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The Bushido Principle 2 - The ...
by Leffler
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The Bushido Principle 2 - The journey is the destination by Leffler
Andreas Leffler
The Bushido principle builds a bridge between the traditional path of the samurai in historical Japan, the Bushido, and the demands that our modern world to us. Increasingly rapid changes in living conditions, greater demands at work and complex life planning require much from us and, unfortunately, we often lose track. This means that we drive only through our lives, rather than targeted to experience our lives. But what does "live his life"?
It means that we should strive for goals not only, but that we must choose rather ways that enrich our lives.
Our everyday decisions are ultimately for the life that we are conducting responsible and therefore they must be chosen with great care. Because today should be experienced and not to hope for tomorrow or to mourn over yesterday. It can not and should not be our goal to achieve something at the end of a long dark tunnel, but we must choose a path that gives us joy, a way in which we can think of nothing else every day, want to do nothing else, than to follow it. If we succeed, then we have probably experienced the greatest happiness in life. Because we live our dream.
Thus, this second part of the Bushido principle series is written even more than the first part for all people who want to go their way in order to realize themselves and their desires. A book for those who want to make their way to the destination of their dreams.
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The essence of Kung Fu
by Kampfkunst Inter ...
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The essence of Kung Fu by Kampfkunst International
Sifu Paolo Cangelosi
Sifu Paolo Cangelosi practises for 37 years in the martial arts for more than 25 years, he devoted himself to his life studying, searching, the training and the travel, to deepen his personal knowledge in these disciplines and has learned that over the years a broad repertoire of Kung Fu styles and spread, which he made himself not only friends.
Was it always said that you could No more than mastered a style! To Paolo replied always that Kung Fu is one and the diversification is only expression of wealth, a variety of perspectives, Which one allow you to look at the same thing from different angles. This delicate point of view and the demands on his students, always accompanied by kindness and care, have allows him to build a Very much solid school, which today is one of the references of Kung Fu in all over the world.
His school is based on programmes which combine different traditional styles of Kung-Fu and ancient and modern training methods in line cause. This book summarizes well several of his articles from the martial arts international magazine Which one dealing in turn with the different themes of Chinese culture and the martial arts.
Kung-Fu - Das chinesische Boxe ...
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Kung-Fu - Das chinesische Boxen
John Armstead
From his experience as a teacher and long-time martial practice the author describes fighting positions, techniques and defense techniques of this interesting Selbstverteidigungssystems.Die basics and thoroughly discusses the philosophy of Chinese boxing. Techniques, exercises and combat positions are discussed in detail on 133 pages with 144 photos.
John Armstead
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Siu Nim Tau
Gro?meister Leung Ting
The set theory, main points, mottoes and applications.
book+englisch kung+fu kung-fu
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Strength Training
Alistair Murray
The book informs strength training, how his physical performance increases effectively through targeted training with weights and barbells, builds muscle and strength gains achieved for sporting success. It describes the training structure to achieve strength and explosive strength as well as the anatomical and medical foundations. Author A. Murray oversaw a variety of well-known athletes, world champion and Olympic champion as well as managers and coronary patients. His training plans and advice for a thorough workout with weights to increase strength and rehabilitation have found world wide attention.
book+deutsch judo aikido kendo kung+fu kung-fu other ju-jutsu ju+jutsu
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Frauke Gerlach-Riechardt
Frauke Gerlach Riechardt describes a wealth of health-promoting exercises to warm up, Strengthening, Stretching and make them mobile. The gymnastic primary school and convenient partner exercises are also details how gymnastics with music and various short gymnastics programs. The book aims to encourage people of all ages to varied exercises and convey the joy of movement.
book+deutsch judo aikido kendo kung+fu kung-fu other ju-jutsu ju+jutsu
The principle Bushido - Live l ...
by Leffler
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The principle Bushido - Live like a samurai! by Leffler
Andreas Leffler
The book presented here provides the reader with an introduction to the "Bushido" principle, a way to improve his own life to achieve goals and become successful. Here, the Bushido principle bridges the gap between the traditional path of the samurai in historical Japan, the Bushido, and the demands that our modern world to us.
Increasingly rapid changes in living conditions, greater demands at work and complex life plans require us from doing much and we lose unfortunately often track. The result is that we drive only through our lives, rather than targeted to experience our lives.
Therefore, the aim of the Bushido principle, to provide guidelines and values, to show us how to achieve goals, which have a value discipline and perseverance in life, how to deal with their own shortcomings and fears degrades.
The Bushido principle is a holistic way to Lebensplanung- and improvement. It is for all people who want to go their own way to realize yourself and your dreams. For, as one of the key guiding principles of Bushido principle says: There are maker and non-maker in the world. To which side you want to include?
The Bushido principle - words
by Leffler
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The Bushido principle - words by Leffler
Andreas Leffler
The Bushido principle builds a bridge between the traditional way of the samurai in the historic Japan, the Bushido and the requirements that our modern world to us. Ever-faster changes of their living conditions, higher demands at work and complex life planning require A lot us and we often lose the overview. The first two parts of the Bushido principle series "Live like a samurai" and "The journey is the reward" show therefore a way how to met its goals, is experiencing his dreams and it stays on the right path.
But Of course we are All the time exposed to the external influences by others in our lives. Communication is the key ability needed to go his way today for this reason. Unfortunately, we live in a time where good communication skills is No more of course. This book however gives them new life and shows how to fights and defends himself today with words. The whole world of interpersonal communication is explained in steps exactly and so the book supports the beginner on the way to advanced. Numerous examples, as well as a final chapter introduces many exercises for self-study, complete the work finally.
The present work gives the large and almost forgotten art of communication on a simple and easily understandable way for anyone. It complements the two previous volumes, however, is a completely stand-alone book, Which one the complete works "Bushido principle" finally completed.
Secrets of martial arts - comb ...
by Leffler
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Secrets of martial arts - combat by Leffler
Sven Ackermann
A true fighter dominated the fight at all distances. The most real fights end but mostly in the local or ground fighting distance. Thus, this type of combat is one of the most important disciplines for an accomplished martial artist.
This book introduces the reader in more detailed manner in the world of the public - and especially of ground combat, while passing a Very much detailed way appropriate warm-up and conditioning exercises, Trainingsdrills, case school to real techniques and counter techniques. Is, as usual in this series, considered the complete spectrum of ground combat and not made a single combat system in the foreground. The ground fighting offers many possibilities, from the sporting match with throws, levers and handles to the real fight with elbows and knees. So there is to consider many aspects that go beyond the pure domination by a few litters on the way to becoming a good ground fighter.
The author of Sensei Sven Ackermann has has an experienced martial artist, part-time martial arts instructor and full-time school physical education teacher, who knows not only traditional training techniques, but the also a wide knowledge of current medical facts, Which one with revised it in the book. Local and ground combat is Sensei Ackermann preferred discipline and so he was the perfect writer for this volume in the successful series.
No matter what style you prefer - this book gives you a deep insight into the themes of the floor fight and the possible methods of struggle in this distance and suitable both for beginners and advanced.
Bushi - the perfect Warrior
by Leffler
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Bushi - the perfect Warrior by Leffler
Karl-Heinz Goissa
The world of martial arts is a very large and comprehensive range. The layman and even the advanced martial artists often have knowledge gaps in many areas because of the views of the individual usually on one or two martial art and the knowledge of the respective teacher is limited. In contrast to other sports, the area of martial arts includes not only an exceptionally large part of technical ideas and concepts, but also a broad intellectual background, ranging from the knowledge of the human psyche to the religious backgrounds and foundations of individual martial arts.
It is therefore fundamental importance to obtain the necessary information for the martial art experts. The present book is now Very much informative and broad overview of the backgrounds of martial arts. No matter whether etiquette in the gym (Dojo), development of the martial arts, teaching methods, defense strategies, legal foundations, WarCry (Kiai) or life energy Chi, all of these topics as well as many other aspects of Budo (or Chinese Wushu) in this book treats and To give the reader a quite thorough guide to the extension of the personal knowledge of Budo in the hand thus.
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Bonsai Martial Arts
Heero Miketta & Patrick Ehrmann
The best approach to children's Karate, Ju Jitsu children, children's Taekwondo. The requirements for the martial arts training for children are high - parents and children are perhaps the most demanding clientele, to do with the art teacher who fight. The two experienced members Heero Miketta & Patrick Ehrmann of the ShoShin project, have the subject in theory and practice adopted. The result is a comprehensive guide, which has led in many dojos to building successful bonsai groups. Not just combat art teachers of different directions of the large number of practical hints and benefit immediately actionable Methods: The approach of the book is of interest to every teacher.
Information about Heero Miketta:
Born in 1973, learning karate since 1989, in the course of his life four karate dojo, and initiated the Shoshin project. As a trainer and consultant, he works for both companies and for institutions. He is one of the founding team of Pr?vent eV, which emerged from the work of the police Bergisch Gladbach near Cologne and violence prevention measures developed and implemented. He also works as a freelance writer.
Information about Patrick Ehrmann:
born in 1985, began his karate training in 1991 in a group of children led by Heero and is now full-time karate instructor with his own dojo. As a consultant to work with children and young people, he is including for the Karate Federation NW e.V. used. His broad training ranges from the traditional karate of self / self-defense to sound karate and Kara-T-Robic. As an outdoor and adventure-pedagogue, he has great methodological diversity in his training.
Action Fighting - Tiger and Dr ...
by Kampfkunst Inter ...
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Action Fighting - Tiger and Dragon by Kampfkunst International
Samart Payakaroon & Sifu P. Cangelosi
You are undoubtedly one of the best fighters and battle masters of our time. Their experience in the Eastern martial arts, the deadly Muay Thai and the flexible Kung Fu, they unite on a mint way, first as a student, later as a fighter and then as masters of their disciplines, so that we can claim to stand in front of an extraordinary work . Their encounter is a consequence of the love of the martial arts, and their work together, the result of a passion that can only be measured with the modesty that they show in the common work. Both make it look like children playing and studying the best way to solve a combat situation. You could have them to see how they trained in the garden of my house during a barbecue. Every moment with them is unique! With as much love and respect they listened to each other and treated. only great masters have this modesty and this charisma, where there is nothing to prove, but much to show. This book is dedicated to the result of joint work and two masters. It is a book about real Cross Fighting between the best of Thai tradition and the best of China tradition - and all at the service of efficiency in combat. Their techniques have been studied in detail and are a suggestion, which is to all who are interested in self-defense as a science, but also as a martial art like. Alfredo Tucci Director of Budo International
Tigersturz und Ringerbrücke
by Palisander
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Tigersturz und Ringerbrücke by Palisander
Maik Albrecht/Frank Rudolph
Ein west-östliches Trainingsbuch für Kampfkünstler und Sportler
Dieses Buch stellt einige der effektivsten Trainingsmethoden aus West und Ost vor. Der Leser lernt Übungen kennen, die eine flexible dynamische Kraft aufbauen, was die beste Grundlage für eine hohe Kampfstärke darstellt. Übungen mit und ohne Hilfsmittel werden in Text und Bild vorgestellt, grundsätzlich jedoch ausschließlich Übungen, die man ohne die technischen Geräte und Maschinen der Fitnessstudios praktizieren kann.
Es geht in diesem Werk nicht um Kampftechniken, sondern um erprobte Trainingsformen, die den Körper so schmieden, dass er die Fähigkeit gewinnt, sich im Kampf richtig und effektiv zu bewegen. Erst unter dieser Voraussetzung können die Techniken - welcher Kampfkunst auch immer - optimal eingesetzt werden. Vor allem geht es um Methoden, die neben ihrem Trainingseffekt die Gesundheit fördern und auch auf Dauer den Körper nicht schädigen. Dies gehörte zu allen Zeiten zu den obersten Zielen jedes Meisters der Kampfkunst, sei es in Europa oder in Asien. Derartige Trainingsmethoden erfordern Disziplin, Leidenschaft und ein umfangreiches Wissen um unser wertvollstest Gut - unseren Körper. Aus diesem Grund wird im Buch auch ausführlich auf die physiologischen Grundlagen des Trainings eingegangen, so zum Beispiel auf das sehr aktuelle Thema der Faszien - des den ganzen Körper durchziehenden Bindegewebes, dessen Bedeutung für die körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit in China schon seit langem bekannt ist, in Europa jedoch erst seit kurzer Zeit unter diesem Aspekt betrachtet wird.
Das Buch ist keineswegs nur für Kampfkünstler oder Kampfsportler gedacht. Die darin dargestellten Trainingsmethoden sind für alle Sportarten sinnvoll, sei es Kugelstoßen, Leichtathletik oder Mannschaftssportarten wie Fußball usw. Der Kampfkünstler, egal welchen Stils, wird sich in seiner Kunst und seiner Kampfkraft erheblich verbessern. Der Leistungssportler kann seine Leistungsfähigkeit steigern, ohne dabei - langfristig gesehen - seinen Körper durch schädliche Übungen zu zerstören, und der Freizeitsportler bleibt gesund und fit.
book+deutsch ninjutsu judo ju-jutsu ju+jutsu karate aikido arnis escrima kali muay+thai taekwondo kung-fu kung+fu kick+boxing kickboxing
Gewaltpr?vention im Alltag
by Schlatt
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Gewaltpr?vention im Alltag by Schlatt
Dirk Zeuge
Eigensicherung, Selbstbehauptung und Selbstverteidigung
Kurse und B?cher zum Thema Selbstverteidigung gibt es viele. H?ufig liegt bei ihnen der Fokus auf der Abwehr von k?rperlichen Angriffen liegt. Dies ist sicherlich nicht verkehrt, doch zumeist werden andere wichtige Aspekte dabei str?flich vernachl?ssigt.
Selbstverteidigung sollte ganzheitlich betrachtet werden. Es m?ssen auch die die Aspekte der Eigensicherung und Selbstbehauptung mit einbezogen werden.
Umgang mit den unterschiedlichen Stufen der Aufmerksamkeit
Rechtsgrundlagen (Notwehr, K?rperverletzung, u.a.)
Mentale Vorbereitung / Mindset / Kampfgeist
Alltagsrisiken und -chancen
Hilfsmittel zur Selbstverteidigung
book book+deutsch kung+fu kung-fu wing+tsun self+defence self+defense
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Die Krieger des alten Japan
Roland Habersetzer
Dem Kampfkunstexperten und Historiker Roland Habersetzer, 9.Dan, ist es gelungen, die Welt des alten Japan auf fesselnde Weise lebendig werden zu lassen. In authentischen Erz?hlungen, die auf historischen Quellen beruhen, werden u.a. Begebenheiten aus dem Leben Minamoto-no-Yoshi?tsunes, der ?Schwertheiligen? Tsukahara Bokuden und Miyamoto Musa?shi sowie des ?letzten Samurai?, Saigo Takamori, geschildert.
Anthologie der Geheimnisse chi ...
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Anthologie der Geheimnisse chinesischer Kampfkunst
Nagai Yoshio
Die vorliegende Sammlung von Weisheiten, Belehrungen, Ratschl?gen und Geheimnissen aus den chinesischen Kampfk?nsten wurde von Kampfk?nstlern niedergeschrieben, die tats?chlich um ihr Leben k?mpfen mussten. Oder im Verlauf eines schmerzvollen Trainingsprozesses, innerhalb einer Lehrer-Sch?ler-Beziehung oder als Teil einer Selbstoffenbarung, den langen Weg der Kampfkunst beschritten.