Stick for Arnis Kali Eskrima t ...
by Budoten
Stick for Arnis Kali Eskrima training by Budoten
Carved and fire hardened. Rounded ends. Ideal for Arnis, Kali and Eskrima training. Imported directly from the Philippines.
Escrima Stick, rattan unpeeled
by Budoten
Escrima Stick, rattan unpeeled by Budoten
Empfohlen f?r Vollkontakttraining
Single, with outer shell and a thin layer of lacquer, which make the floor in the Full Contact - area (Vollkontakttraining) is very stable.
Rattanescrima This is by remaining bark (outer shell) is still robust. In the fight floor against floor (as opposed to normal wood) it does not shatter, but only frayed, which reduces the risk of injury.
asian+budoweapon escrima stickweapon wooden+weapon
Bo stick, 182 cm, red oak
by Budoten
Bo stick, 182 cm, red oak by Budoten
Bo classic red oak.
White Lotus Bo with tapered en ...
White Lotus Bo with tapered ends
asian+budoweapon bo stickweapon wooden+weapon other
Bo Stick, Red oak
asian+budoweapon bo stickweapon wooden+weapon other
Jo for Aikido, red oak
by Sportimex
Jo for Aikido, red oak by Sportimex
Jo-rod red oak for Aikido
Hanbo, red oak 100 cm
by Budoten
Hanbo, red oak 100 cm by Budoten
Made from carefully selected red oak.
Wushu Stick Gun
by Sportimex
Wushu Stick Gun by Sportimex
flexible rosewood (bright and untreated wood for training). For Kung Fu, Wu Shu and similary martial arts
Jo Stick
by DanRho
Jo Stick by DanRho
The wood which only shows a very low water content after a drying process is screening in the form and grinds down repeatedly with a very fine sandpaper to obtain the typically slippery surface. In the last step the stick is coated with a special corrosive fluid and covered with clear varnish.
Original Escrima made of ratta ...
by Sportimex
Original Escrima made of rattan by Sportimex
Escrima Embroidering from rattan. Length approx. 66 cms. Diameter approx. 2.5 cms
by DanRho
Bo-Stick by DanRho
Aus Eichenholz hergestellt.
The wood which only shows a very low water content after a drying process is screening in the form and grinds down repeatedly with a very fine sandpaper to obtain the typically slippery surface. In the last step the stick is coated with a special corrosive fluid and covered with clear varnish.
Jo Stick
by DanRho
Jo Stick by DanRho
The wood has according to a drying process only a very low water content.
asian+budoweapon jo stickweapon wooden+weapon other
Bo, 182 cm, rattan
by Budoten
Bo, 182 cm, rattan by Budoten
Sanded smooth (without the outer shell).
Rattan is robust, in the fight against Stock Stock (as opposed to normal wood) it does not splinter, but frayed, what the risk of injury decreases.
asian+budoweapon bo stickweapon wooden+weapon other
Escrima Stock, Rattan-Holz
Rattan ist nicht nur robust, sondern hat die positive Eigenschaft, dass es im Gegensatz zu normalem Holz nicht splittert, sondern lediglich zerfasert.
Dieser Umstand senkt die Verletzungsgefahr erheblich
Bo konisch, Roteiche, ca. 182 ...
by Eigenmarke
Bo konisch, Roteiche, ca. 182 cm by Eigenmarke
asian+budoweapon bo stickweapon wooden+weapon other
Palm pointed stick, wooden Kam ...
by Abanico
Palm pointed stick, wooden Kamagong by Abanico
Palm Kamagon stick made from precious hardwood. The curvature may vary depending on different Palm Stick strong. Directly from the Philippines. For training because of the peaks only with great caution and appropriate.
Ground Escrima Stick, rattan
by Budoten
Ground Escrima Stick, rattan by Budoten
Flat ground (without outer shell).
Rattan is robust, in the fight floor against floor (as opposed to normal wood) it does not shatter, but only frayed, which reduces the risk of injury.
Bo staff, high quality white o ...
by Budoten
Bo staff, high quality white oak by Budoten
This Bo stick is made of very good white oak. Deviations and tolerances of up to 2 mm are possible.
asian+budoweapon bo stickweapon wooden+weapon other
Jo staff
Training weapon made of hardwood (red oak)
asian+budoweapon jo stickweapon wooden+weapon other
Escrima Stick, Rattan, sanded, ...
by Budoten
Escrima Stick, Rattan, sanded, painted black and red by Budoten
Unsuitable for very hard sparring contact with the partner.
Bo staff for full contact - ra ...
by Budoten
Bo staff for full contact - rattan - unpeeled-183 cm by Budoten
mit harter Schale
With outer shell and thin coating layer, which make very stable range (full contact training) the stock in the Fullcontact -.
This rattan cane is still robust by the remaining bark (outer shell). Fighting stock against stock (as opposed to normal wood) not shatter it, but only fray which lowers the risk of injury.
1 slightly flexible so that the floor so fast breaks.
2. easy handling due to light weight.
3. stable outer shell
Jo stick for full contact - ra ...
by Budoten
Jo stick for full contact - rattan - unpeeled 126,5 cm by Budoten
mit harter Schale
With outer shell and thin coating layer, which make very stable range (full contact training) the stock in the Fullcontact -.
This rattan cane is still robust by the remaining bark (outer shell). Fighting stock against stock (as opposed to normal wood) not shatter it, but only fray which lowers the risk of injury.
1 slightly flexible so that the floor so fast breaks.
2. easy handling due to light weight.
3. stable outer shell
Bo Stick 152 cm
by DanRho
Bo Stick 152 cm by DanRho
The wood which only shows a very low water content after a drying process is screening in the form and grinds down repeatedly with a very fine sandpaper to obtain the typically slippery surface. In the last step the stick is coated with a special corrosive fluid and covered with clear varnish.
asian+budoweapon bo stickweapon wooden+weapon other
Bo Stick with tapered ends
asian+budoweapon bo stickweapon wooden+weapon other
Soft Speed Sticks, Zebra Perfo ...
Soft Speed Sticks, Zebra Performance, PU by ZEBRA
ZEBRA PERFORMANCE Soft Speed Schlagstöcke aus strapazierfähigem FLX PU Kunstleder mit weichem Schaumstoffkern zum vielseitigen Einsatz im Kampfsporttraining. Griffschlaufen sichern guten Halt. Die Soft Speed Sticks kommen zum Einsatz für schnelle Schlagkombinationen, Auge- Hand Koordinationstraining sowie zum Trainieren von Meid-Bewegungen. Vielseitig einsetzbar für MMA, Boxen und Kickboxen.
training+equipment training+gear apparatus trainingsequipment asian+budoweapon other bo kobudo escrima safety protectors protective protection guard
Jo-Stab aus Holz
Dieser Jo-Stab aus Holz wird gern für Aikido und auch in vielen anderen japanischen Kampfkünsten genutzt.
Escrima Stick, foam padding
by Budoten
Escrima Stick, foam padding by Budoten
This single baton with foam covering and a printed image has a plastic core. Not suitable for hard fullcontact-training.
by Abanico
Palmstick by Abanico
Round Palm Kamagon stick made from precious hardwood. Directly from the Philippines. Well suited for training.
asiatische+budowaffen arnis escrima stockwaffen holzwaffe holzwaffen kali eskrima palmstick nervenstock
Junior Bo Stick Tapered
by DanRho
Junior Bo Stick Tapered by DanRho
The wood which only shows a very low water content after a drying process is screening in the form and grinds down repeatedly with a very fine sandpaper to obtain the typically slippery surface. In the last step the stick is coated with a special corrosive fluid and covered with clear varnish.
asian+budoweapon bo stickweapon wooden+weapon other
Arnis Stick modern design
by DanRho
Arnis Stick modern design by DanRho
Arnis Stick made of Bamboo in a modern design: ends (approx. 23 cm) painted black, mid-part unpainted. Length approx. 70 cm.
Supplied singly.
asian+budoweapon escrima stickweapon wooden+weapon
Bo from rattan
by Sportimex
Bo from rattan by Sportimex
Bo from rattan. Length approx. 182 cms (! Attention spear property)
Palm pointed stick, buffalo ho ...
by Abanico
Palm pointed stick, buffalo horn by Abanico
Palm stick made of real buffalo horn. Directly from the Philippines. For training because of the peaks only with great caution and appropriate.
Escrima Stick, rattan, Tiger S ...
by Budoten
Escrima Stick, rattan, Tiger Style by Budoten
Very lightweight Escrima, peeled, cut, with fire patterns (Tiger Style) and thinner protective coating. For this reason it is unsuitable for the full-contact-training. For this, we recommend our more stable and polished Escrimas shell under the item 551181
Rattan is robust, in the fight floor against floor (as opposed to normal wood) it does not shatter, but only frayed, which reduces the risk of injury.
Bo konisch, Kunststoff, braun, ...
by Eigenmarke
Bo konisch, Kunststoff, braun, ca. 182 cm by Eigenmarke
ca. 182 cm
Durchmesser mittig ca. 3 cm
zu beiden Enden auf ca. 2 cm konisch zulaufend
Jo, Kunststoff, braun, ca. 127 ...
by Eigenmarke
Jo, Kunststoff, braun, ca. 127 cm by Eigenmarke
Junior Bokken, braun, Kunststo ...
by Eigenmarke
Junior Bokken, braun, Kunststoff by Eigenmarke
Junior Bokken braun aus TPR-Kunststoff 82,5 cm
Bokken aus schweren und stabilen Kunststoff.
Lieferung erfolgt inkl. Tsuba
Länge: ca. 82,5 cm
Griff: ca. 22,5 cm
Klinge: ca. 60 cm
Gewicht: ohne Tsuba: ca. 400g, mit Tsuba: ca. 420g
Material: TPR (Kunststoff)
Durch das Material, eignet sich dieses Bokken hervorragend zum Üben und Trainieren verschiedener Abläufe!
Shoto braun aus TPR-Kunststoff
by Eigenmarke
Shoto braun aus TPR-Kunststoff by Eigenmarke
Shoto aus schweren und stabilen Kunststoff (TPR)
Lieferung erfolgt inkl. Tsuba
asiatische+budowaffen stockwaffen kunststoff divers kobudo bokken schwert bokuto bokutou holzschwert trainingsschwert ?bungsschwert trainingsschwerter
Trainingsstangen-Set, 8 St?ck
by Eigenmarke
Trainingsstangen-Set, 8 St?ck by Eigenmarke
vielseitig verwendbar in jeder Form von Agility Training, auch f?r Kinder, am besten in Verbindung mit unseren Markierungskegeln Art.Nr. 552440
Die Markierungskegel sind nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten.
asiatische+budowaffen bo stockwaffen kunststoff divers kobudo bo-stab bostab bo-stock bostock langstock