Judo The Bible of immobilization techniques 220 Double DVD Box

Marc Verillotte

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only € 23.49

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Short Description

DVD, Total Running Time: 240 minutes English in the languages, French, German, Spanish to select
weight: approx. 0.1 kg

Detail Description

By Franck Moreau & Marc Verillotte

This DVD box set contains: Judo immobilizations Vol.1 & 2

The Bible immobilization
A unique concentration of techniques.
In this extraordinary double-DVD more than 220 immobilization techniques are introduced and explained, by Marc Verillotte (winner of the Tournament of Paris) and Franck Moreau (9 years International FFJDA).

An exceptional selection of techniques, technical drawings and sequences for experienced fighters as well as for beginners.
All techniques are put into a resistance context, with a preparatory work (turn around, get around, push ...) as a prerequisite for a decisive immobilization.

-The Basic immobilizations, its variants and the defenses.
-Uke On all fours, Tori on the side or back.
-Uke On all fours, Tori from scratch.
Methods to free the legs.
-Tori On the back, Uke between the legs.
-Uke On the back, Tori between the legs.

The following menu items are available:
- Film
- Chapter
- Audio
- Bonus Photo Gallery =, The Psychology of the strong man, trailer, etc.


shipping costs: from 31.10 € (standard-parcel to USA up to 2kg)
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