Option Embroidery Japanese font and color choice

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 Ø 5.00 (6 votes)

Option Embroidery Japanese font and color choice

by Budoten

item variants partly available.
Variants in backorder:
 5910174 availability

product-id: 5910174
Budoten-ranking: 113

price trend
last price change
606 days ago: 15.06.23
price increase shall be expected.
If you should find this item after your purchase somewhere else at a lower price, we will honor the lower price. Click here for more information ...
Short Description

Individuality is paramount! Therefore, you can select your personal favorites at Budoten from 10 different fonts.

Detail Description

No matter what font you choose. All fonts have been previously carefully digitized by hand to ensure a perfect appearance for your embroidery.

By combining ancestral craft technology with the latest multi-needle embroidery machines from Toyota, we offer Japanese and Asian embroidery in a unique variety of writing styles. The carefully digitized at Budoten characters give the brush strokes of the calligrapher extremely accurately again. So the warmth and beauty of the handwritten original are retained in the embroidery in a unique way.

We digitize Asian characters brushstroke for brushstroke, as they are also written by masters of calligraphy. As unique as each customer is supposed to be his embroidery. Therefore Budoten offers not only the usual embroidery in one font style to - no, you can choose from up to 10 Japanese font-styles, including Kaisho, Gyosho and Kanteiryu, choose!

Our custom embroidery are manufactured "in house" using the best Japanese industrial embroidery machines and special software. Embroideries are offered by Budoten for many years. Over time, we have perfected the manufacturing process.

The embroidery is done with titanium needles using the highest quality embroidery threads from Germany. The results are beautiful, durable and speak for themselves.

Stick our experts work very carefully and faithfully in the difficult work of digitizing characters. So perfection in embroidery one hand, and your satisfaction is on the other.


shipping costs:
Shipping costs will be calculated in the shopping basket on base of the shown product-weight. overview shipping costs

item variants partly available.
Variants in backorder:
 5910174 Quick service not available. This item will be dispatched separately.

On shipment of the goods we will send you an email with the tracking code, so that you may always stay informed via the internet upon the location of the parcel.
In case of unexpected delays in delivery we will notify you immediately upon receipt by email and inform you about the expected delivery time.

available variants
variants price shipping
» Type 1 / Type 10 / Type 2 / Type 3 / Type 4 / Type 5 / Type 6 / Type 7 / Type 8 / Type 9 indiv. colour (price see list) (approx. 0.01 kg) 0.00 € from 5.30 €*
» Type 1 / Type 10 / Type 2 / Type 3 / Type 4 / Type 5 / Type 6 / Type 7 / Type 8 / Type 9 blue 3522 (Ultramarinblue, hel (approx. 0 kg) 0.00 € from 5.30 €*
» Type 1 / Type 10 / Type 2 / Type 3 / Type 4 / Type 5 / Type 6 / Type 7 / Type 8 / Type 9 darkblue 3543 (approx. 0 kg) 0.00 € from 5.30 €*
» Type 1 / Type 10 / Type 2 / Type 3 / Type 4 / Type 5 / Type 6 / Type 7 / Type 8 / Type 9 yellow 0600 (citrusyellow) (approx. 0 kg) 0.00 € from 5.30 €*
» Type 1 / Type 10 / Type 2 / Type 3 / Type 4 / Type 5 / Type 6 / Type 7 / Type 8 / Type 9 gold Metallic 0500 (approx. 0 kg) 5.16 € from 5.30 €*
» Type 1 / Type 10 / Type 2 / Type 3 / Type 4 / Type 5 / Type 6 / Type 7 / Type 8 / Type 9 goldyellow 0702 (approx. 0 kg) 0.00 € from 5.30 €*
» Type 1 / Type 10 / Type 2 / Type 3 / Type 4 / Type 5 / Type 6 / Type 7 / Type 8 / Type 9 green 5422 (turquoisegreen) (approx. 0 kg) 0.00 € from 5.30 €*
» Type 1 / Type 10 / Type 2 / Type 3 / Type 4 / Type 5 / Type 6 / Type 7 / Type 8 / Type 9 silver Metallic 0501 (approx. 0 kg) 5.16 € from 5.30 €*
» Type 1 / Type 10 / Type 2 / Type 3 / Type 4 / Type 5 / Type 6 / Type 7 / Type 8 / Type 9 silvergrey 3971 (approx. 0 kg) 0.00 € from 5.30 €*
» Type 1 / Type 10 / Type 2 / Type 3 / Type 4 / Type 5 / Type 6 / Type 7 / Type 8 / Type 9 green 5613 (approx. 0.01 kg) 0.00 € from 5.30 €*
» Type 1 / Type 10 / Type 2 / Type 3 / Type 4 / Type 5 / Type 6 / Type 7 / Type 8 / Type 9 white 0010 (approx. 0 kg) 0.00 € from 5.30 €*
» Type 1 / Type 10 / Type 2 / Type 3 / Type 4 / Type 5 / Type 6 / Type 7 / Type 8 / Type 9 green 5912 (Tiefgreen) (approx. 0 kg) 0.00 € from 5.30 €*
» Type 1 / Type 10 / Type 2 / Type 3 / Type 4 / Type 5 / Type 6 / Type 7 / Type 8 / Type 9 lightblue 3840 (approx. 0 kg) 0.00 € from 5.30 €*
» Type 1 / Type 10 / Type 2 / Type 3 / Type 4 / Type 5 / Type 6 / Type 7 / Type 8 / Type 9 orange 1300 (approx. 0 kg) 0.00 € from 5.30 €*
» Type 1 / Type 10 / Type 2 / Type 3 / Type 4 / Type 5 / Type 6 / Type 7 / Type 8 / Type 9 red 1904 (Karminred) (approx. 0 kg) 0.00 € from 5.30 €*
» Type 1 / Type 10 / Type 2 / Type 3 / Type 4 / Type 5 / Type 6 / Type 7 / Type 8 / Type 9 black 0020 (approx. 0 kg) 0.00 € from 5.30 €*

*shipping costs for standard-parcel to Germany up to 4kg.
Shipping costs will be calculated based on the weight of the items. overview shipping costs

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  • Price Trend since 18.04.08

5.73 €

5.07 €

5.25 €

10.42 €

4.77 €

4.50 €

15.06.23 22.04.22 24.07.20 10.07.20 12.02.18 09.09.11 18.04.08

current price: from 5.73 €

lowest price: from 4.50 €

highest price: from 10.42 €

last change of price 606 days ago
Price increase to be expected shortly.

  • Customer Reviews,  Ø 5.00 (6 reviews)

  • ID# 1670957630

    Gürtel bestickt für einen besonderen Menschen
    Jo, numa die Lobhudele geschwungen:

    Direkt neben Euren Schreibetischen
    hör' ich die Strickmaschine - summen.
    Und nach meinem anfänglichen Kaufmannszorn
    will mir der Grind vor Freude - tanzen.

    Danke, dass Ihr so viel Sachverstand und Handwerkliches paart. Arm wird man bei Euch nicht, aber immerhin erleichtert ... read more ...

  • ID# 1585820426

    Super Bestickung japanischer Kanji-Zeichen auf meine Kochschürze, bin sehr zufrieden! Alles klappte reibungslos, kann Budoten nur enpfehlen. read more ...

  • ID# 1576390744
    publishedby Nicole klostermann

    Top Teil read more ...

  • ID# 1381814772
    publishedby petra

    Die Farbe ist so wie, ich es mir vorgestellt habe. read more ...

published on 2022.12.13

Gürtel bestickt für einen besonderen Menschen
Jo, numa die Lobhudele geschwungen:

Direkt neben Euren Schreibetischen
hör' ich die Strickmaschine - summen.
Und nach meinem anfänglichen Kaufmannszorn
will mir der Grind vor Freude - tanzen.

Danke, dass Ihr so viel Sachverstand und Handwerkliches paart. Arm wird man bei Euch nicht, aber immerhin erleichtert ...

published on 2020.4.2

Super Bestickung japanischer Kanji-Zeichen auf meine Kochschürze, bin sehr zufrieden! Alles klappte reibungslos, kann Budoten nur enpfehlen.

published on 2019.12.15 by Nicole klostermann

Top Teil

published on 2013.10.15 by petra

Die Farbe ist so wie, ich es mir vorgestellt habe.

published on 2012.5.11

Ist super schön geworden mit Schrift 1 und Farbe 0500 gold!!

published on 2011.6.8

Schrift, Farbe und Größe wie gewählt und auch perfekt so erhalten. R. G. Sindelfingen

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