Judo kata series nage no kata

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product-id: 2080081
Budoten-ranking: 5227

from € 24.90

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1028 days ago: 22.04.22
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Short Description

Part 1: Nage-no-kata (DIN A5, 45 pages, 96 photos), part 2: Katame-no-kata (DIN A5, 46 pages, 70 photos), part 3: Gonosen-no-kata (DIN A5, 36 pages, 58 photos), part 4: Itsutsu no kata (DIN A5, 30 pages, 32 fig.), part 5: ju-no-kata (DIN A5, 51 pages, 152 photos), part 6: Kime-no-kata (DIN A5, 60 pages, 140 photos), part 7: Goshin Jitsu no kata (73 pages, 118 fig., Part 8: Koshiki-no-kata (DIN A5, 69 pages, 155 photos)

Detail Description

Part 1: Nage-no-kata the first German textbook on the 15 Basic litters discusses the techniques and movements of attacker and defender in all details. Recommended high school of judo throws - from the DDK. Part 2: Katame-no-kata, the first German textbook of the 15 fundamental ground techniques describes the classic stop -, Würge -, and levers of judo. Recommended by the DDK as teaching material.

Part 3: Gonosen-no-kata the first German book about the classic counter techniques of judo. Clear and detailed description of the points for the counter technology. Part 4: Itsutsu no kata stunning display of old Japanese elements, the how for example... the law of inertia, centrifugal force, or the waves of the sea with the Judo technique in historical and technical context available. Interesting movements.

Part 5: ju-no-kata kata of the victories by yielding. You To find a variety of this difficult and demonstration on Fotos.TEIL 6: Kime-no-kata, the classic Japanese self defense is running according to ancient traditions using dagger and Samurai sword. This work contains detailed descriptions of fascinating defence actions that can be performed in the knees and in the level.

Part 7: Goshin-Jitsu-no-kata the modern form of the Japanese self defense. Divided into 5 groups you To find defense techniques against unarmed attacks and attacks using dagger, stock and pistol. This kata was developed by the Kodokan. Part 8: Koshiki-no-kata exact representation of the ancient forms of the Japanese self defense. This was developed by Jigoro Kano and scholar in the Kodokan traditional Judo kata with their in two groups split, 21 techniques is a particularly impressive demonstration of masterful Judo.


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available variants
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» Volume 6 (approx. 0.15 kg) 24.90 € from 5.30 €*

*shipping costs for standard-parcel to Germany up to 4kg.
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