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Shotokan kata up to the black ...

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Shotokan kata up to the black belt (1)

Fiore Tartaglia

Kata learning made easy!

-Representation of all techniques with three intermediate movements
-concise and detailed drawings with all details
-additional compilation of all Kata "at a glance"
-additional text explanations for difficult passages
-Explanation of the Japanese terms with the help of drawings
-handy size and rugged construction for the sports bag

The happy and rare combination of his professional graphic designers and a decades-long practice in karate, the author of uniting, allowed the emergence of this kata book, that differs from all the works already on the market. The not only Karatetechnische but also as graphical optimization offers the reader an unprecedented clarity and precision that leaves no questions.

Content with a total of over 1,700 drawings:

Taikyoku SHODAN
Heian nidan
Heian sandan
Heian 四段
Heian Godan
Bassai Dai
Kanku Dai

From the contents:

The traditional aspect of karate-do is conveyed to us mainly through the kata. In it, even the different karate styles are to recognize, whereas there are no such differences in the Kumite.

Kata is also fighting. A fight against several imaginary opponents attacking from different directions. A Very much more important aspect of the kata is the learning of some unusual defense, attack and close combat techniques, which are applied not in the competition, however To find a variety of ways in the self defense.

Three years is "Kata hitotsu Vogels" - to learn a kata. This Japanese phrase makes it clear a kata is how challenging and How much time and heart we should invest us, truly to learn a kata. ...

About the author:
The author Fiore Tartaglia was born in Eboli, South Italy, in 1958. He started karate at the age of 16 and was 1979 in Sicily his examination for the 1st Dan. Shortly thereafter, with two friends, he founded a judo and karate dojo. The end of 1980 he moved to Germany and continued his training in karate dojo Nippon in Göppingen (later karate dojo Dokan, Boynton Beach). He, also runs together with a friend, a karate school (karate Dôjô Taikikan). Today, he wears the 4th Dan and is B Inspector of the DKV.

Professionally he has worked since 1982 as a graphic designer in Germany, and in his own advertising agency in Göppingen, Germany since 1985. The combination was crucial for this book designer and Karateka, because it made possible the realization of the present professional form.

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Bo - Fight with the Long Stick

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Bo - Fight with the Long Stick

Andrea Guarelli

This book gives an overview of the Kobudo weapons from Okinawa, the Special attack and defense techniques, many kata and battle exercises... the special weapon technology!

Bunkai Shotokan Kata from the ...

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Bunkai Shotokan Kata from the Black Belt (Volume 4)

Fiore Tartaglia

Extended the fourth volume of this kata series and deepened the broad spectrum of Bunkai of Karate Shotokan style.
Theme of this book are the champions-Kata. The here deliberately holding strictly to the Kata-processes applications offer the reader the opportunity to exact and clear interpretations of complex higher Kata. Educationally-setting support the book with suggestions on tactics, principles, and additional applications.
-Additional Detail drawings for difficult applications
-Übersichtliche And detailed drawings with all details
-Additional Compilation of all Kata "at a glance"
Replenishing text explanations for difficult passages
-Erläuterung Japanese terms with the aid of drawings
-Handliches Format and robust design for the sports bag

From the contents:
"... In the Shotokan Kata, the style typical techniques from the first to the last Kata over again. This is correct, because as we all know, you can not practice often enough, if you really want to completely master a technique. Consequently many techniques used in this book, which have been already presented in the third volume in different interpretations. Yet now the higher graduate to be addressed and we can and must assume more. Certain applications are somewhat stronger than before of the catalog for this reason techniques differ. The advantage is that additional applications will be presented. The Dan-carrier, the experience gained in karate, it will be easy to implement even the somewhat aware complex held Bunkai techniques, or extend according to their own feelings.. .. "

About the Author:
The author Fiore Tartaglia was born in 1958 in Eboli, southern Italy. He began at the age of 16 years with Karate and was in 1979 in Sicily his examination for 1st Dan. With two friends shortly thereafter he founded a judo and karate dojo. End of 1980 he moved to Germany and continued his training in karate dojo Nippon in Göppingen continued (later karate dojo Dokan, Eislingen). He also performs together with a friend, your own karate school (karate dojo Taikikan). Today he wears the 4th Dan and B-examiner of the DKV.
Professionally, he has worked since 1982 as a graphic designer in Germany, and since 1985 in his own advertising agency in Göppingen. The combination of designer and Karateka was crucial for this book, for only they allowed the realization of this professional form.

Bubishi - to the source of the ...
by Palisander

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Bubishi - to the source of the Karate do by Palisander

Roland Habersetzer, Übersetzung: Frank Elstner

The Bubishi - the Bible of martial arts with bare hands
In the southern Chinese province of Fujian (Fukien), the fighting style of White crane originated centuries ago, when Fang Jin Jang, daughter of Shaolinmeisters, the martial arts of her father with postures and movements of the crane linked. This style is described in the Bubishi, an illustrated manuscript, which was intended for those wanted to be the champion in the fight without weapons.

It is evident that the techniques described in the Bubishi represent nothing less than those original forms, which have developed different modern martial arts such as karate, Jûjutsu, Jûdô, Aikidô or Wingchun. All the secrets of the unarmed martial arts are already disclosed. This manuscript submitted further over the centuries by masters of their students thus emerges as the Bible of the martial arts with bare hands.

Roland Habersetzers book introduces the 48 close combat techniques of the Bubishi (supplemented by detailed comments and detailed drawings of the author), the art of dianxue (the mysterious vital point techniques in the "poisoned hand"), the story of the fighting style of the "White crane" and history and technology of kata Hakufa and Happoren.
Excerpt (S. 193 f.):

The technique of dianxue

Dianxue means the energy of shock so focused that she applied in a certain time (speed of the shock) and a particular room (precision of the blow) on a vulnerable point of the human body. Is hit such a point with a defined force dosage or under a certain angle, this can have a temporary or permanent, partial or complete inability of the movement, debilitating pain, fainting or death result.

First the techniques of dianxue therein, to inhibit blood circulation or breathing temporarily or permanently or even stop putting precise strikes on specific anatomical points of the opponent's goal. It is possible to bring about a More or less permanent state of paralysis by a stroke to a muscle or muscle group virtually everyone.

The second stage of the dianxue is much more complex. It comes now, the flow of vital energy, Qi, disrupting (to strengthen him, to reduce or temporarily interrupt), which flows along the "meridians" of an organ to another.

However, there is a still higher level of dianxue, providing amazing some incredible acts in accordance with the tradition of Kung Fu. It should be possible to affect the energy of the enemy Very much light contact (i.e. without a strike) or even completely without body contact, by inserting their own internal energy. This is the secret techniques of the 'iron hand' (Tieh Sha Chang), of which, still A few old initiates possess knowledge.

About the author:
Roland Habersetzer of 8 Dan Karatedô
Roland Habersetzer was born in 1942. in 1957, he began to practice Jûdô and Jûjutsu. Already in the following year he became aware karate, Which one has only recently had found its way to France and was practiced only in small circles.

He soon opted completely for this direction, and in 1961 he was awarded the 1st Dan in this martial art, which he was one of the first "black belts" France and at that time latest. in 1962, he founded the section of karate/Kobudô of Strasbourg University clubs he worked as its Director or consultant until 1990. Here, he trained many karate teacher who founded France Dôjô in turn throughout the East. While de Karaté worked more than 10 years working in the fledgling Fédération Française he with the training of thousands of Karateka.

Disappointed by the tendency of karate, the martial arts to the sport to develop, he founded Budo (CRB), an international organization, the aim of which is to develop friendly links between all Budôka, which priority the preservation of spiritual values of Japanese and Chinese martial arts is located at the heart of the Centre de recherche in 1974. For over 30 years he advocates the continued existence of a traditional Karatedô. Spirit and technique of his conception of the Budô reflected in his numerous technical and historical works (more than 60 books so far), have high reputation in the world of martial arts. He runs courses Around the world, from Morocco to Norway, from Canada to New Caledonia, from Portugal to Germany. In addition, he was the first martial arts expert of rank, who introduced the Karatedô in the countries of Eastern Europe since 1975.

As one of the first he pointed to the dangers of an exclusively sporting development of the martial arts, and it is his merit that a variety of practicing again recognized the importance of traditional values of Japanese and Chinese martial arts (Budô and Wushu).

Roland Habersetzer is an expert in the Shôtôkan - and Wado ryû karate in the taijiquan (this art since he has taught Yang style - 1973) and in different kungfu styles (Hunggar, Choylifut). He is also active as a teacher of history.

After various belt levels in France, Japan and China Dan in karate was awarded in 1992 in Japan in recognition of his achievements, the 8th, an extremely rare for an Asians honor.

Togakure Ryu - Taijutsu no Kat ...
by Tengu-Publishing

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Togakure Ryu - Taijutsu no Kata by Tengu-Publishing

Carsten Kühn

This modern Densho sees itself as working material for daily training.

In the illustrations was exclusively working with drawings in order to focus on the execution of the individual techniques and Kata. Concise explanatory texts complete the information.

Content outlines the document, the most important unarmed forms of Togakure Ryu movement.

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Yan Chi Gong
by Palisander

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Yan Chi Gong by Palisander

Xiong Daoming

Die Wiederentdeckung einer geheimen Shaolin-Tradition

Im Jahre 1963 schrieb Xiong Daoming sein Wissen über das Yanchigong nieder. Der Text begann mit den folgenden Worten: »Das yànchígong ist dem dào entsprungen. Noch vor der Zeit der Fünf Dynastien führte Bodhidharma dieses gong im Shàolín-Tempel ein. Innerhalb des Buddhismus wurde es als inneres Haupt-Gong weitergegeben ...«
Im Jahre 2012 gestattete Li Zhengua, Meister Xiongs geistiger Erbe, die Erstveröffentlichung des Manuskripts in deutscher Sprache. Sein Schüler Maik Albrecht übersetzte den Text und kommentierte ihn ausführlich, gemeinsam mit Frank Rudolph.

Das Yan Chi Gong ist ein Übungssystem, das anderthalb Jahrtausende lang nur Eingeweihten im Shaolin-Kloster bekannt war und schließlich fast völlig in Vergessenheit geriet. Es zielt darauf ab, eine nachhaltige innere Stärke von Körper und Geist und lebenslange Gesundheit zu entwickeln. Die Übungen werden im Buch auf nachvollziehbare Weise in Text und Bild dargestellt. Die einfacheren Übungen sind für »normale« Menschen, die einen Ausgleich zu vorwiegend sitzender Tätigkeit suchen, bestens geeignet. Darüber hinaus ist das Yan-Chi-Gong-System ein hocheffektives Trainingssystem für Kampfkünstler, das den Körper als Ganzes trainiert - einschließlich der inneren Organe und des Bindegewebes -, ohne ihn dabei zu verschleißen, wie oft im Leistungssport der Fall. Der Körper gewinnt durch die Übungen an Ausdauer, Kraft und Geschmeidigkeit.
Neben den Übungen wird auch das dahinterstehende Gedankengebäude des Daoismus tiefgründig erläutert - von der Schöpfungslehre über Medizin bis hin zur Sexualkunde.

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Krav Maga

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Krav Maga

Imi Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld), Eyal Yanilov

Krav Maga is a field-proven, easy use for any self-defense and hand-to-hand combat system for the effective combating of stitch, punch, and firearms. Krav Maga is originally developed for Israeli forces, today also in the civil sector to cope with confrontations with armed attackers in an emergency. This official and comprehensive textbook by the founder of Krav Maga: Sde-or (Lichtenfeld), and his successor, Eyal Yanilov to help world's people to defend themselves against violent criminals.

Karate - Die Kunst der leeren ...
by Schlatt

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Karate - Die Kunst der leeren Hand by Schlatt

Hidetaka Nishiyama & Richard C. Brown (übersetzt von Schlatt)

Für traditionelle Karatekas eine Quelle außerordentlicher Inspiration. Als Nishiyama sein Werk Die Kunst der leeren Hand verfasste, war er noch ein junger Meister. Damals stellte er das Karate im Lichte der Auffassungen vor, die etwa um die Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts von der Japan Karate Association (JKA) vertreten wurde. Er gibt einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Trainingsmethoden und die Grundprinzipien der Selbstverteidigung, die in jener Zeit üblich waren und die ersten Regeln, die jemals für Karate-(kumite-)wettkämpfe in der JKA formuliert worden sind.

Das ist mehr als Geschichte! Endlich kann man nun nämlich aus erster Hand erfahren und nachlesen, wie traditionelles Wettkampfkarate ursprünglich ausgesehen hat ...

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Shotokan kata from black belt ...

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Shotokan kata from black belt (volume 2)

Fiore Tartaglia

Kata learning made easy!

  • Representation of all techniques with three intermediate movements
  • clear and detailed drawings with all details
  • additional compilation of all Kata "at a glance"
  • supplementary text explanations for difficult passages
  • Explanation of the Japanese terms with the aid of drawings
  • handy size and rugged construction for the sports bag

The happy and rare combination of his professional graphic designers and a decades-long practice in karate, the author of uniting, allowed the emergence of this kata book, that differs from all the works already on the market. Not only karate technical but also graphical optimization offers the reader an unprecedented clarity and precision that leaves no questions.

Content with a total of 2,600 drawings:
  • Tekki nidan
  • Tekki sandan
  • Bassai sho
  • Kanku sho
  • Jitte
  • Gankaku
  • Chinte
  • Brett
  • Nijushiho
  • Sochin
  • Wankan
  • Meikyo
  • Gojushiho Dai
  • Gojushiho sho
  • Unsu

From the contents:

The traditional aspect of karate do conveyed us especially through the kata. In it, even the different karate styles are to recognize, whereas there are no such differences in the Kumite. ...

... Kata is also fighting. A fight against several imaginary opponents attacking from different directions. A Very much more important aspect of the kata is the learning of some unusual defense, attack and close combat techniques, which are applied not in the competition, however To find a variety of ways in the self defense. ...... Three years is "Kata hitotsu Vogels" - to learn a kata. This Japanese phrase makes it clear a kata is how challenging and How much time and heart we should invest us, truly to learn a kata.

About the author:

The author Fiore Tartaglia was born in Eboli, South Italy, in 1958. He started karate at the age of 16 and was 1979 in Sicily his examination for the 1st Dan. Shortly thereafter, with two friends, he founded a judo and karate dojo. The end of 1980 he moved to Germany and continued his training in karate dojo Nippon in Göppingen (later karate dojo Dokan, Boynton Beach). He, also runs together with a friend, a karate school (karate dojo Taikikan). Today, he wears the 4th Dan and is B Inspector of the DKV.

Professionally he has worked since 1982 as a graphic designer in Germany, and in his own advertising agency in Göppingen, Germany since 1985. The combination was crucial for this book designer and Karateka, because it made possible the realization of the present professional form.

Traditionally of the Shotokan ...

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Traditionally of the Shotokan kata up to the black strap (3)

Fiore Tartaglia

Bunkai - analyzing and understanding one technique or kata - is important part of karate. The Karateka who wants to deepen his experiences, will be here To find an enrichment to the topic of Bunkai.

Special features of the work in the overview

-additional detail drawings for difficult applications
-concise and detailed drawings with all details
-additional compilation of all Kata "at a glance"
-additional text explanations for difficult passages
-Explanation of the Japanese terms with the aid of drawings
-handy size and rugged construction for the sports bag

From the contents:

"... The development of karate by the fighting discipline to the sport has allowed its worldwide distribution. At the same time is karate this "defused" been. The classical discipline, which partly was alive, has adapted to the new generations and their societies.

Much of the original information of classical karate has been handed down but us through the kata. The discussion offers the opportunity to gain insights that enrich our karate-dô us their applications."

About the author:

The author Fiore Tartaglia was born in Eboli, South Italy, in 1958. He started karate at the age of 16 and was 1979 in Sicily his examination for the 1st Dan. Shortly thereafter, with two friends, he founded a Judô and karate Dôjô. The end of 1980 he moved to Germany and continued his training in karate Dôjô Nippon in Göppingen (later karate Dôjô Dokan, Boynton Beach). He, also runs together with a friend, a karate school (karate Dôjô Taikikan). Today, he wears the 4th Dan and is B Inspector of the DKV.

Professionally he has worked since 1982 as a graphic designer in Germany, and in his own advertising agency in Göppingen, Germany since 1985. The combination was crucial for this book designer and Karateka, because it made possible the realization of the present professional form.

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Bokken - The wooden Sword of t ...

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Bokken - The wooden Sword of the Samurai

Axel Schultz-Gora

This book teaches the correct handling of the wooden sword of the Samurai. The author describes the drawing and striking techniques, combinations and partner exercises to the skillful handling of this traditional weapon in the Budosport. He explains the history and development of the Bokken in the feudal Japan and conveys the spirit of a fencing, whose combative broadcasting still fascinates the reader.


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von Feliks Hoff

A fascinating ancient Japanese practice form with lightning-fast and aesthetic movements of sword drawing and meeting an imaginary opponent. In addition to interesting background information describes the technology and intellectual backgrounds.

Kyudo, die Kunst des Japanisch ...

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Kyudo, die Kunst des Japanischen BogenschieŻens

von Feliks F. Hoff

Bows, arrows, equipment and technique are described in detail. Also discusses shooting technique and training methods, error correction, as well as special types of shooting. Detailed information about the spiritual and historical background of this ancient Japanese martial art.

Die 12 Taekwondo Hyongs

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Die 12 Taekwondo Hyongs

M. Unruh

The comprehensive textbook for all Taekwondo athletes informed about the Hyongs in detail. All movements and positions are explained in detail with drawings and photographs. Detailed exercise instructions run charts with the foot positions of the performers, as well as first-class photos of every single movement make this book the valuable, accompanying training guides. Taekwondo advanced on 158 pages with 424 photos and 12 diagrams.

Karate-Do Nyumon, deutsche Ers ...
by Schlatt

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Karate-Do Nyumon, deutsche Erstausgabe by Schlatt

Gichin Funakoshi, übersetzt von Ralph P. Görlach

This compilation from his unpublished of writings, personal notes, and records of Funakoshi Gichin is now for the first time in German language. It is one of the most important publications that we have from the early stages of the written form of karate. In it, Funakoshi manifests itself to the history, philosophy and technique of the original martial arts of on Okinawa.

The small factory is so significant that his original text is recorded by the Renomierverlag Kodansha in the series the master introductory. Parts of the Nyûmon certainly belong to the oldest available texts of karate. To portray this martial art before the background of the world in the late 19th century medieval-themed on Okinawa, with its close association with the Chinese culture. In this time, the youth of Funakoshi falls.

When Funakoshi in retrospect remembers, blur the boundaries between myth and reality in a way that was quite natural for his medieval strong thinking in his perception of the karate. For example in the gripping portrayal of the legendary two struggle between the great masters of karate Matsumura and Uehara. In her emotional and perceptual world of the Ancient Orient might confront one last time in full clarity us. Funakoshi sings the ideal of non-violent, Grandmaster karate as well as whose relentless linking with the ultimate question about life and death.

The Nyumon (lit. Gateway) provides such access does not Go ahead the technical, but also the emotional world of the original karate. In addition to the main techniques and ten no kata explained his views to karate Funakoshi in this work and gives many helpful hints.

It shows as well as in the field of tension of life-threatening conflicts, the principle that a Karateka never results in the first attack, can endure. Karate do Nyumon leaves us even today is still the development of the modern Kumite with track at hand of the now almost forgotten Kumite form ten no kata, Omote - and URA version.

Many old photographs of Funakoshi's direct disciples are all ahead of his son Gigo, our today's Karate considers essentially goes back to the inspiring. But there are also many photos, which may seem unusual to us. The performers of the ten no kata are masters of Shoto-Kai by Shigeru Egami. These recordings can detect, in what different direction has evolved the doctrine of the founder of Shotokan style.

Die 12 Taekwondo Hyong's

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Die 12 Taekwondo Hyong's

M. Unruh

M. Unruh (5th Dan) describes the precision attack and defense techniques of the Taekwondo Hyongs in great detail. A textbook for advanced Taekwondo athletes. Detailed exercise instructions with Laufdiagramen and the foot positions of the performers, as well as first-class photos of every single movement make this book the valuable, accompanying training guides.

The tale of the 47 Ronin
by Schlatt

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The tale of the 47 Ronin by Schlatt

John Ally, aus dem Englischen von Andreas F. Albrecht

Out of loyalty, sense of duty, loyalty and honor, forty-seven followers of a Japanese country nobleman practice of the year 1702 bloody revenge for their Lord on a cold January night. You are is this the consequences, that has this Act for their own lives, well aware. From knightly loyalty, they violate the laws of the Shogun and must pay their offense with the life.

This event is probably the world's most famous episode in the history of feudal Japan. For three hundred years, it is an important guiding principle for the collective subconscious and self-image of millions of Japanese.

The tale of the 47 Rônin of Akô raises the question of what it means, follow a life plan, which includes from the outset the idea of the own death. In other words: How can we lead a successful life in the face of the own death?

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Koshiki kata – the classical ...
by Palisander

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Koshiki kata – the classical kata of karate do by Palisander

Roland Habersetzer

The Koshiki kata as infinite SchatzDie kata of the major styles of karate - Shôtôkan ryû, Gôjû ryû, Wadô ryû and Shitô ryû - have a common basis, the Koshiki kata originating from the island of Okinawa, the classical kata of Karatedo. These highly efficient, encrypted forms of struggle are also an effective means for the spiritual the practitioner a path to deeper self-knowledge. Thus, they are In fact inexhaustible treasure troves, infinite treasures.

Roland Habersetzer portrays the history, philosophy and practice of Koshiki kata in this book. In parallel, he describes the development of death over the Okinawa te to the modern karate and the formation of the most important styles of the Japanese and Okinawa niche Karatedô.

28 Koshiki kata will be presented on virtually transparent way in words and pictures: 105 illustrations with a total of more than 1700 drawings present classical versions and variants of the kata Pinan (Heian), Kûshanku (Kankû), Passai (Bassai), Naihanchi (Tekki), Sanchin, seisan (Hangetsu), Chintô (Gankaku), Sôchin, Ananko (Ananku), Wankan (Matsukaze), Rôhai (Meikyô), Wanshu (ENPI), Useishi (Gojushiho), Jion, Jitte (Jutte) and Happoren.


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W. Grewatsch - M. Rosenstein

The fascinating game on green table! The authors describe the development of the popular Snooker Billards, his technical refinements and the big tournaments and international stars. Detailed chapters on choosing the right balls to kick and Potten, as well as the position and Game series are complemented by notes of trick shocks, training programs and the rules of the modern snooker game.

Wing Chun for beginners and ad ...

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Wing Chun for beginners and advanced

Alan Gibson

Presents the interesting history of this Chinese martial art and accompanied your personal training.
It describes the hand techniques, stances and kicks and gives important advice for the fight.

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Ninja - secrets of invisibilit ...
by Leffler

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Ninja - secrets of invisibility - complete works by Leffler

Kim, Ashida - Leffler, Andreas

The myth of the Ninja is based not only on their superior fighting skills, but in particular to the fact that they were masters of camouflage and cloaking. This aspect of ninjutsu is today overlooked in many books or training courses or only sparsely illuminated. Therefore, the well-known authors of Ashida Kim and Andreas Leffler have dedicated topics "Invisibility and stealth" complete this book. These areas are their own art forms and even today for many special units key points of their training. Therefore, it is clear that this can be not only a supplement to combat training, but represent own art forms. Of course a detailed training in it blows up every self defense course and also each printing unit, but this book may still serve as interesting companion reading the ninjutsu students who are interested. Also the knowledge of light and shadow, silence and concealment can save in an emergency situation might be even more a than a good combat training. The present work in detail the areas of sneaking, hiding, camouflage and disguise Very much. The nine slow steps of the Ninja, applications in difficult terrain, camouflage and hiding in buildings, as well as in the wilderness are included, as well as numerous exercises and two complete kata on the subject.

Struggle with the long sword

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Struggle with the long sword

Konrad Kessler

The author provides a comprehensive insight into the traditional art of fencing with the sword.

He describes the history and basics of swordplay and sophisticated techniques: The Huten, chops, cuts and stitches and precise and safe handling of the long sword in demonstrations and competitions.

buch+deutsch lehrmittel waffen europäisch schwerter einhändig zweihändig schaukampf historisch

Karate - The battle
by Schlatt

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Karate - The battle by Schlatt

Michael Ehrenreich

Michael Ehrenreich began his martial arts training in 1975 with Judo and then in 1978 moved to Shotokan Karate. From 1992 to 1997 he was member of the German Karate Team and won several titles at national and international level. At the World Championships of JKA in 1994 in Philadelphia, he won the title of Vice World Champion in Mannschaftskumite. Since 1986 he has taught karate.
His studies at the German Sport University in Cologne, he joined in 1994 with diploma. A scholarship from the Japanese government, he studied from 1998-2002 again in Japan at the University of Tsukuba, and reached the "Masters Degree" in sports science.
Since 2002 he lives in the USA and is chairman of the self-defense organization "Force Option" for the state of Georgia.

In this provocative, yet profound work of Michael Ehrenreich allows the reader to share in the experiences of his over thirty years of karate practice. With over 200 exercises to more than 600 photos he explains how he sees today's Karate and future as an efficient, hard Karate can be trained: using makiwara, claws and sandbag.

The exercises shown are easy to understand, but of far-reaching effect. The reader will find instructions for the traditional use of the makiwara, learn how to deal with modern claws and learn an effective punch and kick training, which simply can not be missing in traditional karate trained. Many exercises call a "teachable moment" out, because what Ehrenreich is plastic, has been a long time pushed in technically emphasized card today dojos in the background. Now old knowledge is re-enabled.

Information to the content briefly at a glance:
- Detailed discussion of Makiwara-, sandbag and punch training
- Detailed comments to Kumitetraining much more with one and several opponents, combat, pressure points.
- Karate Specific Strength Exercises
- Individual, partner and group exercises

Year - the knowledge of martia ...
by Schlatt

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Year - the knowledge of martial arts Karate-Do. by Schlatt

Sascha Wagener

This book is the first thing step by step, karate-Dô teaches the backgrounds of martial arts. 5 levels, similar to graduations, introduces the historical, linguistic, cultural and technical basics of this art the belt. The test system built into the textbook, with which each itself can control is unique. By flashcards to the copy will be learning the content still makes it easier. The year gives a comprehensive overview of principles and background of traditional martial arts. Therefore, it is suitable for exercisers of all styles and arts and both for beginners and for advanced by interest.

Sascha has studied not only the backgrounds of martial arts has, but this so worked up that you can not only read this book, but also really learn A lot from him.

The categories are
Reigi, etiquette
Waza, principles of the technique and tactics
Karada, the body and its weapons
Style customer
The five animals
The history of martial arts
The history of Asia
Qi, the health aspects of martial arts
Japanese language
Kata, the heart of martial arts
Kumite, forms of combat exercise in the karate-Dô

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