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Bokken - The wooden Sword of t ...

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Bokken - The wooden Sword of the Samurai

Axel Schultz-Gora

This book teaches the correct handling of the wooden sword of the Samurai. The author describes the drawing and striking techniques, combinations and partner exercises to the skillful handling of this traditional weapon in the Budosport. He explains the history and development of the Bokken in the feudal Japan and conveys the spirit of a fencing, whose combative broadcasting still fascinates the reader.

Koto Ry? - taijutsu no Kata
by Tengu-Publishing

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Koto Ry? - taijutsu no Kata by Tengu-Publishing

Carsten K?hn

This modern Densho sees itself as working material for daily training. In the illustrations was exclusively working with drawings in order to focus on the execution of the individual techniques and Kata. Concise explanatory texts complete the information. Content outlines the document, the most important unarmed forms of movement of Koto Ryu.

The Bushido Principle 2 - The ...
by Leffler

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The Bushido Principle 2 - The journey is the destination by Leffler

Andreas Leffler

The Bushido principle builds a bridge between the traditional path of the samurai in historical Japan, the Bushido, and the demands that our modern world to us. Increasingly rapid changes in living conditions, greater demands at work and complex life planning require much from us and, unfortunately, we often lose track. This means that we drive only through our lives, rather than targeted to experience our lives. But what does "live his life"?
It means that we should strive for goals not only, but that we must choose rather ways that enrich our lives.
Our everyday decisions are ultimately for the life that we are conducting responsible and therefore they must be chosen with great care. Because today should be experienced and not to hope for tomorrow or to mourn over yesterday. It can not and should not be our goal to achieve something at the end of a long dark tunnel, but we must choose a path that gives us joy, a way in which we can think of nothing else every day, want to do nothing else, than to follow it. If we succeed, then we have probably experienced the greatest happiness in life. Because we live our dream.
Thus, this second part of the Bushido principle series is written even more than the first part for all people who want to go their way in order to realize themselves and their desires. A book for those who want to make their way to the destination of their dreams.

Kukishinden Ryu - Taijutsu no ...
by Tengu-Publishing

only € 21.90

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Kukishinden Ryu - Taijutsu no Kata by Tengu-Publishing

Carsten K?hn

Kukishinden Ryu - Taijutsu no Kata: Nine Demon Gods School. This modern Densho sees itself as working material for the daily training. The peculiarity is that was at the depictions worked exclusively with drawings, to put the focus on the implementation of the techniques and Kata. Knappe explanatory texts complement the information.Outlines the content, writing the main forms of unarmed movement Gyokko Ryu, one of the nine schools of Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu.

Meifu Shinkage Ryu
by Tengu-Publishing

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Meifu Shinkage Ryu by Tengu-Publishing

Yasuyuki Otsuka

The Meifu Shinkage Ryû is a modern school of Shuriken-Jutsu. It was founded in the 1970s by Chikatoshi Someya. In addition to dealing with the bô shuriken, the handling of the Fundôkusari (chain) is taught.
Their roots To find mainly in the Shurikenjutsu of Tenshin Shôden Katori Shintô Ryû

Togakure Ryu - Taijutsu no Kat ...
by Tengu-Publishing

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Togakure Ryu - Taijutsu no Kata by Tengu-Publishing

Carsten K?hn

This modern Densho sees itself as working material for daily training.

In the illustrations was exclusively working with drawings in order to focus on the execution of the individual techniques and Kata. Concise explanatory texts complete the information.

Content outlines the document, the most important unarmed forms of Togakure Ryu movement.

Hanbojutsu Kukishin Ryu
by Tengu-Publishing

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Hanbojutsu Kukishin Ryu by Tengu-Publishing

Masaaki Hatsumi & Quintin Chambers

Step by step instructions and more than 350 (!) Photos permit an interesting overview of the Bujinkan Budo techniques relevantern in the Kukishin-ryu. The book is published in a revised German edition and should be in every library Budo.

Gyokko Ryu - taijutsu no kata
by Tengu-Publishing

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Gyokko Ryu - taijutsu no kata by Tengu-Publishing

Carsten K?hn

This modern Denshô sees itself as working material for the daily workout. In the representations was developed exclusively with drawings, to put the focus on the execution of the individual techniques and Kata. Brief explanatory texts complete the information. In terms of content, the font outlines the most important forms of unarmed movement of Gyokko Ryû, one of the nine schools of Bujinkan Budô taijutsu.

book+deutsch ninjutsu


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von den Meistern K. Oshima und K. Ando

Alle technischen Details von R?stung und Waffe sowie deren Pflege ?ber Grund- und Kampftechniken, Trainingsmethoden f?r Anf?nger und Fortgeschrittene, Wettkampf, Kata und Kampfpsychologie, die Nihon-Kendo-Kata sowie die Wege der Selbsterziehung des Kendoka werden in einer bisher nicht gekannten Ausf?hrlichkeit beschrieben.

Jeder Kendotreibende sollte dieses Buch Lehrbuch in seiner Bibliothek haben, doch wegen seiner grunds?tzlichen Bedeutung ist es auch f?r alle anderen Kapmfsportler von Interesse, zumal Kendo die ?lteste japanische Budokunst ist.

Ninja - secrets of invisibilit ...
by Leffler

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Ninja - secrets of invisibility - complete works by Leffler

Kim, Ashida - Leffler, Andreas

The myth of the Ninja is based not only on their superior fighting skills, but in particular to the fact that they were masters of camouflage and cloaking. This aspect of ninjutsu is today overlooked in many books or training courses or only sparsely illuminated. Therefore, the well-known authors of Ashida Kim and Andreas Leffler have dedicated topics "Invisibility and stealth" complete this book. These areas are their own art forms and even today for many special units key points of their training. Therefore, it is clear that this can be not only a supplement to combat training, but represent own art forms. Of course a detailed training in it blows up every self defense course and also each printing unit, but this book may still serve as interesting companion reading the ninjutsu students who are interested. Also the knowledge of light and shadow, silence and concealment can save in an emergency situation might be even more a than a good combat training. The present work in detail the areas of sneaking, hiding, camouflage and disguise Very much. The nine slow steps of the Ninja, applications in difficult terrain, camouflage and hiding in buildings, as well as in the wilderness are included, as well as numerous exercises and two complete kata on the subject.

Old Japanese weapons
by Tengu-Publishing

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Old Japanese weapons by Tengu-Publishing

Wolfgang Ettig

The volume contains interesting essays of renowned authors on the subject:
The main Trutz weapons of old Japan by G. Müller Beeck
The Japanese sword by G. Hütterhott
Bow and arrow in Japan by A. Schinzinger
Old Japanese weapons by A. Schinzinger
as well as additional explanatory comments on the various articles and numerous drawings of individual weapons and blades.
An insightful documentary about the medieval weapons of Japan. Not only historians and collectors of old Japanese arms are here To find a wealth of interesting details, but also martial artists from the fields of Aikido, kendo, kenjutsu, Iaido, Kyudo, Kobudo, or ninjutsu.
Also to a work manual the readers To give not only an interesting cultural-historical document on the hand, but this to make, the Publisher has attached a comprehensive glossary as a separate chapter.
Format: 15 x 21 cm, 184 pages, soft cover, numerous drawings, text in German

Das ist Kendo

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Das ist Kendo

Das erste deutsche Fachbuch ?ber das Schwertfechten der Samurai von J. Sasamori und G. Warner

I. Sasamori and G. Wagner thoroughly describe the culinary history and development of this ancient martial art. Explain principles, basic technique and the attack and defense techniques, fighting technique and training methods. This book provides excellent information about the old fencing of the Samurai.

book+deutsch weapon kendo


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von Feliks Hoff

A fascinating ancient Japanese practice form with lightning-fast and aesthetic movements of sword drawing and meeting an imaginary opponent. In addition to interesting background information describes the technology and intellectual backgrounds.

Kyudo, die Kunst des Japanisch ...

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Kyudo, die Kunst des Japanischen Bogenschie?ens

von Feliks F. Hoff

Bows, arrows, equipment and technique are described in detail. Also discusses shooting technique and training methods, error correction, as well as special types of shooting. Detailed information about the spiritual and historical background of this ancient Japanese martial art.

Krav Maga

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Krav Maga

Imi Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld), Eyal Yanilov

Krav Maga is a field-proven, easy use for any self-defense and hand-to-hand combat system for the effective combating of stitch, punch, and firearms. Krav Maga is originally developed for Israeli forces, today also in the civil sector to cope with confrontations with armed attackers in an emergency. This official and comprehensive textbook by the founder of Krav Maga: Sde-or (Lichtenfeld), and his successor, Eyal Yanilov to help world's people to defend themselves against violent criminals.

book+deutsch ju+jutsu ju-jutsu


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Frauke Gerlach-Riechardt

Frauke Gerlach Riechardt describes a wealth of health-promoting exercises to warm up, Strengthening, Stretching and make them mobile. The gymnastic primary school and convenient partner exercises are also details how gymnastics with music and various short gymnastics programs. The book aims to encourage people of all ages to varied exercises and convey the joy of movement.

book+deutsch judo aikido kendo kung+fu kung-fu other ju-jutsu ju+jutsu

Takamatsu Toshitsugu - the las ...
by Tengu-Publishing

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Takamatsu Toshitsugu - the last shinobi by Tengu-Publishing

Wolfgang Ettig

The biography of a martial arts legend. Takamatsu Toshitsugu, the last shinobi, who coined the modern budo world and some associated traditional martial arts schools. In a person Takamatsu united a number of ancient combat systems and this was the Japanese Middle Ages over in modern times. Born in 1889, in a time when the whole of Japan hastily orientated itself to the newly discovered Western culture, grew up under the care of his beloved grandmother Nao and the influence of his draconian father Gishin, trained under the watchful eyes of his grandfather Toda Shinryuken, the he owes his stamina and strength. For years on perilous journeys into the vastness of Mongolia and China. Friend should bear with a man, the Takamatsu's thoughts and teachings after his death in 1972, by Japan from around the world: Masaaki Hatsumi. In competition with Fujita Seiko - the last Koga -ninja. With many previously unpublished events and Fakten.Dieses book not only describes the turbulent life of two restless men, the life as the last shinobi looked, but also gives a fascinating insight into the historical background of Japan at the turn of the Middle Ages to modern times.

Book Sanmyaku
by Tengu-Publishing

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Book Sanmyaku by Tengu-Publishing

Dr. Hatsumi Masaaki

My goal is, through the publication of Sanmyaku Shinbun that all friends of Budô be twice as large as outstanding mountains. There are many magazines and books on martial arts - the Sanmyaku (mountain range) to convey the true spirit and essence of Budo and Ninpo ".schrieb in 1993, the Japanese publisher Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi in one of the first editions of his Bujinkan magazine.

Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi is theater scholar, author, painter and actor. As a martial artist but he represents in his capacity as the Soke of nine different classical Japanese martial arts schools (Ryuha) and founder of the Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu the spirit of traditional Samurai and Ninja arts.

In the period between 1993 to 1997, the magazine published in eleven editions and was published in twelve different languages ​​worldwide. This Special Edition lets in a retrospective revive the most interesting articles. This Hatsumi's words were as authentic as possible left to give the reader the opportunity to make the invisible visible, to fathom the true nature of a word or technology between the lines. In Budo and Ninpo it comes to the actual disposition of which must be trained, understood and implemented, otherwise it is only a physical-mechanical training without content.

Those looking for open and free the essence of true martial art, should read this book several times and not be amazed that opens another finding at each leaf

Anthologie der Geheimnisse chi ...

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Anthologie der Geheimnisse chinesischer Kampfkunst

Nagai Yoshio

Die vorliegende Sammlung von Weisheiten, Belehrungen, Ratschl?gen und Geheimnissen aus den chinesischen Kampfk?nsten wurde von Kampfk?nstlern niedergeschrieben, die tats?chlich um ihr Leben k?mpfen mussten. Oder im Verlauf eines schmerzvollen Trainingsprozesses, innerhalb einer Lehrer-Sch?ler-Beziehung oder als Teil einer Selbstoffenbarung, den langen Weg der Kampfkunst beschritten.

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