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DVD Mochizuki - Yoseikan

Minoru Mochizuki
by Budo International

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product-id: 2084483
Budoten-ranking: 15793

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only € 23.49

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1366 days ago: 24.07.20
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Short Description

Runtime: 108 min audio: English, German, italenisch, Spanish, French
weight: approx. 0.3 kg

Detail Description

Grand Master Mochizuki today presents us a full course, indicating almost two hours of his creative and balanced work. The DVD starts with the basics and the Declaration of the "wave" as a characteristic feature of his style and the starting point for the ancient arts of the Samurai. It follows better to use unarmed techniques with its different phases and linkages, working with the Tambo (stock foam), techniques of the Katana and finally the stretching exercises, which they in turn used Yoseikan techniques warmup with Yoseikan techniques, the training time.


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  • Price Trend since 09.07.07

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  • Customer Reviews,  Ø 3.00 (1 review)

  • ID# 1291879095

    Hiroo nicht Minoru!
    Die DVD beinhaltet nicht wie der Titel sagt, Techniken vom Gründer des Yoseikan, Minoru Mochizuki, sondern von dessen Sohn Hiroo. read more ...

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