Jo stick for full contact - rattan - unpeeled 126,5 cm

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 Ø 4.50 (2 votes)

Jo stick for full contact - rattan - unpeeled 126,5 cm

mit harter Schale
by Budoten


product-id: 551839
Budoten-ranking: 205

only € 31.91

incl. VAT + shipping
price trend
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655 days ago: 30.04.23
price increase shall be expected.
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Short Description

Length approx. 126,5 cm, thickness 2.5-3 cm (natural, therefore no exact possible)
weight: approx. 0.44 kg

Detail Description

With outer shell and thin coating layer, which make very stable range (full contact training) the stock in the Fullcontact -.

This rattan cane is still robust by the remaining bark (outer shell). Fighting stock against stock (as opposed to normal wood) not shatter it, but only fray which lowers the risk of injury.


1 slightly flexible so that the floor so fast breaks.
2. easy handling due to light weight.
3. stable outer shell


shipping costs: from 5.30 € (standard-parcel to Germany up to 4kg)
Bulky Good / Heavy GoodAt standard-shipping we don't charge any additional fees when shipping to Germany, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Denmark, Great Britain, Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania.

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  • Price Trend since 05.02.18

31.91 €

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30.04.23 22.04.22 28.11.20 24.07.20 10.07.20 01.05.20 10.10.19 17.09.19 21.08.18 05.02.18

current price: 31.91 €

lowest price: 18.52 €

highest price: 31.91 €

last change of price 655 days ago
Price increase to be expected shortly.

  • Customer Reviews,  Ø 4.50 (2 reviews)

  • ID# 1649527159
    publishedby Bernadette Kleinfercher

    JO gute Qualität - neuwertig
    Ist etwas handlicher als mein alter JO - dünner in der Ausführung. Gute Qualität read more ...

  • ID# 1588773578
    publishedby Steffen Schumacher

    Macht Vergnügen
    Biegesteifigkeit & Elastizität klasse, Balance & Gewicht gut, Preis & Verarbeitung sehr anständig👌

    Sounds pretty 🐍😉 read more ...

published on 2022.4.9 by Bernadette Kleinfercher

JO gute Qualität - neuwertig
Ist etwas handlicher als mein alter JO - dünner in der Ausführung. Gute Qualität

published on 2020.5.6 by Steffen Schumacher

Macht Vergnügen
Biegesteifigkeit & Elastizität klasse, Balance & Gewicht gut, Preis & Verarbeitung sehr anständig👌

Sounds pretty 🐍😉

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