Dan Zan Ryu Ju-Jitsu Shinin No Maki Part 2 Advance Arts

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only € 23.49

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Short Description

DVD in English about 47 min
weight: approx. 0.25 kg

Detail Description

DVON Professor Henry S. Okazaki & John K. Cahill Sr.

The DVD includes the following content:

Following content has this great DVD:
Shinin No Maki is the advance techniques of Professor Henry S. Okazaki Usually practiced by Black Belt students. There are 36 techniques so it is in two separate DVD's Shinin No Maki Part 1 and Part Shinin No Maki 2 Unless you have completed the other techniques of the Danzan Ryu (ada Kodenkan) system you will have no idea what this is all about, Especially trying to learn from a DVD. You must enroll into a school did Teaches this system. Professor Sig Kufferath was very knowledgeable on the advance techniques Especially the Shinin No Maki arts, most of the techniques on this DVD is done by his students, Especially Hans Ingebretsen and Dale Kahoun. So included in this video are other advanced techniques as well as some self-defense arts. Participants: Professor David Jennings, Joe Debattista, Hans Ingebretsen, Dale Kahoun, Annette Kahoun, Alex Sydnor, Noah Harders, Jeremy Stanley and special guests Imi Okazaki-Mullins and Myrtle Okazaki Oberman.

The techniques are demonstrated very understandable.

In English (easy to understand without knowledge of English).

Total Time: 47 minutes


shipping costs: from 31.10 € (standard-parcel to USA up to 2kg)
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