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Nishio Aikido vol. 7-9
DBY Grandmaster Shoji Nishio
Shoji Nishio Sensei was born in 1927 in Japan.
in 1950 he started karate SHIZEN Ryu. 1952 he became student of O SENSEI Morihei Ueshiba.
in 1976 he has his 8th Dan Aikido Hombu Dojo.
In addition to the 8th Dan Aikido holds the 8 Dan Iaido, the 7th Dan karate Nishio Sensei
and the 6th Dan Judo. It is one of the most versatile martial art experts of our time.
Is the 7th on this DVD, 8th and 9th part of the nine tutorials: Nishio Aikido vol. 7, vol. 8, and vol. 9.
Nishio Aikido vol. 7 (Katadori Menuchi)
Nishio Aikido vol. 8 (Aikido Toho IAI, part 1).
Nishio Aikido vol. 9 (Aikido Toho IAI, part: 2)
All techniques are several times in slow and fast pace shown, is learn the techniques from home from possible.
The DVD's with menu, is therefore the direct select individual sequences possible.
In English (easy without knowledge of English to understand).
Total running time: 100 minutes
by Budo Internation ...
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Aikido by Budo International
Yoshimitsu Yamada
Yamada wurde direkt von dem Gr?nder Morihei Ueshiba unterrichtet und war eine der Uchi Deshi, der internen Sch?ler des Meisters, des Gr?nders des Aikido.
Auf diesem Video vermittelt er die Formen des Aikido, so wie er sie selbst urspr?nglich von seinem Meister empfangen hatte.
DVD Aikido tanto Dori
by Budo Internation ...
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DVD Aikido tanto Dori by Budo International
Kenneth Furuya
Master Kenneth Furuya, presents in his first video, a diverse but detailed work on the Aikido techniques against knife attacks. He shows us the classic standardtechniques of Akaido against the same attacks: Kote, Gaeshi, Rokyo, Okkyo, Shiho Nage and Gokyo against Yokomen Uchi.
All techniques are explained step by step, so they can be practiced correctly. For the self-defense, Furuya stress the psychological aspect and the necessary recruitment, one needs to exist against aggression of this type and how you can flee.
dvd aikido
Aikido "attractive force train ...
by Independance
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Aikido "attractive force training" by Independance
Von Meister Gerard Blaize 7.Dan
Gerard Blaize is an internationally renowned Aikido instructor.
This great teaching DVD has the following content:
-Introduction and history of Aikido
-Movement training in Aikido
-Basic techniques
-Stick techniques (Jo) In Aikido
-Self defense techniques
-Defence against 2 attackers
-Stocktechniekn with partner
-Breathing exercises
-Aikido ground techniques
-Advanced Aikido techniques
DVD old & rare Aikido
by Budo Internation ...
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DVD old & rare Aikido by Budo International
Alfonso Longeuira
He shows us champion Alfonso Longeuira, 7th Dan and founder who surprised again Longueira RYA Aikido and Aikido combat with his third work, but a realistic, pragmatic and different representation of this art with elements that do not belong to the traditional teachings of Aikido. To learn different controls, solid nailing techniques, throws against kicks, the intervention and fist attacks and dealing with the Bokken. The DVD includes a complete section on knife attacks and their unarmed defense, attacks by everyday objects and the use of our belt to disarm, nail, strangulation, and throwing the opponent. A surprising work, which brings us back, the "Höllendojo".
VIDEO Tomiki Aikido
by Budo Internation ...
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VIDEO Tomiki Aikido by Budo International
Ken Broome
Tomiki trainierte mit Ueshiba noch lange bevor der Begriff Aikido auftauchte - das war noch zu Zeiten des Daito Ryu. Meister Tomiki war auch ein ausgezeichneter Judoka. Dabei wurde er wesentlich von einem weiteren Ph?nomen des Goldenen Zeitalters Japans beeinflusst - Jigoro Kano. Dieser Einfluss wird in seiner besonderen Wertsch?tzung des Randori innerhalb des Aikido deutlich: Dadurch unterscheidet sich das Tomiki Aikido von den meisten anderen Aikido-Schulen.
VIDEO Aikido Vol. 3
by Budo Internation ...
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VIDEO Aikido Vol. 3 by Budo International
Sensei Yamada
Yamada hat mit KAMPFKUNST International ein drittes Lehrvideo produziert. Ein Video, das in seiner Art noch umfassender das technische Repertoire der Kunst O'Senseis dem interessierten Zuschauer nahe bringt. Ein ungew?hnlich anschauliches Video, in dem Meister Yamada auf seine unverwechselbare Weise Prinzipien und Techniken des Aikido demonstriert.
Yamada wurde direkt von Morihei Ueshiba, dem Gr?nder des Aikido, unterrichtet und war einer der Uchi Deshi, der internen Sch?ler des Meisters. Auf diesem Video vermittelt er die Formen des Aikido so wie er sie selbst urspr?nglich von seinem Meister empfangen hatte.
Aikido 3 DVD Box
by Independance
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Aikido 3 DVD Box by Independance
In the following languages ​​playable: French, English, German, Spanish.
This DVD set consists of the following three Aikido DVD's:
DVD 1:
Aikido Aikiden-Jo, Aiki Bukikai, Disarming & Ken-Jo Tanto
Von Meister Patricia Guerri 5th Dan
Patricia Guerri is a student of M.Saito, it is an internationally renowned Aikido instructor.
Following content has this great teaching DVD:
- Basic techniques with the sword (bokken)
- Partner training with the sword (bokken)
- Basic techniques with the stick (Jo)
- Partner training with the stick (Jo)
- Katas
- Bokken combat exercises against Bo
- Defense techniques against sword attacks
- Defense against stick attacks
- Defense against knife attacks
The following menu items are available:
- Film
- Chapters
- Audio
- Bonus Photo Gallery =, Making Of, Awards and more
The DVD is playable in the following languages:
- French
- English
- German
- Spanish
- Japanese
- Arabic
- Hebrew
Total running time: 103 minutes
DVD 2:
Yoshinkan Aikido
Master Jacques Muguruza 6.Dan
Jacques Muguruza is an internationally recognized Yoshinkan Aikido instructor.
Following content has this great teaching DVD:
- Introduction and History of Yoshinkan Aikido
- Welcome
- Body movements
- Basic movements
- Basic techniques
- Free techniques with partner
- Training with multiple partners?
- Basic techniques with weapons
- Defense against knife attacks
- Techniques in the knee position
- Free Techniques
The following menu items are available:
- Film
- Chapters
- Audio
- Bonus Photo Gallery = etc.
The DVD is playable in the following languages:
- French
- English
- German
- Spanish
Total running time: 65 minutes
DVD 3:
Attractive Force Training
By Master Gerard Blaize 7th Dan
Gerard Blaize is an internationally renowned Aikido instructor.
Following content has this great teaching DVD:
- Introduction and history about the Aikido
- Kinematics in Aikido
- Basic techniques
- Leverage
- Litters
- Stock techniques (Jo) In Aikido
- Various self-defense techniques
- Defence against two attackers
- Stocktechniekn with partner
- Breathing exercises
- Aikido ground techniques
- Intermediate Aikido Techniques
The following menu items are available:
- Film
- Chapters
- Audio
- Bonus = screenings, photo gallery etc.
The DVD is playable in the following languages:
- French
- English
- German
- Spanish
Total running time: 66 minutes
Total running time of all three DVD's: 234 minutes
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Aikido vol. 2 3 DVD box!
Von Meister Patricia Guerri 5.Dan
Aikido Akemusu Aiki Bukikai vol.1
By master Patricia Guerri 5.Dan
Patricia Guerri Soke's senior instructor of the school of Aiki Bukikai.
-Techniques with bare hands from the 5.Kyu up to the 2.Kyu.
-The essence of the Aiki by Morihiro Saito Sensei
The best strategy is, if you have an unlimited number of responses in each situation. A truth can be derived from all the answers. Aiki, the Union of energies which can exist side by side without destroying. On the principle of the Tao, the Aiki Bukikai persist let is. This truth is then to the invincibility, i.e. to the non-existence of the fight.
This is Aiki Bukikai (Union of energies with the weapons) whose Takemusu Aiki bids, which were taught by Feu Morihiro, the teachings that are taught also Patricia Guerri.
Patricia Guerri was a student of Uchi-Deshi for 12 years and many times after Japan, traveled to Iwama to Feu Morihiro Saito.
On this DVD many varied techniques are displayed, which are represented in a measured way so that they are easy to understand. Once you master the Aiki Bukikai good principles, you can think of a variety of techniques and that regardless of you are Which one way with your opponent in contact.
All these techniques with bare hands can be applied also with weapons, they come by O Sensei Morihei Ueshiba, submitted by Feu Morihiro Saito Sonsei and must not disappear. For this training, you must be ready for use, stubborn and loyal. The properties are also the basic principles that can awaken in you the technical understanding of this knowledge.
The following menu items are available:
-Bonus photo gallery, awards = u.v.m.
The DVD is playable in the following languages:
-Französich-English German Spanish
Total running time: 62 minutes
DVD 2:
Aikido Akemusu Aiki Bukikai vol.2
By master Patricia Guerri 5.Dan
Patricia Guerri Soke is Chief Instructor of school of Aiki Bukikai.
-Tai-Jitsu - Aiki Waza
-Degree of the 1.Kyu up to the 3.Dan
-Techniques for advanced users with bare hands
-The essence of the Aiki by Morihiro Saito Sensei
Takemusu Aiki is the starting point of modern Aikido, which O was Sensei Morihei Ueshiba s plant in Iwama.
Today s remains of O Sensei Morihei Ueshiba s technology nothing left: everything has changed says Morihiro Saito Sensei in 1999. And these changes were the work of his son's Sensei Kishomaru Ueshiba, Aikido making accessible, because he said that the techniques of the founder not by anyone were easy to understand.
These documents, which report the facts, are To find they come from Morihiro Saito Sensei, which ir personally handed them over to the bonus of this DVD.
Aiki Bukikai protects and developed by Mirihiro Saito Sensei in Iwama received teachings, he honors his loyalty, loyal and respectful at the same time the choice and the voice of each individual, which dealt with his orientation without conflicts, which is principle of the Tao.
The essence of Aiki, which teaches Patricia Guerri, Soke in this DVD, is a bouquet of techniques without ambiguity, thanks to which they can learn the true teachings of Morihiro Saito, that proves a thanks to Morihiro Saito, who has given his whole life to preserve these teachings.
As soon as the Aiki altogether collected principles, one can be created with Aiki Bukikai tons of techniques.
Aiki Bukikai represents the entirety of the aiki-ken, Aiki-jo, Bukiwasa & of the tai-jitsu. Out of respect we do not maintain Takemusu Aiki, to borrow a name which Saito Sensei had used.
Aiki Bukikai, was to maintain a certain modesty without pride to the Championships of Saito Sensei, because he has instilled his knowledge of Patricia Guerri during the many years that she was from Iwana.
Patricia Guerri is the only person in Europe, which has been long enough there for three years, she was the internal student of Morihiro Saito.
She completed her daily training extremely hard, in the midst of the shrines of Iwama Dojo, she had packed the passion.
She continued the education of twelve years during numerous travels after Japan, so All the time to recharge in Iwama Dojo with Morihiro Saito Sensei.
The following menu items are available:
-Bonus letter of M.Saito = u.v.m.
The DVD is playable in the following languages:
-Französich-English German Spanish
Total running time: 98 minutes
DVD 3:
Techniques and demonstration of Aikido
By master Patricia Guerri 5.Dan
Patricia Guerri Soke is Chief Instructor of school of Aiki Bukikai.
The essence of Aiki, which is presented in this DVD, is an immense number of techniques of Tai-jutsu, Aiki-Waza is formed, which is represented by Aiki Bukikai.
Experience a range of consecutive techniques of bare hand, Which one you demonstrating the great Rechhaltigkeit of the creatures, mediated by the Tai-no henko, followed by Kokyu: the Foundation of exercise. Learn these techniques with ease thanks to a variety of explicit settings, Which one requires no explanation.
Starting from the acquisition of this knowledge, it is easy to apply numerous techniques, regardless of the point of contact with the opponent.
The practice of Aiki Bukikai means to preserve the techniques of the founder, Which one O diffused Sensei in Iwama by Morihiro Saito in the course of his life, with the intent to snatch these techniques from oblivion.
Patricia Guerri followed this teaching for 12 years and was its internal student, uchi Dechi during three years in Japan at the place where the Morihiro Saito O Sensei unterichtete: at the Dojo of Iwama.
As appreciation for the Kontinnität of the doctrine of Morihiro Saito O Sensei is dedicated to she him this certificate.
The following menu items are available:
The DVD is playable in the following languages:
-Französich-English German Spanish
Total running time: 85 minutes
DVD Longueira - Aikido defense
by Budo Internation ...
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DVD Longueira - Aikido defense by Budo International
Alfonso Longeuira
He shows us champion Alfonso Longeuira, 7th Dan and founder who surprised again Longueira RYA Aikido and Aikido combat with his third work, but a realistic, pragmatic and different representation of this art with elements that do not belong to the traditional teachings of Aikido. To learn different controls, solid nailing techniques, throws against kicks, the intervention and fist attacks and dealing with the Bokken. The video includes a complete section on knife attacks and their unarmed defense, attacks by everyday objects and the use of our belt to disarm, nail, strangulation, and throwing the opponent. A surprising work, which brings us back, the "Höllendojo".
Christian Tissier "An Aikido O ...
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Christian Tissier "An Aikido Odyssey"
Christian Tissier
Christian Tissier "An Aikido Odyssey" by master Christian Tissier 7.Dan at the age of eleven began Christian Tissier Aikido training under Nakazono. He proved to be Very much talented and received the second Dan already in 1968 at the age of 17 years. With 18 years he planned a six-month stay in Japan, which however were eight years. During his stay, he trained at the Aikikai Hombu Dojo. At the same time, he learned kenjutsu and kick boxing. His most important teachers were Seigo Yamaguchi and Kisshomaru Ueshiba, the son of the founder of Aikido Morihei Ueshiba. in 1976, he returned to Paris and opened his own dojo. He is the founder of the French Aikido Federation FFAAA (Fédération Française d ' aïkido, d ' aïkibudo et affiliates). in 1997 the 7th Dan Aikido he received. In the meantime, he opened a second Dojo in the South of France. Since 2000 he is the Technical Director of the Aikido Federation Germany. This great teaching DVD has the following content:
-Interview with Christian Tissier by Stanley Pranin
-History and development of Aikido
-Tenkanho Katatedori
-Katate ryotedori kokyuho
-Ikkyo Suwariwaza
-Katatedori ikkyo
-Katate morotedori ikkyo - nikyo
-Aihanmi katatedori ikkyo ura
-Ryotedori kokyuho
-Ikkyo Yokomenuchi
-Katatedori iriminage
-Shomenuchi iriminage
-Katatedori Kotegaeshi
-Shomenuchi kotegaeshi
-Katatedori tenchinage
-Tenchinage Ryotedori
-Shihonage Ryotedori
-Kokyuho Suwariwaza
-Tai Sabaki
-Performances with the Jo
-Demonstration of the Aiki Expo 2005 in Los Angeles
The following menu items are available:
-Special Show me
-2005 Expo Show me
In English (easy without knowledge of English to understand).
dvd aikido
Aikido from A to Z basics vol. ...
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Aikido from A to Z basics vol. 1
Reiner Brauhardt Kyoshi 8.Dan Aikido
-Warm-up gymnastics (taiso)
-Case school (ukemi)
-Basic forms of movement (sabaki)
-Body positions and distance (kamae, maai)
-Basic forms (kihon)
Aikido is a Japanese martial art, which is ever-increasing in popularity. It was founded at the beginning of the 20th century by Morihei Ueshiba. Aikido incorporates elements of several Japanese martial arts, in addition to unarmed techniques, dealing with sword and stick are a core part of Aikido.
Aikido is a highly effective method of self defense in defensively and at the same time. Not force against force is used in Aikido. Rather the aikidoka uses the energy of the attacker, to put it out by throwing and locks. The attacker is controlled effectively, without that he needs to get hurt. Aikido training body and mind alike.
In the educational film series, Aikido from A to Z offers Grandmaster Reiner brewing Reinhardt (8th Dan Aikido, Kyoshi) a comprehensive training in all aspects of Aikido. From the first steps, the Viewer is led to varied techniques with and without weapons. Pure brewing is one of the most famous Aikido masters in Europe. As a pioneer of Aikido in Germany, he began over 40 years ago with this martial art. Since 1985, he is professional Aikido instructor and runs an Aikido School in Siegen.
This first DVD of the educational film series, Aikido basics vol. 1, acquaints with the basic fundamentals of Aikido. In addition to an Aikido-specific warm-up gymnastics (taiso) lessons to the case school (ukemi), the basic shapes of the movement (sabaki), body positions and distance (kamae, maai) are included. Finally, the DVD introduces the beginners in the basic forms (kihon) Central basic techniques.
You To find a detailed glossary of Aikido to the print on the DVD.
The following menu items are available:
-Bonus (photo show, making of, Aikido seminar, trailer)
Aikido from A to Z basics vol. ...
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Aikido from A to Z basics vol. 6
Shihan Reiner Brauhardt Kyoshi 8.Dan Aikido
Wooden stick in Aikido
-Jo Suburi
-Jo Waza
-Jo dori
Aikido is a Japanese martial art, which is ever-increasing in popularity. It was founded at the beginning of the 20th century by Morihei Ueshiba. Aikido incorporates elements of several Japanese martial arts, in addition to unarmed techniques, dealing with sword and stick are a core part of Aikido.
Aikido is a highly effective method of self defense in defensively and at the same time. Not force against force is used in Aikido. Rather the aikidoka uses the energy of the attacker, to put it out by throwing and locks. The attacker is controlled effectively, without that he needs to get hurt. Aikido training body and mind alike.
In the educational film series, Aikido from A to Z offers Grandmaster Reiner brewing Reinhardt (8th Dan Aikido, Kyoshi) a comprehensive training in all aspects of Aikido. From the first steps, the Viewer is led to varied techniques with and without weapons. Pure brewing is one of the most famous Aikido masters in Europe. As a pioneer of Aikido in Germany, he began over 40 years ago with this martial art. Since 1985, he is professional Aikido instructor and runs an Aikido School in Siegen.
The educational film series, Aikido from A to Z, this DVD shows Central techniques with Jo, the wooden stick, which is a traditional weapon of the Japanese martial arts and an integral part of Aikido. The presented techniques involve Sabaki, Jo Suburi, Jo-Waza and Jo-Dori. Each combined with the various forms of attack of Aikido. So beginners and advanced will receive a comprehensive introduction to dealing with Jo.
You To find a detailed glossary of Aikido to the print on the DVD.
The following menu items are available:
-Bonus (Breitnau part 3 seminar, seminar Breitnau part 4, trailer)
Aikido Bokken basic techniques
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Aikido Bokken basic techniques
BTo understanding of Aikido, to deepen the art of creation, evolution and non-destruction, we should return to its origins. The origins date back to the ancient handle of the traditional Japanese sword. Unlike the schools of Kenjutsu, we are using the bokken practice in Aikido never our enemies with a weapon and we never try to meet the saber. The work is just like the unarmed practice. The aggressive energy emanates from our opponents, hence the saber itself is posh and harmless and not our goal. This new DVD by Master Isidro will not be a performance art, it is merely the beginning of this discipline through work that the program for the white, yellow and orange belt corresponds (6th, 5th and 4th Kyu). A collection of basic techniques, which are both unarmed when executed with the Boken, so they can be easily taken over by those who want to start with the art of the sword. Language: German, English, French, Spanish
San Francisco Aikido project 2 ...
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San Francisco Aikido project 2009
DHosted by the Suginami Aikikai 17-21 June 2009
Following Aikido master show stunning techniques on this DVD:
-Christian Tissier Sensei, 7.Dan Aikikai
-James Friedman Sensei, 5.Dan Aikikai
-Bruce Bookman Sensei, Tenzan Aikido, Kai-Cho
-Professor, 5.Dan Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, team Carlos Gracie
The DVD's with menu, is therefore the direct select individual sequences possible.
In English (easy without knowledge of English to understand).
108 minutes
dvd aikido