Ninja - secrets of invisibility - complete works

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Ninja - secrets of invisibility - complete works

Kim, Ashida - Leffler, Andreas
by Leffler

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product-id: 2085833
Budoten-ranking: 2432

only € 17.90

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1635 days ago: 24.07.20
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Short Description

in German, DIN A5 landscape format, 150 pages
weight: approx. 0.2 kg

Detail Description

The myth of the Ninja is based not only on their superior fighting skills, but in particular to the fact that they were masters of camouflage and cloaking. This aspect of ninjutsu is today overlooked in many books or training courses or only sparsely illuminated. Therefore, the well-known authors of Ashida Kim and Andreas Leffler have dedicated topics "Invisibility and stealth" complete this book. These areas are their own art forms and even today for many special units key points of their training. Therefore, it is clear that this can be not only a supplement to combat training, but represent own art forms. Of course a detailed training in it blows up every self defense course and also each printing unit, but this book may still serve as interesting companion reading the ninjutsu students who are interested. Also the knowledge of light and shadow, silence and concealment can save in an emergency situation might be even more a than a good combat training. The present work in detail the areas of sneaking, hiding, camouflage and disguise Very much. The nine slow steps of the Ninja, applications in difficult terrain, camouflage and hiding in buildings, as well as in the wilderness are included, as well as numerous exercises and two complete kata on the subject.


shipping costs: from 5.30 € (standard-parcel to Germany up to 4kg)
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last change of price 1635 days ago
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  • Customer Reviews,  Ø 5.00 (1 review)

  • ID# 1308072962
    publishedby Hannes K.

    Super Einstiegs-Werk!
    Seitdem ich das buch habe, schleiche ich immer nurnoch durchs haus und erschrecke meine Familie, da sie mich weger hören, noch sehen können.. :D

    Unengeschränkte Kaufempfehlung! read more ...

published on 2011.6.14 by Hannes K.

Super Einstiegs-Werk!
Seitdem ich das buch habe, schleiche ich immer nurnoch durchs haus und erschrecke meine Familie, da sie mich weger hören, noch sehen können.. :D

Unengeschränkte Kaufempfehlung!

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