some of our products in this category
Qi Gong uniform
by DanRho
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Qi Gong uniform by DanRho
Wide cut for excellent freedom of movement, for Qi Gong and Meditation exercises.
Highly comfortable pant due to a special semi elastic waistband. Made of a lightweight poly-cotton material with soft finish. Comes in dark blue.
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Qi Gong basic techniques
Meiko Yuen Lee
New life energy for everyday life.
Bring your body going through simple Qi Gong exercises.
Qi-Gong is a special gymnastics from China and Korea, which is several thousand years old.
Qi-Gong is a part of traditional Chinese medicine, TCM, and is based on the 5 elements theory.
Qi Gong (Chi Kung) means life energy and activates the flow of energy in the meridians, strengthens the life energy, which we have since the birth.
Qi-Gong brings us into balance (yin and Yang) in the body.
Qi-Gong supports the self-healing powers and strengthens the immune system.
Grandmaster Meiko Yuen Lee (multiple champion of Asian martial arts) brought together the Korean and Chinese Qi Gong (Chi Kung), he teaches a simple and understandable Qi Gong for each person for 20 years.
MEIKO YUEN LEE Grandmaster pupil of grandmasters Dr. h.c. LEE Keun-tae 10.DAN (President of WMAF) and Grandmaster Jung Jin-Mong 9.DAN. Both come from Korea and Grandmaster of WONCHUK Qi-Gong.
Grand Master of Shaolin monk Shi Deyu 31 generation from China, Grand Master of the LOHAN Qi Gong and TCM doctor in the monastery of China Henan province is also a teacher of MEIKO YUEN LEE.
The following menu items are available:
-Bonus (photos, trailer)
Iron body and power meditation
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Iron body and power meditation
Alex Tao
D "by Grandmaster Alex Tao"
Grand Master Alex Tao is the founder of the Chinese military struggle method "Jing Quan Dao".
This great teaching DVD has the following content:
-Introduction & history
-Excerpts from the training
-Meditation training
-Rupture tests & body resilience training
-Qigong power meditation
-Hard qigong of Jing Quan DAO
-Iron head qigong
It is shown on this DVD as it hardens way off the entire body on Athemberaubender!
In English (easy without knowledge of English to understand).
44 minutes"
video other qigong
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Fingertim headstands
Alex Tao
D "the one-finger Zen training method"
Grandmaster Alex Tao
Grand Master Alex Tao is the founder of the Chinese military struggle method "Jing Quan Dao".
In this DVD will learn how one performs a one-finger Handstand.
This great teaching DVD has the following content:
-Introduction & history
-Excerpts from the training
-Meditation. and concentration training
-Finger resilience training
-Pushups with 2 fingers
-Pushups with one finger
-Fighting techniques with the fingertips, which run on nerve pressure point
In English (easy without knowledge of English to understand).
38 minutes"
DVD Ling car - Thai Chi - Qi G ...
by Budo Internation ...
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DVD Ling car - Thai Chi - Qi Gong by Budo International
Vincent Lyn
Vincent Lyn is a star of Hong Kong action kinos - he starred in films with such as "Operation Condor," alongside Jackie Chan. He is In addition musicians (songwriter, pianist and singer), as well as of 10th Dan of the international sports and Medicine Association and is even tzai Kune Do Kung Fu, 4-fold international kick boxing champion, choreographer, and co-ordinator for action scenes only surviving instructor of the style of Ling.
DVD Cangelosi - Tao Yin
by Budo Internation ...
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DVD Cangelosi - Tao Yin by Budo International
Paolo Cangelosi
The term "Tao Yin" means "Inner Way" or "Path of Health" and is a very old form of internal gymnastics, whose origins are lost in the darkness of history. Even in the days of the legendary Hsia dynasty (the time in which Huang Ti, the Yellow Emperor, the foundations of traditional Chinese medicine put), it is said, there were several preventive and therapeutic practices for maintaining the health of the human organism.
video other qigong
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Qi Gong dynamique
Qi Gong dynamique et relaxant, il renforce le corps, apaise l'esprit et favorise la souplesse. Ce Qi Gong unique permet aussi de renforcer son ?nergie par le travail en mouvement.
video other qigong
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Qi Gong Santé et énergie
Le qi gong est une méthode thérapeutique chinoise authentique de plus de 5000 ans qui se base sur les réseaux d'acupuncture pour renforcer la santé. Faire du qi gong signifie développer son énergie par le biais d'exercices simples, consistant à faire circuler le Qi et régulariser à la fois le corps, le souffle et l'esprit. Cette méthode agit sur l'énergie qui nourrit tous les organes jusqu'à chaque cellule du microcosme humain. Ces techniques énergétiques, rapidement efficaces, vous permettront de vous adapter harmonieusement à votre environnement, de vivre de façon équilibrée. Lancez-vous dans cet art de longévité, de vitalité et de bonheur.
video other qigong
Qi Gong pour la Femme Enceinte
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Qi Gong pour la Femme Enceinte
Présentation de l'éditeur: C'est le moment de vous mettre au Qi Gong ! Douce et relaxante, cette gymnastique ancestrale originaire de la Chine millénaire vous apporte des réponses efficaces pour vous maintenir physiquement et mentalement en forme, avec des mouvements simples et lents, faciles à réaliser, et demandant peu de temps au quotidien. Ses effets bénéfiques sont visibles rapidement et ont prouvé leur efficacité, que vous pratiquiez une activité sportive régulière ou non. Richement illustré et simple d'utilisation, ce guide pratique de la future maman vous permettra de mettre à profit les bienfaits ancestraux de la sagesse extrême-orientale. Une méthode tout en images, composée d'exercices commentés, pour entretenir votre beauté de mère et pour retrouver votre corps de femme plus rapidement après la naissance... Biographie de l'auteur: Roger Itier, 7e duan FWS, expert en arts internes (Qi Gong et Ta chi Chuan), est diplômé d'État, médaillé de la Jeunesse et des Sports, spécialiste du développement personnel, personal trainer, animateur de Team Building pour de grandes entreprises et préparateur mental. Son expérience de plus de trente années au service du développement des arts traditionnels chinois, l'a conduit à diffuser au plus grand nombre les bienfaits de la pratique du Qi Gong pour la vitalité du corps et l'apaisement de l'esprit. Il a accompagné Charlotte Wihane durant sa grossesse, transmettant à son adepte tous les secrets des grands maîtres de la Chine traditionnelle. Comme elle, découvrez cette méthode ancestrale et authentique, simple et 100 % efficace, pour garder votre vitalité pendant neuf mois !
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Qi Gong basic techniques
New life energy for everyday life.
Bring your body going through simple Qi Gong exercises.
Qi-Gong is a special gymnastics from China and Korea, which is several thousand years old.
Qi-Gong is a part of traditional Chinese medicine, TCM, and is based on the 5 elements theory.
Qi Gong (Chi Kung) means life energy and activates the flow of energy in the meridians, strengthens the life energy, which we have since the birth. Qi-Gong brings us into balance (yin and Yang) in the body.
Qi-Gong supports the self-healing powers and strengthens the immune system.
Grandmaster Meiko Yuen Lee (multiple champion of Asian martial arts) brought together the Korean and Chinese Qi Gong (Chi Kung), he teaches a simple and understandable Qi Gong for each person for 20 years.
MEIKO YUEN LEE Grandmaster pupil of grandmasters Dr. h.c. LEE Keun-tae 10.DAN (President of WMAF) and Grandmaster Jung Jin-Mong 9.DAN. Both come from Korea and Grandmaster of WONCHUK Qi-Gong.
Grand Master of Shaolin monk Shi Deyu 31 generation from China, Grand Master of the LOHAN Qi Gong and TCM doctor in the monastery of China Henan province is also a teacher of MEIKO YUEN LEE.
DVD with menu selection. This movie is playable in the following languages: German, English, French/format: 16:9 / total running time: 67 minutes + bonus
Wushu Suit Premium
by Sportimex
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Wushu Suit Premium by Sportimex
Wushu Suit silk Made in China - for suitable demonstrations and competitions - consisting of jacket with 7 button and trousers with buttons elastic waistband in the waist and ankles. Available colors: blue with a yellow outline, black outline with red, gray with gold border, white with red outline. Available in sizes S to XL. (Caution! Article is small).
accessories necklace mascot jewelry kung+fu kung-fu
Training Kung Fu Uniform, gr?n
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Training Kung Fu Uniform, gr?n
Q?ng, aus dem Chinesischen -leicht, weich, sanft-, inspiriert die Philosophie hinter dieser Uniform. Diese Tai Chi/Wu Shu-Uniform wurde in China nach dem traditionellen Schnitt und den Richtlinien handgefertigt und ist auf Komfort und Reinheit der Bewegungen und Formen ausgelegt. Sie zu tragen ist f?r Praktizierende jeden Niveaus ein wahres Vergn?gen.
Traditioneller chinesischer Schnitt. Breite und lockere Linien f?r uneingeschr?nkte Bewegungsfreiheit. Gummiz?ge an Kn?cheln und Taille und Kn?pfe an den ?rmeln f?r eine ?u?erst enge und bequeme Passform.
-Aus leichter Baumwolle f?r ein angenehmes und k?hles Gef?hl.
Tai Chi - Whu Shu Uniform
by Hayashi
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Tai Chi - Whu Shu Uniform by Hayashi
Original chinese suit made of 100% polyester-satin. The convenient pants come with elastic waistband. The endings of sleeves are adjustable.
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Chinese Chi-Gong-Balls
Stahlkugeln, emaillert mit Yin-Yang-Zeichen und Klang
Tai Chi / Qi Gong uniform blac ...
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Tai Chi / Qi Gong uniform black