DVD: Rising sun - JKA masters ' 70s

by Budo International

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product-id: 2085635
Budoten-ranking: 18748

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only € 23.49

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1366 days ago: 24.07.20
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Short Description

Audio: German, English, Spanish, Italian, French.
weight: approx. 0.25 kg

Detail Description

With "JKA Kumite 70s" we bring you The best of the JKA in normal speed and in slow motion, particularly the techniques of the Jiyu Kumite home. Including the best experts at the first World Championships appear in Kan in Tokyo, Japan the Budo. It is impressive to see the great kick combinations of Uekis, not to speak of the incoming statements go no. Sen and Sen. A high-quality video that the closer take us masters of the JKA, including household names like Nakayama, Enoeda, Kanazawa, Abe, Tanaka, Shoojis, Yamaguichi, and many more. Literally, you will feel the power of Enoedas punch and the agility of Kanazawa. This DVD shows why these masters were capable, the Shotokan karate style Around the world to spread.

Information about the quality of this DVD from the BUDO INTERNATIONAL CLASSIC series:
It is Very much old digitally processed footage. The quality of the video material corresponding to the then technical ways. Are digital enhancements of old VHS video source only to a limited extent possible why still a certain degree remain flickering, blurred image, poor tone, etc..


shipping costs: from 31.10 € (standard-parcel to USA up to 2kg)
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