Tai Chi shoes, canvas, fabric ...
by Budoten
Tai Chi shoes, canvas, fabric sole by Budoten
Simple shoes in good quality traditional Chinese style. Special features:
-mainly for the combat sports area (indoor)
-best for Tai Chi and other applications
-perfect for turning and sliding movements
-also suited for the use of slippers
-Barefoot sensation
-the flexible fabric sole is cushioned from the inside in addition
-When using the shoes one rubs almost no bubbles in the heel area because canvas fabric material and fabric sole are pleasantly soft and biegsahm, boot is small
Kung Fu shoes, canvas, rubber ...
by Budoten
Kung Fu shoes, canvas, rubber sole by Budoten
Simple shoes in good quality for the combat sports area (indoor) as well as for suitable home as slippers.
Shoes for Kung Fu/Wushu in bl ...
Shoes for Kung Fu/Wushu in black by PHOENIX
Original Kung Fu / WuShu shoes as they also by the Shaolin monks and the most practicing martial artists in China are worn.
Lightweight training shoe made of canvas fabric with rubber / plastic sole. The soft side round leaking sole, suitable for low level positions.
Made of linen with soft rubber sole black.
In China, these shoes as "Feiyue" are known and were driven out by us many years under this original label. After a France-based company "Feiyue" brand protect we can the shoes no longer distribute with their original name, which is why the "Feiyue" logo was removed and replaced with "Wacoku".
The quality and the price / performance ratio unchanged but still, so that you also continue without sacrificing the usual quality training and leisure sports.
Kung-Fu Slippers
by DanRho
Kung-Fu Slippers by DanRho
Traditional, lightweight kung fu slipper Canvas upper. Thin, elastic rubber sole maintains the feeling of being barefoot.
uniform shoes leisure+wear casual+wear tai+chi kung+fu kung-fu
Tai Chi shoe, canvas in white, ...
by Budoten
Tai Chi shoe, canvas in white, rubber sole by Budoten
Kung Fu Shoe
Upper canvas, white, non-slip rubber sole.
Ideal as a judge or shoe mat / indoor shoe or just as easily or leisure slipper
Note on the order size: shoes are normal. The sole of the shoe size of 41 has been measured with a length of about 26 cm and therefore corresponds to the 41mm shoe size (25.8 to 26.4 cm length of the sole according to the table).
uniform shoes leisure+wear casual+wear tai+chi kung+fu kung-fu
Combat sports shoe all-round P ...
Combat sports shoe all-round PU, black by PHOENIX
Combat sports shoe all-round PU, black
Very lightweight PU Athletic Shoe with a one-piece, molded plastic sole (abrasion resistant and stable)
Lacing rotating on the cuff!
SV ideal for taekwondo, karate, us similar martial art.
Also good as a casual shoe.
Upper black white with red side stripes, sole. Suitable for any sports hall and mat surfaces!
Premiere Plus shoe
uniform shoes leisure+wear casual+wear taekwondo tai+chi kung+fu kung-fu wu-shu wu+shu wushu
Kampfsportschuhe, Tokaido Athl ...
by Tokaido Atlehtic
Kampfsportschuhe, Tokaido Athletic, wei by Tokaido Atlehtic
Leichte Indoor Kampfsportschuhe aus robustem Kunstleder. D?nne, rutschfeste Gummisohle mit Profil sorgt f?r ein sehr gutes Bodengef?hl. Die Kombination aus hochgezogener Ferse, elastischen Eins?tzen und zus?tzlicher Schn?rung garantiert einen sicheren Sitz. Diese Schuhe sind ideal geeignet f?r Karate & Taekwondo.
Atlantis shoe
by DanRho
Atlantis shoe by DanRho
Designer shoes at a bargain-basement price!!!
A timeless imitation leather shoe developed together with experienced TKD and karate champions. A beautiful realization of a highly practical design. Features only the finest imitation leathers, top-quality EVA and highest grade yarns and adhesives. The uniform high quality to each individual component of this shoe become most apparent once you discover how long this shoe lasts, compared to others of similar price. With cushioning EVA foam wedge, precise stitching, imprinted with DANRHO Atlantis logo.
Combat sports shoe all-round P ...
Combat sports shoe all-round PU, white by PHOENIX
Combat sports shoe all-round PU, white
Very lightweight PU Athletic Shoe with a one-piece, molded plastic sole (abrasion resistant and stable)
Lacing rotating on the cuff!
SV ideal for taekwondo, karate, us similar martial art.
Also good as a casual shoe.
Upper white with black side stripes, white sole. Suitable for any sports hall and mat surfaces!
uniform shoes leisure+wear casual+wear taekwondo tai+chi kung+fu kung-fu
Danrho Canvas Schuhe
by DanRho
Danrho Canvas Schuhe by DanRho
Shoes of superior canvas material (100% cotton) with slip-resistant sole.
Wonderfully suited for all beginner to advanced martial arts training.
Kung Fu Slipper
Kung Fu Slipper
uniform shoes leisure+wear casual+wear tai+chi kung+fu kung-fu
Flex shoe
by DanRho
Flex shoe by DanRho
Developed with international Ringrichtern and athletes of different styles that need a shoe with flexible sole
-Ideal for training on the mat, carpet or tatami.
-Ideal for referee "soft" sports that need to move much on the mat
-Ideal for traditional sports, "Barefoot" train that normally
Made from finest, Korean leather, this shoe with time adapts to the foot like a sock.
The shoe is completely sewn leather and has no solid soles. The freedom of movement of the foot is not restricted, in contrast to conventional shoes. Additional ergonomic leather parts were sewn on to the reinforcement on the wear points on the sole. A timeless, discreet design rounds off the shoe
Shoes for Wushu
by Sportimex
Shoes for Wushu by Sportimex
Original Chinese Wushu shoes made of soft leather and soft rubber soles, suitable for both hard and soft surfaces.
Shoes in black for boxing and ...
Shoes in black for boxing and MMA by BOOSTER
BOOSTER box-MMA shoes black
Very convenient and comfortable mid-cut shoe, stuck at the bottom. The slip-resistant thin sole gives good grip. The shoe is lightweight and does not inhibit therefore rapid movements.
uniform shoes leisure+wear casual+wear taekwondo tai+chi kung+fu kung-fu
Kampfsportschuhe Wu, Leder, sc ...
Kampfsportschuhe Wu, Leder, schwarz
Sehr leichter Kampfsportschuh mit einteiliger, gegossener Kunststoffsohle (abriebfest und stabil)
uniform shoes outdoor leisure+wear casual+wear kung+fu kung-fu wu-shu wu+shu wushu tai+chi
Kampfsportschuhe WU, Leder, we ...
Kampfsportschuhe WU, Leder, wei
Sehr leichter Kampfsportschuh mit einteiliger, gegossener Kunststoffsohle (abriebfest und stabil)
PX Kampfsportschuhe RapidStrik ...
PX Kampfsportschuhe RapidStrike, PU, wei
Erleben Sie ultimative Performance und uneingeschr?nkte Bewegungsfreiheit mit den Allround-Kampfsportschuh f?r intensives Training.
by Budoland
Budo-Schuh by Budoland
The new high-class Budoshoe is made of leather and without laces. Fit out with an amplified heel and a stuck, sewed, antiskid sole.An amplified sole for a longer working life.
Attention: These shoes fall out small.
(Example: If your shoe size is 45 order size 47)
adidas Taekwondo Sneaker Conte ...
by Adidas
adidas Taekwondo Sneaker Contestant Pro ADITPR01 by Adidas
Adidas bringt seine neue und lang erwartete TKD Footwear Linie auf den Markt! Der Contestant Pro ist ein klassischer TKD-Hallenschuh, eignet sich dank seiner Features aber auch für viele andere Indoor-Sportarten. Hochfunktioneller Mix aus nachgiebigen und gleichzeitig strapazierfähigen Materialien vervollständigt das neuartige Design und sorgt für ein angenehmes Tragegefühl.
Trainingsschuh DAX Dynamic
by DAX
Trainingsschuh DAX Dynamic by DAX
Leichter Kampfsportschuh mit EVA Sohle.
Abgedeckte Schn?rsenkel ?ber dem Spannbereich sorgen f?r sicheren Sitz am Fu?.
Premier Future shoe with metal ...
Premier Future shoe with metal net
Markanter Indoor Schuh im futuristischem Design
uniform shoes leisure+wear casual+wear taekwondo tai+chi kung+fu kung-fu wu-shu wu+shu wushu
Premier Future shoe with nylon ...
Premier Future shoe with nylon-net
Markanter Indoor Schuh im futuristischem Design
uniform shoes leisure+wear casual+wear taekwondo tai+chi kung+fu kung-fu wu-shu wu+shu wushu