Embroidery motif Geisha - EMB-FA418

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Embroidery motif Geisha - EMB-FA418

by Budoten

individual production - ready for dispatch within 2-4 weeks, quick service not available availability

product-id: 5910501
Budoten-ranking: 10212

only € 7.54

incl. VAT + shipping
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609 days ago: 15.06.23
price increase shall be expected.
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Short Description

Size: 4.94 x 6.00 cm, stitches: 1506, colors: 1 white, 2 - dark blue, 3 - red, white black, 6 - - dark red, 5 - 4. Color matching of the embroidery to your wishes possible.
weight: approx. 0.001 kg

Detail Description

This high-quality embroidery designs can also be adjusted individually. All the embroidery colors used can be changed. Tell us your ideas and wishes. Enlargements or reductions of the embroidery we do not recommend, since it inevitably lost. This would be the only way to avoid the stick completely new file is digitized. This is not the standard price achievable. We are happy to advise you on options for implementing your personal embroidery. Since color changes with a certain work, we calculate changes in color of the finished stick presentation with a small fee (No. 591174). All standard colors are free. Special request colors we calculate with the usual charge (No. 591162) As specialists, we can all technical possibilities to fully perfect and offer comments at any desired technique. With embroidery you can fashion your clothes, your bags, etc. with a high-quality and exclusive character. We can embroider almost anything. The following article we are particularly well suited for embroidering. If you have an embroidery on a different subject of desire, we advise you about the possibilities. We also embroider your supplied article. These must however be suitable for. Talk to us. Besides the direct embroidery of textiles, this motive, we can also draw on a special very durable sub base embroider. So you can design even on a textile of your choice and install again, if necessary remove them. Usually keep our high quality embroidery is longer than the fabric itself.


shipping costs: from 5.30 € (standard-parcel to Germany up to 4kg)
Nothing special.
Shipping costs will be calculated in the shopping basket on base of the shown product-weight. overview shipping costs

individual production - ready for dispatch within 2-4 weeks, quick service not available Quick service not available. This item will be dispatched separately.

On shipment of the goods we will send you an email with the tracking code, so that you may always stay informed via the internet upon the location of the parcel.
In case of unexpected delays in delivery we will notify you immediately upon receipt by email and inform you about the expected delivery time.

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  • Price Trend since 06.05.08

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current price: 7.54 €

lowest price: 5.92 €

highest price: 12.08 €

last change of price 609 days ago
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