Tanto Fudoshin Zatoichi
by Fudoshin
Tanto Fudoshin Zatoichi by Fudoshin
hand forged 1095 carbon steel, blade type Maru, blade: HRC60, blade back: HRC40, blade length: 9.45, total length: 15.35, lacquered wooden Saya (scabbard), handle is coated with authentic ray skin, handle is traditionally wrapped with cotton thread, blade is razor-sharp
Tanto Kokuryu
Äußerst preiswertes dekoratives Samuraischwert
The blade of this sword is made of stainless high-grade steel 440 A, hardened and sharpened. The black lacquered scabbard with the silver dragon is the eye-catcher of this sword set.
Tanto Practical Mahó
by Fudoshin
Tanto Practical Mahó by Fudoshin
The Tanto is hand-forged with a blade made of carbon steel and traditional Hamonhärtung. The Saya is made of black lacquered wood. The handle is covered with authentic ray skin and with traditional mounted handle winding. The Tanto is sharply grinded and designed for practical use in training / exercise section.
- Hand-forged carbon steel
- Blade Type: Maru
- Blade length: 24 cm
- Total length: 38.5 cm
- Weight Tanto: 386 g
- Weight Saya: 89 g
- Glossy black lacquered wooden Saya
- Black grip winding
Covered handle with authentic ray skin -
- The Tanto is sharpened
Definitions, see About.
Included in delivery: Tanto, scabbard (Saya) and Certificate of Authenticity.
Japanese maintanance kit for S ...
Japanese maintanance kit for Samurai swords
Delivery takes place in a small decorative wooden box. It includes: cloth, rose oil and powder.
Made in China.
Tanto Knife
by Haller
Tanto Knife by Haller
Haller Messer
Strong Tanto knife with Pakka wood handle. The blade is made of 420 stainless steel. The knife includes a leather sheath.
Cleaning Kit in Wooden Box wit ...
by WKC
Cleaning Kit in Wooden Box with Hammer by WKC
Set for cleaning and maintenance of high quality blades. Cleaning should be done in a humid climate every two weeks in dry climates once a month. The purification of a katana is a ceremony and symbolic means at the Samurai, the purification of the soul. A samurai sword wont be for a lifetime.
Made in China.
Golden Flower Tsuba
by John Lee
Golden Flower Tsuba by John Lee
Posted by the John Lee Golden Flower katana with folded blade, this exceptionally beautiful cherry blossom - Tsuba now also available separately.
Kozuka bronze
Kozuka (falsely too often, Kozuga) is the Japanese term for a knife. The small, approx. 20 cm long knife is located at some katanas on the vagina or within easy reach.
Manufactured in Spain.
asiatische+budowaffen kozuga japanische+schwerter schwert samurai samuraischwert samuraischwerter zubehoer tanto katana shinken nihonto wakizashi kozuka
Tanto, dunkel Standard
by DAX
Tanto, dunkel Standard by DAX
Dieser beliebte Holz-Tanto ist wunderbar verarbeitet. Es liegt sehr gut in der Hand und ist für das tägliche Training hervorragend geeignet. Die glatte Holzoberfläche dieses Tanto ermöglicht ein gutes und sicheres Führen des Tanto.
Hergestellt aus guter Roteiche, wurde bei der Fertigung darauf geachtet, dass die Holzstruktur an der Oberfläche besonders schön zur Geltung kommt. Um das Holz zu schützen, wurde es mit einer feinen Lackschicht überzogen, die die Holzstruktur noch mehr betont.
Holz-Tantos dieser Art, die einem echten Tanto nachempfunden sind, werden vor allem in Aikido,
Nihon-Jutsu, Jiu-Jitsu, Ju-Jutsu sowie im Selbstverteidigungstraining eingesetzt.
Auch wenn es sich um einen einfachen schlichten Holz-Tanto handelt, so ist es doch gerade seine Schlichtheit, die wiederum die natürliche Schönheit des verwenden Holzes betont und damit diesem Übungs-Tanto den Hauch des Besondern verleiht.
Edles Hartholz
Cotton Ribbon, Tsuka-Ito, in b ...
Cotton Ribbon, Tsuka-Ito, in black
Manufactured in Spain.
Samurai swords set black
by Haller
Samurai swords set black by Haller
The blades are made of carbon steel (not stainless). The sheaths are made of wood, painted black.
With the well-known Musashi Tsuba.
Katana: blade length approx.: 65.0 cm, total length approx.: 100.0 cm
Wakizashi: blade length approx.: 50.0 cm, total length approx.: 77.0 cm
Tanto Flores
by Citadel
Tanto Flores by Citadel
The Tanto made entirely by hand has a blade made DNH7-carbon steel (not stainless). This is traditionally cured with Lehmbeschichtung and thus has a real hamon line. The cutting edge has a hardness of 60 HRC, the back of the blade about 40 HRC.
The handle is complete with ray skin and wrapped in Japanese silk. The Menuki are made of bronze, in the form of a chrysanthemum.
The black lacquered scabbard holds degrees from buffalo horn.
Ten Kei Tanto
by John Lee
Ten Kei Tanto by John Lee
The term "Ten Kei" can be translated as "gift from heaven", and stands as a symbol of the beauty of nature. Thus inspired, fine floral motifs are reflected in the hand-crafted, finished with gold and silver mountings again.
The blade is forged by hand in elaborate Kobuse style. Here, surrounded by a hard shell made of 1095 carbon steel a core of softer, low carbon steel.
Like its historic predecessor also connects this Tanto grace and benefits in a unique way.
The curing is differentiated to about 60 ° Rockwell to the edge and about 40 ° Rockwell at the back of the blade. Visible is the hardness difference in a genuine, finely worked out Hamon line.
- Sword in shinogi-zukuri style with chamfer
- Blade assembly in Kobuse style.
- In Aikuchi style, traditionally without hilt (tsuba)
- Grip winding of green silk in Hineri Maki style (war winding)
- Backed by Roche skin.
- Black, high-gloss lacquered scabbard (Kuroro style) with degrees (Kojiri, kurigata, Koiguchi) from buffalo horn
- Blade collar (habaki) and washers (Seppa) are made of brass.
- Is fixed with long tang which with two bamboo pins (Mekugi) under control
- Tanto is thus fully separable
- All trim rate (Fuchi, Menuki, Kashira) are handmade from metal and give each sword his personal touch.
- Supplied in a wooden box.
- Each original John Lee sword is a seal and a certificate.
asiatische+budowaffen katana shinken nihonto handgeschmiedet japanische+schwerter schwert samurai samuraischwert samuraischwerter scharf john lee xwaffen scharfe schwerter tanto damaststahl damaszener
John Lee Dragon Tanto
by John Lee
John Lee Dragon Tanto by John Lee
Noch heute spielt der Drache in Japan, vor allem beim Neujahrsfest, eine große Rolle. Im Gegensatz zur westlichen Mystik ist der Drache in Japan ein glückbringendes Fabeltier.
Die Tsuba dieses bemerkenswerten Schwertes formt einen Drachen, der das Schwert umringt. Auch die restlichen Zierrate zeigen das mystische Fabelwesen.
- Klinge im Shinogi-Zukuri-Stil mit Hohlkehle (Bo-Hi), handgeschmiedet aus 1045 Kohlenstoffstahl.
- Die Klinge ist scharf geschliffen mit eingearbeiteter Hamon-Linie für eine besonders autentische Optik.
- Griffwicklung aus schwarzer Baumwolle im klassischen Hineri-Maki-Stil.
- Schwarze, hochglanz lackierte Scheide (Kuroro-Stil) aus Holz.
- Der Tanto ist voll zerlegbar.
- Es wird kein Kunststoff verwendet, es kommen nur hochwertige, authentische Materialien zum Einsatz.
- Klingenzwinge (Habaki) und Unterlegscheiben (Seppa) sind aus Messing.
- Die traditionelle Griffwicklung ist mit echter Rochenhaut unterlegt.
- Alle Zierrate (Tsuba, Fuchi, Menuki, Kashira) sind aus Metall.
- Lieferung erfolgt mit Schutzhülle aus Stoff und in einer ansprechenden Sammlerbox.
- Jedem Original John Lee Schwert liegt ein Siegel sowie ein Zertifikat bei.
John Lee Shiro Tanto
by John Lee
John Lee Shiro Tanto by John Lee
Shiro (zu Deutsch Weiß) hat in der japanischen Kultur in vielerlei Hinsicht eine große Bedeutung. So steht diese Farbe unter anderem für Reinheit und Heiligkeit, zugleich aber auch für Trauer und Tod. Ebenso trugen die Samurai weiß unter ihren Rüstungen, um die Bereitschaft zu symbolisieren, bis zum Tod zu kämpfen.
- Klinge im Shinogi-Zukuri-Stil mit Hohlkehle (Bo-Hi), handgeschmiedet aus 1045 Kohlenstoffstahl.
- Die Klinge ist scharf geschliffen mit eingearbeiteter Hamon-Linie für eine besonders autentische Optik.
- Griffwicklung aus weißer Baumwolle im klassischen Hineri-Maki-Stil.
- Weiße, hochglanz lackierte Scheide aus Holz.
- Mit langer Angel, welche mit 2 Bambusstiften (Mekugi) im Griff fixiert ist. Das Schwert ist somit voll zerlegbar.
- Es wird kein Kunststoff verwendet, es kommen nur hochwertige, authentische Materialien zum Einsatz.
- Klingenzwinge (Habaki) und Unterlegscheiben (Seppa) sind aus Messing.
- Die traditionelle Griffwicklung ist mit echter Rochenhaut unterlegt.
- Alle Zierrate (Tsuba, Fuchi, Menuki, Kashira) sind aus Metall.
- Die Lieferung erfolgt in einer John Lee Schutzhülle .
- Jedem original John Lee Schwert liegt ein Siegel sowie ein Zertifikat bei.
Maintenance kit for Samurai sw ...
Maintenance kit for Samurai swords
mit dekorativer Holzkiste
Set for cleaning and maintenance of high quality blades. Cleaning should be done in a humid climate every two weeks in dry climates once a month. The purification of a katana is a ceremony and symbolic means at the Samurai, the purification of the soul. A samurai sword wont be for a lifetime.
Tanto white oak
Training weapon made of hardwood (white oak)
asiatische+budowaffen holzschwerter holzwaffe holzwaffen tanto trainingsschwert übungsschwert trainingsschwerter übungsschwerter holzmesser übungsmesser messer
Black silk ribbon
Price per 1 meter
The width of the Tsukamaki silk tape is approximately 8 mm.
Made in Japan.
Kozuka gold
Kozuka (falsely too often, Kozuga) is the Japanese term for a knife. The small, approx. 20 cm long knife is located at some katanas on the vagina or within easy reach. The Kozuga is easily sharpened.
Manufactured in Spain.
Kogai bronze
Kogai is the Japanese term for a knife. The small, approx. 20 cm long knife is located at some katanas on the vagina or within easy reach.
Manufactured in Spain.
Kogai gold
Kogai is the Japanese term for a-knife. The small 20 cm long knife is in some Katanas on the vagina or within reach.
Made in Spain.
asiatische+budowaffen kogai japanische+schwerter schwert samurai samuraischwert samuraischwerter zubehoer tanto katana shinken nihonto wakizashi xwaffen
by John Lee
John Lee - GOLDEN FLOWER TANTO by John Lee
handgeschmiedet und traditionell gehärtet, Klinge 12 mal gefaltet
The Vorbil this extraordinary beautiful tsuba was certainly made by a great master in the 18th century. Since they have not signed their work as opposed to the blade smiths, the creators are not known by name. The tsuba is intricately designed with golden cherry blossoms (sakura) one of the main symbols of Japanese culture. They represent beauty, departure and transience.
The blades of the swords are hand forged from carbon steel and hardened in the traditional way. The blade is folded 12 times (yields approximately 8,000 positions) and have a beautiful damascene structure. The sharp ground out blades were provided for weight reduction with a Bo-hi (channel). The handles (tsuka) are made of wood and are equipped with real fish skin (Same) occupied. The handle wrap (Tsuka-Ito) is traditionally mounted from black Baumwole. On handle two Menukis are inserted. The sword fishing are particularly long and held with two bamboo pins (Mekugi) mounted in the handle. The sheath (saya) is made of wood. The blade collar (habaki) are made of brass and were manufactured by museum originals.
Each sword comes with a seal, which guarantees authenticity. You get every sword in a cloth bag and a high quality collector wooden cassette.
Multi-layer steel (folded blade) is also known as Damascus or Damascus blade, although European and Asian production methods differ slightly from one another. The fine pattern of the individual layers of the multi-folded steel give this product its special charm and are at the same time guarantees a long product life and high product quality.
This made according to museum originals masterpiece of Asian art of sword forging has been made in the traditional manner.
Made in China.
asiatische+budowaffen katana shinken nihonto handgeschmiedet japanische+schwerter schwert samurai samuraischwert samuraischwerter scharf john lee xwaffen scharfe schwerter tanto damaststahl damaszener
John Lee - MUSASHI ICHI Tanto
by John Lee
John Lee - MUSASHI ICHI Tanto by John Lee
handgeschmiedet und traditionell gehärtet
Miyamato Musashi has gone down as one of the most impressive samurai in Japanese history, and lived from 1584 and 1645, he is referred to as the best swordsman in Japan. He was an artist and craftsman at the same time. Unforgettable is his creation of a school for the stitch blade manufacturing (tsuba). His best-known, very simple tsuba consists of two oval rings.
The blades of the swords are hand forged from carbon steel and hardened in traditional style with fine harmony line. The sharp ground out blades were provided for weight reduction with a Bo-hi (channel). The handles (tsuka) are made of wood and are equipped with real fish skin (Same) occupied. The handle wrap (Tsuka-Ito) is traditionally mounted from black Baumwole. On handle two Menukis are inserted. The sword fishing are particularly long and held with two bamboo pins (Mekugi) mounted in the handle. The sheath (saya) is made of wood. The blade collar (habaki) are made of brass and were manufactured by museum originals.
Each sword comes with a seal, which guarantees authenticity. You get every sword in a cloth bag and a high quality collector wooden cassette.
This made according to museum originals masterpiece of Asian art of sword forging has been made in the traditional manner.
Made in China.
John Lee - AIKUCHI Tanto
by John Lee
John Lee - AIKUCHI Tanto by John Lee
handgeschmiedet und traditionell gehärtet
The blade of the Tanto is hand forged from carbon steel and hardened. The sharp blade ausgeschliffene was for weight reduction with a
Bo-hi (channel) provided. The handle (Tsuka) is covered in wood and with authentic ray skin (Same). The handle wrap (Tsuka-Ito) is made of black cotton traditionally
attached. The scabbard (saya) is made of wood. Manufactured to museum originals.
Made in China.
asiatische+budowaffen katana shinken nihonto handgeschmiedet japanische+schwerter schwert samurai samuraischwert samuraischwerter scharf john lee xwaffen scharfe schwerter tanto damaststahl damaszener
Handmade Musashi Tsuba
by John Lee
Handmade Musashi Tsuba by John Lee
One of the most famous trick leaves at all is now presented in a new, elegant design.
Handmade with a fine dragon-engraved, finished with real gold. Personally signed by the master.
Kranich Tsuba
by John Lee
Kranich Tsuba by John Lee
In Japan the crane is a symbol of happiness and longevity. According to ancient Japanese legend gets the person who folds 1000 origami cranes, the gods fulfilled a wish. A golden crane also adorns this massively crafted tsuba.
asian+budoweapon tsuba japanese+swords accessories
Dragon Tsuba
by John Lee
Dragon Tsuba by John Lee
You from the classics under the John Lee swords - the Dragon Katana. By popular demand, it is now also available separately. The Tsuba was made from brass.
Made in China.
Rider Menuki bright
by John Lee
Rider Menuki bright by John Lee
As Menuki the ornaments are known under the Grip wrapping a katana or Wakizashis. They defenieren the character of the sword and be in close touch with the owner.
Dark rider Menuki
by John Lee
Dark rider Menuki by John Lee
As Menuki the ornaments are known under the Grip wrapping a katana or Wakizashis. They defenieren the character of the sword and be in close touch with the owner.
asiatische+budowaffen menuki griff japanische+schwerter schwert samurai samuraischwert samuraischwerter zubehoer tanto katana shinken nihonto wakizashi xwaffen
Imori Menuki
by John Lee
Imori Menuki by John Lee
As Menuki the ornaments are known under the Grip wrapping a katana or Wakizashis. They defenieren the character of the sword and be in close touch with the owner.
Handle for John-Lee-Katana
by John Lee
Handle for John-Lee-Katana by John Lee
Complete with Fuchi, Menuki, Kashira and winding. Lined with real ray skin.
Handle for John-Lee-Katana
by John Lee
Handle for John-Lee-Katana by John Lee
Complete with Fuchi, Menuki, Kashira and winding. Lined with real ray skin.
Handle for John-Lee-Katana
by John Lee
Handle for John-Lee-Katana by John Lee
Complete with Fuchi, Menuki, Kashira and winding. Lined with real ray skin.
Fuchi & Kashira plain
by John Lee
Fuchi & Kashira plain by John Lee
Made in China.
Kashira widest part: 19 mm
Longest point: 32 mm
Fuchi widest part: 21 mm
Longest position: 37 mm
Crane Fuchi & Kashira
by John Lee
Crane Fuchi & Kashira by John Lee
-Diameter Kashira approx. 35 mm
-Diameter Fuchi approx. 40 mm
Made in China.
Tanto Fudoshin Oritsu
by Fudoshin
Tanto Fudoshin Oritsu by Fudoshin
handmade - folded damaststeel, blade: HRC60, blade back: HRC40, blade length: 9.45, total length: 15.35, black lacquered wooden Saya (scabbard), handle is coated with authentic ray skin, handle is traditionally wrapped with dark red cotton thread, blade is razor-sharp
Tanto Fudoshin Guyi
by Fudoshin
Tanto Fudoshin Guyi by Fudoshin
handmade - folded damaststeel, blade: HRC60, blade back: HRC40, blade length: 9.45, total length: 15.35, black lacquered wooden Saya (scabbard), handle is coated with authentic ray skin, handle is traditionally wrapped with black cotton thread, blade is razor-sharp
Tanto Fudoshin Kunai
by Fudoshin
Tanto Fudoshin Kunai by Fudoshin
hand forged 1045 carbon steel, blade type Maru, blade: HRC60, blade back: HRC40, blade length: 9.45, total length: 15.35, lacquered wooden Saya (scabbard), handle is coated with authentic ray skin, handle is traditionally wrapped with cotton thread, blade is razor-sharp
Tanto Fudoshin Kagany
by Fudoshin
Tanto Fudoshin Kagany by Fudoshin
Hand forged - folded Damascus steel. Hardness of the blade HRC60, HRC40 back of the blade.
Handle is coated with authentic ray skin. Organic wrapping of cotton and silk is traditionally attached. Included: Tanto, scabbard (saya), robust box and certificate of authenticity.
The Tanto is ground out sharply.
Designed for practical use in training / exercise section.
Tanto, Dunkel, Standart
by DAX
Tanto, Dunkel, Standart by DAX
Übungsmesser für Kata und Selbstverteidigungstraining.
- Edles Hartholz
- ca. 30 cm
Tanto, Holz, Weiße Eiche
by DAX
Tanto, Holz, Weiße Eiche by DAX
Übungsmesser für Kata und Selbstverteidigungstraining.