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Shotokan karate Kyu tests by 8 ...


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only € 27.73

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Shotokan karate Kyu tests by 8-1.Kyu

Von Akio Nagai 8.Dan Shotokan Karate Do

Warning, these examinations is by Akio Nagai and meets the requirements of the SKID-Karate Association. At the age of 15 Nagai Shihan began the study of karate do, 18 years of age, he entered the Takushoku University in Tokyo and was trained there during the next four years to the Karate Instructor.
Nagai Shihan in Germany lives since 1965. He was the first Japanese instructor who remained in Germany and here for the spread of karate, no matter which Association, provided.
the Shotokan karate international Germany (SKID) was founded in 1975 by Nagai Shihan. He considered his life's work building of the SKID and the proliferation of karate do in subsequent generations.

The DVD for the karate students of belt colours white, yellow, orange, green, purple, and Brown. Peter Nuding (4th Dan), and Eugen Landgraf (6th Dan), demonstrating the testing program of the S.K.I.D in this video under the guidance of Nagai Shihan. The representation is confined not only to the demonstrations of various techniques, but many slow-motion studies and personal adjustments by Nagai Shihan To give this video the unique touches.
Both Kata are verbose, performed several times in slow motion and from different directions.
Furthermore, all Kata with detailed Bunkai (application) to the partner are shown.

Following Kata are taught on this great instructional DVD:
-Heian nidan
-Heian sandan
-Heian 四段
-Heian Godan
-Bassai Dai

All Kata are verbose, performed several times in slow motion and from different directions.

17 Goju-Ryu Karate Kata - DKV


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17 Goju-Ryu Karate Kata - DKV

Andreas Ginger

Von Andreas Ginger 5.Dan DKV Deutscher Karate Verband

Goju-Ryu (Hart-Weich-Stil) - ist einer der vier großen Karate-Stile mit einer lang zurückreichenden Tradition.
Er beinhaltet besonders viele Elemente des alten chinesischen Boxens des (17. bis 19. Jahrhunderts. Der Name Goju-Ryu wurde von Chojun Miyagi (1888-1953) gewählt.
Als einer seiner Schüler bei einer Vorführung in Japan von einem Kobudo-Meister gefragt wurde, welcher Schule er angehöre, wusste er keine Antwort darauf.
Als der Schüler diesen Vorfall seinem Meister berichtete, entschloss sich Miyagi, den Stil Goju (hart-weich) nach dem lange Zeit geheim gehaltenen Bubishi zu benennen, in dem der dritte Satz der Acht Regeln des Faustkampfes da lautet: Alles im Universum atmet hart und weich.
1933 wurde Goju-Ryu dann offiziell von der Japanese all Martial Arts Association anerkannt.

In diesem Film werden alle 17 Goju-Ryu Karate Kata vom Ablauf aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln gezeigt.

Andreas Ginger:
Mit dem Leistungssport habe ich begonnen, da war ich 7 Jahre alt. 5 Jahre trainierte ich Leichtathletik, dann 2 Jahre Basketball. Nach der Einwanderung in Deutschland habe ich 1990 mit dem Goju-Ryu-Karate begonnen.
2005 habe ich mit dem Shotokan-Karate und 2 Jahre später mit dem Shito-Ryu-Karate begonnen. Seit einigen Jahren beschäftige ich mich intensiv mit Capoiera und Systema. Ab und zu schnuppere ich ins Yoga rein.
Mittlerweile bin ich Träger des 5. Dans und A-Trainer. Im Karate bin ich seit 11 Jahren Landestrainer und seit über 3 Jahren bin ich Mentalcoach des Bundeskaders.

Stretching Exercises for marti ...
by Abanico


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from € 28.11

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Stretching Exercises for martial arts Enthusiasts by Abanico

von Artur Allerborn

Videos written and presented by Artur Allerborn (3rd Dan Ex-German Champion),now member of the trainer staff of the German National Boxing Team. You will be thrilled by his stretching and Kick-Boxing videos. Comment from the USA: The best kickboxing videos on the market!

Wado Ryu - The Way of Peace an ...
by TSUNAMI Producti ...


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only € 32.90

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Wado Ryu - The Way of Peace and Harmony Vol. 2 by TSUNAMI Productions

Hironori Otsuka, 10. Dan: Die Legende des Wado-Ryu

Here is the Bible of Wado-Ryu! This video traces the life of the legendary founder of Hironori Otsuka (1892-1982). You can see the master at the age of 73 years in the execution of 8 phatastischen katas. Finally, the best Japanese experts present many applications of these katas, especially the 5 Kihon kata. Yoshiaji Ajari (8th Dan) developed the concepts of Gautam, Inasu and Nagasu.

Makiwara and Kime
by Abanico


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from € 37.51

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Makiwara and Kime by Abanico

Werner Lind

Kime techniques are converted in the partner exercise, in which you learn to transfer and also to accept Kime in different form.

DVD Karate-Do ShinShinkan Okin ...
by Budo Internation ...


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DVD Karate-Do ShinShinkan Okinawa Kata by Budo International

Minoru Yasuhara & Gerardo Cantore

Gerardo Cantore, after many years as a prominent member of the school Isshin Ryu, transform the direction of their own walking, looking for a universal approach to their work that is reflected in the school openly Shin Shin (heart) (body mind) Can (the place in practice). His nobility is reflected also in appreciation, this has led to its principal investigator, Minoru Yasuhara, to share with all of you this video of the kata tradicioanles Okinawa.

Uechiryu Karatedo
by Independance


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Uechiryu Karatedo by Independance


Hojoundô is a basic training method of Uechi-Ryu. Its in the attitude of Sanchin-dachi carried out defense and attack techniques vary Very much. Also allows this method to decide freely over the duration of the training.

Bonus: Chapitrage, Gallery Photo Gallery Artistique, interviews, Bêtisiers.

Le Hojoundô est une method fondamentale d ' entraînement de l ' Uechi-Ryu. SES techniques de défense et d ' attaque of effectuées dans la posture Sanchin-dachi sont très variées. De plus cette method permet de decide librement de la Durée d ' entraînement.

Pour cette raison, le Hojoundô, on peut maîtriser de nombreuses techniques de défense et propres à notre École d ' attaque en exécutant

Bonus: Chapitrage, Gallery Photo Gallery Artistique, interviews, Bêtisiers.

Isshin Ryu Karate T. Shimabuku


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Isshin Ryu Karate T. Shimabuku

Großmeister T. Shimabuku

T. Shimabuku ist der Gründer des Isshin-Ryu Karate Stil.

Auf dieser DVD werden teils noch nie der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellte Aufnahmen, des damals noch jungen Shimabuku gezeigt.
Außerdem lehrt der Großmeister Kata, Waffen Kata, Waffenverteidigung, Selbstverteidigung u.v.m..
Eine einmalige Chance an solch sehr seltenes Material zu gelangen.
In englischer Sprache (ohne Englischkenntnisse leicht verständlich).
30 Minuten in schwarz/weiß

DVD Gichin Funakoshi 1924 vint ...


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DVD Gichin Funakoshi 1924 vintage footage

by Grand Master Gichin FunaKO'shi 10.Dan

Gichin FunaKO'shi is the founder of traditional Shotokan karate style.

On this DVD are partly have never presented the public recordings made in 1924 by Gichin FunaKO'shi shown.
It will have shown footage of his former Dojo, where his well-known worldwide trained students.

Also ancient recordings appear elementary school, Kata and Kumite, Which one will be completed by FunaKO'shi personally, as well as by his students.

To get an opportunity at such Very much rare material.

In English (easy without knowledge of English to understand).

30 minutes in black and white

Karate Breaking Mike Reeves


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Karate Breaking Mike Reeves

von Sensei Mike Reeves 7.Dan

Amazing Breaking Techniques & Self-Defense Applications.
Mike Reeves steht mehrmals im Guinness Buch der Rekorde! Unter anderen mit seinem Rekord 314 Bretter in nur 1 Minute zu zerschlagen, dieser Rekord ist komplett auf der DVD aufgezeichnet.

Des weiteren werden auf dieser Spektakulären DVD folgendes gezeigt:
- Bruchtests mit Brettern
- Bruchtests mit Ziegelsteinen
- Bruchtests mit Holzlatten
- Bruchtests mir Baseballschläger
- Abhärtungstraining
- Makiwara Training
- Selbstverteidigungstechniken (Helbel, Würfe, Messerabwehr u.s.w.)
Die Techniken werden am Partner trainiert und dann an den Steinen und Brettern demonstriert.

Karate do my way of life


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Karate do my way of life

von Großmeister Gichin Funakoshi 10.Dan

Gichin Funakoshi is the founder of traditional Shotokan karate style.

This DVD shows partly have never presented the public images and photos of Gichin Funakoshi.

Grandmaster George Alexander 9.Dan explained on this DVD of the full history of Shotokan karate, as well as by the Shotokan karate Begründer Gichin Funakoshi.

Karate do body, mind, spirit C ...


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Karate do body, mind, spirit Chogun Miyagi

von Großmeister Chogun Miyagi 10.Dan

Chogun Miyagi is the founder of traditional Goju-Ryu Karate style.

This DVD shows some never presented the public recordings.

Greeting master George Alexander 9.Dan explained on this DVD the history of Goju-Ryu Karate-do.

To get an opportunity at such Very much rare material.

Bassai Dai


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only € 23.49

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Bassai Dai

von Meister Louis Estes

On this DVD, master teaches Louis Estes following 3 kata:
-Bassai Dai
-Tomari Bassai
-Bassai sho

the Kata are visible from all directions, as well as taught in slow and fast tempo.

The Kata are completely decrypted. The application (Bunkai) of all the techniques taught at the partner in slow and fast tempo.

dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos karate shotokan shotokanryu kata kumite kihon prüfung jka japan karate association

Kanku Dai Veiwing the sky


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Kanku Dai Veiwing the sky

von Meister S.J. Nekoofar

On this great DVD, it is learned the kata Kanku Dai and completely decrypted.

Following this DVD has a capacity of:
-The kata is decomposed into elementary school and combinations.
-The Kanku-Dai is taught at normal and slow pace.
-It demonstrates the complete kata in Bunkai (application) to the partner.
-The application (Bunkai) is decomposed for attacker and defender in elementary school, so the techniques are understandable.

Funakoshi Shotokan Karate-do v ...


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Funakoshi Shotokan Karate-do vol. 1

von Meister Balzarro, Semino und Torre

On this fantastic DVD series is the original Shotokan karate of Which one Gichin Funakoshi founded taught.
At the beginning, ancient images appear by Gichin Funakoshi.

This DVD includes the following katas:
-Heian nidan
-Heian sandan
-Heian 四段
-Heian Ohio

All katas are understandable demonstrated in normal speed, slow motion and from different angles for each. At the end, the katas are completely decrypted (Bunkai).
The application of Sanjay (Bunkai) is taught by opponents in normal speed and in slow motion.

dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos karate shotokan shotokanryu kata kumite kihon prüfung jka japan karate association

Funakoshi Shotokan Karate-do v ...


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Funakoshi Shotokan Karate-do vol. 2

von Meister Balzarro, Semino und Torre

On this fantastic DVD series is the original Shotokan karate of Which one Gichin Funakoshi founded taught.
At the beginning, ancient images appear by Gichin Funakoshi.

This DVD includes the following katas:
-Kanku Dai
-Kanku sho
-Bassai Dai
-Bassai sho
-Tekki nidan

All katas are understandable demonstrated in normal speed, slow motion and from different angles for each. At the end, the katas are completely decrypted (Bunkai).
The application of Sanjay (Bunkai) is taught by opponents in normal speed and in slow motion.

Funakoshi Shotokan Karate-do v ...


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only € 23.49

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Funakoshi Shotokan Karate-do vol. 3

von Meister Balzarro, Semino und Torre

On this fantastic DVD series is the original Shotokan karate of Which one Gichin Funakoshi founded taught.
At the beginning, ancient images appear by Gichin Funakoshi.

This DVD includes the following katas:
-Heian Godan
-Tekki sandan
-Heian Oiho

All katas are understandable demonstrated in normal speed, slow motion and from different angles for each. At the end, the katas are completely decrypted (Bunkai).
The application of Sanjay (Bunkai) is taught by opponents in normal speed and in slow motion.

Funakoshi Shotokan Karate-do v ...


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Funakoshi Shotokan Karate-do vol. 5

von Meister Balzarro, Semino und Torre

On this fantastic DVD series is the original Shotokan karate of Which one Gichin Funakoshi founded taught.
At the beginning, ancient images appear by Gichin Funakoshi.

The DVD has the following content:
-Kihon Kumite
-Nidan Kihon
-Kihon nidan
-Kihon sandan
-Kihon 四段
-Heian Oiho SHODAN
-Heian Oiho nidan
-Heian Oiho sandan
-Heian Oiho 四段
-Heian Oiho Godan

All katas are understandable demonstrated in normal speed, slow motion and from different angles for each. At the end, the katas are completely decrypted (Bunkai).
The application of Sanjay (Bunkai) is taught by opponents in normal speed and in slow motion.
Furthermore, Kihon (primary school) and Kumite (Kamp exercises) of Shotokan are taught karate in slow motion and normal speed.

The art & science of tradition ...


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The art & science of traditional Shotokan Karate-do mechanics vol. 1

von Meister Ray Dalke

Mechanics vol. 1

On this fantastic DVD series is taught in the original Shotokan karate. Ray is a master student of Hidetaka Nishiyama 9.Dan Dalke.

On the first DVD of this fantastic Lerhserie are taught the basics of karate-do Shotokan.
Positions, correct posture, proper hip usage, fighting techniques u.v.m is carefully taught at hand of a partner.

The art & science of tradition ...


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The art & science of traditional Shotokan Karate-do mechanics Vol 2

von Meister Ray Dalke

Mechanics Vol 2

On this fantastic DVD series is taught in the original Shotokan karate. Ray is a master student of Hidetaka Nishiyama 9.Dan Dalke.

The more basic principles of Shotokan Karate-do are taught on the second DVD of this fantastic Lerhserie.
Correct body posture, correct tense body at the meeting of shock, correct positions, proper hip usage, fighting techniques u.v.m. will be carefully taught at hand of a partner.

The art & science of tradition ...


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The art & science of traditional Shotokan Karate-do mechanics vol.3

von Meister Ray Dalke

Mechanics vol.3

On this fantastic DVD series is taught in the original Shotokan karate. Ray is a master student of Hidetaka Nishiyama 9.Dan Dalke.

Advanced principles of Shotokan Karate-do are taught on the third DVD of this fantastic Lerhserie.
Effective techniques, correct execution of open hand techniques, proper defense techniques, advanced basic and combat positions, real hip set, fighting techniques u.v.m. is carefully taught at hand of a partner.

The art & science of tradition ...


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The art & science of traditional Shotokan Karate-do kicking

von Meister Ray Dalke


On this fantastic DVD series is taught in the original Shotokan karate. Ray is a master student of Hidetaka Nishiyama 9.Dan Dalke.

This DVD deals is with the proper executing kicks of karate-do Shotokan.
There are:
-stable position when the
-richtiger hip set of kicks
-Korrekte posture
-Impact area
Cadence exercises on the basis of simple objects

On the partner these and other details are explained carefully, thus is the correct and rapid learn the karate kicks a piece of cake.

The art & science of tradition ...


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only € 23.49

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The art & science of traditional Shotokan Karate-do Kumite vol.1

von Meister Ray Dalke

Kumite vol.1

On this fantastic DVD series is taught in the original Shotokan karate. Ray is a master student of Hidetaka Nishiyama 9.Dan Dalke.

Fighting (Kumite) of Shotokan Karate-do is taught on this DVD:

It will be taught
several types of Kumite for example: Ippon Kumite, Sanbon Kumite, etc.
-Distance to various counter
-Anriffe dynamic
-Korrekte defense techniques with effective counter
-Ausweichen (Tai Sabaki) attacked by strong with final counter technology,.
as well as many partner exercises.

dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos karate shotokan shotokanryu kata kumite kihon prüfung jka japan karate association

The art & science of tradition ...


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The art & science of traditional Shotokan Karate-do Kumite vol.2

von Meister Ray Dalke

Kumite vol.2

On this fantastic DVD series is taught in the original Shotokan karate. Ray is a master student of Hidetaka Nishiyama 9.Dan Dalke.

Advanced fighting (Kumite) of Shotokan Karate-do is taught on this DVD:

It will be taught:
Combat strategies
-korrektes move before the opponent
-Lightning-fast acting and reacting
-Finten and deceptions
-Korrekte defense techniques with effective counter display
Combinations to the partner
as well as many partner exercises.

dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos karate shotokan shotokanryu kata kumite kihon prüfung jka japan karate association

Shito Ryu Karate-Do Kata Origi ...


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Shito Ryu Karate-Do Kata Original

von Sensei Keiji Tomiyama

On this DVD are Shito Ryu Karate Kata by Sensei Tomiyama taught the original. They are shown in slow motion, normal speed and from different angles.
In addition, the katas are shown in application (Bunkai) The techniques are taught at partner in slow and normal speed.

The following katas includes these great DVD:
- Pinan Nidan (Bunkai)
- Pinan Shodan (Bunkai)
- Pinan Sandan (Bunkai)
- Pinan Yondan (Bunkai)
- Pinan Godan (Bunkai)
- Bassai Dai
- Kosukon Dai
- Jion
- Seienshin
- Seisan
- Seipai

dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos karate shito ryu shitoryu kata bunkai kumite kihon chito ryu

Shito Ryu Karate-Do Kata Class ...


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Shito Ryu Karate-Do Kata Classical

von Sensei Keiji Tomiyama

On this DVD Shito Ryu Karate Katas the Classical Sensei Tomiyama be taught. They are shown in slow motion, normal speed and from different angles.

The following katas includes these great DVD:
- Tensho
- Juroku
- Saifa
- Matsukaze
- Annanko
- Naihanchin Shodan
- Kururunfa
- Shisochin
- Useishi
- Suparimpei

Shito Ryu Karate-Do Traditiona ...


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Shito Ryu Karate-Do Traditional Katas

von Sensei Keiji Tomiyama

On this DVD Shito Ryu Karate Katas the Classical Sensei Tomiyama be taught. They are shown in slow motion, normal speed and from different angles.

The following katas includes these great DVD:
- Koshiki Rohai
- Niseishi
- Chinto
- Chintei
- Unshu
- Sochin
- Tomari Bassai
- No Matsumura Bassai
- Nipaipo
- Gekisai Ichi
- Gekisai Ni

Wadokai Japanese Karate-Do Vol ...


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Wadokai Japanese Karate-Do Vol.1

von Meister Yoshiaki Ajari 8.Dan

Kihon Kata and Basic

Master Yoshiaki Ajari is one of the largest Wadokai Karate experts in the world.
On this DVD the Wadokai Karate is taught from the beginning.
First Yoshiaki Ajari shows all the basic techniques: positions, defensive techniques and attack techniques Wadokai.
Next, basic techniques, kata, bunkai and combinations will be taught.
The kata are taught the following:
-Pinan Shodan
-Pinan Nidan
-Pinan Sandan
-Pinan Yondan

For all karate highly recommended.

Wadokai Japanese Karate-Do Vol ...


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Wadokai Japanese Karate-Do Vol.2

von Meister Yoshiaki Ajari 8.Dan

Knife, Kata & Ju-Jitsu

Master Yoshiaki Ajari is one of the largest Wadokai Karate experts in the world.
This DVD shows how to perfectly master Yoshiaki Ajari repels many knife attacks and the attacker sets except Gefächt.

In addition, the following kata application (bunkai) are taught based on multiple opponents:
-Pinan Godan

For all karate highly recommended.

Wadokai Japanese Karate-Do Vol ...


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Wadokai Japanese Karate-Do Vol.3

von Meister Yoshiaki Ajari 8.Dan

Sword & Ju-Jitsu Techniques

Master Yoshiaki Ajari is one of the largest Wadokai Karate experts in the world.
This DVD shows how to master Yoshiaki Ajari sword attacks with the Samurai sword perfectly wards and the attacker sets except Gefächt.

In addition, the following kata application (bunkai) are taught based on multiple opponents:

The Yakusoku Kumite, Kiso Kumite and Tai Sabaki is also part of these great DVD.

For all martial artist highly recommended.

Dave Brock Competition Sparrin ...


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Dave Brock Competition Sparring

von Meister Dave Brock

Dave Brock is a great karate sparring expert.

The following Kumite techniques are taught on this great DVD:
- Slipping, sliding
- Position Change
- Combat Strategies
- Combinations
- Combat Techniques

Inside the Art of Okinawan Goj ...


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Inside the Art of Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate Kihon Waza

Von Großmeister Teruo Chinen

Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate Vol.1

On this fantastic DVD series, the original Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate is taught.

Master Teruo Chinen is still one of the very few grandmasters, the original Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate teach that Master Miyagi founded the.
Teruo Chinen operates the Goju Ryu Karate for over 50 years.

Following Inahlt has this great DVD:
- Warm-up without a partner
- Warm-up with partners
- Basic positions and position changes
- Foot techniques
- Striking techniques
- Defense techniques
- Open and closed hand techniques
- Partner Training (Primary Excessive Kumite)
- Leverage & fixing techniques
- Self-defense techniques

Inside the Art of Okinawan Goj ...


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Inside the Art of Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate The Meaning

Von Großmeister Teruo Chinen

Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate Vol.2

On this fantastic DVD series, the original Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate is taught.

Master Teruo Chinen is still one of the very few grandmasters, the original Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate teach that Master Miyagi founded the.
Teruo Chinen operates the Goju Ryu Karate for over 50 years.

Following Inahlt has this great DVD:
- Fukyu Kata 1
- Kata Sanchin
- Kata Tensho
It will be explained to each Kata the history and origin.
In addition, "The Legend of the White Crane" ; "Shime" and great "fighting techniques" taught on the partner.

Inside the Art of Okinawan Goj ...


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Inside the Art of Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate Kata Bunkai Oyo Vol.2

Von Großmeister Teruo Chinen

Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate Vol.4

On this fantastic DVD series, the original Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate is taught.

Master Teruo Chinen is still one of the very few grandmasters, the original Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate teach that Master Miyagi founded the.
Teruo Chinen operates the Goju Ryu Karate for over 50 years.

The following kata are taught on this great DVD:
- Sanseiru
- Seipai
- Kururunfa
- Seisan
- Suparimpei (Peichurin)
It will be told to each Kata an interesting story, the Kata is run from different directions by Master Chinen. Then the meaning (Bunkai) is the Kata explained on partners.

Inside the art of Okinawan Goj ...


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Inside the art of Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate self defense

Von Großmeister Teruo Chinen

Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate vol. 6

On this fantastic DVD series is taught in the original Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate.

Master Teruo Chinen is still one of Very much few grandmasters who teach the original Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate, Which one has established master Miyagi.
Teruo Chinen operates the Goju Ryu Karate for more than 50 years.

This great DVD has the following content:
-Defence of the ground situation
-Grip from the front
-Embrace from behind
-Double Nelson
-Touch of the hands
-Touch on the lapel
-Gagging from the front
-Choking from behind
-Exemption from headlock
-Correct bars
-Defense by Instant Konterangriffe

It also shows a Show me by Sensei Chinen Which one he was in Las Vegas in 2004.
On this demonstration, Teruo Chinen shows kata, Bunkai, partner training and breathing exercises with his students

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Inside the art of Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate 108 questions

Von Großmeister Teruo Chinen

Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate vol. 6

On this fantastic DVD series is taught in the original Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate.

Master Teruo Chinen is still one of Very much few grandmasters who teach the original Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate, Which one has established master Miyagi.
Teruo Chinen operates the Goju Ryu Karate for more than 50 years.

This great DVD has the following content:
-Story about the Goju Ryu Karate
- Some never presented the public photos of the Grand Master

Chito Ryu Karate


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Chito Ryu Karate

von Großmeister Dr. Chitose Tsuyoshi

On this DVD are partly have never presented the public images of the still young master M.Yamamoto, Masami Tsuroka, Shane Higashi etc indicated.

This great DVD has the following content:
-Rupture tests
-Self-defense against knife attacks
-Self defense against stick attacks
-Self defense against unarmed opponents
-Excerpts from Championships
-Kata performances
-Kumite demonstrations

Traditional Goju Ryu Karate Do ...


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Traditional Goju Ryu Karate Don Warrener

Von Meister Don Warrener

Master Don Warrener is one of the best Goju-Ryu Karate specialists of America. He has achieved many international title in kata and Kumite.

On this fantastic DVD, the Goju-Ryu Karate is taught.

This DVD includes the following forms and katas:
-Tai KY oku Gedan
-Tai KY oku SHODAN
-Tai KY oku Jodan
-Tai KY oku mawashi Uke
-Tai KY oku Kake Uke
-Geki Sai itch
-Geki Sai NI
-Sansei Ryu
-Shi-sho Shin

All katas are explained exactly by master Warrener and taught.

dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos karate goju ryu gojuryu okinawa kata kumite kihon

Japanese Traditional Shito Ryu ...


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Japanese Traditional Shito Ryu Karate-Do

Von Großmeister Shogo Kuniba

This footage was shot early 60s.

On this DVD kumite fighting techniques at the partner are shown.

In addition, Shito Ryu Karate Katas are taught original, which with application (Bunkai) are demonstrated on partner.

The quality of the DVD is according to the age of the recordings.

Original Urban


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Original Urban

Von Großmeister Peter Urban 10.Dan

Peter Urban's teachers were Gogen Yamaguchi, Mas Oyama and Richard Kim.

Following content has this DVD:
- American Goju Do Kata Tei Kyo Ku
- American Goju Do Kata Tenshoa
- American Goju Do Kata Empi-Ha
- American Goju Do Kata Kooroorunfa
- American Goju Do Kata Bo Staff
- Amerikan Do Goju Kata Superumpei

All katas are taught for each course facilitated in slow motion and normal speed.

JKA masters 50's


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JKA masters 50's

Mit den Großmeistern Nakayama, Enoeda, Kanazawa, Obata, Nishiyama, Mikami u.v.m.

On this DVD are partly have never presented the public recordings of the 1950s, the then young masters shown.

The then of fledgling JKA instructors demonstrate self-defense techniques, techniques of fight (Kumite) and primary school (Kihon).

To get an opportunity at such Very much rare material.

dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos karate shotokan shotokanryu kata kumite kihon prüfung jka japan karate association

Wado's Otsuka


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Wado's Otsuka

von Großmeister Hironori Otsuka

Hironori Otsuka is the founder of Wado-Ryu Karate style.

This DVD shows some never presented the public recordings of Grandmaster.
Kumite techniques, defensive techniques against attacks with the sword and knife as well as A few katas are shown.
To get an opportunity at such Very much rare material.

dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos karate wadoryu wado ryu kata kumite kihon

Isshin Ryu Karate Tatsuo Shima ...


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Isshin Ryu Karate Tatsuo Shimabuku

von Großmeister T. Shimabuku

T. Shimabuku is the founder of Isshin-Ryu Karate style.

This DVD shows partly have never presented the public recordings of the still young Shimabuku.
WMF u.v.m teaching the Grandmaster kata weapons kata weapon defense, self-defense.

To get an opportunity at such Very much rare material.

dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos karate isshin ryu isshinryu kata kumite kihon

Gichin Funakoshi


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Gichin Funakoshi

von Großmeister Gichin Funakoshi 10.Dan

Gichin Funakoshi is the founder of traditional Shotokan karate style.

This DVD shows some never presented the public recordings of Gichin Funakoshi.
WMF recordings of other great Shotokan karate masters appear, such as:
Masatoshi Nakayama, Okazaki, Kanazawa, Nichiyama u.v.m.

The then of fledgling JKA instructors show basic techniques, Kata and Kumite.

To get an opportunity at such Very much rare material.

JKA masters 60's


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JKA masters 60's

With the Grand Master Masatoshi Nakayama, Enoeda, Kanazawa, Muslim, Shirai, KASE, Shoji, Sugiura, Ozawa, Asai, Mori, Miyazaki, Tanaka, Mikami u.v.m.

This DVD shows partly have never presented the public recordings of the JKA.

It will be the old Japanese movies: "the techniques of karate vol. 1-6" and "M.Nakayama in Various Techniwues of Hands and legs".

To the content of this DVD:
-Introduction and history of the JKA
-Basic techniques of Shotokan karate
-Striking techniques
-Shock techniques
-Defense techniques
-Warm-up exercises with and without a partner
-Makiwara training
-Rupture tests
-Partner training, war exercises

following katas are taught by the still young JKA instructors in normal speed and in slow motion.
The kata even with application (Bunkei) are shown partially.
-Heian nidan
-Heian sandan
-Heian 四段
-Heian Godan
-Tekki nidan
-Tekki sandan
-Bassai Dai
-Bassai sho
-Kanku Dai
-Kanku sho

To get an opportunity at such Very much rare material.

The quality of the DVD is the age of the recording according to.

JKA masters 70's


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JKA masters 70's

With the Grand Master Masatoshi Nakayama, Enoeda, Kanazawa, Muslim, Shirai, KASE, Shoji, Sugiura, Mithunjith, Ohishi, Ohsaka, KAWAZOE, IIDA, Asai, Mori, Yamaguichi, Abe, Tanaka, Mikami u.v.m.

This DVD shows partly have never presented the public recordings of the JKA.

At the beginning of this DVD are many snippets of the 1st. World Karate championship tournament at Budokan shown.

Also, Kumite (fighting techniques) are shown by the then fledgling JKA instructors.

To get an opportunity at such Very much rare material.

The quality of the DVD is the age of the recording according to.

Uechi Ryu Karate Kani Uechi


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Uechi Ryu Karate Kani Uechi

von Großmeister Kani Uechi

Kani Uechi is the founder of Uechi-Ryu Karate style.

This DVD shows some never presented the public recordings, of the still young Kani Uechi.
WMF Grand Master teaching following katas:

To get an opportunity at such Very much rare material.

Shotokan karate vol. 1


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Shotokan karate vol. 1

With the Grand Master Gichin Funakoshi, Masatoshi Nakayama, Enoeda, Kanazawa, Muslim, Shirai, KASE Shoji, Sugiura, Ozawa, Asai, Mikami u.v.m.

This DVD shows partly have never presented the public recordings of the JKA.

The then of fledgling JKA instructors show:
-Basic techniques
-Striking techniques
-Defense techniques
-Shock techniques
-Partner training

following katas are taught in normal speed and in slow motion.
The kata even with application (Bunkei) are shown partially.
-Heian nidan
-Heian sandan
-Heian 四段
-Heian Godan

To get an opportunity at such Very much rare material.

The quality of the DVD is the age of the recording according to.

dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos karate shotokan shotokanryu kata kumite kihon prüfung jka japan karate association

Shotokan karate vol. 3


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Shotokan karate vol. 3

With the Grand Master Gichin Funakoshi, Masatoshi Nakayama, Enoeda, Kanazawa, Muslim, Shirai, KASE Shoji, Sugiura, Ozawa, Asai, Mikami u.v.m.

This DVD shows partly have never presented the public recordings of the JKA.

The then fledgling JKA instructors show:
-Training under Gichin Funakoshi and Masatoshi Nakayama
-Self defense
-Elementary school
-Rupture tests
-Weight training
-Kata Kanku sho

To get an opportunity at such Very much rare material.

The quality of the DVD is the age of the recording according to.

Lighting almost Wado Ryu Karat ...


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Lighting almost Wado Ryu Karate vol. 1

Von Sensei Saitamatsu

This instructional DVD was filmed in Japan

This great DVD has the following contents:
-Basic techniques
-Striking techniques
-Defense techniques
-Kata Pinan nidan
-Kata Pinan SHODAN
-Kata Pinan sandan
-Kata Pinan 四段

The Kata are taught in easy to understand, it the complete katas are explained step by step, also with Bunkai.

Lighting almost Wado Ryu Karat ...


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Lighting almost Wado Ryu Karate vol. 2

Von Sensei Saitamatsu

This instructional DVD was filmed in Japan

This great DVD has the following contents:
-Kumite fighter techniques
-Sparring techniques
-Jiu Kumite
-Kata Pinan Godan
-Kata Naihanchi
as well as many more advanced kata

The Kata are taught in easy to understand, it the complete katas are explained step by step, also with Bunkai.

The dynamic Isshin Ryu Karate


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The dynamic Isshin Ryu Karate

von Meister Minoru Yasuhara 7.Dan

This great DVD has the following content:
-Stretching exercises
-Basic techniques
-Resilience training
-Self defense
-Makiwara training

Following katas are taught:
-Bo Kata Tokumine no Kun
-Tonfa kata Hamahiga no tonfa
-Nunchaku kata
-Sai kata Chatanyara no Sai

All katas are explained with application (Bunkai) to the partner. The meaning of the kata is therefore understandable.
The same applies to the Kobudo katas!

At the end appear self defense techniques against armed and unarmed opponents.

dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos karate isshin ryu isshinryu kata kumite kihon

The power of Uechi Ryu Karate


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The power of Uechi Ryu Karate

von Großmeister Kani Uechi

This DVD shows some never presented the public recordings, of the still young Kani Uechi.

This DVD has the following content:
-Elementary school Kiohn
-Combat exercises in the partner
-Practice drills
-Kateaite Konditioning
-Shime (resilience training
-Kata Bunkai (application)
-Black belt test!
-Demonstration of Nakahodo Sensei
-Excerpts from a tournament
-Fight (Kumite) excerpts

dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos karate uechi ryu uechiryu kata kumite kihon okinawa

The cat Gogen Yamaguchi Goju R ...


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The cat Gogen Yamaguchi Goju Ryu Karate

Von Großmeister Gogen Yamaguchi 10.Dan

Gogen Yamaguchi is the founder of traditional Goju-Ryu Karate style.

This DVD shows partly have never presented the public recordings of Gogen Yamaguchi.

Also ancient recordings appear elementary school, Kata and Kumite, Which one will be completed by Yamaguchi personally, as well as by his students.

To get an opportunity at such Very much rare material.

The quality of the DVD is according to the age of the recordings.

Kumite Sparring Techniques


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Kumite Sparring Techniques

von Großmeister George Alexander 9.Dan

George Alexander is one of the largest karate experts in the world.

On this DVD he learns Tough fighting techniques as they have been overcame the legendary world champions such as Joe Lewis, Bill Wallace, Jumio Demura, Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee, Mike Stone.
The following menus are from the DVD immediately selected:
- Elements of Kumite
- Footwork
- Techniques
- Offensive Kumite
- Defensive Kumite
- Opponents

In addition, some excerpts of old recordings are shown of major tournaments.

Wado Ryu Karate vol. 1 Otto Jo ...


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Wado Ryu Karate vol. 1 Otto Johnson

Von Sensei Otto Johnson 7.Dan

Champion Johnson has learned from the masters of Osaka and Otsuka the Wado Ryu Karate.

This great DVD has the following contents:
-Stretching exercises
-Elementary school
-Combination techniques
-Paw training
-Partner training
-Fighting techniques
-Self defense

Wado Ryu Karate vol. 2 Otto Jo ...


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Wado Ryu Karate vol. 2 Otto Johnson

Von Sensei Otto Johnson 7.Dan

Champion Johnson has learned from the masters of Osaka and Otsuka the Wado Ryu Karate.

This great DVD has the following contents:
-Different Wado Ryu Karate katas
-Partner training
-Self defense

Competitions winning technique ...
by Independance


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only € 28.19

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Competitions winning techniques by Alexander Biamonti by Independance

Von Weltmeister Alexander Biamonti

Alexander Biamonti is one of the most successful Karatekas to the world, he was:
1 x world champion
9 x champion
8 x French master
as well as many more Championship titles
in karate

This great teaching DVD has the following content:
-Fighting techniques
-Competition success techniques
-Fist techniques
-Foot sweeping techniques
-Throwing techniques

Competition Yoseikan Budo
by Independance


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Competition Yoseikan Budo by Independance

für den Wettkampf von Großmeister Hiroo Mochizuki

Hiroo Mochizuki is an internationally recognized Yoseikan Budo instructor.

This great teaching DVD has the following content:
-Paw training
-Throwing techniques
-Fighting techniques to the partner
-Free battle using protective equipment
-Weapon combat with foam weapons
-Competition success techniques

dvd dvds lehrmittel video videos karate yoseikan kihon kumite kata

Traditional Yoseikan Budo by H ...
by Independance


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Traditional Yoseikan Budo by Hiroo Mochizuki by Independance

Von Großmeister Hiroo Mochizuki

Hiroo Mochizuki is an internationally recognized Yoseikan Budo instructor.

This great teaching DVD has the following content:
-Defence against knife attacks
-Fighting techniques
-Partner training
-Loose combat
-Yoseikan Budo katas
-Weapon combat Sai against Bokken
-Weapon combat tonfa against Bokken
-Weapon combat long stick to short stock
-Nunchaku against Bokken
-Training with the Samurai sword
-Sword fight against 2 attacker

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