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Neck Knife 80442
by Haller


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€ 17.90    only € 17.72

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Neck Knife 80442 by Haller

The single-edged dagger-shaped blade made of 420 stainless steel, the handle is made of non-slip rubber. The Kydex sheath has a ball chain made of metal.

The idea of ​​a Neck Knife is simple. A knife with a sheath that you can hang around your neck. So the knife is independent to wear a belt or pocket and anytime ready for access.

This results in specific requirements of the knife:

- It must be easy, for hanging around your neck you can feel every gram of unnecessary
- It must be securely seated in the vagina, since it hanging upside down in the vagina
- It must at the same time can be drawn without much force required, as you could otherwise injure themselves

Therefore, especially Kydex sheaths have prevailed with a click or snap lock in this area. The weight in each case including vagina.

messer+dolche taschenmesser klappmesser neckknife neck knife halsmesser halskette camping survival jugendmesser freizeitmesser

Neck Knife 40408
by Haller


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€ 15.90    only € 15.74

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Neck Knife 40408 by Haller

The blade is 420 stainless steel and comes fully through to the end of the handle.

The riveted handle is made of plastic. The Kydex sheath has a ball chain made of metal.

The idea of ​​a Neck Knife is simple. A knife with a sheath that you can hang around your neck. So the knife is independent to wear a belt or pocket and anytime ready for access.

This results in specific requirements of the knife:

- It must be easy, for hanging around your neck you can feel every gram of unnecessary
- It must be securely seated in the vagina, since it hanging upside down in the vagina
- It must at the same time can be drawn without much force required, as you could otherwise injure themselves

Therefore, especially Kydex sheaths have prevailed with a click or snap lock in this area. The weight in each case including vagina.



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€ 348.00    only € 344.52

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Kronos by MOKI

The coloured and milled handles made of bone make unique the Kronos.

Moki used the Japanese steel VG-10 stainless blade steel. The satin jaws are made of stainless steel.

Each knife comes in a gift box and pouch.

Since 1907, knife produced by Moki in Japan. All Moki knives are so precisely, that she could pass for a handmade pieces.

For example, the transition between blade and spring can be almost not recognized. The transition between handle scales and cheek is almost without noticeable edges.

A speciality of Moki elegant fine Pocket knives, all lock with Lockback. Moki works much with mother of Pearl and abalone.

knives+knifes+daggers pocketknife moki

Damascus pocket knife
by Haller


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€ 59.90    only € 59.30

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Damascus pocket knife by Haller

The blade of the lockable pocket knife is made from 39 layers of stainless steel. This is the core layer of 440C steel.
Noble Backlock pocket knife with nickel silver bolsters and handle made of burl wood. The gift box is made of wood.

Made in China.

Stiletto XXL
by Haller


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€ 20.90    only € 20.69

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Stiletto XXL by Haller

A classic as Lockback execution in XXL size. The blade is 420 stainless steel, the handle made of linen Micarta.

ungeschärftes Balisong
by Fujimae


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only € 18.95

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ungeschärftes Balisong by Fujimae

Ungeschärfter und metallischer Balisong für eine spezifische und sichere Übung von Flip- und Selbstverteidigungstechniken gegen Messerangriffe.

- Realistisches Design, Größe und Gewicht, inspiriert vom authentischen philippinischen Balisong.
- 3 cm dicke, ungeschärfte Klinge aus Edelstahl, die absolute Sicherheit für den Benutzer und seinen Schulungspartner gewährleistet. Strukturierter Handgriff zur Verbesserung des Griffs beim Üben der Flip-Technik und für ein realistischeres Aussehen.

by Fox


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€ 189.80    only € 187.90

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Karambit by Fox

A new pocket knife with curved blade and handle idea and with finger hole at the end of the handle. This knife is very secure in the hand and the risk of slipping. The blade is made of 440C stainless steel. With belt clip. The handle is made of G10, the black coated blade .. The lockable blade can be quickly opened with one hand.

Made in Italy.

Stiletto Ebony
by Haller


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€ 17.90    only € 17.72

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Stiletto Ebony by Haller

A classic as Lockback design.

The blade is 420 stainless steel, the handle made of ebony.

Zombie Dead Karambit Taschenme ...


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€ 15.90    only € 15.74

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Zombie Dead Karambit Taschenmesser 83950

Der Zombie-Boom ist nicht mehr aufzuhalten!
HALLER ZD - Artikel hinterlassen auf jeden Fall einen scharfen Eindruck!

Die schwarz beschichtete Klinge l?sst sich dank Federunterst?tzung blitzschnell ?ffnen.
Auf der R?ckseite des Griffs befindet sich ein G?rtelclip.

Rescue IV small pocket knife
by Haller


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€ 13.90    only € 13.76

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Rescue IV small pocket knife by Haller

With spring-assisted blade opening!

The Tanto blade is made of 440 stainless steel, black coated and provided with a part serrated edge. Both using the Daumenpins and the pinball machine, the blade can be opened quickly and is securely locked by the liner lock.

The Flipper is also used in the unfolded state as a guard and protects the hand from slipping. In the grip of a light metal belt cutter is used. The handle concludes with a glass crusher, which has integrated an eyelet for a lanyard.

Featuring a handy belt clip.

BlackField B.K.K.
by BlackField


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€ 32.95    only € 32.62

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BlackField B.K.K. by BlackField

Seine spezielle Form macht dieses Messer so einzigartig.
Vor allem ziehende Schnitte gewinnen durch die gebogene Form an Effektivit?t.
Die titanbeschichtete Integralklinge harmoniert wunderbar mit den aufgeschraubten Griffschalen aus strapazierf?higem G10.

Aitzo-Pocket Knife
by Citadel


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only € 124.12

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Aitzo-Pocket Knife by Citadel

Hand-forged blade from DNH7 carbon steel, hardened to forge traces differentiated, with visible temper line, undetectable, handle from a piece of horn, leather case.

Made in Kambodscha.Der base of the handle is made of metal. The horn is riveted to the handle.

Outdoormesser Outback


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€ 19.95    only € 19.75

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Outdoormesser Outback

Ein preiswertes, kompaktes und leichtes Outdoormesser.

Die schwarz beschichtete Klinge ist aus 420 rostfreiem Stahl. Der Griff ist aus rutschfestem, gummiertem Kunststoff, am Griffende ist ein Lanyard angebracht.

Mit Kunststoffscheide mit Clip.

Rescue Taschenmesser Fire Figh ...


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€ 19.90    only € 19.70

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Rescue Taschenmesser Fire Fighter

Ein kräftiges Rescue Taschenmesser mit schwarz beschichteter Klinge, die dank Federunterstützung blitzschnell geöffnet werden kann. Der Flipper dient im ausgeklappten Zustand außerdem als Parierelement und schützt die Hand vor dem Abrutschen. In den Griff ist ein Gurtschneider, sowie ein Glasbrecher eingesetzt und auf der Rückseite befindet sich ein praktischer Gürtelclip.

Pocket Knives Karambit
by Haller


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€ 15.90    only € 15.74

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Pocket Knives Karambit by Haller

Pocket knife with a curved blade have an amazing cutting performance. These blades, which are known to gardeners for a long time, cutting through almost everything through butter. The blades of the lockable pocket knives are made of 420 stainless steel.
Through the ring at the end of the handle can not slip off the handle and the knife is safe in the hand. The handle is made of light metal with clip.

Made in China.

Stiletto pocket knife 83216
by Haller


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€ 13.90    only € 13.76

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Stiletto pocket knife 83216 by Haller

Particularly interesting is this pocket knife is its partially black coated blade with decorative holes.

The blade in stiletto form is not polished 420 stainless steel and the back of the blade. The locking of the blade by means of liner lock.

The handle is made of light metal with clip.

by BlackField


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€ 67.95    only € 67.27

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Raptor by BlackField

The BlackField Raptor is bringing the knife is particularly safe in hand at the end of the handle, a vigorous Karambit knife with the typical ring.

Completely made from 440 stainless steel in a stonewash finish. As handle scales, two G10 cups are screwed up. On the back of the blade, a sharp, coarse serrated blade is located in addition.

Including Kydexscheide with belt clip.

Damask-pocket knife
by Haller


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only € 46.18

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Damask-pocket knife by Haller

A noble Backlock pocket knife with stainless steel jaws. The handle is made of burl wood. Blade length 60 mm

Made in China.

WithArmour Rescue Tool
by WithArmour


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€ 44.95    only € 44.50

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WithArmour Rescue Tool by WithArmour

Dieses mehrteilige, am Griff gummierte Rescue Tool bietet folgende Zubeh?rteile aus 440 rostfreiem Stahl:

- Klinge
- S?ge
- Schraubendreher
- Kreuzschlitz-Schraubendreher
- Kapselheber
- B?chsen?ffner

Savior 1
by B?ker Plus


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€ 41.95    only € 41.53

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Savior 1 by B?ker Plus

The new rescue knife series Boker Plus Savior is designed both for private users who want to arm themselves in the event of an accident for the local or foreign aid, as well as for the professional user who runs the knife on duty as a rescue tool.

Solid steel plates carry a glass fiber reinforced Kunststoffbeschalung which are provided at strategic locations with directly sprayed grip-promoting red TPR rubber inserts. This ensures safe handling even when wet or cold and in stressful situations.

The interchangeable glass breaker at the handle end cracks reliably every side window, and the fold-belt cutter allows safe caps belts also close to the body. Blade with a smooth cutting edge and removable thumb button.

The knives are provided with a removable clip (Tipdown). Supplied with high-quality nylon belt pouch.

messer+dolche einhandtaschenmesser einhandmesser survival rettungsmesser klappmesser einsatzmesser

Smith & Wesson Taschenmesser s ...


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€ 39.90    only € 39.50

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Smith & Wesson Taschenmesser schwarz blau

Ein RescueTaschenmesser mit Klinge aus 8CR13 MoV rostfreiem Stahl, welche mit einem scharfen Teilwellenschliff ausgestattet ist. Die Arretierung erfolgt mittels Liner-Lock, die Griffbeschalung ist aus Leichtmetall, mit Clip. Am Griffende ist ein Gurtschneider integriert, au?erdem ist ein Dorn aus Hartmetall als Glasbrecher eingearbeitet.

Extreme OPS Karambit
by Smith & Wesson


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only € 37.76

incl. VAT + shipping

Extreme OPS Karambit by Smith & Wesson

An identifiable cover pocket knife. Through the ring at the end of the handle you can not slide off of the handle. With belt clip. The handle scales is made of G10.

Made in China.

Smith & Wesson extreme OPS
by Smith & Wesson


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only € 33.55

incl. VAT + shipping

Smith & Wesson extreme OPS by Smith & Wesson

Pocket knife with lockable blade made of 440 C stainless steel. The handle scales is made of light metal with belt clip.
The knife has a stable tanto blade, it is black-coated and with wavy edge on half length.

Manufactured in the United States.

Haller Select BLAMIR 83924


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€ 32.95    only € 32.62

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Haller Select BLAMIR 83924

Dieses edle Taschenmesser wird komplett aus Stahl gefertigt.
Besonders die blau eloxierten Elemente werten das Erscheinungsbild auf.
Ein Clip erm?glicht komfortables Tragen an G?rtel oder Tasche.

by BlackField


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€ 29.95    only € 29.65

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BlackField by BlackField

Pocket knife with spring opening mechanism. Single-edged blade made of 440 stainless steel-it, black coated. Handle made of light metal with clip.

Made in China.

Survival knife with compass
by Haller


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€ 29.90    only € 29.60

incl. VAT + shipping

Survival knife with compass by Haller

With metal handle and strong textile sheath.

Rescue Pocket Knife XXL
by Haller


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only € 27.24

incl. VAT + shipping

Rescue Pocket Knife XXL by Haller

The blade is 420 stainless steel, black coated and provided with a part serrated edge. Both using the Daumenpins and the pinball machine, the blade can be opened quickly and is securely locked by the liner lock.

The Flipper is also used in the unfolded state as a guard and protects the hand from slipping. In the grip of a light metal belt cutter is used. At the end of the handle is a glass crusher.

Featuring a handy belt clip.

Stiletto penknife XXL
by Haller


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€ 25.90    only € 25.64

incl. VAT + shipping

Stiletto penknife XXL by Haller

With spring-assisted blade opening!

The titanium-coated dagger blade made of 420 stainless steel is secured with a liner lock. The blade is sharpened on one side only.

The handle is also made of light metal titanium coated and has a Pakka wood inlay.

Pocket knife CLAW spring suppo ...
by Haller


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€ 25.90    only € 25.64

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Pocket knife CLAW spring supports by Haller

This interesting Pocket knife has two blades, which thanks to spring assisted blade opening at lightning speed over the flipper or the pin of a hand opening.

The blades are black coated 420 stainless steel and are locked with a liner lock.

The handle scales is made of light metal and in addition, this product has a belt clip on the back.

by BlackField


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€ 24.95    only € 24.70

incl. VAT + shipping

Seahawk by BlackField

A handy and robust Rescuemesser. Thanks to the deep finger recess and the blade is of firmly grooved thumb rest safely in hand.

It is completely made of black coated 440 stainless steel and the handle is screwed to a G10 Edition.

The side mounted serrated knows no compromise. The knife is also equipped with a belt cutter and a lanyard. Thanks to the plastic sheath with metal chain, the Seahawk as Neckknife can be worn.

BlackField double small action
by BlackField


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€ 24.95    only € 24.70

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BlackField double small action by BlackField

The smaller, lighter version of the double new action-Messers (article no. 605674).

The black-coated blade is single-sided sharpened 440 stainless steel, and is locked in place with a liner lock.

The handle scales is made of light alloy and has a far above the belt clip.

Dolch Walnussholz 81573


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€ 23.90    only € 23.66

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Dolch Walnussholz 81573

Ein einfacher Dolch mit einer gro?en Parierstange aus Stahl.

Hand Knife - Zombie 7006
by Jean Fuentes


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only € 21.95

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Hand Knife - Zombie 7006 by Jean Fuentes

Blade about Lock system locked. The knife has a black blade with biohazard symbols. With belt clip and window breaker.
- Pocket knife with a blade
- Metal-plastic handle

Technical data:
Weight 205 g
Handle length 125 mm
Blade length 90 mm
Length open 215 mm

Taschenmesser mit Lederetui 81 ...


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€ 19.90    only € 19.70

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Taschenmesser mit Lederetui 81347

Ein elegantes und schlankes Taschenmesser. Zu jedem Messer geh?rt ein Lederetui mit Anh?ngelasche.

Rescue Pocket Knife
by Haller


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€ 19.90    only € 19.70

incl. VAT + shipping

Rescue Pocket Knife by Haller

With seat belt cutter and glass breaker. The handle is made of light alloy with non-slip pad and clip. Blade length 80 mm

Made in China.

Elegant Pocket knives
by Haller


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€ 19.90    only € 19.70

incl. VAT + shipping

Elegant Pocket knives by Haller

Elegant Pocket knives with Backlock closure and 440 stainless steel blade. The handle scales is made of rosewood and walnut with
a decorative insert in between.

Made in China.

Karambit Taschenmesser Schwarz


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€ 17.90    only € 17.72

incl. VAT + shipping

Karambit Taschenmesser Schwarz

Unser beliebtes Karambit-Modell mit federunterst?tzter Klingen?ffnung in der All Black Everything Version. Der Griff bietet auf der R?ckseite einen praktischen Clip.

Stiletto Zweihandmesser Zebrah ...


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€ 17.90    only € 17.72

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Stiletto Zweihandmesser Zebraholz

Ein echter Klassiker in der Zweihandausf?hrung mit Nagelrille.

messer+dolche taschenmesser klappmesser taschenmesser knives stillet stllett stiletto

Pocket Knife Dark Blue II
by Haller


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€ 17.90    only € 17.72

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Pocket Knife Dark Blue II by Haller

The handle was made of lightweight metal in a gradient from black to blue anodized. With black coated blade and clip.

Pocket knife black
by Haller


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€ 17.90    only € 17.72

incl. VAT + shipping

Pocket knife black by Haller

Pocket knife with black coated blade and nail clutch. The clutch sheath is from light alloy and has a clip.

Kyu Line Einhandmesser - Feuer ...


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only € 16.95

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Kyu Line Einhandmesser - Feuerwehrmann

Klinge ?ber Lock-System arretierbar. Das Messer besitzt eine schwarze Klinge. Mit G?rtelclip und Scheibenzertr?mmerer.

- Taschenmesser mit einer Klinge
- Metall-Kunststoff-Griff

Technische Daten:

Gewicht: 154 g
Griffl?nge: 134 mm
Klingenl?nge: 86 mm
L?nge ge?ffnet: 220 mm

Verkauf nur an Personen ab 18 Jahre. Bei Erwerb ben?tigen wir einen Altersnachweis.

Pocket Knife
by Haller


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€ 16.90    only € 16.73

incl. VAT + shipping

Pocket Knife by Haller

Made in China.

Red Karambit
by Haller


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€ 15.90    only € 15.74

incl. VAT + shipping

Red Karambit by Haller

The black coated blade is made of 420 stainless steel and locked by means of liner lock.

The handle is made of light metal. With belt clip and belt cutter.

The blade shape originated in the Indonesian Karambit space and can be traced back to the 11th century. The curved blade shape is excellent for drawing cuts. Be locked by means of the blade Liner lock.

Pocket knife dark blue III.
by Haller


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€ 15.90    only € 15.74

incl. VAT + shipping

Pocket knife dark blue III. by Haller

The handle made of light metal was in a gradient from black to blue
anodized. With clip.

Made in China.

Haller Tanto Neck Knife
by Haller


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only € 14.62

incl. VAT + shipping

Haller Tanto Neck Knife by Haller

Neck Knives

Blade length 75 mm, overall length 175 mm
A Neck Knife is always useful if the traditional ways a knife with him to wear is not feasible. This problem also occurs at the sport. Obviously you have a knife in such certain requirements: it must be easy, it must be flat, it should not apply too much and also it should be handy. A skeletal knife with black coated Tanto blade made of 420 stainless steel. With only 68 grams, it is very easy. On the blade is fully through a black plastic wrap upset. The Tanto Neck Knife is distinguished with a Kydex whistle delivered.

Barlock-Children's Pocket Knif ...
by Haller


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€ 11.50    only € 11.39

incl. VAT + shipping

Barlock-Children's Pocket Knife by Haller

Suitable for etching on blade and baking.

Made in China.

Zero Tolerance Model 0350
by Zero Tolerance


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only € 173.25

incl. VAT + shipping

Zero Tolerance Model 0350 by Zero Tolerance

Blade of S30V stainless steel with Tungsten DLC coating. SpeedSafe? quick-opening, frame lock. Blade length 3.25, thickness .121. G-10 handle. Weight 5.6 oz. (159 g). The Zero Tolerance knife range is adjusted to the high demands of police, military, rescue and special forces.

messer+dolche militaer militaermesser milit?rmesser armeemesser kampfmesser tactical knife knives taktische taktisches messer taschenmesser klappmesser einsatzmesser einhandtaschenmesser

Spyderco Endura serrated edge
by Spyderco


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€ 144.95    only € 143.50

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Spyderco Endura serrated edge by Spyderco

In 1990 Spyderco shook things up by introducing two knives, the Delica and Endura. First of their kind on the market, both folders opened up the knife market to lightweight performance, one-hand open pocketknives that just about everyone could afford. They settled as Spyderco's top two bestsellers and their improvement hasn't slowed since. Refinement has been so ongoing and continual Spyderco tagged the updating/upgrading process with the term CQI- Constant Quality Improvement. During the Endura and Delica's CQI journey Spyderco tweaked ergonomics, refined blade steels and fine-tuned their performance countless times. They are an evolutionary work in progress and the next level is here with the new Endura4 and Delica4. Both models now have screw construction making cleaning and adjusting easier. The fiberglass reinforced nylon handles come molded with Bi-Directional Texturing? for preferred traction and improved ergonomics. Inside the handle dual skeletonized stainless steel liners make the knife stronger without adding weight and make an anchor for all external and internal components to attach through adding sturdiness and rigidity. Their VG-10 blades are flat saber-ground with a stronger tip and larger 13mm opening hole. Added to the blade's spine is slip resistant jimping. Phosphor bronze washers smooth out the open/close action and the clip is upgraded to a four-way tip-up, tip-down, left- or right-handed clip.

messer+dolche travellermesser fahrtenmesser kampfmesser tactical knife knives taktische taktisches messer camping survival einsatzmesser taschenmesser klappmesser arnis escrima kali asiatische+budowaffen

Flash serrated
by Magnum


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€ 46.95    only € 46.48

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Flash serrated by Magnum

Our automatic star at a sensational price. Generously dimensioned lies in the grip with its distinctive finger grooves drawn from the hand. The bilateral G-10 handle inserts provide slip resistance in wet weather, while the ridged thumb rest on the back of the blade provides powerful pressure cuts. With debris from metal.

by Spyderco


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€ 68.95    only € 68.26

incl. VAT + shipping

Persistence by Spyderco

The Persistence represents Spyderco before the little brother of the hugely successful Tenacious. With a blade length of 7 cm knife combines the high value of the Tenacious with the handiness and compactness of a gentleman knife.

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Black Star


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€ 21.95    only € 21.73

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Black Star by MAGNUM

Tactical Linerlock folding knife with Pinball and spring assisted opening. The distinctive finger grooves and scratches leave the Black Star awarded in the hand. With wooden insert clip. 440 stainless steel blade steel.

messer+dolche taschenmesser mitclip klappmesser

Delica 4 Lightweight
by Spyderco


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€ 137.95    only € 136.57

incl. VAT + shipping

Delica 4 Lightweight by Spyderco

Fiberglass-reinforced nylon, with partial serration.

messer+dolche einhandtaschenmesser einhandmesser taschenmesser mitclip klappmesser

Pocket knife Buchholz
by Haller


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€ 25.90    only € 25.64

incl. VAT + shipping

Pocket knife Buchholz by Haller

The blade is 440 stainless steel. The spring and the back of the blade are finely decorated. The handle is made of high quality beech wood.

The Locking by means of classical Lockback.

Pocket knife Zebra wood
by Haller


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€ 15.50    only € 15.35

incl. VAT + shipping

Pocket knife Zebra wood by Haller

The largest model in the series!

Pocket knife with handle made of zebra wood. The blade is 420 stainless steel and is secured by a Lockback.

knives+knifes+daggers pocketknife jackknife

Journey Edge
by Haller


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€ 29.95    only € 29.65

incl. VAT + shipping

Journey Edge by Haller

A powerful and yet elegant pocket knife with handle made of maple wood and coated jaws made of light metal.

The strong blade made of 440 stainless steel is titanium coated and is determined by liner lock.

Includes strong nylon pouch which can be worn on belt longitudinally and transversely.

Damask-pocket knife in gift bo ...
by Haller


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€ 79.80    only € 79.00

incl. VAT + shipping

Damask-pocket knife in gift box by Haller

Very elegant, light and flat pocket knives with blades made of 67 layers of stainless Damascus steel.

The core layer is made of 440C stainless steel. On both sides of each 33 layers of stainless Damascus steel were forged.

It has been established by the blade Liner lock. The handle is made of fine
Cocobolo wood. With a push of leather.

Pocket knife
by Laguiole


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€ 89.90    only € 89.00

incl. VAT + shipping

Pocket knife by Laguiole

Griffbeschalung buffalo horn, jaws made of steel.

The blades are traditionally not identifiable and are made of stainless steel 12C27 Sandvik from Sweden.

Pocket knife
by Laguiole


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€ 111.90    only € 110.78

incl. VAT + shipping

Pocket knife by Laguiole

On the handle scales made of Buffalo Horn, the rivets are the traditional Shepherd cross. JAWS made of steel.

The blades are traditionally not detectable and are manufactured from stainless 12 C 27 Sandvik steel from Sweden.

knives+knifes+daggers pocketknife jackknife laguiole

Pocket knife
by Laguiole


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€ 125.90    only € 124.64

incl. VAT + shipping

Pocket knife by Laguiole

With corkscrew. Buffalo Horn, JAWS steel grip scales.

The blades are traditionally not detectable and are manufactured from stainless 12 C 27 Sandvik steel from Sweden.

Saigon bone
by Citadel


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€ 208.00    only € 205.92

incl. VAT + shipping

Saigon bone by Citadel

The blade is hand forged from T508 steel (rust-slow) with a hardness of approx. 58° Rockwell. Both blade and handle are elaborately decorated with an engraving.

The blade is locked with a liner lock.

The handle scales is made of bone.

knives+knifes+daggers pocketknife jackknife

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  • security and reliance in Austria too