Ju-Jitsu obtaining black belt

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Ju-Jitsu obtaining black belt

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product-id: 2086384
Budoten-ranking: 17772

only € 24.99

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1659 days ago: 24.07.20
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Short Description

DVD in following languages can be played: French, English, German, Spanish approx. 55 min
weight: approx. 0.1 kg

Detail Description

JU-JITSU black belt by Eric Candori et Olivier D obtaining? amario, the method is applicable to all martial arts and martial arts. The daily practice and stamina in martial arts and combat sports bring the practitioner a certain technical level and mental Constitution. The beginners can develop a more precise mastery of his art through a regular and constant practice. The practitioner needs to develop A few basic basic techniques. These basics are applicable to the practice of foot beats, the melee, the projections on the ground, and stimulate a competent practitioner to be and allow it to express themselves in all distances of the fight. Eric Candori and Olivier D' Amario have the black belt 4th Dan in judo and Jiu Jitsu, former international athletes, with titles in the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and a black belt in the American boxing match. These two state-certified teachers allow them participate in their different experiences in the practice of martial arts and martial arts. In the program: General pedagogical exercises acquisition of the basics in the martial arts, to develop solid foundations with the partner. Preparation of the exercise units languages: French - English - German - Spanish BONUS: Preview - mn Photo Gallery 55


shipping costs: from 5.30 € (standard-parcel to Germany up to 4kg)
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