by Independance
Hoang Nghi
Physical preparation is essential - t is a key to improvement and to sharpen weak points. In this video, different themes are analyzed: the sharpening of muscles, the balance, the cardio. This movie is divided in 5 chapters. First Chapter : superior limbs , Second Chapter : inferior limbs , Third Chapter : the trunk , Fourth Chapter : the balance and Fifth Chapter : the cardio , filmed with two cameras in order to understand with all the different angles. After ten years as a member of the French National Kung-Fu Team and 6 years in a team of Taekwondo, Hoang Nghi is now a sport trainer and uses his long experience and his talent in the domain of physical preparation.
Explosive kicks 3 DVD box set
by Independance
Explosive kicks 3 DVD box set by Independance
Von Weltmeister Ryan Pinkston & Anthony Atkins
Acrobatic kicks
Ryan Pinkston & Anthony Atkins are masters in the freestyle.
This great Lerh-DVD has the following content:
-Easy steps
-Handstand with rollover and string technology
-Wheel with string technology
-Cracked kicks on paws
-Salto forward with follow-up technology
-Salto backward with follow-up technology
-Twisted kicks
-Cracked kicks
-Cracked turning kicks
-Jumps with abschließenem balancing act
-Foot sweep
-Balancing Act kicks
-Kicks from the ground position
-Cracked kicks with different screws
-different freestyle kata individual and team
-Waffenkata on the French Open 2001
-Freestyle kata on the French Open 2001
DVD 2:
By world champion of Anthony Atkins
Anthony Atkins is a freestyle champion.
This great Lerh-DVD has the following content:
-Stretching and stretching exercises
-Weapons training with the Kama
-Artistic kata in slow motion and normal speed
-Spectacular kicks and jumps
-Will combinations
-Handstand with rollover and string technology
-Wheel with string technology
-Twisted kicks
-Cracked kicks
-Cracked turning kicks
-Jumps with abschließenem balancing act
-Foot sweep
-Balancing Act kicks
-Cracked kicks with different screws
-Will Kama kata
Progression kicks "Team Chat"
By world team chat:
-Matt Mullins ' 5-time WKA world champion in artistic kata "
-Adam Faldetta "ISKA world champion"
-John Stork "WKA world champion in weapons kata"
-Sireesha Achanti "North America champion in artistic kata"
This great Lerh-DVD has the following content:
-Stretching exercises
-Easy steps
-Complex kicks
-Handstand with rollover and string technology
-Wheel with string technology
-Twisted kicks
-Cracked kicks
-Cracked turning kicks
-Balancing Act kicks
-Cracked kicks with different screws
-Freestyle katas from all 4 acrobats in slow motion and normal speed
3 DVD Box Collection Kung-Fu - ...
3 DVD Box Collection Kung-Fu - Ip Man Wing Chun & Bruce Lee Gung-Fu
Ip Chun, Francois Arambel & Markus Schinhammer
Dieses DVD-Set besteht aus folgenden 3 Kung Fu DVD's:
VPM-13: Wing Tson Street Combat Reality Based Realistischer Straßenkampf
VPM-78: Ip Man Wing Chun
VPM-119: Die Kunst des Gung-Fu
Von Ip Chun, Francois Arambel & Markus Schinhammer
In dieser Box finden Sie nicht nur Aufnahmen von Ip Man selbst, sondern auch von Ip Mans Sohn Ip Chun, der das Erbe seines Vaters angetreten hat.
Ip Chun demonstriert hier die Formen Mok Yan Chong, Siu Nim Tao, Chum Kiu, Biu Jee und das legendäre Chi Sau, deren Anwendungen und Formen am Wooden Dummy.
Zudem wird Francois Arambel in die Kunst des Gung-Fu einführen, die Kampfkunst von Bruce Lee.
Markus Schinhammer zeigt Selbstverteidigungstechniken für die Straße.
Er ist anerkannter Wing Chun Meister der Samuel Kwok Wing Chun Martial Arts Association und anerkannter Instructor in Hongkong der Ving Tsun Athletic Association für IP Man Wing Chun.
by Independance
Flexibility is required in the large majority of sports. In order to stay healthy, to prepare the body for a continuous effort, or to gain flexibility, stretching is the reference.
Nikki Berwick, English champion in artistic martial arts, presents her personal Stretching method. As the result of 15 years of hard work, this method proposes to the practitioners to widely develop their flexibility. Communicated advices contribute to a better comprehension of each movements and their execution, and help to prevent any danger. Thanks to the training of Nikki Berwick your body will gain flexibility and good health.
In Search of Shaolin
Of Chinese Shaolin monks
Following content has Lerh this DVD:
- Introduction and History of Shaolin
- Shots of the Southern Shaolin Temple
- Recordings of Nan Shan Quang Hua Temple
- Recordings of Nine Dragons Temple Southern Shaolin
- Demonstration of the White Crane kata of George Alexander
- Demonstration of Master Chi Ching Wei
- Two Man Fighting Set & demonstrations of Shaolin monks
- Twelve Staff Techniques
- Demonstration of Master John Graham
- Training with the Shaolin Monks
- Southern Shaolin form
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos kungfu kung-fu kung+fu kungfu wushu selbstverteidigung
Ip Man Wing Chun
Großmeister Ip Chun
Wer kennt sie nicht, die Legende des Wing Chun: Ip Man, der Mann, der das Wing Chun der Weltöffentlichkeit präsentierte und ein System berühmt machte, das heute auf der ganzen Welt praktiziert wird.
In diesem Film finden Sie nicht nur einzigartige Aufnahmen von Ip Man selbst - Ip Mans Sohn, Ip Chun, der das Erbe seines Vaters angetreten hat und heute das Oberhaupt der internationalen Wing Chun Familie ist, demonstriert hier die Formen Mok Yan Chong, Siu Nim Tao, Chum Kiu, Biu Jee und das legendäre Chi Sau, deren Anwendungen und Formen am Wooden Dummy.
Erleben Sie einen wahren Meister des Wing Chun beim Formenlauf, bei der Ausführung der Techniken am Partner und bei der Arbeit am Wooden Dummy!
Mok Yan Chong
Siu Nim Tao
Chum Kiu
Biu Jee
Chi Sau
Tai Ji Quan
by KARATE-Bushido
Tai Ji Quan by KARATE-Bushido
Zuan Zu Mou
The 24 movements of the Yang-school with applications from Beijing.
Wingtsun: Korrektes oder Falsc ...
by Budo Internation ...
Wingtsun: Korrektes oder Falsches WT? by Budo International
Leung Ting
Leung Ting is undoubtedly one of the most famous martial arts masters have been trained by Yip man personally. In this video looks great Grandmaster Leung Ting in the strategic tactical principles that make a system so effective from the WT. Illustrative examples, explained master Leung Ting the why of the beating to effect of the WT and compares the WT system similar styles in others, the WT.
Tsui Pa Hisien
by Budo Internation ...
Tsui Pa Hisien by Budo International
Sifu Paolo Cangelosi
The fight tells the story of meeting two Chinese Kung Fu heroes, the legendary "immortal vagabonds" Hong Han Shan, who represents the Tsui PA Hisien style and the Chinese hero Wong Fei hung, even representing the hung by Sifu Paolo Cangelosi and his assistant Roberto Macaluso.
Kata part 2 - Efthimios Karami ...
Kata part 2 - Efthimios Karamitsos (Bunkai)
Karate-Bundestrainer Efthimios Karamitsos
Kata Jion & Kanku Dai Hangetsu
By DKV karate coach of Efthimios Karamitsos 6.Dan
Efthimios Karamitsos shows with his assistant trainer team Schahrzad Monsouri, Sigi Hartl and comprehensive Michael Mack application examples from the Shotokan kata. In continuation of the concept of the video "Kata Bunkai part 1", are all techniques in the kata Jion, Kanku Dai and Hangetsu in various fighting applications demonstrated.
Close to the end of Bunkai against multiple opponents makes comprehensible the standard structure of the kata application also for students.
Freer combinations of technology sequences result in the flexible implementation of specific principles of kata in unspecified combat situations.
Small variations in the timing, force and direction of kata techniques experienced Karateka To give suggestions to further applications for self-defense and competition.
Several slow-motion studies and change the camera angle make hidden, also Very much fast and complex motion sequences for the Viewer to understand and to learn.
Bercy 2003
by Karate-Bushido
Bercy 2003 by Karate-Bushido
Bercy 2003: The Super Show! With Oshiro (Kobudo), Aosaka (Shorinji Kempo), the Shaolin monks and the Beijing Wu Shu team, the Indonesian Pencak Silat Nationalteam, aikido, karate, etc.
by Independance
TEAM CHAT is the most famous demonstration team in the United States. Trained by the great Mike Chat, World Champion of ARTISTIC KATA, the team made a show in all the big manifestations.. FLORIDA US OPEN or THE FESTIVAL OF MARTIAL ARTS IN BERCY. Team Chat is made of 4 exceptional champions:
Matt Mullins, 5 times WKA World Champion of Artistic Kata.
Adam Faldetta, Junior ISKA World Champion in 1999
John Stork, Senior WKA World Champion with weapons in 1999
Sireesha Achanti, Northern American Champion of Artistic Kata.
Team Chat is specialist in spectacular techniques with legs and presents in this video progressive sequences that are characteristic of their style. Learn the most surprising kicks presented by these 4 internationally known American Champions.
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos karate taekwondo ninjutsu divers muay+thai ju-jutsu ju+jutsu jujutsu kung-fu kung+fu kungfu kickboxen kickboxing tkd
Coups de pied acrobatiques
by Independance
Coups de pied acrobatiques by Independance
In the United States, the quality of a great Champion is measured by the quality of his kicks. The work and practice of these stylized kicks appeared with artistic kata and developed itself later in an independent way.
With the emergence of artistic kata throughout the world the work and practice of acrobatic kicks becomes a requirement both for competitors and for simple practitioners who want to improve their technique. Team Air, one of the most famous American team, composed of Anthony Atkins (3 times World Champion) and of the young Ryan Pinkston (Junior World Champion) proposes to get in detail in a large collection of acrobatic kicks: 540, 720, butterfly twist, gainer, full twist...
In this video, more than thirty techniques and combinations are brought to you by two international experts, famous for their spectacular work. BONUS: Chapitrage - Bandes annonces - Démonstrations au French Open 1 - Entretient avec Anthony Atkins - Présentation d'INDEPENDANCE Prod
by Independance
LE GRAND ECART by Independance
Which athlete has not dreamt of one day big to come out? Regardless of whether engaging in martial arts or any other sports – this video offers you the opportunity to realize your dreams. Because this impressive and Very much aesthetic art is reserved only to a small elite.
Sandra HESS and Steven HORST (2 international sportsmen - and relaxation experts) open up their secrets. They accompany you during this video
-Step by step - and advise on your individual search. One thing is certain: these two know what that talk about it.
Bonus: Chapitrage - ad strips - demonstration at French open 1 and 2 - Gallery photographs - scenes of turning
Quel sportif n'a pas rêvé un jour de faire le grand écart? Que vous soyez pratiquants d'arts martiaux, de sports de combat, ou de n' imports source autre sportive discipline, film "le grand écart" le vous offre la possibilité de faire de vos rêves une Réalité. Car cette pose impressionnante et très Esthétique n'est pas réservée à une élite. Que vous soyez en qu ^ te you grand écart facial, latéral ou d ' une souplesse Extrême, Sandra HESS, et Steven HORST (2 sheet internationaux - experts en assouplissements) vous livrent leurs secrets. Tout au long de cette vidéo, ils vous accompagnent
-étape étape par - et vous conseillent dans la recherche de l ' écart's légendaire. Une chose est sûre, ces deux la savent de quoi ils parlent.
BONUS: Chapitrage - band annonces - demonstration au French open 1 et 2 - Gallery photos - coulisses you tournage - prod Présentation d ' in dépendance
Combo Préparation physique au ...
by Independance
Combo Préparation physique au kata by Independance
Anthony Atkins
The term Combo sum up the art of linking several martial art's techniques. The speciality of Anthony Atkins is foot kick.
The young American boy (3 times World Champion of artistic Kata) execute combinations which are as original as astonishing. His fluid and aerial style is a challenge to weightlessness condition.
In this video, Anthony will give you the secrets of his success:
- a specific training which permit to improve the qualities required to practice a martial art : speed, suppleness, power, rapidity and stamina.
- 22 combos are detailed and 3 exceptional katas are shown.
- An exclusive interview.
This film is presented by a upper quality realisation, corresponding to the independence prod style. Techniques are shot with 3 cameras which gives a better understanding and a great rhythm. Sceneries are original are various. All this with an exceptional sound track.
by Independance
Physical preparation is essential - t is a key to improvement and to sharpen weak points. In this video, different themes are analyzed: the sharpening of muscles, the balance, the cardio. This movie is divided in 5 chapters. First Chapter : superior limbs , Second Chapter : inferior limbs , Third Chapter : the trunk , Fourth Chapter : the balance and Fifth Chapter : the cardio , filmed with two cameras in order to understand with all the different angles. After ten years as a member of the French National Kung-Fu Team and 6 years in a team of Taekwondo, Hoang Nghi is now a sport trainer and uses his long experience and his talent in the domain of physical preparation.
Video 3: For the first time in this video, find two films! Christophe Carrio, famous for his suppleness and his dynamic musculature, will present today two methods that anyone may practice. The first one will permit to develop your suppleness while the other propose to develop your stamina and your muscular volume.
Cristophe Carrio demonstrates that it is possible to conciliate an absolute suppleness and an impressive body building. This film is also fine for sportsmen who wish to improve their results but also for anyone looking for a better health.
Christophe Carrio will lead you, step by step, on the way to flexibility and muscles in front of marvellous natural.
White Crane Speed ​​and Ev ...
White Crane Speed ​​and Evasion Vol.2
George Alexander ist einer der größten Kampfsport Experten der Welt.
Folgenden Inhalt hat diese Lehr-DVD:
- Eine Vorgeschichte über das White Crane
- Verteidigung gegen verschiedene Anriffe
- Kampf- Kombinationen am Partner
- Grundschule von White Crane Techniken
- Tödliche Vitalpunkttechniken (Nervendruckpunkte)
Außerdem werden original White Crane Kata gelehrt, welche komplett entschlüsselt (Bunkai) werden.
Diese Kata werden in langsamen und in normalen Tempo vorgeführt.
Es werden die Kata:
- Nipaipo
- Advanced Two-Man White Crane Fighting Kata
Legend of the White Crane
Folgenden Inhalt hat diese Lehr DVD:
- Geschichte über White Crane Karate
- Hakutsuru Kicking Techniken
- Hakutsuru Selbstverteidigungstechniken (Knallharte Selbstverteidigung mit Vitalpunkttechniken)
- Hakutsuru Seminar ISKKF Honbu Dojo
Außerdem wird die original White Crane Kata: Hakuturu gelehrt, welche komplett entschlüsselt (Bunkai) werden.
Diese Kata werden in langsamen und in normalen Tempo aus verschiedenen Richtungen vorgeführt.
In englischer Sprache (ohne Englischkenntnisse leicht verständlich).
Hakuturu White crane
Von Großmeister George Alexander 9.Dan
George Alexander ist einer der größten Kampfsport Experten der Welt.
Folgenden Inhalt hat diese Lehr DVD:
- Einleitung und Geschichte über das Hakutsuru White Crane Karate
- Knallharte Kampftechniken am Partner
- Knallharte Selbstverteidigungstechniken am Partner, welche mit lebensgefährlichen Vitalpunkttechniken beendet werden.
Außerdem wird die original White Crane Kata: Hakuturu gelehrt, welche komplett entschlüsselt (Bunkai) werden.
Diese Kata werden in langsamen und in normalen Tempo aus verschiedenen Richtungen vorgeführt.
Power training for all martial ...
Power training for all martial arts
Karl List reveals an ultimate power training for all martial artists.
This great DVD has the following content:
Introduction to the training, exercises with weights, training with the exercise ball, Gleichgewischtsübungen, strength training on a weight bench, workout exercises with a barbell, training with rubber bands, strength training equipment, abdominal training, weight training, speed exercises
San Soo Kung Fu Self Defense f ...
San Soo Kung Fu Self Defense for the 21st Century
von Meister Dave Hopkins and George Kosty
San Sou Reality Fighting For The 21st Century
Following content has Lerh this DVD:
- Spectacular demonstration of combat techniques
- Realistic self-defense techniques against unarmed opponents
- Hard-hitting self-defense techniques
- Strangulations
- Throwing techniques
- Ground Combat
These exercises are adjusted on the road.
San Soo Kung Fu Total Body Fig ...
San Soo Kung Fu Total Body Fighting
von Meister Dave Hopkins and George Kosty
Total Body Fighting San Sou Reality For The 21st Century
Following content has Lerh this DVD:
- Spectacular demonstration of combat techniques
- Self-defense against armed and unarmed opponents
- Ground Combat
- Leverage
- Strangulation
- Hard-hitting self-defense techniques for the street
These exercises are adjusted on the road.
Real Chinese Kung Fu
von Großmeister Morihiro Saito
Morihiro Saito is a direct student of Aikido Founder Morihei Ueshiba.
This DVD shows some never presented the public recordings of Grandmaster.
Also many Aikido techniques etc shows E.g. sword techniques, lever, grips, ground techniques, and taught.
This DVD has the following content:
-Basic and advanced techniques
-Speed combinations
-Unusual sword disarming techniques
-Combinations, reversals and drills
At the end of this great DVD, M.Saito sword techniques shows Which one he demonstrated on a course.
To get an opportunity at such Very much rare material.
Tai Chi body in mind in harmon ...
Tai Chi body in mind in harmony
Von Sifu Bill Adams
A beginner's guide
Body and mind in harmony
On this great DVD the Tai are taught from the beginner to the advanced techniques Chi chuan.
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos kungfu kung-fu kung+fu kungfu wushu selbstverteidigung
Legend of the White crane
Von Großmeister Ken Penland
Ken Penland is one of the largest martial arts experts in the world.
This Lerh DVD has the following content:
-Story about White Crane karate
-Hakutsuru kicking techniques
-Hakutsuru self-defense techniques (tough self defense with vital point techniques)
-Hakutsuru seminar ISKKF Honbu Dojo
Also, the original is White Crane Kata: Hakuturu, Which one completely decrypted (Bunkai) be taught.
These Kata are performed in slow and at normal pace from different directions.
White crane speed and evasion ...
White crane speed and evasion vol. 1
Von Meister George Alexander 9.Dan
George Alexander is one of the largest martial arts experts in the world.
This Lerh DVD has the following content:
-A history of the White Crane
-Resilience with weights
-Resilience to the partner
-Defence against various on reefs
-Fighting combinations to the partner
-Primary school of White crane techniques
-Deadly vital point techniques (nerves pressure point)
-Defense against multiple opponents
Also 2 be taught original White Crane Kata, Which one completely decrypted (Bunkai) are.
These Kata are performed in slow and at a normal pace.
The Kata are:
-Original Hakutsuru so kata
-Original Hakutsuru kata Tan
White crane speed and evasion ...
White crane speed and evasion vol. 2
Großmeister Hironori Otsuka & Tatsuo Suzuki
This DVD shows some never presented the public recordings.
This great DVD has the following contents:
-History of Wado Ryu Karate & Shinto Yoshin Ryu Jujitsu
-Fighting techniques are taught
-Various defence techniques against a Samurai sword
-Various defence techniques against a knife
-Karate demonstrations by Tatsuo Susuki
-All Japan Wado Ryu Karate Championships, there appear Forführungen and competitions
To get an opportunity at such Very much rare material.
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos white crane kung fu kungfu kung+fu kung-fu karate okinawa gojuryu goju-ryu goju+ru wadoryu wado-ryu wado+ryu
Wing Chun Kung Fu
Von Sifu Alan Goldberg
Alan Goldberg teaches the original Wing Chun Kung Fu as it was transmitted from Yip Man.
Following content has Lerh this DVD:
- Basic techniques
- Chi Sau (sticking hands)
- Chain punches
- Partner Training
- Combinations
Kung Fu for the battle - fight ...
by Independance
Kung Fu for the battle - fighting Kung Fu Sanda & Sanshou by Independance
Von Weltmeister Dan Schwarz
Dan Schwarz is a renowned Kung Fu instructor.
This great Lerh-DVD has the following content:
-Various punches
-Various kicks
-Defense techniques
-Combinations of the partner
-Counter techniques
-Chinese boxing with protective equipment
-Response exercises with tennis balls
-Training AIDS
The way of the Wing Chun Kung ...
by Independance
The way of the Wing Chun Kung Fu of by Didier Beddar by Independance
Von Sifu Didier Beddar
Didier Beddar is a recognized Wing Chun Kung Fu instructor.
This great teaching DVD has the following content:
-Wooden Dolls training
-The wooden dummy techniques will be demonstrated at a partner
-Chi Sao (sticky hands)
-Reflex system
-Attack techniques
-Shil Lim Tao
-Sandbag training
CHUM kil
-Long stick techniques
-Butterfly knife
-Fighting techniques stock against stock
-Fighting techniques Butterfly against stock
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos kungfu kung-fu kung+fu kungfu wing chun ving tsun wing tsun wing chun wushu holz dummy holzdummy wooden woodendummy
Traditional Chinese by wrestli ...
by Independance
Traditional Chinese by wrestling shuai Jiao Yuan Zumou by Independance
Von Meister Yuan Zumou
Yuan Zumou instructor is a recognized shuai Jiao.
This great teaching DVD has the following content:
-Introduction and history of the shuai Jiao
-Basic techniques
-The 36 techniques of Shui-Jiao
-Partner training
-Case school
-Application of fighting techniques
77 kicks vol. 2
by Independance
77 kicks vol. 2 by Independance
Von Meister Marc Canonizado & Kalman Csoka
Marc Canonizado & Kalman Csóka are masters in the freestyle.
77 kicks on this great DVD will be taught in the following categories:
-Easy steps
-Handstand with rollover and string technology
-Wheel with string technology
-Salto forward with follow-up technology
-Salto backward with follow-up technology
-Twisted kicks
-Cracked kicks
-Cracked turning kicks
-Foot sweep
-Jumps from the ground situation in the State
-Cracked kicks with different screws
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos karate taekwondo ninjutsu divers kungfu kung-fu kung+fu kungfu muay+thai kickboxen kickboxing ju-jutsu ju+jutsu jujutsu kicktraining fußtritte targettraining zielübung kicks tkd
77 kicks 2 DVD box set
by Independance
77 kicks 2 DVD box set by Independance
Von Meister Anthony Atkins & Steve Terada
77 kicks vol. 1
Anthony Atkins & Steve Terada are masters in the freestyle.
77 kicks on this great DVD will be taught in the following categories:
-Easy steps
-Twisted kicks
-Cracked kicks
-Cracked turning kicks
-Foot sweep
-Jumps from the ground situation in the State
-Big wheel
-Big wheel with follow-up techniques
-Split kick
-Salto forward
-Salto backward
-Cracked kicks with different screws
-Cracked kicks in the balancing act
77 kicks vol. 2
By master Marc Canonizado & Kalman Csóka
Marc Canonizado & Kalman Csóka are masters in the freestyle.
77 kicks on this great DVD will be taught in the following categories:
-Easy steps
-Handstand with rollover and string technology
-Wheel with string technology
-Salto forward with follow-up technology
-Salto backward with follow-up technology
-Twisted kicks
-Cracked kicks
-Cracked turning kicks
-Foot sweep
-Jumps from the ground situation in the State
-Cracked kicks with different screws
by Abanico
Makiwara by Abanico
Werner Lind
The video offers detailed insights into the basic and advanced Makiwara and body training methods and shows the same for different techniques and types of Kime transmission. Working with classical okinawanischen training equipment is introduced. At the same time, Kime techniques in partner exercises implemented, while you learn, Kime in different ways to transfer and adopt. Moreover, different methods of transmission shown Kime and a detailed manual for Makiwara (for different Kime developments) are shown.
Mobility training for martial ...
by Abanico
Mobility training for martial artists by Abanico
Artur Allerborn
Learn how to really flex your muscles! Everything you should know about correct stretching exercises. Ballistic, static or PNF? You will soon have the answers. Not only the right training principles but also seventy exercises that''will make you supple ... in the privacy of your home.
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos karate taekwondo ninjutsu divers kungfu kung-fu kung+fu kungfu muay+thai kickboxen kickboxing ju-jutsu ju+jutsu judo muskelaufbau dehnung stretching dehnen fitness ergänzungstraining tkd krafttraining thaiboxing wushu
Coaching Mitt training 1
by Abanico
Coaching Mitt training 1 by Abanico
Artur Allerborn
Artur Allerborn MA in sports and certified Box instructor is former german champion Kick-Boxing and holds 6th Dan Kick-Boxing. He is a highly qualified Box- and Kick-Box instructor, and was part of the team of box trainers of the german national boxing team, who prepared the boxers for the olympic games.His DVDs about Kick-Boxing, stretchng and padwork will inspire you.
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos karate taekwondo ninjutsu divers kungfu kung-fu kung+fu kungfu muay+thai kickboxen kickboxing ju-jutsu ju+jutsu jujutsu pratzentraining targettraining zielübung tkd
Coaching Mitt training 2
by Abanico
Coaching Mitt training 2 by Abanico
Artur Allerborn
Complete your pad work training!
With this DVD you will learn to use certain signs in as the pad holder, to get certain reactions from the partner.
All kick- and knee techniques are demonstrated on different pads.
Finally, the following themes are covered: Finishing a kick-box combination, basic kick-box combinations and basic counter combinations, also with disturbing actions.
Wing Chun
by Abanico
Wing Chun by Abanico
Klaus Filbrand
A good introductory DVD for those who want to learn more about the difference between soft and hard Wing Chun. With an analysis of hard-active and soft-passive Wing Chun. How to implement various techniques through to full contact and step techniques. Siu Nim Tao soft and hard, active and passive defensive techniques. Cham Kiu, Wing Chun kicks, combating several attackers, Biu Tze, Dahn Chi, Chi Sao sequences and leg sections. Anti-lock and anti-sweep responses. Chi Sao applications and how to use the typical Wing Chun double butterfly knife.
by Budo Internation ...
DVD CHIN NA by Budo International
Dr. Christian Harfouche
Learn to subdue an attacker! By blocking the joints, through the lever and grip techniques. Discover how to take an attacker under control and the fighting spirit breaks - thanks to its revolutionary and unconventional system of full-body Boxing!
DVD 18 Movimenti DI SHAOLIN
by Budo Internation ...
DVD 18 Movimenti DI SHAOLIN by Budo International
Shi Xing Hong
Shi Xing Hong, warrior monk of Shaolin Monastery the 32th generation and a founding member of the International Chan Wu Shu Federation, presents us on this DVD the 18 basic movements that represent the essence of Shaolin Kung Fu. They are regarded as the most important movements, wants to go to the championship, as they are connected to the shapes and studied repeatedly by both beginners as well as the most advanced fighters. They are a kind of offensive and defensive lines of the shape combination Chan Kung Fu, the first rung to the different energies - the Chi, the power of martial arts from Shaolin - to feel.
DVD Kung Fu weapons
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Kung Fu weapons by Budo International
Paolo Cangelosi
On this DVD Sifu Paolo Cangelosi, presents one of the greatest experts in the Chinese tradition, the main weapons of Kung Fu: Lance and curved sword. A notable work on the true delights of Kung Fu.
DVD Ling car - self defense
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Ling car - self defense by Budo International
Vincent Lyn
Master Lyn shows us this self defense system that can be used against various attacks. It meets the element of surprise, how to break the rhythm of the opponent and how you attach the combinations of fists, elbows, knees and kicks. You can see Chin na lever handles, and throwing techniques. Self defense - simple, effective and complete.
by Budo Internation ...
DVD PAI LUM TAO by Budo International
Glenn C. Wilson
On this DVD provides Grandmaster Glenn C. Wilson - 5x world champion and teacher known students like Don Wilson and Cynthia Rothrock - the series of palm techniques of the Buddha in Pai Lum Tao style before. An excellent, instructional video in which you can learn the deadly techniques of this ancient martial art.
DVD Sib Pal Ki. Korean Kung Fu
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Sib Pal Ki. Korean Kung Fu by Budo International
The Sib Pal Ki or "18 fighting techniques" is a traditional system, which comes from the Kung Fu and was adapted to the military techniques of Korea. In this first work Master Choi Bok-Kyu, one of the greatest exponents of this art, together with Master Sung Seol (the representative for Europe) is a complete introduction to the Sib Pal Ki. An excellent opportunity to get to know one of the oldest martial arts in the world.
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DVD Shaolin grappling, vol. 9
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Shaolin grappling, vol. 9 by Budo International
Huang C. Aguilar
In this edition of the encyclopedia presents a little known aspect of the Shaolin monk Aguilar: close combat and grappling. Thinks differently than other arts on the absolute fight the Shaolin and the forms of the Tao Lu - constant movements of the intervention and of close combat are its basis. Flow like the wind, training of patience, and a study of the opponent - without provoking this - reduce that to practice and to guide friction, to adapt to the opponent, to develop strength in the forearms, grasping, clinging, and relaxing and are therefore the key to success in the fight!
DVD Shaolin Temple Chi Kung, v ...
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Shaolin Temple Chi Kung, vol. 1 by Budo International
Huang C. Aguilar
Vol. 1: Master Huang C. Aguilar, monk of the Shaolin monastery, shows and explains in this first part of training methods and fighting techniques of the real Shaolin Kung Fu. Not adulterated or diluted, but just like it there will be taught and practiced for centuries. A further content of dieserDVD's exercises are Chi Kung.
DVD Shaolin Tao Lu, vol. 2
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Shaolin Tao Lu, vol. 2 by Budo International
Huang C. Aguilar
Vol. 2: Shaolin Kung Fu is a martial art that is perfectly thought out and structured for over 1500 years. His attitude make not only a weapon which can be its usefulness in the fight from any position and distance, but equally a Kamp philosophy to the body and the fight of Shaolin Kung Fu.
DVD Shaolin qigong, vol. 3
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Shaolin qigong, vol. 3 by Budo International
Huang C. Aguilar
Vol. 3: Master Huang Aguilar, founder of the Shaolin Temple in the West, began his Chi Gung practice as well as the teaching of Tai Chi Chuan art 22 years ago. We will know the teaching mechanisms and learn what we can expect from the practice on the basis of various Chi Gung exercises. Chi Gung, as it is taught in the temple, as well as five advanced forms of Chi.
DVD Shaolin combat, vol. 4
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Shaolin combat, vol. 4 by Budo International
Huang C. Aguilar
Vol. 4: Once again master Huang Aguilar opens her eyes for a new world, the spirit which has made so famous this temple and its true roots - the fight us. On this DVD the master the concepts, strategies and techniques introduces us, who trained the ancient monks at the monastery of Shaolin. A complete style that includes ground techniques from medium and further distance, Trittechniken, grappling and the lever - and casting techniques.
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by Budo Internation ...
Huang C. Aguilar
Vol. 5: Master Huang Aguilar presents another chapter in this DVD from his great knowledge - the Chen-style of Tai Chi. His skill and knowledge is so extensive that he taught himself in the legendary Shaolin monastery as an instructor! Huang Aguilar, once again, leads you very clearly in mind, how important it is for a martial artist, his techniques to give both softness and hardness.
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos kungfu kung-fu kung+fu kungfu taichi chuan taiji quan wing chun ving tsun wing tsun chi gung chi kung
DVD Wing Chun (Vol. 1)
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Wing Chun (Vol. 1) by Budo International
Paolo Cangelosi
With its aged about 400 years, the Wing Chun nowadays one of the most applied styles in the world, and thanks to his technical versatility, adaptability, fast learning and the proven efficiency in combat. By Sifu Paolo Cangelosi, one of the world's greatest expert in Kung Fu, we present to you today a complete approach to this system, which we publish in two big issues. Volume I: Basic Teaching (positions, footwork, coverage, working with fists, kicks, defenses and applications). Volume II: sequences from the molds used in the women's self-defense, application of principles of action, technical areas of Wing Chun.
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DVD Wing Chun (Vol. 2)
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Wing Chun (Vol. 2) by Budo International
Paolo Cangelosi
With its aged about 400 years, the Wing Chun nowadays one of the most applied styles in the world, and thanks to his technical versatility, adaptability, fast learning and the proven efficiency in combat. By Sifu Paolo Cangelosi, one of the world's greatest expert in Kung Fu, we present to you today a complete approach to this system, which we publish in two big issues. Volume I: Basic Teaching (positions, footwork, coverage, working with fists, kicks, defenses and applications). Volume II: sequences from the molds used in the women's self-defense, application of principles of action, technical areas of Wing Chun.
by Budo Internation ...
DVD ALLIANCE & WING TSUN & ESCRIMA by Budo International
In every generation, something extraordinary is happening in the field of martial arts. Be it that a person whose extraordinary style all want to copy a movie rotates, the pushes on general interest or that - as in our case - unite a group master and form an alliance to so balled-depth martial arts knowledge to students in training to pass. Today, we lead champion Steve Tapplin (GB), Dai-Sifu Allan Jensen (Scandinavia), Dai-Sifu Hans-Jörg Reimers (Germany) and Sifu Benno Westra (NL) in your techniques of Wing Tsun & Escrima one. Welcome to the Alliance!
DVD Muk Wan Chong - Street App ...
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Muk Wan Chong - Street Applications by Budo International
Víctor Gutiérrez
Sifu Gutierrez has managed to apply the principles and angle of the wooden puppet of WT Leung Ting in any type of combat situation - in particular against styles such as boxing, Thai boxing, mixed styles, etc. .. He has again an explosive DVD set which is rich in techniques for WingTsun fighter.
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos kungfu kung-fu kung+fu kungfu wing chun ving tsun wing tsun wing chun wushu holz dummy holzdummy wooden woodendummy
DVD Wing Tsun - Anti Grappling
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Wing Tsun - Anti Grappling by Budo International
Klaus Wachsmann
Declares on his second DVD and demonstrates Klaus Wachsmann the ground combat of the chivalrous Korean elite melee system. He never misses an facet of close combat and has all kinds of attacks one right answer. The ground fighting techniques are demonstrated by him with precision, ease and ferocity as they rarely experienced.
dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos kungfu kung-fu kung+fu kungfu wing chun ving tsun wing tsun wing chun wushu holz dummy holzdummy wooden woodendummy
DVD Wingtsun - Street Shock Vo ...
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Wingtsun - Street Shock Vol 1. by Budo International
Víctor Gutiérrez
Once again, it has Sifu Victor Gutierrez managed to represent the Wing Tsun his master Leung Ting in a convincing way! Learn the devastating techniques of this most effective system of self defense. The illustrations are accompanied by detailed explanations of the techniques based on the principles WT. See how you can defend against fist and Fußangriffe, in ground combat and against several defenders. Two works that will delight not only followers of Wing Tsun, but anyone who is seriously concerned with the art of self-defense.
DVD Wingtsun - Street Shock Vo ...
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Wingtsun - Street Shock Vol 2. by Budo International
Víctor Gutiérrez
Once again, it has Sifu Victor Gutierrez managed to represent the Wing Tsun his master Leung Ting in a convincing way! Learn the devastating techniques of this most effective system of self defense. The illustrations are accompanied by detailed explanations of the techniques based on the principles WT. See how you can defend against fist and Fußangriffe, in ground combat and against several defenders. Two works that will delight not only followers of Wing Tsun, but anyone who is seriously concerned with the art of self-defense.
DVD Lat Sao - Wing Tsun
by Budo Internation ...
DVD Lat Sao - Wing Tsun by Budo International
Víctor Gutiérrez
At its fifth DVD Sifu Victor Gutierrez presents a wonderful job on the Lat-Sao, which applies not only to the practitioners of the WT, but by the shown realistic application examples and the structure of the Lat Sao as a first step to free combat application appeal to everyone is, is enthusiastic about unarmed self-defense. A DVD that leaves nothing to be desired security
DVD WT Chi Sao - Vol 1.
by Budo Internation ...
DVD WT Chi Sao - Vol 1. by Budo International
Víctor Gutiérrez
After the "Lat-Sao" the Chi-Sao is ("Sticking Hands") of the second learning step on the way to the open fight. In the short distance tactile stimuli are trained, which are then used to sense coverage holes of the opponent and exploit them. The Spanish national coach Sifu Victor Gutierrez has once again two outstanding DVD's filmed, which deal with the foundations of this world unique training program, still shows this free martial applications and explains all of this based on the principles of Wing Tsun.
DVD WT Chi Sao - Vol 2.
by Budo Internation ...
DVD WT Chi Sao - Vol 2. by Budo International
Víctor Gutiérrez
After the "Lat-Sao" the Chi-Sao is ("Sticking Hands") of the second learning step on the way to the open fight. In the short distance tactile stimuli are trained, which are then used to sense coverage holes of the opponent and exploit them. The Spanish national coach Sifu Victor Gutierrez has once again two outstanding DVD's filmed, which deal with the foundations of this world unique training program, still shows this free martial applications and explains all of this based on the principles of Wing Tsun.