Bo stick, 182 cm, red oak
by Budoten
Bo stick, 182 cm, red oak by Budoten
Bo classic red oak.
Bo, 182 cm, rattan
by Budoten
Bo, 182 cm, rattan by Budoten
Sanded smooth (without the outer shell).
Rattan is robust, in the fight against Stock Stock (as opposed to normal wood) it does not splinter, but frayed, what the risk of injury decreases.
Hanbo, red oak 100 cm
by Budoten
Hanbo, red oak 100 cm by Budoten
Made from carefully selected red oak.
by DanRho
Bo-Stick by DanRho
Aus Eichenholz hergestellt.
The wood which only shows a very low water content after a drying process is screening in the form and grinds down repeatedly with a very fine sandpaper to obtain the typically slippery surface. In the last step the stick is coated with a special corrosive fluid and covered with clear varnish.
White Lotus Bo with tapered en ...
White Lotus Bo with tapered ends by KWON
Fashioned from lightweight lotus wood to provide a good grip. Suitable for demos and freestyle.
Junior Bo Stick Tapered
by DanRho
Junior Bo Stick Tapered by DanRho
The wood which only shows a very low water content after a drying process is screening in the form and grinds down repeatedly with a very fine sandpaper to obtain the typically slippery surface. In the last step the stick is coated with a special corrosive fluid and covered with clear varnish.
Bo-Stab Bavaria 182 cm
Bo-Stab Bavaria 182 cm by KWON
Der sehr robuste1 82 cm lange Bo Stab aus deutscher Roteiche wird von einer bayerischen Traditionsdrechslerei exklusiv für die KWON KG hergestellt. Extra stabil und langlebig.
Bo stick white oak
Bo stick white oak by KWON
asian+budoweapon bo stickweapon wooden+weapon other
Bo Stick 152 cm
by DanRho
Bo Stick 152 cm by DanRho
The wood which only shows a very low water content after a drying process is screening in the form and grinds down repeatedly with a very fine sandpaper to obtain the typically slippery surface. In the last step the stick is coated with a special corrosive fluid and covered with clear varnish.
Bo Stick, Red oak
Bo Stick, Red oak by KWON
Original japanische Holzwaffen aus schwerer, massiver roter Eiche. Um das Holz beim Transport vor Schädlingen und Witterung zu schützen wurde es mit einer sehr dünnen Lackschicht versehen.
Bo staff for full contact - ra ...
by Budoten
Bo staff for full contact - rattan - unpeeled-183 cm by Budoten
mit harter Schale
With outer shell and thin coating layer, which make very stable range (full contact training) the stock in the Fullcontact -.
This rattan cane is still robust by the remaining bark (outer shell). Fighting stock against stock (as opposed to normal wood) not shatter it, but only fray which lowers the risk of injury.
1 slightly flexible so that the floor so fast breaks.
2. easy handling due to light weight.
3. stable outer shell
asian+budoweapon bo stickweapon wooden+weapon other
Bo konisch, Roteiche, ca. 182 ...
by Eigenmarke
Bo konisch, Roteiche, ca. 182 cm by Eigenmarke
Jo stick for full contact - ra ...
by Budoten
Jo stick for full contact - rattan - unpeeled 126,5 cm by Budoten
mit harter Schale
With outer shell and thin coating layer, which make very stable range (full contact training) the stock in the Fullcontact -.
This rattan cane is still robust by the remaining bark (outer shell). Fighting stock against stock (as opposed to normal wood) not shatter it, but only fray which lowers the risk of injury.
1 slightly flexible so that the floor so fast breaks.
2. easy handling due to light weight.
3. stable outer shell
Bo konisch, Kunststoff, braun, ...
by Eigenmarke
Bo konisch, Kunststoff, braun, ca. 182 cm by Eigenmarke
ca. 182 cm
Durchmesser mittig ca. 3 cm
zu beiden Enden auf ca. 2 cm konisch zulaufend
Bo Kunststoff, ca. 183 cm
by Eigenmarke
Bo Kunststoff, ca. 183 cm by Eigenmarke
asiatische+budowaffen bo stockwaffen kunststoff divers kobudo bo-stab bostab bo-stock bostock langstock
Junior Bokken, braun, Kunststo ...
by Eigenmarke
Junior Bokken, braun, Kunststoff by Eigenmarke
Junior Bokken braun aus TPR-Kunststoff 82,5 cm
Bokken aus schweren und stabilen Kunststoff.
Lieferung erfolgt inkl. Tsuba
Länge: ca. 82,5 cm
Griff: ca. 22,5 cm
Klinge: ca. 60 cm
Gewicht: ohne Tsuba: ca. 400g, mit Tsuba: ca. 420g
Material: TPR (Kunststoff)
Durch das Material, eignet sich dieses Bokken hervorragend zum Üben und Trainieren verschiedener Abläufe!
asiatische+budowaffen stockwaffen kunststoff divers kobudo bokken schwert bokuto bokutou holzschwert trainingsschwert übungsschwert trainingsschwerter
Shoto braun aus TPR-Kunststoff
by Eigenmarke
Shoto braun aus TPR-Kunststoff by Eigenmarke
Shoto aus schweren und stabilen Kunststoff (TPR)
Lieferung erfolgt inkl. Tsuba
asiatische+budowaffen stockwaffen kunststoff divers kobudo bokken schwert bokuto bokutou holzschwert trainingsschwert übungsschwert trainingsschwerter
Trainingsstangen-Set, 8 Stück
by Eigenmarke
Trainingsstangen-Set, 8 Stück by Eigenmarke
vielseitig verwendbar in jeder Form von Agility Training, auch für Kinder, am besten in Verbindung mit unseren Markierungskegeln Art.Nr. 552440
Die Markierungskegel sind nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten.
4 Markierungskegel mit Löchern
by Eigenmarke
4 Markierungskegel mit Löchern by Eigenmarke
4 Markierungskegel, LxBxH = 29x29x50cm, ca. 4mm dick, mit Löchern zum Einstecken von Trainingsstangen (siehe unser Zubehör-Angebot)
Die Löcher befinden sich seitlich und auch in der Spitze
Es handelt sich um sehr stabile Kegel mit 4 mm Wandstärke, d.h. sie haben auch ein gutes Eigengewicht und fallen auch bei eingesteckten Stangen nicht gleich um.
Bo-Stab, Holz, Rote Eiche
asian+budoweapon bo stickweapon wooden+weapon other
Paddle foam stick red / blue
by Kwon
Paddle foam stick red / blue by Kwon
Excellent for contact training.
The middle part is foam encased in black color and the outer red and blue cushion has the white label KWON.
training+equipment training+gear apparatus trainingsequipment asian+budoweapon other bo kobudo safety protectors protective protection guard