Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 3 DVD box!

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Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 3 DVD box!

Von BJJ Weltmeister Ze Marcello

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product-id: 2084376
Budoten-ranking: 3939

only € 46.49

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6541 days ago: 20.02.07
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Short Description

The total length of all 3 DVD s: 231 minutes
weight: approx. 0.3 kg

Detail Description


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu basic techniques

By BJJ world champions Ze Marcello

The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, is a Brazilian martial art, a form of Ju-Jitsu practiced in Brazil, brought to Brazil Mitsuyo Maeda (1879-1941), which was developed by the Gracie family. It is a young martial art which is constantly evolving. The Japanese Ju-Jitsu and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a floor technique, practiced with or without kimono. Each end technology closes either with a strangle hold or a dislocation from (neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle) and without joint twisting.
In contrast to the most martial arts, fighting involving preferably standing and with feet and fists, the Brazilian Ju-Jitsu focuses on the ground fighting a Very much technical domain is the obesity of a lesser concern. Yes By the way also, experience has shown that street fighting between two adversaries often end up on the ground.

This learning was filmed in Brazil.

The following menu items are available:
-Bonus = photo gallery

The DVD is playable in the following languages:
-Französich-English German Spanish Portuguese

Total running time: 70 minutes

DVD 2:

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu techniques for the transition stage

By BJJ world champions Ze Marcello

An opponent can often be forced to go to ground, it is, however, never be possible to compel to fight him. Thus the victory in a free fight between two opponents depends in general the mastery of combat techniques at the bottom. It follows that in the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in contrast to other martial arts a significantly lower priority accorded the throws and blows.
Therefore, many JIU-Jitsukas face free fighting wrestlers, boxers or Karatekas in the context of international competitions (pride, UFC) and assert itself as a feared fighter: Acuh if the JIU Jitsukas be brought to ground and they must fight back against the ground, it is a position (protection), which is beneficial in the pure Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and has to be controlled in the free battle.

This learning was filmed in Brazil.

The following menu items are available:
-Bonus = photo gallery

The DVD is playable in the following languages:
-Französich-English German Spanish Portuguese

Total running time: 106 minutes

DVD 3:

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu advanced techniques

By BJJ world champions Ze Marcello

Practitioners of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, use a perfect ground combat. You have at your disposal an arsenal of techniques of lever: lever arm (shoulder, elbow, wrist), lever on the leg (knee, ankle, foot), lever on the neck and strangulation. The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu represents a specialization of the struggle on the ground with the rediscovery of new characteristic positions, such as the protection (where, with your back on the ground, the waist of the opponent between the legs included is), which allows submission techniques to defend themselves and at the same time execute same.
The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and its application in the Vale Tudo have extremely efficient emerged as the ultimate fighting Championships (UFC) were established in 1993. These competitions was Royce Gracie, Rickson Gracie, who is considered by some as the best fighter the world has ever seen as winning out. As legend has it, that he remained unbeaten at 400 fights without rules.

This learning was filmed in Brazil.

The following menu items are available:
-Bonus = photo gallery

The DVD is playable in the following languages:
-Französich-English German Spanish Portuguese

Total running time: 55 minutes


shipping costs: from 5.30 € (standard-parcel to Germany up to 4kg)
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