Boxer coat of satin
by FujiMae
Boxer coat of satin by FujiMae
Matel blue with white collar and white cuffs, black Mahadeo either with white collar and white sleeve off key or with red collar and red cuffs, red coat with white collar and white cuffs.
uniform kickboxing kick+boxing kickboxing boxing cape wrap coat
Boxermantel Champ
by Top Ten
Boxermantel Champ by Top Ten
With hood. Made of shiny nylon material with woven fabric structure.
uniform kickboxing kick+boxing kickboxing boxing cape wrap coat
Boxing Robe
by Top Ten
Boxing Robe by Top Ten
Boxer Coat Get the ring with a hood. High quality black polyester satin gloss effect. On the back there is the embroidery motif Get the ring.