Taiji Quan vol.1

by Independance

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only € 22.32

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Short Description

DVD, 4 languages: french, english, german and spanish, Regional code free
weight: approx. 0.1 kg

Detail Description

Shown using different viewing angles, Thierry Alibert's program lets you discover the martial aspect of Taiji Quan from the modern school Yang Chen Fu (par 1 the earth). See realistic situations that underline Fa-Jng, the explosive force of Taiji. Precise commentaries will let you understand the subtlety of this art, which can be used in self-defense or in combat.
This title presents the study of an advanced kind of the 8 treasures, external WEIDAN QI-Gong exercises or hard QI-Gong. This sequence was elaborated by a Chinese Marshal, a few centuries ago, to enforce the vital energy of his troops.
The author: Thierry Alibert is an expert in Taiji Quan, technical director of the union A.R.T Taiji-Quan of Nantes, he is the student of Master Georges Saby. Professional in martial arts, he was a member of the Karate French national combat team in the 80's and he now teaches American boxing (3rd level). At the moment, he's the winner of the Dutch, English, Danish and French Taiji International Championships in many categories (weapons, unarmed, Sanshou). In 1999, he came 4th in the World Championship of Yongnian, the heart of Taiji in China.
Union A.R.T Taiji is a very serious school which will show us all the aspects of this art, from the most original, to the most modern, and with of course Sanshou.


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Ein Marken-Produkt von Independance Productions, Frankreich

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