Ø 5.00 (1 vote)

Kung Fu Sword

by Budoland

available ex central warehouse - ready for dispatch within 3-4 business days, quick service possible availability

product-id: 701932
Budoten-ranking: 6356

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only € 82.91

excl. VAT + shipping
price trend
last price change
1449 days ago: 01.05.20
price increase shall be expected.
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Short Description

Standard Broadswords 85 cm, made of aluminum with a blunt blade. A bow is fastened at the handle.
weight: approx. 0.85 kg

Detail Description

Made of aluminum with a blunt blade. On a loop handle is attached. Blade thickness about 0.6cm, blade width below the handle about 3.5cm at the widest point approx 6,3cm.

This is only a demo weapon, not for training students (Parry, battle blade against blade) is suitable. The article is only for training traditional movement forms (eg Tai Chi arts, gymnastics, Kata ...) suitable without a partner or without contact.


shipping costs: from 31.10 € (standard-parcel to USA up to 2kg)
Nothing special.
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available ex central warehouse - ready for dispatch within 3-4 business days, quick service possible quick service possible. more information

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  • Price Trend since 21.10.06

92.12 €

90.26 €

89.33 €

90.26 €

91.19 €

87.25 €

01.05.20 29.11.17 26.02.12 30.04.10 07.09.08 21.10.06

current price: 92.12 €

lowest price: 87.25 €

highest price: 92.12 €

last change of price 1449 days ago
Price increase to be expected shortly.

  • Customer Reviews,  Ø 5.00 (1 review)

  • ID# 1606932218
    publishedby Anton Distler

    Gutes Handlung
    Das Schwert ist gut zu führen, massiv, aber nicht zu schwer, gleichmässig verarbeitet. Die Quasten verlieren leider schnell Fäden, das verdirbt einen die Freude beim vielen Üben. Aber wenn es für die Schwertformen nicht allzu oft genutzt wird, dann lässt sich gut mit dem Mangel leben. Eine Scheide oder Schwerttasche wäre als Zubehör unmittelbar wünschenswert. read more ...

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