Krav Maga Close Combat self defense Pro 140 techniques

Alain Formaggio

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Budoten-ranking: 1755

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Short Description

DVD in French, English, German, Spanish, Italian runtime 135 min
weight: approx. 0.4 kg

Detail Description

By master
Alain Formaggio
Jean-Michel Lerho
Alexandre Van der Linden

Alain Formaggio: Since 30 years French police officer, expert of self defense, technical director of the World Krav Maga Association and the Federation International of the forces de I orde et Techniciens de la Securite (FFTS), co-founder of the COS.

Jean-Michel Lerho: Since 30 years Belgian soldier, command training, close-combat instructor, today in the prison transport spezilisierter agent, technical director of the World Krav Maga Association and co-founder of the COS.

Alexandre Van der Linden: Belgian soldier for 30 years, close-combat instructor, technical director of WKMF, the FFTS and COS.

Alain Formaggio founded the FFTS in 1993 to establish the professional self defense at the security forces.
in 1998, he is the first member of the French army appointed to the instructor of Krav Maga from Eyal Yanilov (Israel). Since then, he combines the basic techniques for evasive action, to create police method of professional self defense FFTS attacks and defense of Krav Maga and the techniques of ground control.
2006, Alain Formaggio is appointed Technical Director of WKMF (World Krav Maga Federation) by its President Alessandro del Pia (Italy). Alain changed together to close the technological advances of the two clubs WKMF and FFTS.
2008, Alain proposes technical director of WKMF Jean Michel Lerho (Belgium) on the basis of the techniques of Krav-Maga WKMF, aims to develop operational military. The two men propose COS: the close-combat operational system, a synthesis of the Krav Maga and professional self-defense for evasive action, attacks, defense and military targets of the close-combat.

On this DVD, you can To find about fifty different attacks in Krav Maga (individual self defense), or close-combat (military targets), or even professional self defence (police targets) – total 140 techniques of Defense demonstrates again and again with the same forms of the body in evasive maneuvers, defense and retaliation and a range of different target variants, no matter whether it is attacked as individual or in his profession as a police officer or soldier.

The three international organisations: WKMF FFTS, COS are members of ICOSS: International Confederation of self defense system.


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