Ø 5.00 (1 vote)

individually embroidery with Asian characters

by Budoten

item variants partly available.
Variants in backorder:
 551372 availability

product-id: 551372
Budoten-ranking: 2824

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from € 17.26

excl. VAT + shipping
price trend
last price change
588 days ago: 09.09.22
price increase shall be expected.
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Short Description

We embroider for you all the materials are also embroidered with individual Asian characters. For the transfer of your name, we also offer a transcription service in either Katakana (Lautumschrift) or Kanji (sinojapanische characters) to.

Detail Description

Embroidery of your submission. We need a good graphic file (Windows Bitmap - BMP or JPEG - JPG), they can be printed in DIN A4. Only in this way is a loss-free processing is possible. Poor Templates are not suitable. The transcription service to Japanese, for example, the name in the Japanese Katakana phonetics transferred. It is recommended that the inscription on the first or last name only. It can also be used in the inscription sinojapanische characters (kanji) are elected. In this example, the name, either in spirit translated into Japanese, or the similar to the corresponding katakana transliteration transferred. The most sensible option is possible by our carefully selected staff. Please use the comments box in the ordering process to make your embroidery requirements as closely as possible to the Commission. An embroidery of your desired material in individual cases can not be implemented. In one such (extremely rare) case, we will immediately inform you, however.


shipping costs:
Shipping costs will be calculated in the shopping basket on base of the shown product-weight. overview shipping costs

item variants partly available.
Variants in backorder:
 551372 Quick service not available. This item will be dispatched by forwarding agent separately.

On shipment of the goods we will send you an email with the tracking code, so that you may always stay informed via the internet upon the location of the parcel.
In case of unexpected delays in delivery we will notify you immediately upon receipt by email and inform you about the expected delivery time.

available variants
variants price shipping
» Name Kanji gold / green / lightblue / lightred / red / silvergrey / white / yellow / black / blue (approx. 0.009 kg) 19.78 € from 31.10 €*
» Name Katakana gold / green / lightblue / lightred / red / silvergrey / white / yellow / black / blue (approx. 0.009 kg) 19.78 € from 31.10 €*
» reprofähige Vorlage gold / green / lightblue / lightred / red / silvergrey / white / yellow / black / blue (approx. 0.05 kg) 17.26 € from 31.10 €*
» reprofõhige Vorlage gold / green / lightblue / lightred / red / silvergrey / white / yellow / black / blue (approx. 0.009 kg) 19.78 € from 31.10 €*

*shipping costs for standard-parcel to USA up to 2kg.
Shipping costs will be calculated based on the weight of the items. overview shipping costs

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  • Price Trend since 21.10.06

17.26 €

19.78 €

21.50 €

26.36 €

19.54 €

18.61 €

18.61 €

17.68 €

32.79 €

09.09.22 22.04.22 24.07.20 10.07.20 10.10.19 21.06.07 23.05.07 16.03.07 21.10.06

current price: from 17.26 €

lowest price: from 17.26 €

highest price: from 32.79 €

last change of price 588 days ago
Price increase to be expected shortly.

  • Customer Reviews,  Ø 5.00 (1 review)

  • ID# 1391669839

    Da ich eine Graphik eingesendet habe, die gestickt werden sollte, habe ich mich mit einem Mitarbeiter über die optimale Größe derselben unterhalten und bin seinem Vorschlag gefolgt: Mit super Ergebnis! Auch der Hinweis auf den Abdruck des Stickrahmens und das Stickvlies war sehr gut. Übrigens: Den Abdruck habe ich mit leichtem Abreiben mit einem angefeuchteten Tuch sogleich wegbekommen, ebenso lie ... read more ...

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