some of our products in this category
Ballistol Universal Oil 500 ml
by Ballistol
incl. VAT + shipping
Ballistol Universal Oil 500 ml by Ballistol
Grundpreis: 31,66 EUR/Liter
Product Features in a glance:
- Soothes, lubricates, disinfects, protects against rust
- Scrambles in the finest angle, surfaces smooth
- Does not gum is completely biodegradable
- Food safe, hypoallergenic and completely safe
The insider:
- Anglers, hunters and shooters
- Wood and Leather Care
- DIY, Industry and Crafts
- Car and motorcycle
- Home and Garden
camping survival tools tool universal?l pflege pflege?l pflegeoel waffen?l waffenoel schleif?l schleifoel
Ballistol Pluvonin spray
by Ballistol
incl. VAT + shipping
Ballistol Pluvonin spray by Ballistol
Grundpreis: 28,20 EUR/Liter
Universal waterproofing spray. Maintains and impregnated all textiles and leather.
incl. VAT + shipping
Replacement for the no longer available battery 543133. battery 18650 for use in the Fenix TK11 TA21 and TK30 models. The alternative lamp body 09FNTK12EX is required for use in the TK12. 09FNTK11L see charger.
accessoires geschenke led camping survival tools tool lampe laterne taschenlampe
C3 Flashlight Camo coyote
by Ledwave
incl. VAT + shipping
C3 Flashlight Camo coyote by Ledwave
The robust C3 Camo has a very nice, especially in cold or extreme heat high strength polymer plastic casing and provides continuous light or light moment (85 lumens), selectable by end cap. Requires 2 CR123 batteries (included). Roll away. Splash-proof.
Ballistol Stichfrei 100ml
by Ballistol
incl. VAT + shipping
Ballistol Stichfrei 100ml by Ballistol
Grundpreis: 84,20 EUR/Liter
camping survival tools tool universal?l pflege pflege?l pflegeoel waffen?l waffenoel schleif?l schleifoel
Ballistol Guncer 50 ml
by Ballistol
incl. VAT + shipping
Ballistol Guncer 50 ml by Ballistol
Grundpreis: 108,80 EUR/Liter
- Keramik-Additiv stellt die Funktionszuverlässigkeit und Schussgenauigkeit sicher
- Vermindert den Verschleiß der Waffe
- Glättet Rautiefen (setzt sich unter Belastung in den Rautiefen der Reibstellen ab und reduziert so den Reibungswiderstand), Reibung wird vermindert, Schutz haftet schlechter
- Reduziert Leistungsverluste beim Nachladen von halb- und vollautomatischen Waffen (auch bei schwacher Munition), dadurch entstehen weniger Störungen
- Ausgezeichneter Korrosionsschutz, verhindert Passungsrost und löst Ruß
- Temperatureinsatzbereich von -40°C bis +210°C
- Keramik-Additiv gewährleistet sogar eine Schmierung bis +1000°C
incl. VAT + shipping
Die Klinge lässt sich dank Federunterstützung blitzschnell öffnen. Durch die neongelbe Griffbeschalung verliert man dieses Messer nur schwer aus den Augen. Ein Glasbrecher, ein Gürtelclip und ein Flaschenöffner runden das Gesamtpaket ab.
1st Response
by Schrade
incl. VAT + shipping
1st Response by Schrade
Hand pocket knife with spring-opening mechanism. With safety lever. The handle of fiber glass reinforced nylon is equipped with a glass breaker and seat belt cutter fold.
Made in USA.
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by Haller
incl. VAT + shipping
Compasses by Haller
Map Compass Folding
Made in China.
accessoires geschenk divers camping survival tools tool kompass kompant geschenk outdoor kartenmesser kompa
Haller Torx Tool
by Haller
incl. VAT + shipping
Haller Torx Tool by Haller
For all common sizes of Torx T6 to T10 and T15, T20 and T25.
Haller fire steel
by Haller
incl. VAT + shipping
Haller fire steel by Haller
With tape measure, screwdriver and bottle opener.
Blackfield carabiner
by BlackField
incl. VAT + shipping
Blackfield carabiner by BlackField
Ballistol Universal Oil 25ml S ...
by Ballistol
incl. VAT + shipping
Ballistol Universal Oil 25ml Spray by Ballistol
Grundpreis: 78,40 EUR/Liter
Product Features in a glance:
- Soothes, lubricates, disinfects, protects against rust
- Scrambles in the finest angle, surfaces smooth
- Does not gum is completely biodegradable
- Food safe, hypoallergenic and completely safe
The insider:
- Anglers, hunters and shooters
- Wood and Leather Care
- DIY, Industry and Crafts
- Car and motorcycle
- Home and Garden