some of our products in this category
Hat in black with embroidery
by Budoten
incl. VAT + shipping

Hat in black with embroidery by Budoten
Knitted hat for cold days BEECH FIELD Pull-On Acrylic Knitted Flat Hat "cut -., Without lateral brim 100% acrylic with a very soft hand..
The cap can be embroidered without or with Asian characters for your martial art. Please choose the following from the Bestickungsfarbe and Bestickungsart.
We embroider the hat even after your request, eg. B. Team Name, Your Name o. Ä. Request therefor select custom embroidery and enter the desired embroidery and size as mention below with the font at checkout, or send us your desired motif / font request by email.
Information on the quality of the embroidery textile yarn used:
For the embroidery quality standard Isacord embroidery thread-is 100% polyester used which enrspricht the Oeko-Tex Standard. The bright, trilobal polyester textile brand ensures high strength reserves, as well as the highest abrasion resistance and excellent wet strength. If desired, you can also order a premium Metallgarnbestickung in gold or silver under the item number 591156.
incl. VAT + shipping
accessories print taekwondo withoutcolour multicolored multicoloured transfer
Transfers Taekwondo
by DanRho
incl. VAT + shipping
Transfers Taekwondo by DanRho
DANRHO Transfers
Please may tell us the article number of the fabric, that we want to print For you when placing your order. Let us know whether you want back or chest printing. Please use the field notes on the order page.
Transfers are printed sheets of paper with special color. On request, we will print your Texilien For you. The inserted electronically controlled transfer presses provide consistently professional Druchergebnisse. So genuine and lasting impressions are possible. You determine the subject and the textile - we will arrange the rest.
Please understand that custom printed articles from the Exchange are excluded.
by DanRho
incl. VAT + shipping
TransfersJu-Jutsu by DanRho
DANRHO-Transfers - einfarbig f?r Kampf- und Trainingsanz?ge oder T-Shirts
Please may tell us the article number of the fabric, that we want to print For you when placing your order. Let us know whether you want back or chest printing. Please use the field notes on the order page.
Transfers are printed sheets of paper with special color. On request, we will print your Texilien For you. The inserted electronically controlled transfer presses provide consistently professional Druchergebnisse. So genuine and lasting impressions are possible. You determine the subject and the textile - we will arrange the rest.
Please understand that custom printed articles from the Exchange are excluded.
Transfers Do it ... Feet
by DanRho
incl. VAT + shipping
Transfers Do it ... Feet by DanRho
DANRHO Transfers
Please notify us if necessary when ordering the item number of the fabric to which we should print for you. Please let us know if you want back or Brustbedruckung. To please use the comments box on the order page.
Transfers are printed with a special color paper sheets. Upon request, we will print your Texilien for you. The electronically controlled transfer presses used ensure consistently professional Druchergebnisse. So true-and lasting prints are possible. You determine the motive and the fabric - we do the rest.
Please understand that custom printed items are non-returnable.
Transfers Do it ... Kiai
by DanRho
incl. VAT + shipping
Transfers Do it ... Kiai by DanRho
DANRHO Transfers
Please may tell us the article number of the fabric, that we want to print For you when placing your order. Let us know whether you want back or chest printing. Please use the field notes on the order page.
Transfers are printed sheets of paper with special color. On request, we will print your Texilien For you. The inserted electronically controlled transfer presses provide consistently professional Druchergebnisse. So genuine and lasting impressions are possible. You determine the subject and the textile - we will arrange the rest.
Please understand that custom printed articles from the Exchange are excluded.
Tigerprint small
by DanRho
incl. VAT + shipping
Tigerprint small by DanRho
Electronically controlled transfer presses provide consistent and professional printing results for genuine and lasting prints. You determine the motive and the textiles, we provide the rest.
Back Imprinting TAEKWONDO
by DanRho
incl. VAT + shipping

Back Imprinting TAEKWONDO by DanRho
single color imprint on competition and training uniforms.
Mütze in dunkelblau mit Besti ...
by Budoten
incl. VAT + shipping
Mütze in dunkelblau mit Bestickung by Budoten
Strickmütze für die kalten Tage BEECHFIELD Pull-On Acrylic Knitted Hat. Flach geschnitten - ohne seitliche Krempe. 100% Acryl mit sehr weichem Griff.
Die Mütze kann ohne oder mit asiatischen Zeichen für Ihre Kampfsportart bestickt werden. Bitte wählen Sie dazu die Bestickungsfarbe und die Bestickungsart aus.
Wir besticken die Mütze auch nach Ihrem Wunsch, z. B. Vereinsname, Ihr Name o. ä. Bitte hierfür individuelle Bestickung auswählen und die gewünschte Bestickung und Größe als Text unter Bemerkungen mit der Schriftart während der Bestellung eintragen, oder senden Sie uns Ihr Wunschmotiv/Wunschschriftart per Email zu.
Informationen zur Qualität des verwendeten Textilgarns der Bestickung:
Für die Bestickung wird hochwertiges Standard Isacord-Maschinenstickgarn aus 100% Polyester verwendet welches den Ökotex Standard enrspricht. Das glänzende, trilobale Textil-Markenpolyester garantiert hohe Festigkeitsreserven, ebenso höchste Scheuerresistenz und ausgezeichnete Nassfestigkeiten. Auf Wunsch können Sie auch eine Premium-Metallgarnbestickung in gold oder silber unter der Artikelnummer 591156 bestellen.
incl. VAT + shipping
Korean teakwondo lettering
accessories print t-shirt multicolored multicoloured taekwondo transfer
incl. VAT + shipping
Teakwondo logo
accessories print t-shirt multicolored multicoloured taekwondo transfer
Teakwondo-Lettering german-kor ...
incl. VAT + shipping
Teakwondo-Lettering german-korean
accessories print withoutcolour transfers
incl. VAT + shipping
Basic Print
accessories print withoutcolour transfers