for the martial arts. Through various aerobic, anaerobic and pliometric exercises to get the largest yield from his strength training for the martial arts. Simac shows us innovative methods that any martial artist will make the greatest possible success. Because the power factor is also in the martial arts of great importance!
Aerobic Step Plus
by Trendy
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Aerobic Step Plus by Trendy
Die alte Oberflächenstruktur (Crosslinemuster) wurde weiterentwickelt.
Es handelt sich hierbei nun um eine einfarbige Wendematte, sie ist beidseitig verwendbar und die Oberfläche ist mit einer Lederstruktur versehen.
matten steckmatte steckmatten aikido taekwondo tatami ju+jutsu jujutsu ju-jutsu judo karate aerobic stretching streching yoga joga tkd
Pilates Role - media
by Trendy
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Pilates Role - media by Trendy
F?r Fitness, Reha und Therapiebereich
Optimum Pilates stabilization exercise device for applications in which also the upper body can rest on the rigid role.
pad pilates reha yoga ergotherapie rehabilitation gleichgewichtstraining koordinationstraining
Pilates Role - largo
by Trendy
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Pilates Role - largo by Trendy
Optimum Pilates stabilization exercise device for applications in which also the upper body can rest on the rigid role.
Yoga Mat
by Trendy
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Yoga Mat by Trendy
The quality of the YogaMat Trendy speaks for itself: The new Trendy Yoga-GymMat has been developed especially for the needs of Yoga exercises. It's absolutely tearproof, skin friendly, warm to the body and optimal in its attenuation, easy to clean, non slippery and lying flat, Comfortable and flexible, Easy rolling and unrolling of mat, No sticking-out corners, Optimum shock absorbing, anti-germ protection, dirt and humidity resistant, 3 years of guarantee
Yoga Belt
by Trendy
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Yoga Belt by Trendy
The belt is made of 100 percent cotton.
aerobic stretching streching yoga joga freizeit
Studio Line
by Trendy
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Studio Line by Trendy
StudioLine is the resistant floor covering for highest demand in fitness studios. The joint protection StudioLine floor stays stable even on high performance and it?s perfect for the fitness appliance area. The installation is extremely easy without need of instruction, and is possible directly on any ground without costly preparation. StudioLine is individually spicing up any space. high quality, maximum comfort, anti-germ, noise reducing, easy to clean without detergents just with pure water
matten steckmatte steckmatten aikido taekwondo tatami ju+jutsu jujutsu ju-jutsu judo karate aerobic stretching streching yoga joga tkd
Melina ball for Pilates
by Trendy
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Melina ball for Pilates by Trendy
The Original Trendy Pilates Ball is Melina Made from a soft, foamed PVC material (very handy) is simply an inflatable aid (Blowpipe) inflate and be sealed with the supplied plug.
Fitness and Exercise Gyro - BA ...
by Trendy
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Fitness and Exercise Gyro - BAMUSTA Dois by Trendy
General information:
Ideal for fitness, rehabilitation and therapy area suitable.
Bamusta Soft Boards introduce a new dimension in balance training. The unique design includes both flexible four corner feet on the beginner board and a larger central flexible foot in the Middle and the advanced boards. Bamusta boards offer the following advantages: Safe achieve a better balance, coordination, and better mobility around. Improved function, based on a three-dimensional feeling, the boards tilt sideways and hover and give the user the feeling of surfing. Non-slip feet establish a firm contact with the ground. The larger surface area allows for a variety of foot, - Hand and sitting positions. They give the feeling of floating in the air, while still providing a solid surface is guaranteed for the feet.
How it works? Bamusta boards are made of a special material that shrinks under the weight of the user. Once the user rises to the Bamusta board, it automatically starts with the balance training. By its weight compression is generated, thereby immediately coordination and balance of the user is required. The movement sequence is always different and is controlled by the coordination of the user.
Bamusta is an acronym that stands for balance (BA), muscle building (MU) and stabilization (STA).
pad pilates reha yoga ergotherapie rehabilitation gleichgewichtstraining koordinationstraining
Sports mat StudioLine - parque ...
by Trendy
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Sports mat StudioLine - parquet look by Trendy
Studio Line
StudioLine is the durable flooring solution for high demands in gyms and therapy rooms. On the sports floor PEPs each room individually and has the following important quality characteristics:
-very hygienic due to antibacterial material
-made from eco-friendly and safe EVA foam
-high quality and maximum comfort
-noise reduction
-easy without cleaning additives (with water)
-easy to install
-also ideal for device applications not designed, but for dumbbells
-due to its closed cell structure completely insensitive to dirt
-easy on the joints, impact-absorbing and dimensionally stable
-especially for the European market the mats were retested by the CSTB, Paris, flammability (M4 certificate) for use in public facilities
-SGS tested (contaminant assessment and technical assessment was carried out so that the mats on the European market without concerns may be sold)
-through the endless pattern the mat edges are very inconspicuous, resulting in a nice uniform training area
-odour-free (safe)
-Details of the Oberflächentruktur:
* the colours red, blue, green, yellow, light gray, dark gray, light brown, dark brown front and smooth rear are delivered with a slightly roughened leather structure
* the mats with the look of wood structure (light wood colours, dark wood colours and blue-grey colors of wood) have a smooth front/rear, while only the tops with the wood grain is provided and that beige back, dark brown or blue-grey
The point-elastic and joint-gentle StudioLine floor remains dimensionally stable even under high stress and is ideal for aerobics and therapy area. Laying is possible without costly preparation without manual very simply and directly on any surface. If the laying of sport mats in the training room is still difficult, because the walls are not at right angles or interfere with heating pipes or similar, you can correct the edges clean using a sharp cutter Blade (often in hardware stores available) and adjust. It is a solid color reversible MAT, it is reversible. These mats are suitable for the underfloor heating, there is no Wärnestau.
matten steckmatte steckmatten aikido taekwondo tatami ju+jutsu jujutsu ju-jutsu judo karate aerobic stretching streching yoga joga tkd
Bureba exercise ball
by Trendy
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Bureba exercise ball by Trendy
This professional exercise ball is burst-proof up to 500 kg weight load. Perfect for fitness, therapy and rehabilitation. Bureba is the abbreviation for Burst Resistant Ball. Bureba This specially designed ball can be used as seating or stability ball (exercises to strengthen the back muscles similar) and is processed excellent. He meets extremely high quality standards for safety and then can not burst even if it is damaged with sharp objects. The exercise ball is burst-proof even when damaged. The air would escape control if damaged. Hence the term Anti Burst or Burst Resistant Ball.
Information on ordering sizes:
- At height <155 cm, we recommend a 55 cm ball
- Height at 155 - we recommend a 65 cm ball 170 cm
- At height> 175 cm, we recommend a 75 cm ball.
ProfiGymMat Professional 140, ...
by Trendy
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ProfiGymMat Professional 140, 1 cm stark by Trendy
Die ProfiGymMat Professional 140 ist mit einer Dichte von 170 KG / m3 extrem robust. Aufgrund der neuen vertikalen Struktur hat der Benutzer weniger Verschlei? an der Matte. Dies macht die Matte noch komfortabler und erh?ht auch die Haltbarkeit. Die kompakte Mattengr??e von 140 x 60 cm ist besonders platzsparend einsetzbar und bietet dennoch gen?gend Platz f?r eine Vielzahl von Gymnastik?bungen. Die Matte ist besonders gut f?r Schwangerschaftsgymnastik und Fitness mit Kindern geeignet. Die neue Generation der ProfiGymMat Professional spricht f?r sich und erf?llt die hohen Anspr?che in allen professionellen Fitnessbereichen. Die Gymnastikmatte ist in 1 cm St?rke ge?st in sieben Farben erh?ltlich, in 1 cm St?rke nicht ge?st in 6 Farben erh?ltlich.
- bleibt bei hoher Beanspruchung widerstandsf?hig, geschmeidig und formstabil
- rei?fest
- langlebig
- problemlose Anpassung am Untergrund
- komfortabel und flexibel
- planliegend
- poblemlos ein- und ausrollbar
- keine aufstehenden Ecken
- D?mpfung optimiert
- beidseitig, im Therapie-, Reha- und Wasserbereich verwendbar
- durch die geschlossene Zellstruktur super hygienisch
- antibaktieller Schutz
- Schmutz- und Feuchtigkeitsabweisend
- einfach mit Wasser zu reinigen
- BPA A frei
Bureba Ball
by Trendy
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Bureba Ball by Trendy
Bureba Ball
BUREBA - Burst Resistant Ball
F?r eine stabile K?rperhaltung und gesundes Sitzen.
- in verschiedenen Farben erh?ltlich
- bestens f?r den privaten Bereich geeignet
- platzsicher!
- inklusive Verkaufsverpackung