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Wall Bag

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Wall bag / wall punch pad, 1-s ...
by Budoten


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€ 26.63    only € 24.53

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Wall bag / wall punch pad, 1-segment by Budoten

Wall bags can be filled with beans, peas, corn, rice, sawdust or similar materials. Depending on the selected filler material can be so completely individually affect the hardness and strength of the wallbag
. You should not use sand, because the risk of injury is too high.

Wall bag / wall punch pad, 3-s ...
by Budoten


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€ 43.98    only € 37.71

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Wall bag / wall punch pad, 3-segment by Budoten

Wall bags can be filled with beans, peas, corn, rice, sawdust or similar materials. Depending on the selected filler material can be so completely individually affect the hardness and strength of the wallbag
. You should not use sand, because the risk of injury is too high.

Wandsack 3 Segmente, schwarz


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€ 43.98    only € 40.51

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Wandsack 3 Segmente, schwarz by PHOENIX

Wand-Schlagsack, 3 Segmente, stabile Segeltuchhülle in schwarz, ca. 50 x 122 cm. Zum selbst Befüllen mit Kies, Sand, Mais, Splitt, Stoffresten......, je nach Trainingszweck und persönlichem Bedarf.

target kung+fu kung-fu training+equipment training+gear apparatus makiwara

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