Jo Stick
by DanRho
Jo Stick by DanRho
The wood which only shows a very low water content after a drying process is screening in the form and grinds down repeatedly with a very fine sandpaper to obtain the typically slippery surface. In the last step the stick is coated with a special corrosive fluid and covered with clear varnish.
Jo staff, high quality white o ...
by Budoten
Jo staff, high quality white oak by Budoten
The Jo stick is made of very good white oak.
Jo-Stab Bavaria 128 cm
Jo-Stab Bavaria 128 cm by KWON
Der schwere 128 cm lange Jo-Stab aus deutscher Roteiche wird in Bayern exklusiv für die KWON KG hergestellt. Extra stabil und langlebig.
Jo Stick
by DanRho
Jo Stick by DanRho
The wood has according to a drying process only a very low water content.
Jo for Aikido, red oak
by Sportimex
Jo for Aikido, red oak by Sportimex
Jo-rod red oak for Aikido
asian+budoweapon jo stickweapon wooden+weapon other
Jo, Kunststoff, braun, ca. 127 ...
by Eigenmarke
Jo, Kunststoff, braun, ca. 127 cm by Eigenmarke
Jo-Stab aus Holz
Dieser Jo-Stab aus Holz wird gern für Aikido und auch in vielen anderen japanischen Kampfkünsten genutzt.